69. Winner + Other stuff

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So the previous chap got two winners! ^^ (Goddamn I have to rewrite this update -_-) How in the world are you guys so fast to guess? XD Haha, the song was "Control" by Halsey and I'm not really surprised that many of you know it^^' Thanks for guessing~~

Imaginary-Fantasys request was to draw Halsey ;D

Basing her look from her music video "Ghost" :P Hope you like it! ^^

IconicPrisim requested for me to draw her Oc Hikari chillin' with Licia.

Oh they are chillin' xD

By the way, I created a new OC that I've wanted to since ages ago (but didn't get to for some reason) and here he is!! :D YEAH!

Oh yeah Shuppet_kumo and _Ryuuuu, this is the OC I was talking about xD

I had to chop those feet cuz I got no space xD His name is Sin. I just thought that word would suit his character so I named him that^^

I like how most the artists have first and last name for their OCs and then here I am with only one name preparedxD Well, this is how I roll!! >:P

And also.....

I got a small green dragon plushie by my mom...

And I swear...

Those eyes....

...will haunt me for life xD

And yet...

I love it so much xD

Yeah you know, just having fun xD

Peace out~ ._.

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