chapter 27

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Placing my hand on top  of his making sure our palms were aligned. Which we end up with the instant reaction our hands shifted but not fully. His scales and hair were as white as my mother hair.  He was smiling ear to ear. 

"Not to be weird but you're not going to automatically change your mind or start treating be like I'm going to treat you like all the other women. Because I can't stand that when somebody suddenly changes from being lovey-dovey that treating you like you go around him I want something permanent.

"Seriously Midnight you cannot automatically treat all women think they're going to treat you like Natasha. We've talked about this especially when you're the first one that gets introduced to her. Cuz I'm going to fix your mess but reassuring her. Emotionally sooth all the insecurities you stir up they never knew they had. Look at that one girl treats him like crap. Then he makes every , girls that approaches him after that he gives major trust issues. You literally only expect my mate for  two minute can you not only made her insecure, and doubtful about relationships you gave her trust issues. Now I've had a dedicate a lot of time energy reassurance. And lots of cuddles to reverse that you were literally the first meal she talked to and you couldn't be nice for 5 minutes.  Gran were banned from talking to any woman none he's terrible. At make any female come out with a positive outcome after talking to him he's so negative." He said, before locked me in an warm embrace. It calmed my insecurities and doubts. Making me relax in his arms. He kissed my head petting my head as down  my back as I nussled my head under his chin.  Gran smiled sitting near us.

"So it was Snow good choice I had a gut feeling he'd be a good potential match. But soulmates even better. Don't mess this up Snow . Her parents are world renowned warriors they really famous. Not to mention really well known. They got personal ties every where." She warned him.

"Gran I know she's not going to be easy the handle. I signed up at the moment I noticed she was already developing trust issues this early. I knew that she was going to need help positive reinsurance encouragement to heal properly if I just abandon her because I didn't want to deal with it but just make her worse. And it would make her believe that all. I want to prove they aren't.  I'm not no quiter I ain't going to give up. Do you know how long I waited to meet mine. My soulmates thousand of years and she is worth everything second. " He snuggled me. She laughed. Good that's what I like to hear. Now take her home I think she's fell asleep on you. She said, she showed him from the mapped the directions to get to my house. After I pointed where it was.
I passed out while he carried me.

I woke up leter in my bed with  him passed out beside me. He looked like an angels when he sleeps. I just watch is sleeping face. Soaking in ever feature that made up this gorgeous man's face. He really was very beautiful. I kissed his cheek. And whispered. "Thank you. My hope." but also making sure not to wake him. I carefully got up. I jumped in my shower that was connected to my room. Quickly washing my hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and hair. Walkedout. I had my back to  him as I he'd already my unclothes on. When I hear a cat call behind me I laughed glancing back at him who was staring at me grogerly at me. I wasn't nude so I dropped the towel. He blinked in surprise.

"What did think I was still nude nah.  Not that there's anything thing wrong with nudity. It's natural it only is bad or inappropriate if you make it so. I don't have those type of urges, thoughts, or curiosity yet sorry to disappoint you." I joked.

"I don't care. I wait this long I can wait till your ready no rush. I'm not the pushy type I would feel like that's just as bad as forcing your partner. Im a man not a wild beast. I respect your opinion." He walked over only hugging  me from behind. Before pulling out an outfit he liked.  I took it putting it on. I dolled my self up a little. And putting my hair and pig tails. He got dressed after showering. I couldn't help but notice he was built like my father muscle vise. Now I get why my mother is always clinking to him.

"Oh God I have the same taste in men as my mother. He's a warrior your a warrior you you guys share a lot of the same characteristics in  personality similar way of thinking, you even kind of talk the same. But both very similar body types and the same height. I can already all the teasing and jokes." I sighed.

"They already said that last night almost the same thing almost when I carried you in last night. And as soon as I introduced my self and told them I was your mate. They asked, what species I was they were really raleived when I showed them I was a purebred dragon. Your mother was highly interested in what breed i was while your father was fixated of what my I do for a living and was very overly pleased to hear I was a warrior but I forgot to add and I'm a very famous One and as I told your dad my nickname name.  Your mom yelled yep he just made a new bestfriend before teasing us because of how much like we were. I agree with her we are way to similar and so much alike it's scary. But the good part is is that I get along swimmingly with both your parents. That's a really good thing. Since we're soulmates. I'm extremely greatful." He informed me I laughed.  Before we walked down stairs  walking over and scooping up my siblings. Who latched onto me. Climbing to their favorite spot like angel or brother would climb to my back while the other sat on my shoulder so I could carry our other sister violent since she still so small.  I walked over to mom. Who kissed my head telling me goodmorning.

"So now little young lady that your awake. Who carried you in last night . " she asked.  Since I was asleep when he brought me in.

"Mom that's my soulmate Snow. Wait I just got thar the name you go by as a warrior is Frostbite. He was really famous when he was an active fighter. Yor names Snow that should be a dead ringer. And yes be either of you ask his a purebred dragon male he's a Dimond plated dragon the breed that is second biggest and most powerful.  Nothing he told you was false. He already told my yall were cracking jokes about how much him and dad are alike. Because I cracked the joke this morning when he was changing his shirt. I said. Oh God you can tell  I have the same taste in men as mother. They Even have similar body types they have almost the same muscle build and Even you look their even almost the same exact height. You can definitely tell I'm my mother's daughter." I joked. She laughed ruffling my hair. "You got that right honey your my twin. I'm so proud of you baby you found your soulmate your forever person. I'm so happy for you. But I am astonished you not only started looking for him on you you're own. We're about to select him correctly out of the other male dragons. Your both were able to notice and feel the connection ignited  when. You first laid eyes on eachother. And Snow told me he even showed you how to positively identify for sure whether you soulmates." She asked I gave the nanny as I made him stand infront of me holding his Hans out flat I aline my palms. Placing them on his and the same exact things happened that happened last night when we confirmed it.

"Dragons body physically react to their soulmates magic. While if it's another dragon there magic will combust and cause an explosion." Snow exclaimed. She nodded giving him a hug.

"Well since we're so proud of you both. We're celebrating. With the whole family." Father said, as we got everything ready that Mom packed for the day and put in the car she had a whole day planned that her dad did one of them had like a whole thing planned.

What are you doing taking half the house

No but I am planning an entire day for the family since you've adapted so well we're in doing so good with all this new change that was just suddenly throwing at you you are actually doing excellent and the surprise I'll meet you my home last night I just had to drop in the cake so yeah no we're definitely and you have a whole day of you just having fun and enjoying life. Come on come on you have had it pretty rough lately like you had to get used to so much drastic change and had literally no other option but to adapt to these new changes a lot of people will be stressed out over their head and would be giving up. Not my little pumpkin so now to celebrate all the achievements that you received we are rewarding you with a family day." My mother said as we got in the car.
Then Mom started driving I had no clue where she was going by the way we're meeting your aunt there do not tell her it is you she's going to freak I didn't tell her yet by the way her Aunt Ivy does live with us just so you know I am her legal guardian because she didn't like her home life and I am her older brother so we became a really good Guardians I just said she has a stable home. " My father informed my partner. He nodded. As we ended at an secret campsight my mom used to going camping. With her mom's dad he has to come visit her he has to take her camping he was already writing there with her on her mom's part of the family. We all jumped out giving everybody hugs as a yield surprise and my dad's biological mother came out with her family. We look like a whole village of tents because how big the  familys were. My parents got off first they got on my siblings but they made me and my partner stay in the car real quick cuz they didn't realize that they were bringing the whole family he thought it was only his mother and her my mom's mom's dad. You know with her mom and dad. No they brought cousins nieces nephews everybody.

"About time you showed up we're getting tired of waiting. Wait where's Evangeline. Don't tell me you left the youngest grandbaby at home.

Not exactly grandfather not exactly at see somebody started targeting her and we didn't want to chance them getting a hold of her because the people that were targeting her they traffic non humans as in the auction them off to the highest bidder. And with her being so young the counsel suggested well aging her up so you obviously know what we had to do she is not a little baby anymore Evangeline is a full grown adult right now so when you see her don't freak out in fact she's the one that caught the people that were targeting her she it matters in my own hands like any good Hunter would I mean look at who her parents are and decided to well track them herself she collapsed a building on them that's all I'm going to say and she got all the evidence of where they were discarding non-humans that died before they were sold in auction she of course is nice enough to get that I want a proper burial but the other two she just lost them underneath the the rebel and they want to sleep deserve it we're targeting an infant but yeah the thing that they had us to reversible plus we don't know how many people were involved with the traffic and things that I'd rather keep her as an adult plus she also kind of okay surprised she found her soulmate and he is a male dragon it's frostbite you remember one of the ancient warriors that was one of the first Hunters yeah that one yeah she's a loser soulmate so don't break out she's got him with her. Sorry she hates being questioned about the whole situation because like we literally had no choice we didn't know who was all involved and they only targeting her and she is the dragons first king but she's also the only female so they literally had no other choice. But the good news is that she's adapting to all the new changes excellent she's doing really good no really any problems. Her attitude didn't change one bit when we turned her into an adult she still just as sweet. Okay, you can come out." My mother yelled as we both got out at the same and of course my dad dragged snow over to all my male relatives well my mother grabbed my arm and drive me to all the women in our family there's more reason I decided to separate in the grips don't ask me they were just doing their own thing my dad went to all the men in the family and then my mom just went to all the women in the family. They were absolutely obsessed with my adult form they can not get over how pretty I was. But dinosaur because every time I had seen them before I was just a little baby I only had to deal with one of them at a time. But now that I was an adult body they were all bombarding me. I finally had to sneak away they were
Over stimulating me way too much. Apparently I wasn't the only one because my soulmate snug away from my dad he was hiding behind a tree  went around the spot where I was hiding the literal tree right next to mine we both decided to sneak away together like we still made sure to stay in I shot of the tens but we found a little stream near it that we started messing with of course we did. But one of my uncles with his sniffered if I had to come find us. He laughed when he seemed we were doing before yelling.

"Found them they're fine." He laughed as of my cousins decided to run over to investigate what was going on. The Young Ones immediately came in and joined us including my oldest siblings. I used magic to make a little reenactments with the water a horse running. Just simple stuff nothing too complicated but it seemed to have my grandfathers attention for some odd reason I thought every witch could do things like that and then I also noticed how he reacted to the simple things I could do with my magic make a little fireworks with bare hands. Denise wear something into my hand I didn't notice what it was because I was releasing music right as he threw it was really activated whatever the heck you threw at me. When I seen that it was a staff. But this one my grandmother hand crafted and it was way more advanced. To change shape to my imagination.

"Nice." I said getting up whipping it into the air as it transformed into a whip. Then when I left it it shot electricity I have it.

" okay that that's pretty wicked it even channeled exactly what type of magic I wanted to put into it that's funny wonder if I can make it turn into fire. I said whipping again is the electric turned into fire. Then I try to hand it back to Gramps but he told me to keep it. I thanked him. Handing it to my soulmate because he had a whole Stone around his waist already for the same thing his weapons. Harness pouch and his little pouch for that zips.  When my husband suddenly just stood up and whistled really loud and then that's what I heard the weirdest walk it is only going a falcon but like a huge falcon and then out of nowhere I see what the heck I was looking at there's a freaking hypograph as in not Griffin like a hippogriff one that's half bird on the front and half horse on the back and it's got huge wings and it's got the head of a bird of prey but they're massive they're huge and they're almost the size of a Clydesdale at least this one was and I mean like this is the biggest one I've ever seen and I had a head that look like a herpes eagle so were Talons. It was clearly a familiar so why did my soulmate have it it landed right in front of him and then started headbutting him.

"How the actual you do realize it's a familiar right why is it listening to you you're not a witch not to be rude babe but you're a dragon they should know to avoid you not come near you.

"I kind I've cheated I raised this one. Grand notice that was really good with mythical creatures and decided to put that to the test so she gave me a hippogriff to raise from an egg. This is another reason why I called them down here thank you pointed out earlier he's a familiar who do I know has witchs blood running through their veins. I absolutely love him so of course I'm not just going to give him anybody but you're my soulmate so he's yours." He said pulling me over to him bring my hand up to his face for placing my hand on his head when he bowed his head to me he had that thing trained. He imprinted on me. As his hander. As my dad's mom handed handed me the saddle and Reigns. She helped me put it on him. He adjusted it for me. Before lifting me up in front of me on his back. He hadn't even let go and the bird was already taken off I had to quickly grab their hands next thing I know I'm up in the air. I squealed a bit as I straightened myself out and figured figured out you steer him with the reigns. Like a horse. I few him down to a Lake where he touched the tip of his wing  was blue past it we flew past one fisherman but we were at a safe distance I don't know I'm getting shot at. I looked back to see that there was a speedboat chasing me with a bunch of people holding guns. They didn't notice I was on its back. Till I let out a Thunderous or That Shook the whole lake. They surprisingly immediately stopped as soon as I heard it. Till one of them held up a big speaker where it played the same exactly roar I just did. Intentionally answered that call with another one they seem to be pretty hyped about this too apparently I thought it was coming from the hippogriff though which was pretty funny. Because I didn't even notice me jumping off its back I grabbed on to the side of one of their posts as they chased it. I stabbed a huge fire work smoke bomb with sparklers. Four big one right in the engine as my familiar acted as the perfect decoy. He dogded their net and making it net them to the boat as I blew fire lighting the fireworks. At once jumped into the air. And my Familiar caught me on his back. I named him Griffin. I squawked with him as Griffin mocking them practically laughing at them. They yelled screaming when all the fireworks went off flooding  a large area around the boat making it disappear. As the sparklers went off  shooting in every direction blow
Up spreading more smoke. Every where.. making them plea and beg for help.

"Ha ha JERK. MAYBE THAT WILL TEACH YOU TO NOT SHOT SOMEONE WHO WASNT BOTHER ANYONE AND JUST MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS. HOPE YOU LIKE MY PRESENT. I put one directly in the Gas. So have fun being dead in the water trapped under your net till someone comes looking for you." I yelled laughing. Before flying back to camp. When I landed Griffin near My soulmate. Who pulled me off.

"Okay darling we got a distress single from a tracker with a specialist who was tracking endangered extinct. Some of the most illusive creatures their trying to save the mountains wildlife and the lake. If they are able to get official evidence of them living tag it this land and everything in it will be marked as as protected scared land. It's important we help them so I'm going to need you both to sift into your dragon forms we're to closest to them we do have any boats their in the Middle of the lake. You can fly and we can load them and anythat may be injured. Their 10 of them including game fish and wildlife services." My grandfather announced. I felt guilty I knew I was to blame. My mother noticed the look on my face and new it was to blame.

"Evangeline was it your handy work?" She asked, I refused to look her inthe eye. "Griffin was flying over the lake surface he was gliding dipping the tips of his wings. We were just minding our business not bothering anyone. The shoot directly at me no warning. They gave Chase raining shots at us when Griffin get away. So Griffin may have accidentally trapped them under it. And I may have blew the motor with smoke bombs and fireworks. In my defense they were all in civilization clothes. Their boat wasn't marked as fish, game, and wildlife. That's their fault their the ones that choose to fire at us and chase us. When we tried retreat when the first fired at us. All they had to do was stop and leave us alone. They were shooting actual bullets at us. Not tranquilizers. What was I supposed to do let the precious familiar get shot. He was hand  raised by my soulmate who gave him to me as his new handler which makes him my familiar which makes me responsible if anything would happen to him. Or let them fire their bullets at me. You want to see us return to you full of bullet wholes if I wouldn't have done something Griffin would have been  killed and I would have looked like Swiss cheese. They were using rightful and shot guns. No thank you. I'll help I'll clean up the aftermath since I am responsible for doing it. But after their looked at by a doctor. I'ma have a few words for them." I protested. Mom dad and grandpa facepalmed. Themselves sighing grandfather shook his head. He  Groaned in defeat.

"Fine deal but your writing a huge apology for all the damage you did to all their equipment, if you injuring any staff, and for destroying one of their boats. Your a warrior type. You'll pay back all the damage you caused. And like any proud worrier you will pay it back with hard work which you'll be doing for the head game wardens who's person boat you just destroyed. You'll take full responsibility to make up for all the money it's going to take to fix your mistake. You could have killed one of them their human humans are so weak and fragile. Do you think I want that blood on my grand babies hands no. I love you we all do. You hold a special place in our hearts so of course we want you to flourish, thrive and succeed.  We only want what's best for you. So even though we don't like it we have to be hard on you." He said, I just nodded me and my soulmate mate faced eachother as he shifted into our dragon forms wrapping our necks around each other.  This was the first time they seen my adult dragon form in person and up close. I could tell by the reactions I was alot bigger them they anticipated. He was so much smaller then me we nuzzled each other.  Before pulling apart we lowered our necks so they could climbed up onto our backs which was mom, dad, my uncle and grandpa. Who climbed up on us. The rest stayed at camp.

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