51| Scandal

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"In what language does rain fall over tormented cities?" -Pablo Neruda

Mariana's POV

I knew this was a bad idea, I said it again and again and no one listened to me
We were only 10 minutes in and Alfie was pissing the duke off more than he had anyone else in his life
To walk into a Russian treasury and blatantly disrespect their heritage, their heirlooms, he was a man with balls.

"Let me tell you something, son. Somebody comes into my shop with some paste like this...
Usually, what I make them do, right...
Is fucking swallow it" he said deadly calm
I suppressed a sigh

"He is your man no?" Tatiana asked quietly beside me
I didn't answer her, I just kept my eyes on Alfie, praying he'd look at me and get the hint to stop.

"You should get him properly trained" she advised
"And you should refrain from inserting yourself in my business... duchess" I said simply
"Eh? What game are you playing?" He asked.

"Mr Solomons" I said sternly, he looked at me, eyes warning me to back off
I didn't appreciate it. Not at all
"Shall we clean it up?" Tommy asked
"Be careful"

When it was finally over, they bidded Alfie goodbye, he gave them the fakest goodbye he could and left, waiting for me at the car
"Well I do believe that is also my cue" I smiled happily
"You won't stay?" Tatiana asked with a little tilt of her head.

"No, big day tomorrow, need the beauty sleep" I smiled, she smiled back, before sliding her hand into Tommy's and leading him away to another room
I smirked slightly, they were playing a very dangerous game, one would eventually burn the other, and I had the growing feeling Tommy was going to be the one to get done over.

Lady Elizabeth and the duke merely stared at me, waiting for me to leave
I rolled my eyes, stepping out of the house and slyly eyeing the guards lined up outside
I got in the car silently, Alfie started the engine up and we began our way home.

"You mad or what?" He asked after a while of silence
"No" I said simply, staring out the window
"So that means yes" he replied
"Alfie" I warned
"Don't 'Alfie' me dove, what's the matter?" He asked.

"You went too hard back there" I said, taking a look at him, his face scrunched up in confusion but his eyes remained on the road
"You what?" He asked
"You were too fucking aggressive, they can't know we hate them, they can't suspect any chance of us fucking them over in the end, they're already expecting it for fuck sake" I said exasperated.

"Exactly, they're already expecting it, cause they're sly fucking bastards" he said defensively
I sighed
"I'm not having a go Alf" I said
"You clearly fucking are, they're rich assholes, they look down on us like we're shit on their fucking shoes" he said angrily.

I knew where this was coming from, it was the pain he felt for his mother, it was like he said
She was hunted, killed by pretentious cunts like them, I didn't blame him for hating them, but we still needed to play nice.

"Alfie" I sighed
"What?" He snapped
"Nothing" I snapped back, crossing my arms and looking out the window
"Dove I don't want to fight" he said
"Then don't talk to me like I'm a fucking idiot, you know as well as I do we need to play nice, so stop behaving like a bitch" I said annoyed.

"They're bad news, you shouldn't have done business with them in the first place" he grumbled, his free hand sliding over my thigh
I left it there, refraining from shoving him away
"Again, I'm not an idiot, I know what I'm doing" I grumbled, he sighed.

"I know, just... be careful yeah?" He asked, I nodded
"I will" I said simply, the car failing quiet again.

"I uh- I do have something to tell you though" I began, thinking of a way to say I was stripped search without him going off on one.
He glanced at me expectantly, waiting...

I got out of bed, I was so fucking tired, and I felt so sick
I'm certain I'm coming down with something
Alfie had obviously went mental.
He shouted and shouted... and shouted
Broke a load of shit and then eventually sat down exhausted.

I tried to convince him it was nothing, which it was
It was clear power play, to strip us, try and humiliate us
But I got him to calm down, he was still immensely pissed off with Tommy for allowing it to happen, but I think I had him dormant for now.

I don't know whether it was the drinks last night, or all the arguing and fighting, but I really didn't feel too good, I think I should probably go to the doctors.

He went to work earlier than me, so I got dressed and had breakfast alone, before making my way down to the cafe I had first met Mr Walter Thomas
Tommy's plan involved actually tunnelling through to the treasury, which means we needed miners, and the fact that Mr Thomas owned a mining company, seemed like a miracle.

Mariana's Outfit

"Good morning Miss Cortéz" he greeted as I sat down
"Good morning" I smiled, sitting opposite him.
"What calls me here on this nice day?" He asked, sipping his orange juice
"A business proposition" I began, ordering myself.

"And what might that be? I thought the contract we drew up was to your satisfaction" he said, I nodded
"It is, this is separate" I explained
"Then by all means fire away" he said
"I need some miners, only for a few days... they'll be paid accordingly, I just ask for no questions asked" I proposed.

"No questions asked?" He echoed, I nodded once
"Yes, it's a... private job, not on the books" I explained further
"Well I need more details than that, I can't just hand my workers over with no knowledge of what they'll be doing" he said, I sighed.

"I understand that, I assume you've heard about me Mr Thomas, as much as you like to disregard gossip and judge the situation for yourself you can't ignore the rumours" I said
"What are you implying Miss Cortéz?" He asked
"I'm implying, that even you know the rumours are true... I'm not the cleanest woman on record Mr Thomas" I said, leaning back.

"I need your miners for less than legal activities, and like I said... they'll be paid accordingly" I said, he shook his head
"I'm sorry, I can't be caught up in situations like this" he said.

I nodded
"No, but you could use the money, the work... you could use the new found connection you will acquire with Mr Thomas Shelby" I said
"Shelby?" He asked
"Yes" I said
"Mr Shelby isn't exactly the cleanest man either" he said.

"I know, and I'm not offering a doorway into some dodgy world Walter, I'm offering legitimate business with him, with me... I just ask for this one favour, nothing more" I said
He thought for a while, before he looked at me cautiously.

"Once" he said, I nodded, sitting up properly
"But I'm not to be involved, I won't have any part in this and I want my workers treated accordingly" he said
"Of course, they'll only be breaking ground for us, we have alternative options for the... less than legal part" I explained.

"Okay..." he drawled out, still unsure
"Right then, name your price" I said simply.

After my meeting with Mr Thomas, and checking in on a few businesses, I drove down to Birmingham, I had to talk to Tommy about the situation as it was.

When I got to his manor, the maid looked hesitant to let me in
"Mr Shelby is... rather isolated at the moment" she said
"Mary, let me through" I said, making my way through and hanging my coat up.

"Tommy?" I called, rounding the corner into his office, he was sat on the sofa, drinking from the bottle and staring at the wall
"Tommy?" I asked again
"What?" He asked
I strolled over to the desk, putting the files for the workers on his desk, before I took a look at him.

"You okay?" I asked
"Sit down" he said
"I really need to g-"
"Sit down" he repeated, moving over on the sofa.

I did so, hesitantly as I watched him, waiting
"I see her you know" he mumbled blankly
"I know" I said softly
"How?" He asked
"The way you stare off into space, the way your eyes constantly flicker to one point in the room as if someone's there" I explained.

He nodded, head hanging low to the floor
"She won't leave me alone" he said
"Cause you miss her" I said
"Mm... but why should I get to miss her eh?" He asked
"She was your wife" I said simply, taking the bottle from his hands and setting it on the floor by my feet.

"Yeah... my wife... the one I was barely there for, the one who died because of me... the one I chose" he reeled off
"You don't choose love Tommy" I said

"Yes you do, I loved her... I loved you, and I chose her" he mumbled.

I didn't get to reply as he grabbed the back of my neck, crashing his lips onto mine
I pulled back, shoving him away from me and slapping him across the face
I stood up
"What the fuck are you doing?" I shouted.

"Mar-" I didn't wait for him to speak, I quickly made my way out of the room
What the fuck was he thinking?
"Mar!" He shouted, coming after me
I got in my car, driving fast out the driveway and heading back to London.

How could he just kiss me like that? And think it's acceptable?
I'm engaged for fuck sake
I was raging the entire drive back, until I finally got home and then I was just filled with guilt.

I shouldn't feel guilty, it wasn't me that kissed him, he kissed me
And I didn't want him to
I want Alfie, all I want is Alfie... forever
But I had that sinking feeling in my chest at the thought of telling him.

He was going to hit the fucking roof, and no doubt go after Tommy
"Alright Dove" I heard Alfie call as I shut the front door
I heard him moving around in the kitchen as I hung my coat up, dropping my keys on the side.

"You ate yet? Evelyn made some pasta shit earlier, didn't know if you want- what's wrong?" He asked, watching me stand aimlessly in the doorway to the kitchen
I opened my mouth but nothing came out
"Dove? You alright? You're scaring me" he chuckled.

"I need to tell you something" I began
"What?" He asked, face falling as he saw the seriousness on my face
"I- I need you to just promise me you won't flip. I mean I know you will, but promise me you'll stay here" I rambled off, only stopping when he was right in front of me, holding my face in his hands.

"I- Tommy kissed me" I blurted out
Silent... absolutely silent
"What?" He asked
"Tommy... he kissed me, he was drunk, and I slapped him and walked out... it meant nothing but I wanted to tell yo- where you going?" I asked when he brushed past me.

"Stay here" he said
"What? Where you going?" I asked, watching him open the front door
He left it abandoned, closing the distance between us and kissing my forehead
"I'm gonna rip his fucking head off" he mumbled, storming out the door with a rather aggressive slam, making me jump slightly.

"Fuck" I sighed, running to the door to go after him, but by the time I got the door open, his car was already off down the street.

I woke up on the sofa, my back aching and my head pounding
Alfie still wasn't back, I'd fell asleep on the couch waiting for him and now it was 7 in the morning.

"Tea?" Evelyn asked, holding the warm mug out for me as she came in
I smiled
"Angel" I sighed, sitting back and sighing
The sound of the door opening however had me sitting upright, abandoning my tea on the table and shooting through to the hallway.

"Alfie" I breathed out
He shrugged his coat off, tiredly walking to the bottom of the stairs, before he turned to me, hand pulling me in so he could plant a small kiss on me
"Where have you been?" I asked
"You know where I've been" he mumbled, dropping his hand.

"What happened?" I asked, looking down at his bruised knuckles
"I knocked his fucking lights out... and you know the worst part?" He asked
I didn't know what to say
"He let me" he said simply, before trudging up the stairs.

"Alfie" I said, he held his hand up, stopping me before he continued up the stairs
"I've got to get ready for work" he said, disappearing round the corner at the top of the stairs.

I sat in the living room, waiting for him to come down, my head was killing now, I really didn't feel good
And when he finally did he still looked knackered
"Ssh... we're alright" he said, pulling me into a hug
"We're alright, I ain't mad at ya" he mumbled into my ear, holding me close.

Thank god
"Are you sure?" I asked, he nodded
"Course I am, weren't your fault he's a sneaky cunt" he spat, I chose not to say anything, just relish in his hold.

"Alright, well I got to get to work, see you tonight yeah?" He said, I nodded, meeting him halfway for a kiss
"I love you" I said, looking up at him
"Love you too" he smiled, before leaving for work.

I spent the rest of the morning trying to make this stomach ache go away, and try to see clearly as my head felt really dizzy
"Mar? You okay?" Evelyn asked
"I think I'm... I'm..." I couldn't remember what I said next, I just felt my head hit the ground.

Alfie's POV

"You sure about this? You'd really go against Thomas Shelby?" He asked, sat opposite my desk
"Yeah, you just leave Mariana out of it, she's not to be touched, not to be hurt" I said.

This was the wrong thing to do, and no doubt Mar was going to be pissed off
But I wasn't letting Tommy get away with this, fuck him, fuck his plan
He's had his eyes set on my woman from day one.

And now, now he was going to pay. If betraying him was the only way to get him out of Mar's life, then so he it.

"Alfie" Ollie burst in
"Oi, get the fuck ou-" I shouted
"It's Mar, she's collapsed" he rushed out.

Mariana's POV

"What?" I asked the doctor again
"You were too stressed out Miss, you need to rest for the sake of the baby" he explained
"Yeah... that bit... say that bit again" I said
"Baby?" He asked
"Yeah" I said absentmindedly.

"You are aware that you are pregnant Miss Cortéz?" He asked, I shook my head, whilst Evelyn stood shocked in the corner
"No... No I wasn't aware" I said quietly, looking down at my stomach.

"I'll um... I'll give you a moment" he said, leaving the room
"I'll ring Alfie" Evelyn rushed out as she all but ran out of the room.

I was pregnant? A baby
Me and Alfie were gonna have a baby?
I- I was going to be a mother.

I need to see Alfie, I couldn't just wait for him to turn up, I grabbed my coat and rushed down the stairs from the room I was in
I rushed out into the street, looking around to try and figure out where I am.

I made my way through the streets, slipping through back alleys to try and get back to Camden road
I was stopped however when I bumped into someone
"Sorry" I said simply, but as I turned around their hand wrapped in my hair and began dragging me backwards.

"Ah, get the fuck off me" I screamed, only to be shoved into the back of a black van.

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