38| Russian business

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Russian business

"I'll hold you in my heart, till I can hold you in my arms"                             -Eddy Arnold

Alfie's POV

"Mm... wake up baby"
I groaned as I rolled over to my side, opening my eyes to see the gorgeous temptress beside me
Hair strewn everywhere, warm body pressed against mine and her hand tangled in my hair.

I chuckled slightly
"Since when was I your baby?" I asked, my voice still raspy as I pulled her into me.

"Since you told me you loved me and fucked me on every surface in here" she laughed, trailing kisses up my neck
"Mm don't stop dove" I mumbled, closing my eyes again.

The peaceful moment was interrupted by the shrill ring of the hotel phone
Mar made a move to get up but I pulled her back down
"I said don't stop" I said again.

"The phone Alfie" she whined, straddling my waist
"Leave it" I said, trying to stop her but she reached over and picked the phone up anyway
"Oh for fuck sa-"
"Hello" she said politely, grinning down at me.

"Sorry to disturb you ma'am, but there's a phone call for you... from a mister... Arthur Shelby. Do you accept?" I heard a lady ask down the phone
I shook my head no but she ignored me
"Yes I accept" she said.

I groaned, leaning my forehead against her chest while she waited
"I hate you so much" I mumbled
"Mm... sure you do" she laughed
I pulled her closer, ghosting kisses over her naked breasts.

"Ah... Alfie" she moaned lightly
"Hello ma'am?"
"O-oh hello" she said, trying to push me away, but I didn't let her
"Connecting you now miss..."

"Arthur... what do you need?" She stumbled, her chest heaving as my mouth assaulted her tits.
"Tommy needs you today. Garrison, half an hour" Arthur said
She pulled the phone away and silently groaned, before answering him.
"Is it important?" She asked irritated.

"Yeah... it's about the uh- Russians" Arthur mumbled
"Fuck. Fine" she said, her free hand playing with my hair.

"Okay... bye" he said, hanging up
"Fuck sake" she whined, frowning down at me
"Tell them to fuck off" I said simply, she laughed at me and climbed off the bed
"Oi... I'm not done" I complained
"Well I've gotta get ready" she called out as she strutted over to the bathroom, her naked ass taunting me
The big creamy cheeks just begging to be grabbed.

"Eyes off" she said strictly, shutting the door
I sighed, leaning back in the bed.
What the fuck was I supposed to do while she was out?
I had nothing to take care of down here.

I'll have to just call Ollie and check on everything. Get some paperwork done.
I waited for ages until she finally strolled out, putting her earrings in
And what a sight she was.

It amazes me how any man could ever let her go.
She was a devil disguised as an angel.
And I fucking loved it.

Mariana's Outfit

Her dress clung to every curve, her heels accentuated her legs and her hair fell in ways that was just teasing me to pull it.
"I can sense your hard on" she laughed, checking herself over in the mirror.

"You can do more than sense it" I muttered, eyeing her up and down.
"Keep it in your pants" she scolded, moving over to me to give me a small kiss.

"I'm not wearing pants" I chuckled, she slapped my arm lightly
"I'll see you later" she said, leaving two more quick kisses on my lips before leaving.
Fuck I was going to be bored today.
The sooner we left this shit hole the better.

I wanted to be at home. In bed. And in her.

Mariana's POV

I strolled into the garrison, the smoke, whiskey and depression hitting me as soon as the doors opened
I noticed Tommy sat in the corner, sipping his drink.

I strolled over, sitting down opposite him and waiting few minutes before he actually acknowledged me.
"Mar" he greeted
"Thomas... what have you dragged me back down to this shit hole for?" I asked amused, looking round the pub
I was in a relatively good mood today.

"I'm meeting someone in an hour, I need you to accompany Arthur and John for me" he said, taking a drag of his cigarette
"And what am I accompanying them to exactly?" I asked, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other.

"A meeting. With Vincent Changretta" he said simply
I nodded
"I'm assuming this is about Lizzie and her fella?" I asked, he looked at me with the expression that told me he didn't know I knew that much
He nodded slowly.

"I'm not a babysitter Tommy" I said simply
"And they're not filling me with confidence so please just... make sure they don't do anything stupid" he said, I nodded.

"Who are you meeting?" I asked, he took another drag, avoiding eye contact
"Someone" he said simply, getting up from his chair
"Someone?" I mirrored, he hesitated for a moment before sighing
"A priest" he mumbled.

I tried to hold in my laugh but it came out anyway
"What business do you have with a priest?" I laughed
He shook his head
"Nothing for you to be concerned with" he dismissed.

I rolled my eyes
"You're keeping a lot more to yourself than you used to these days Tommy" I commented, standing up as well.

"Yeah well... a lot more people want to know my business these days" he said, doing his coat up.
"Maybe you should offload some time, bottling it up won't help, maybe go to a priest" I advised, following after him.

"You're here for the Russians and anything else I tell you to do. Nothing more and nothing less" he hissed back at me, shoving the doors open harshly and heading out onto the street
I walked ahead of him and stopped him in his path.

"I am not your assistant and I am not a young peaky you can order about. This is a two way street Thomas so learn some manners or don't ask for my fucking help" I seethed in his face, storming off towards John's house.
I threw the door open and immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I heard Alfie's rough voice grumble down the phone
I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding
"Hey" I said
"Dove... everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just a trying day" I sighed, I heard him chuckle down the line
"It's not even 9am" he laughed
I smiled, just hearing him laugh brightened my mood.

"I miss yo-"
"Why are you in our house?" I stopped talking to see a small blonde girl in the hallway, a baby in her tiny arms as she stared at me
I sighed, where the fuck was John?

"I uh- I gotta go... I'll see you tonight" I said softly
"Okay... I uh- I love you" he said gently, seemingly uncomfortable saying it down the phone
I chuckled slightly
"I love you too" I said, putting the phone down.

"Now... where's your daddy?" I asked nicely.

After walking in on John and Esme fucking, and helping Esme make breakfast for the kids, me, John and Arthur made our way down to the yard, where we were to meet Vincent Changretta.

I'd dealt with him before, he was a reasonable and honest man.
But I had a feeling that this meeting was going to go wrong
It was bound to. Because it was personal
And a business meeting about something personal would only end in violence.

"Why don't you just let her fuck him? Beats her crying over Tommy all the time" I suggested, leaning back in my chair
I was sat in between John and Arthur, apparently they had strict instructions from Tommy that I was in charge today.

"Because they're nothing but fucking wops Mar, Lizzie ain't riding that good for nothing cunt" John said through gritted teeth
What the fuck was his problem?
"You're aware you have a wife right John?" I asked calmly, eyeing the black car that was rolling up near the gates.

"Leave it out" he grumbled, crossed arms and a permanent pout on his face
I rolled my eyes, focusing on the old man and his men as they got searched by Finn and Isaiah
I loved those two but fuck they were thick sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if one of them has a gun on them.

This meeting had to go smoothly
Changretta was a problem that Tommy didn't need on top of everything else, and no doubt if this went south I was going to be dragged into it.
Again. A problem even I couldn't afford.

"You asked for a meeting out in the open. Fresh air and the fine aroma of shit.
'Neutral ground', you said" Arthur stated
"This is hardly neutral ground" Vincent said, looking around in disgust
"It's what's available" I smiled nicely.

Me and Vincent had always got on when doing deals. I didn't want this to cause any disdain in our current relationship
He looked at me hesitantly before nodding once and sitting down.

"Where is Thomas?" He asked, looking towards me for an answer
"He got called away on business" I offered calmly, my face void of emotion but not in a way that would seem cold
"He said he'd be here" Vincent said.

"And she just told you he ain't here. So what do you want?" John asked, nothing but anger lacing his voice
I gave him a warning look, signalling for him to shut the fuck up.

"There has been a peace between the Peaky Blinders and the Changretta family for two years now-" Vincent began explaining, only to be cut off by John
"Do you want some tea or not?...
Here, Finn, pour the Italians some English tea. Go on" John said carelessly.

I held my hand up, telling Finn to back off
"John" I said simply, warning him to back off
"We don't want fucking tea, we want an explanation" he said, clearly pissed off
"Mr Changret-"
"Well I'll have fucking tea" Arthur interrupted him and me once again, pouring himself some.

I groaned internally
"What do you want explaining?" I asked, trying to get to the point and end this meeting quickly
"The little Venice restaurant on Forge street was burnt down" he said, again, his voice directed at me
"Can't have been us, we were at a wedding" John said.

"You burnt it down to stop my son from being at the same wedding" he said angrily
"He wasn't missed" Arthur smiled, making John laugh
"Arthur..." I seethed, losing my patience
"What Mar?" He asked innocently.

I was losing control quickly.
"You are such big boys now. But once you borrowed clothes from me to look like men" he explained
It was true
The changrettas were a big part of our lives.

Vincent's wife used to lend the Shelby's clothes, and their sons used to hand around in our circles
I vaguely remember them, but I know the boys hated them.

"How's the tea Arthur?" John asked
"Cold" he said simply
"Please tell Tommy... that we pay him whatever he asks us to pay.
We stay out of the city and off the tracks.
But you tell him from me
that my son will walk with any woman in this city. Any woman he chooses.
Even if that woman works for the emperor, Thomas Shelby. My son is in love..."

John snickered at Vincent's outburst, only provoking him even more
"Sorry, carry on" he dismissed his laughs, smiling like a prick
"Vincent" I tried but he held his hand up
"And if he wishes he will walk with the woman he loves" he said sternly.

"Vincent calm down-"I began
"You know... it'd be hard for your son to walk anywhere with a bullet in each knee, wouldn't it?" John asked smugly.

Vincent looked at me, fuming
"Too much... you tell Tommy, too much" he spat, standing up
"Look he didn't mean it" I tried to claw back the conversation, he just shook his head in disgust.

"Sabini says, 'Suck and swallow' But no.
Too much. I spit" he hissed, walking away
"Mr Changretta-" I stood up
"Leave him Mar. Let the wop sulk" John mumbled from beside me
I turned my head back at the sound of a chair breaking
"Ok... bit strong" John commented.

"Isaiah" Arthur said demanding, gesturing to the table
"Don't tell Tommy about the chair and get this shit cleaned up" he ordered, standing up
I scoffed, making John look at me
"Got something to say Mar?" He asked, still sitting down.

"I can't help you this time John" I mumbled
He chuckled, he was going to be in so much shit with Tommy and Pol
"When have you ever helped any of us?" He grumbled, standing up
I stormed towards him and slapped him
"I've done more for you than most people ever should" I seethed, turning around and heading for the gates.

"Mar... Mar! You're not gonna tell Tommy are ya?" Arthur shouted after me
"Well why not? It's not like I'd ever do anything to help you" I bit back, using John's words against him and pulling my coat closer.

Alfie's POV

Fuck this was a drag. When the fuck was she getting back?
I was buried in paperwork and starving for some dinner.
As well as her touch.

I groaned when I heard the phone ringing, heaving myself up slowly to trudge across the room
"Hello?" I said, rubbing my forehead where a headache began to form
"Ah... Mr Solomons" my attention peeked at the sound of the voice down the phone.

"Cortéz" I stated blankly
"I think it's about time we have a chat don't you?" He asked smoothly, but it only made the hair on my neck stand up.
What the fuck does he want?

"Mar don't wanna see ya" I said matter of factly, ready to put the phone down
"It's not Mariana I'm asking to meet me. It's you" He replied.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said annoyed that I was still talking to this prick
"Marigold hotel... 10pm, I trust you'll be there if you have my daughters best interests at heart" he said simply, putting the phone down on me.

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