An Author's Note

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That was the last chapter...*cries*

So did you all like how it turned out? I did, but I felt like it was sort of a Harry Potter ending. I remember the exact words JK Rowling left us were 'all was well'.

But that's not what I said so I've done nothing wrong, copyright! HA (it's moments like these I realize I'm an asshole)

I also just realized this story was nearly all OCs...I find that funny somehow. 

Thank you all SOOOOOOO much for sticking with this even though the gaps between books was ridiculous. I know there are only like seven people reading this book, judging by the number of votes and comments. You seven or whatever people are faithful readers and I love you for it. 

I really don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore tbh, so maybe I'll make a fifth book. LOL

If I do, I'll return to Adeena and Jack and focus the book on the On Stranger Tides storyline. I was gonna do that instead of this book (remember that?) but decided Adeena was burnt out (which she was at the time) but now I feel like I could write another book with her as the main character. I have all that backstory with her that I mentioned in this book but never included in the first three, which is silly since this book was basically an epilogue to At World's End. 

Adeena would probably be such a different character...I'm so different from the last time I wrote her XD

Would you guys like that? Comment plzzzzzzzz? @Storm-Shadows7 always comments and I love her/him for it. 

(I'd like to apologize to @Storm-Shadows7 btw -- I accidentally published the epilogue before the last chapter was published and she/he voted. Thx for the vote and sorry for that mistake lol)

I'm gonna thank those who commented and voted because you're the reason I kept writing. And that's a big deal cuz it helped with my depression! So yay and thank you~

Also, THANK YOU for all the follows. I'm approaching seven hundred REALLY fast suddenly, and that's super cool! I joined like a year ago, and this is more than I imagined -- a successful series that could use so much editing but people love anyway for some reason. 

(I'm totally gonna edit the first book A LOT. I hate myself everyday for the rape scene. I freaking hate the rape scene. I want to slap old me with a chair and slap the rape scene as well)

I'm gonna share this real quick -- I wrote that scene originally because the first POTC fanfic I had EVER read (quite a successful series -- I think the first book is Fire in her Blood?) had a rape scene then, and that book was successful, so I naturally copied. I'm really sorry to the author. 

But I was talking to another author of another book, and she made a point about how sexist and unnecessary rape scenes are for women. Why must a female character develop from one when a male doesn't? 

Then I realized how that scene did not affect Adeena's character at ALL and how it made Barboussa REALLY OC and I began hating it. 

If nothing, I'm gonna go back and fix that scene because I don't want it spread that that's a good thing to write, when I feel so differently now.

I could spend a few minutes harping on about how you all should go watch anime --

*my editor cuts in*


*pushes her out of room* Hehe, she's right but I'll go now. Do me a favor and click that star button and leave a comment and stay awesome! I love you guys soooooo much~

Lots of Love!

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