Postlude: Life.

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Life was nothing but numerous crossroads woven together to create the existence of each and every one of us.

It was full of bumpy roads with no traffic lights, no warning signs, and most of the time, you're on your own navigating through them with no one to hold your hand or help you find your way.

That wasn't the case for me. Maybe at the beginning, but not anymore.

What started as cold, lonely paths turned to warm, swamped streets with familiar faces, smiles, and guidance.

My hand was being held, at last, tenderly, reassuringly.

I wasn't alone anymore. I had a family that overflowed with love. I had friends that added a special taste to my mundane life. I was in love with someone that loved me back.

It was beautiful and it felt good.

It felt good to finally get everything out of my chest and sort out the mess in my mind. 

Life hasn't been easy, but it has taught me about all the different variations of what family can really mean.

After I went back home that day, I nearly had a heart attack. The house was so dark and silent.

"Cathie?" I called out loud, searching the first floor. "Will?" My feet slapped hard against the stairs as I headed for the second floor. "Where are you guys?"

My heart was in my throat and I started to panic with every passing second. They were supposed to be here. They told me so. "Cathie? Will?"

Did something happen? My hands shook as I checked every room before heading back down, my calls getting frantic, urgent.

"Mom? Dad!?" I found myself shouting. "Where are you guys?"

I heard a thump outside and headed to the backyard. Catherine was on the ground, a hand covering her gaping mouth and the other gripping William's leg.

I stumbled her way and dropped to my knees. "Are you okay?" I fussed over her. "Mom!" I whined when she didn't speak. "Please, answer me."

That seemed to snap her out of her stupor. "Oh, my sweet child, my baby." Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cupped mine. "My daughter."

William fell to his knees beside her. His eyes were wide and red-rimmed. "Oh, Zia." His voice broke.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She only wept harder, threw her arms around me, and pulled me flush against her before Will crushed us both with his embrace. "Are you okay, gu-" I faltered, and, slowly, it dawned on me.

Realization hit me like a brick wall and I shook, clutching their shirts with each hand.

"I'm so sorry it took this long." My voice was muffled and thick with emotions.

Catherine pressed feather-like kisses all over my face. "We'll wait for an eternity just to hear you say it. We'll never rush you, Zia. Never."

William pulled us to our feet and hugged us even tighter. "Happy birthday, my sweet daughter." He whispered and my eyes flew open to take in the scene behind them.

The sun, in its lazy descent, cast warm rays across many faces idling behind my parents. Not noticing we had an audience, my face flushed. The Baghdadis, the Beltráns, Miss Isabelle, Benjamin, Dustin, Danielle and her mom, and a new addition, the Martinez.

They were all standing around tables full of gifts, food, and a huge cake in the middle. I totally forgot about my birthday. In my defense, I never really remembered it.

 My embarrassment, however, soon vanished when I realized that I would do it all over again.

"I love you guys." I squeezed them between my arms. "I love you, Mom." My lips pecked her cheek. "I love you, Dad." He bent down so I could do the same to him. " I love you so, so, so much. Always, forever."

Life has never been fair, nor will it ever be – a lesson we all learn at different times in our life. It will always be unfair to us, no matter who we are, no matter where we are, no matter what we do, and no matter why.

So, I guess, in all its unfairness, life was the fairest of them all.

The end.

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