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He grabbed the reigns. Getting him to take off up into the air. We flew has no hand me a paper. The Chief slipped to him when something wrote on it. Wallington house 264 is where you will find clown and his knock off discount botched Dolly Parton are hiding out at. I laughed grabbing the rains off of him and making him grab one to me.

"sorry but I'm taking over I know exactly which street this is pretty sure I know the house too and if I'm right I was right the whole time he gets tied into the whole Chloe incident because that's Chloe's house. Which man I was right he is involved with the nonhumans trafficking ring."I said, making him picking up speed. As I directed him through town, through the streets to the street marked Wallington R. I him fly low enough to see the house numbers when I seen hers and made him land. And I let out a roar that shook the whole neighborhood. Violentaly. Their neighbors came out to investigate. We were wearing our hoods up. Covering their eyes with sun glasses on. Not taking our eyes off their front door. Using our dragon hearing to see if we they'res any human movement's Inside. I ripped off my sunglasses off looking at Snow.

"Theirs no one inthere. I know cheif wouldn't lie about where they are especially since we agreed to help him." I said jumping off his back. And walked up to the front door.

"Baby...don't do what I think your about to do. The neighbors are watching if those criminals are still in there I don't want any humans getting caught in the crossfire of a non-human conferentation. Especially between us we're more violent and destructive than other purebreds." He tried to whisper but the closest one to him heard him. He walked out with a gun showing his police.

"Sir do you need help I'm a deputy. I can at least be of assistance?" He asked, as Snow jumped down and the officer was surprised at how much taller he was he wrapped off his hooded cloak and sun glasses. Revealing he was actually wear he was decorated warrior. "We appreciate your willingness to help. But this criminals really dangerous. We're looking for a cone who's involved with a non-human trafficking ring we found out they were auctioning off them. They were caught targeting purebred aristocrat, royal and endangered purebred children he's a dragon mimic who's been not only inpersinating the king of dragons. His tricking and convincing everyone his a stormqkq.p0breaker a Hydra. But he made a fatal mistake. A real hybrid is the biggest breed of dragon and their golden not ashy Grey. And the real true dragon isn't a man. She's a woman. And the only female of our species. I'm the real ones my soulmate. And I happen to personally know the stupid metal dragon I thought it was smart to take a false crown make a fake profit disguise himself as the same breed as a Rural King since there's only one Hydra born at a time and they are always born a king. She's the first one over a couple thousand years so he took her positions or impersonating her and started committing all kinds of crimes what do you think that does to her reputation in our whole entire Clan. First of all there's only 13 of us alive right now that are purebreds and she's the only female in like 986 years. If you put them side by side it's easy as s*** to tell which one's the real one and which ones are fake but he went way too far when he started impersonating King especially since we haven't had one in so long but he may want me to mistake also because that's death dealer's daughter so he definitely stupid and I'm saying that loud enough because it's at Warren is in there hopefully he comes to senses and realizes that he is totally overpowered here her mother is the mask her dad is death dealer and she was raised as a warrior so she's not a pushover which means that my woman can take care of her damn self. But I am her soul mate so I'm obviously not going to make her dirty her hands. Unless she tells me she wants to handle it on her own I do as the man does and take care of my woman you know unless she wants to. Call me old fashioned." Snow said I'm not enough so if anybody was inside to hear him but nobody passed the policeman could hear him. As I hold off and kick the door knocking it straight off his hinges making it go flying into the house. The policeman was apparently expecting her to just open the door so it caught him a little off guard as he jusddt whistled at me in amazement. Remind me not to piss you you literally just tapped that door with your foot and it went flying." He said putting his hands up in different just taking a couple of steps back before just decided to take a seat right beside snow when he pulled a laun chair over.

"Well shit if she's going to do it then I'm just going to set the sidelines this time of course unless you guys need my help. But if she's only taken up one person I'm pretty sure she's got this pretty much handled." He said, snow laughed before showing him what he was carrying.

"This is hers watch shes walking in completely unarmed. Watch." Snow said, as I walked in I smelled the air listening closely. Hearing something fall in the kitchen I walked in seeing someone slip out the back. I shifted into my dragon form which was. So big it busted out the back of house down. I scooped them up by their the collar of their shirt I swung around literally just running the whole house when I struck my head through the front to show the cop who was in my jaw. My dragon body was a huge than my nose blocked my view of who I was actually caring.

"Oh my God she's huge wait does she have two heads. Drop it wrong one that's one of the neighborhood kids if he's actually always running errands for them like going getting groceries nothing illegal trust me I pay attention cuz that's my son trust me about another criminals I would never let him even like around them but I literally had no idea. And he would have told me if they would have had him do something like that because he's like Larry is 16 he's old enough to know what's really going what's not I mean he was raped by a cop so he knows what's illegal in what's not. Jackson relax she's friendly I promise she's actually just one of the kings of trying to find somebody that's in her name her which was actually do that you're working for he's actually a trafficker and we didn't know that. Do you know where they are." He asked, as I dropped them. He stood up calmed himself down cuz he was freaking out like he was already an anxiety attack as soon as I picked him up. He looked back at me for a minute absolutely wide-eyed. He let out a huge sigh of relief. "Hey at least you wasn't trying to eat me. That's all I got to say." The child said when I lowered my head to him. He reached up to touch it nose hesitately and he laughed as I blew a puff air directly at him. He laughed. I lifted my other head making when I started hearing dragon call want my call to be exact the same one from the recording of the fishing game and Wildlife had which I instinctively called back to without thinking. when I noticed it's coming home in The Neighbors. I whip my heads around looking at the neighbor when I pulled out his phone and it was just his ringtone. Don't know why he said his ringtone to that but he did. But he is literally kept on letting it morning when he heard me make the same noise back. Before I knew it I was over in that neighbor's yard looking at making the same noise back at his phone. Who starred at me in amazement after I climb down from what was left of the house is foundation cuz obviously when I got up it all broke apart.

"Wait a minute you got to be kidding me the mysterious Beast that made the noise that everybody's been looking for is literally this thing." The man who said when I recognized that his voice is from the broadcast that played the same recording. He was purpose to letting it play so he could get a few pictures because he knows that I instinctively was reacting on instinct in other words Common Sense was out the window most like a bee or a flower. I immediately found it and started calling back to it. Like I didn't even nervous that he had caught a video of me doing it on his monitor TV thing I nurse just kept holding them right and I nursed him pointing the lens at me that was projecting it to the TV which was one of those Smart TVs that has a camera built in an internet and everything. So when I had lifted my other head because i heard the same sound coming from the TV cuz he forgot to accidentally turn your volume down. Hey I mean it was scrambled to turn off when I was looking at it. When he accidentally turned on his phone turning off the noise tonight immediately puffing smoke at him before walking away before he could do anything. I walked over to my soulmate. Who reached up as he touched one of my faces. I licked him he laughed nuzzling me with his head. When a car pulled up and the woman the woman we were looking for ran out.

"What happened to my.. SNOW your supposed to be dead your alive. Who the hell is that d....is that a Hydra." She said when I peeked my other head from behind Snow. I turned back in to my human form. As Snow caught me before my body fell to the ground by my waist. Spinning me around in his arms  dipping me slightly before pulling me in front of him. Leaving his arm around m0y waist. I turned to her and as soon as she seen my face she well she was growing her teeth she couldn't make a facial expression.

"Hey Bell no I was in hibernation. I got bored of both of the cat and mouse game we were playing Grey wasn't entertaining me enough so I faked my own death I was one of the polbarer. At my own funeral and you signed the devoured paper when we barrier the
Casket. Oh come on did you not read it. It's not like you didn't know I had no feelings for you you knew that from the gecko I told you and it's not like I didn't. You are more than aware of what I was doing it so don't pull that. I miss you crap. I found somebody. Evangeline isn't she gorgeous. She's a Hydra. Nor does she's a warrior. So where is Gey." He said, loud enough right as debris flipped over from where the basement door was as a man climbed out from behind us. It was him. As he coughed.

" you got bored seriously I did all at work and did my best to be the perfect enemy for you and you literally got bored.

"Yep you're not that interesting or creative for that matter and honestly I was just playing with you I mean you're the one that wanted to play nemesis so I figured I'd entertain them idea for a little bit. That was some weird kids but you know there wasn't anything interesting to do to entertain my time while I was biting myself time so yeah I took everything you wanted and let you have a couple wins PS all the times that you beat me or overpowered me was because I let you not because you did honestly you're very predictable I mean like we grew up together I literally know everything about you whether I like it or not why do you think I made it my mission to purposely give you a hard time but did not give you too hard of time so you could actually you know give me some amusement what can I say when you live as long as I have and as long as I am you get bored do you find anything that challenges you and no offense you were not a challenge at all now her now she's a challenge I mean you're a mimic I'm a diamond plate I can literally defeat you just by flicking with my toe I was trying to be a ancient warrior and you seriously thought you beat me now I let you think you beat me you were the only one that was dumb enough to even try so I figured why not by the way I'm the cat you're the mouse so put that in perspective. I just ran out of stuff do I mean fighting was my challenge so of course I got bored with that really easily and then everything else is boring playing house. I was done playing house. It's not like you didn't get anything out of it because you both did I left a sum of  money for both of you for humoring me. Then I took an early retirement to the islands till I got bored. All the beautiful sights and women could even get my attention. I searched everywhere for what I needed to satiate my huger to find anything in life that gave me self purpose. Something I actually want and need. I'm knew i was just lonely so I decided to look for lover. No luck so disappointed I went into hibernation. I woke up recently and met  my soulmate. I found my perfect match in her. So you two will no longer be needed to entertain my boredom. So I'm no longer going to play with you. Just do what we tell you. Okay." Snow said, Grey took one look at me and the his face went as white as a sheet. As the blood ran from his face. Especially when he seen my eyes.

"A Charmed?" He asked.

"And Dragoan. I'm a Hunter your under arrest both of you so if you don't want to end up like cloe and vlad. Then don't give us a hard time. We know what you doing con man. We have all the evidence. You only got this far because mister over here didn't decide to look into what you were doing after he woke up otherwise he would have obviously stopped you. At the beginning but honestly you didn't think you'd get that far you're really not a threat to him so obviously he didn't think he had to watch you. But nice try." I said, before in a split second I had him pinned against the ground. I was barely holding onto him. He couldn't believe I had such brute strength. I hand cuffed his ass before putting my hand over his face using magic Travers his face back to it was before he had all that reconstruction making him look well normal and considering how he used to work with all that botch surgery That was supposed to make him look more attractive he actually looked not bad looking I mean he wasn't what I'd go for him but he wasn't ugly either I mean this was my perception on what's attractive and what's not he just wasn't my type not even close but the thing why is it that to a normal girl he probably would be attractive he had the Pretty Boy Pretty Boy a thing going for him and hey a lot of girls are in the pretty boys now. He honestly reminded me when I was like male ballerina. With his real body build.

"Why change your physical appearance just to impregnate the dragon king. You look better like this. Plus you can't pretend to be someone who's gender you got wrong. Honestly you would have had better luck looking underneath the dragons King skirt to figure out what gender they actually are. Noted the sarcasm I am a woman not a man you did a terrible job of impersonating me. It says you already ruined my clan anyway soHey Daddy when I heard my father's voice turn around to see him and her mother are both in their Hunters uniforms. They were walking over from the woods? They were reaching the houses  and The neighbors hadn't seen them yet. so soon as I smiled and started waving they all looked at me like an idiot.

"Daddy.." I screamed, running up and jumping on him. He laughed picking me up as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He wrapped his arms around me and carried me back over. The neighbors were speachless as Snow shook my dad's hand smiling.

"Hey dad and mom what are you guys doing here." He greeted hugging mom. As dad put me down. Mom hugged me as dad ruffed my hair.  I was smiling. 

"Wait the little ladies parents are DeathDealer and the mask. Damn I had no idea mask was even a woman. Now that's a potent mix no wonder she's so strong that makes sense." The cop said, they shook his head. And they took off their helmets as soon as he seen my mother's face his face was hysterical.

"Well s*** no you are definitely a woman. Well I see where your daughter gets it looks from." He joked, they laughed. When he seemed to have noticed that they were hybrids.

"Ya she's actually our youngest. She gets her dragon from Bayne. We actually have four children. Sorry for all the trouble this might be a lot for you guys but we had to take out the criminals." Mom said, hand cuffing the woman that was with Grey. She tried protesting but mother just knocked her out. Before she handed me the record of everything  they found while going over evidence I  brought in. And what the normal charge is for each one. Their was so much more then I was thinking.

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