35| To the happy couple

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To the happy couple

"A serpent changes his skin, not his fangs"

Mariana's POV

It's been many weeks since the invitation arrived, since me and Alfie first slept together
And many weeks of me trying to figure out how to tell Alfie that I love him.
Would he even say it back?

I didn't want to ruin things, it's been good between us, besides the wedding hanging over us and the annoyance that Alfie wasn't invited
Alfie's still living here, neither of us has made any move to change that, I love having him here.

We get up, we have breakfast together, we go to work, spend the evening together, it's an odd feeling having someone around you constantly, caring for someone and missing them all the time.

And Alfie's got a lot better in terms of letting me out, not that I would have asked his permission anyway, but he's more lenient instead of trying to wrap me in cotton wool all the fucking time.

We had a slight argument over the wedding, Alfie thinking that I shouldn't go, that I should be done with the Shelby's personally
Coupled with the fact he was worried he wasn't going to be there to 'protect' me if anything happens.

I argued back that I had to go in order to maintain face.
Which was true, if I didn't turn up then the assumption would be that I had a problem with it, and I didn't.

And that's not the cliché denial phase, I was genuinely happy that Tommy has found someone for himself.

Apparently Grace's husband had topped himself, and that's how they were managing to get married so quickly.
I had to go, not just for my reputation but also because they were my family
Fights and all.

That argument ended with a broken vase from Alfie's temper, the dogs barking from all the shouting and then Alf fucking me against the kitchen counter.

He still wasn't happy that I was going, but I was going nonetheless.
And he'd agreed to come down to Birmingham with me, to stay with me while I had to be there.

Hence why we were now in Alf's car, driving into Birmingham, me with a bored expression and him with a pissed one
He fucking hated this place.

We decided to get a hotel, I wasn't exactly going to stay with Pol
I hadn't seen them in a few weeks, I doubt she would willingly live with Alfie and I wasn't sure how many of the Shelby's were already at Tommy's house.

The wedding was way out near Tommy's house, in the middle of fucking no where.
He could act like a posh twat all he wants but I know where the money comes from.
Where he comes from.

We settled into the hotel and Alfie's mood still hadn't picked up
"Oh come on, it's only for a few days" I said from my seat at the vanity.
"Yeah in this fucking hell hole" he grumbled
I rolled my eyes
"You didn't have to come" I reminded him airily as I brushed my hair out.

"Neither did you" he threw back casually from the bed
"Mm... but I'm glad you're here" I said softly, giving him a glance in the mirror
"Rather we were home" he mumbled grumpily
I couldn't help but smile when he said home
Our home.

I stood up, moving towards him until I stood in between his legs
I put my hands in his hair, massaging his scalp as he grabbed my waist, resting his head on my stomach
"Can't we just tell them to fuck off and go home?" He grumbled hopefully

I chuckled
"No..." he sighed
"Buuut... I could show you my outfit for the wedding?" I suggested.

He looked up at me, his chin still on my stomach
"I've seen your dress drove" he said gently
I shook my head
"Mm... you haven't seen what I'm wearing underneath though" I said, pulling back slightly and untying my robe.

I had a red set of lingerie on that complimented my dress so it wasn't visible
Alfie's eyes widened and his grip on my hips tightened.

"Dove" he said lowly
"Yeah?" I asked innocently, he took a few breathes, his eyes raking over my figure
"What the fuck are you doing wearing this for a wedding?" He asked slowly, like I was his prey.
"Well... I was gonna surprise you when I got back, but I thought you might need it now" I explained, dropping the robe off my shoulders completely, leaving it to pool at my feet.

"Mm... now. Tonight. In the morning..." he reeled off, pulling me closer to him
"On the way home" he said, pulling me under him and making me squeal at his actions.

I wound my arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss me.
His hands trailed down to my thighs, pulling them up around his hips
"Mmph... Alfie... you'll ruin my makeup" I complained as he placed kisses down my neck
"You can re do it" he said simply, sitting up and pulling his shirt off.

I laughed
"Okay you'll ruin my hair" I said, my eyes fixed on his tatted chest and his hands held mine down his chest.
"Fuck" He said, leaning down and devouring me, making every bit of skin he could access
"Alfie... I'm- I'm... out of excuses" I sighed softly
"Thank fuck for that" he mumbled against my skin, his hand dipping into my panties and making me gasp.

"You look gorgeous" Alfie said from behind me, his hands soothing circles on my hips over my dress
"Mm... and you look exposed" I laughed as I fixed my hair
I was dolled to the nines yet Alfie was still naked.

Mariana's Outfit

He kissed my cheek, tightening his arms around me
"Want a lift?" He asked gently
"No... I've got a driver ready downstairs" I said, twisting in his hold and planting a warm slow kiss on his lips.

When I arrived at the church, the divide was clear.
There was us. And them.

"Mar" I turned my head to see Polly sauntering towards me, her daughter Adriana and Ada following after her
She hugged me tightly, I offered a smile to Anna and Ada.

I caught up with everyone before people started filing into the church.
I stayed behind to have a cigarette before going in, the summer breeze flowing around me.

"Spare one?"
I turned my head to see Thomas Shelby
Dressed up in a suit, a more relaxed look on his face. Hair slicked back and blue orbs digging into my soul
I offered one to him, both of us silently smoking next to each other.

I hadn't heard about their child from anyone.
But I knew it had to have been born by now.
The man in front of me wasn't Thomas Shelby, cutthroat gangster
This was a father
About to be a husband
He was made now. And it looked good on him.

He looked less... emotionless.

"Surprised you came" he muttered around his cigarette
"Surprise you care" I offered back
"I don't" he said simply
"Then smoke... and shut up" I said, taking another drag.

"I should head in" I said, throwing my cigarette to the ground and heading for the door, until Tommy grabbed my arm
"I'm glad you're here" he said gently, I didn't say anything back, just made my way into the church.

Despite all the bad blood. All the arguments and fall outs
Tommy was my best friend. And I would always support him.

The atmosphere was tense in the church, Grace's side was glaring at us, and John was very happily leading a one man revolt against all of them with his jokes.

I was settled between Pol and Adriana, clutching a hymn sheet
"Aye... who's Blondie?" I asked Pol, nodding to the prissy little madam a few seats down
"Linda... Arthur's wife" she said simply, but my eyes couldn't be wider
"Wife?" I whispered shouted.

Fuck... I really should have kept tabs on these idiots these past few months.

She shrugged
"Arthur's on a... path to redemption it seems
A while ago he met perky Miss bible down there and married her as quick as anything" Adriana mumbled next to me
I nodded, giving 'Linda' another glance.

Then the doors opened and Tommy came striding in, giving us all a look as he made his way to his rightful place, with Arthur by his side.

The wedding service was actually really nice.
And I had to admit, Grace looked beautiful in her wedding dress,
I felt a little bit out of place as everyone else was changing into evening wear back at the house and I was sat here in a blue silk dress.
I didn't look very formal.

We were now outside and taking pictures
I'd had a few taken with the Shelby's, an awkward one with Grace and the Shelby women... and now I was being hassled to take one with Arthur.

"Give me a second" the photographer said, setting his camera back up
"You're looking pretty" Arthur commented
"Mm... don't think your wife would be too happy to here that" I mumbled jokingly, he chuckled
"Linda's a good woman" he said looking over at her.

"I wouldn't know... never met the woman" I said, looking off and feigning offence
"Oh leave it out Mar... as if you'd have come, the minute I'd told you I was marrying a woman like her you'd have laughed" he said casually
"A woman like her?" I asked
"A good woman... someone to set me on the right path" he said.

Ah so she was going to 'fix' him.
Good for them. I'm sure that'll work out fine.

"No I wouldn't have. I'm happy for you Arthur... really I am" I said sincerely, he smiled at me
"Alright smile" the photographer said happily.

The evening dinner was quite nice.
Once Tommy and Grace stopped fucking and decided to gift us with their presence.

I was now stood with a whiskey and a bored expression, the party was going along swimmingly, but I was waiting for the real entertainment to start
The fighting... the racing... no doubt all the youngens with be off their heads on cocaine in due course.

"Oi" Arthur said quietly, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the side
I pulled away from him, cutting him off from speaking again with a raised hand.
"Okay first off... never and I mean never grab me like that, this dress is expensive. Second, what's so important you have to drag me?" I asked.

"Russians" he said nervously
"Russians?... what about Russians?" I asked bored
"They're here... well... one of em is here" he said
I sighed
"Why would a Russian be at Tommy's fucking wedding Arthur?" I hissed.

"There ain't time for this Mar. Tommy needs you outside" he said
"So it's not a matter of time. It's the matter of Tommy told you not to tell me" I said matter of factly.

"Mar" He warned, but it sounded desperate
"Oh well if Tommy's said so" I said bitterly, shoving my drink into his hand and heading outside.

Alfie was right. Why the fuck was I here?
I could be with him right now. In bed.
I groaned... now I'm even more annoyed.

"What?" I asked, standing beside Tommy as he looked into the fountain in the driveway
"I need you in an hour or so" He said simply
"It's your wedding Tommy" I said exhausted
"I'm aware" he said, I rolled my eyes
Fucking hell.

"What do you want Tommy?" I asked again, things were rather frosty between us lately, I'd not spoken to him for weeks.

"I just told you what I want" He said blankly
"Mhmm... and I want to know what's going on" I said more sternly
"What you don't know... keeps you sane" he said, eyes fixed on the water, I scoffed
"And you clearly know everything... because you sound fucking mental" I said annoyed, turning around to head back in.

But for the second time today, he grabbed my arm
"Just... be out here in an hour, any sooner and I'll send for you" He said, I gritted my teeth, nodding once
"Just keep everything peaceful inside for me" He said, I laughed
"For you?... Why would I do anything for you Thomas?... hmm?" I asked.

He said nothing, merely stared at me with that piercing gaze that used to make me nervous, nowadays all it does is make his face more appealing to punch.

I went to leave again but his grip didn't falter
"You look beautiful" he said, voice void of emotion
"Not as much as your wife" I said, emphasising 'wife' before ripping my arm away and heading back inside.

Fuck I needed another drink
But just when I've poured a whiskey, just when I have a minute to breathe
Who should appear before me but Grace fucking Shelby.

Drink in hand and smile plastered on her face as she approached me.
Lord can I not catch a fucking break.

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