49. Tags :P

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Tagged by japanisweird to do 7 tags but she said it was fine to do only one... And since it was too late, I decide to just do a few of them xD I won't back down :P

(Not gonna list the rules btw :D)

Tag 2 (skipped one cuz it's a 13 fact abt me):

1) Not many

2) I don't know

3) Secret as always xP

4)Taken by my own world

5) A classmate

6)If Only She Knew Voodoo Like I Do by Get Scared xP



9) Nope.

10) Gajevy/Gale

11) Pure boredom

12)It's bootiful -v- My two fav characters are together xD

13) December 5th

Tag 4:

1) Home place?
My bedroom is my home :D

2) Who's your ultimate bias?
Someone I don't wanna name rn :\

3) Night or Day?
Night for shizzles :P

4) Fav subject?
Science :)

5) Something you're good at?
It's personal :P And maybe drawing? :D

6) Something you're proud of?
My art xD

7) What do you love about wattpad?
It can sell my boredom :>

8) How'd you find wattpad?
Daily rutine: Go to the app store and see what's new xD

9) All time fav K-pop group?

10) Fav weather or colour?
I have to agree with japanisweird xD I like rainy days including thunderstorm. And my fav colour would be as dark as night xD

11) Any fetish?
Hand fetish right here -v-

12) School grade?
A-E xD

13) If you were to describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
Humorous xD

Tag 5:

1) Least fav animal?

2) Do you like watermelon?
No so much

3) What things are you allergic to(if any)?
Nothing really xD

4) What annoys you the most?
People lying :P No actually that makes me laugh xD Because I can always see through them xP

5) Are you a virgin?
Why so curious? xD

6) What anime or manga do you want to watch/read rn?
I'm rewatching Angel beats :P

7) What would you do if a random person started holding your hand on the street?
Laugh it off of course xD

8) What is your mindset: (sexy people who knows how to turn you on) or romantic (you like someone who knows how to treat you well?
I have no interest in those kinda stuff ._.

9) Who's your fav person?
I don't have a fav person xD

Tag 6:

1) Do you think Levi (AOT) has ever cleaned up blood?
I mean if he's such a clean freak... Heck yeah xD

2) What was your most fucked up dream ever? Describe it.
I had a lot. But the one I remembered was me watching my classmate being tortured to death :>

3) What is the colour of your eyes, hair and your height?
Dark brown for the eyes, blackish-vrown for the hair and I'm not really sure for my height because it's been so long^^'

4) What are the three things on your grocery list?
I don't do grocery shopping :\ I have a maid xD

5) What are the three weirdest things you have in your room rn? (Include pics)
What if I said I don't have any? xD

6) Do you want someone dead? Who?
Many. Again, someone I don't wanna name in here^^'

7) OTP?
Gajevy/Gale ;P

8) Fav anime (s)/manga (s)?
Not this question again! -A- Magi I'm assuming.

9) Fav outdoor activity?
I'm an indoor person -_- But I would like to try archery!

10) Sporty or artsy fartsy?
Art *nod nod*

Tag 7:

1) Have you ever used auto desk inventor?
Not in a million years :P

2) Weird habits?
I walk like a drunk person xP

3) Fav youtuber?
Too many! xD

4) Fav video game?
I like all story telling games :D

5) Fav famous painting?
I'm not so much into painting :P

6) Have you ever been hated?

7) Have you ever hate on someone?

8) What was your first animal?

9) Are you a grammar nazi?
Not really :/ Cuz I don't really mind.

10) Action or comedy?

11) Favourite genre?

12) Have you ever fought someone?
I have lost count how many :P

Well, these are the the tags (I still don't understand how japanisweird got so many >:I) And as always, if you're intetested, you can answer the questions given above :>

Peace out~

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