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taehyung was over within the next 30 seconds, and to be honest jungkook was a little unprepared to see him again after what happened the last time. he tried his best to pretend they didn't end up making out for 2 hours in his bedroom, but he just came off as awkward instead.

"hey uh- brooooo," he slurred as he clapped the other boy's shoulder. "what's up, yo?"

taehyung stopped to give him a questioning look, and then continued making his way to jungkook's tv. "you never call me yo, or anyone yo for that matter. are you high or something?" the elder questioned, raising his thick eyebrow.

if jungkook was high, taehyung definitely wanted whatever stuff he was having. quarantine wasn't treating him too nicely, and he didn't know how much more of his parents he could take until he'd go off the rails.

"nahh i'm great dude, just fantabulous!" but jungkook mentally cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. fantabulous? is that even a word?

deciding to overlook jungkook's odd behaviour, taehyung set up netflix like it was second nature, and got to searching for a decent tv show. "so koo, what should we watch today?"

still slightly cringing over what he said earlier, jungkook quickly made his way to taehyung and decided to take his mind off of the burning feeling inside him, by choose something to watch. "hmm i heard umbrella academy is good?"

taehyung typed in the weird name and when it came up the progress bar showed that jungkook had watched all of it already. as in, every single episode. "you've already watched it though?" taehyung said chuckling slightly. "were you trying to pretend you've never seen it before, so you could watch it all again?"

"okay fine i have, but klaus is so hot! you can't blame a guy for trying." jungkook whined slightly, he may or may not have a crush on a fictional character but whatever. despite finding jungkook's bahaviour adorable, the elder boy wanted to watch this new thai series called 2gether, so he thought it would be a good idea to let twitter decide.

"WE ARE NOT, letting jimin decide," jungkook demanded, he was not about to watch ratatouille for the 5th time this year. "don't worry koo, i just put it there to fill up space." taehyung cooed, the younger boy really did act like a child sometimes, but he wasn't complaining.

WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT THEM TO WATCH ? [ i'll let you guys decide hehe ]

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