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Suddenly, a scream pierced the still night air. The wind picked up as a foggy haze ruined the beautiful scenery of Paris. The team of kids on the Eiffel Tower that were watching the city like hawks jumped into action.

Mercury sped his way to the scene in a fit of lightning as Melody used her beautiful melody as leverage. Kid Mime ran along his invisible path alongside Chat Noir who was using his staff to jump along the streets of Paris.

Finally, our blue-haired heroine can be found swinging her way along the walls of the tall buildings of Paris, France. A dark silhouette suddenly came into view as the team came closer to the haze.

"My, oh, my," exclaimed Chat Noir, "now who do we have here?" He asked the silhouette as he creeped up behind it. The silhouette turned around and leaned on her cane.

"Well, well, well." She purred. The Akuma was wearing a magician's assistance's suit. It included a purple rose in the pocket shining mockingly at our young heroes.

"It seems as though our heroes have come to save the day." She spread her arms out mockingly, the moon reflecting her jet black hair. "Who are you?" The Akuma swiveled her head around slowly to meet this voice.

"And it's our one and only Little Bug! I hope your pride is still intact after that last fight. You needed a lot of help." She pouted mockingly. Ladybug narrowed her icy blue stare and asked once again, "Who are you?" but this time she was much more sturn.

"Well, you're no fun!" She put her hands on her hips sassily. "I guess I'll tell you. Name's Magi." Magi smirked confidently down at Ladybug. Our heroine didn't even flinch when Magi pointed her wand at the bug.

"Little Bugs that are no fun... needs to be exterminated!" As soon as a purple and black ray was shot Ladybug jumped out of the way and restrained Magi.

The bluenette smirked. "Look who's talking." She joked. Mercury dashed for the wand. Chat put his hand out. "Wait! The Akuma's not in there!" Everyone but Magi turned to look at him.

"Where is it?" Melody asked. While Ladybug was distracted Magi swiftly knocked her to the ground. "Don't take your eyes off of me Little Bug!" She exclaimed as she went to pick up her wand.

But Mercury's lightning fast reflexes kicked in as he grabbed it first. Then Chat shouted. "It's the rose!" He was right! It had the purple colors that indicate an Akuma's ideal hiding place.

Before the gang could do anything Magi sent up a fit of smoke. Our heroes coughed and coughed, but when the smoke cleared she was gone. Mercury destroyed the wand anyways and, as they had guessed, nothing came out.

The team sighed as they split up to look for Magi. "This is a cat-tastrophe." Chat sighed.


Ladybug spun around in a spotlight created by the moonlight in a hedge maze as Magi's voice boomed from everywhere. "Welcome to my game, Little Bug!" She boomed.

"I put Kitty, Lightning, Song, and Blue in their own little mazes! Just like this one, just modified to their liking a bit. Get to the end of it, you find your friends! You have until midnight, which is in three hours! Remember, sweet nightmares!"

The bug scanned her surroundings, trying to find out where in Paris she was. Silently coming to the conclusion that she wasn't in Kansas anymore and shedidn't have her Toto, she started trying to find the exit, favoring the right wall.

Traveling to another maze- wait, what? What's going on?! How are you out of my story, Magi?! HAHAHAHA! THIS IS MY STORY NOW, ROUGE CUR! Why hello, avid readers!

Welcome to Magi's story about out protagonist, Magi, beating up the antagonists, the Querrell Children, and getting their Miraculous at last! Now, where do we start?

Oh, yeah! It's Kitty's turn to feel the burn! Kitty was racing along the left wall at the moment, trying to find his poor wittle way to the exit. Of course, our protagonist has her traps!

Suddenly, Kitty stepped into a net and up he went! Bye, bye, Kitty! Blue was racing along his hedge maze made of mirrors as he tried in vain to find his pathetic way out!

But just then, a mirror swallowed him up! Oh, no! Whoopsie! There goes another! As we zoom back to meet up with Lightning, we can get a glimpse of his electrical maze!

Give him my condolences as he electrocuted his way to unconsciousness. Next on the chopping block is Song's Maze Of Music!

She raced along, but suddenly, oops! Song fell into a hole made by a treble cleft! Ooh, now isn't that interesting! At last, we land on out Little Bug!

As she ran her hand along the right wall for luck, a tyrannosaurus rex suddenly appeared from the bushes! Ooh! I don't think she's gonna make it out!

As Little Bug lifted her hands up to shield herself from the vicious dinosaur's jaws- WHAT!? HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!

This is my story, Magi! And when I try to end it sadly, it won't be as weak as that puny attempt! I WOULD MAKE EVEN JOHN CENA CRY! NOOOOOO!!

Now, back to our story. The hedge mazes disappeared as all of our heroes found themselves on the top of the Eiffel Tower, perfectly safe and sound. That's what you get for messing with me, boi!

"Argh! Stupid author! If I can't do it that way, then I guess I have to claw my way to victory!" Magi snarled as she thrust herself at Ladybug, her fury so strong that her thoughts we're consumed with nothing else but beating the Quantic Kids.

The red bug's actions went unnoticed as she swiftly took her rose and broke it in two. This action caused Magi to fall to the ground as an Akuma came out of it.

Ladybug caught the graceful black butterfly in her yo-yo. After the purification ceremony a harmless and pure white butterfly came out of the small device. "Bye-bye, little Akuma."

Once she was finished, Ladybug noticed a small girl with jet black hair wearing a blue magician outfit. The little girl was crying. "All I wanted to do was be a magician, but they all said magic wasn'qt real!" She cried to the world.

Slowly, the bug walked up to her. "It's okay. Look at me! Magic is definitely real. Don't let what they say let you down!" The girl sniffles and looked up at her. "O-Okay." She mumbled softly as she grasped Ladybug's torso in a small hug.

"Come on. Let's get you home."

A/N Hey guys! This is probably the best thing I have EVER made on Wattpad. I was busy practicing, so the time I spent should make you proud! Comment if you noticed the difference!

- Rouge Cur

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