14: Became Favourite thing

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Hawoon just came back to Harem after having a warm bath with prince Taehyung....... She has found a thick sheet on taehyung bathhouse and took it in her body and get out of here...... She goes to the room where her clothes are.... After sometime, she came out wearing her clothes as she saw her belongings are being taken away by servants....... She looked at Erunch Kwon who is looking at the scene and immediately goes towards him and ask," where they are taking my belongings???"

Erunch Kwon looked at her with a bored expression and said," you are moving into prince Taehyung concubine chamber..... You are now his favorite.... Prince has ordered it and told it to do this........ "

On the other side, Hawoon saw Na- yeon's belongings are taken away to the second floor...... Hawoon looked at Na-yeon who is looking a little sad..... She was about to go to her but Ji-sung came in front of her and said," Queen Mother is calling you...."

She nodded as she was going with Ji-sung.......


Queen Mother chamber

Hawoon entered into the room with Ji-sung and bowed to her as queen mother is smiling at her and said," You have done a great job, Hawoon.... I told to prepare concubine room for you..... And also I want to reward you..... Come with me..."

And with that she look at Ji-sung as she bowed and get out of the room to leave them alone..... Hawoon looked at Queen Mother who is now standing in front of a book self that she has seen before........

Queen Mother: You know, King was always sweet towards me.... Even though for the people outside, he looked collective and cold.... But he showerd me with immerse love ..... He was great because he never discriminate between me and his favorite concubines...... But since, I was special, he build this secret place for me.... Where we spend our quality time alone.... Away from every worries.....

And with that she pulled out a book and entire book self turned on the other side reavealing a passage...... Hawoon widened her eyes to see this..... Hawoon looked at Queen Mother as she said," I trust you enough to show you that..... You have conquer Taehyung heart.... Which is almost difficult... Even, me, his mother, won't be able to do that...."

From her voice, Hawoon felt sadness that is making the place gloomy...... She went inside the passage and behind her Hawoon get inside and see so many selfs and Almirahs...... Queen Mother went in front o one Almirah and opened it....... She took out a dress and Hawoon eyes shine seeing such a beautiful dress......

Queen Mother: it's hanfu...... It was gifted by the Empress of ancient Tang dynasty from China..... She sent me this gift to congratulate my wedding with king......

She said as Hawoon just looked at the beautiful embroidery designs of the hanfu...... It's not a ordinary gift and she can just tell it by the expression of queen Mother face...... This hanfu has a great importance in her life .........

" This dress must be very significance thing in your life, your highness....", Hawoon said as queen mother looked at her and smiled.....

" It indeed was..... This hanfu was considered lucky to me....... It was made by a very infamous trailor who is in love with a Empress..... He was a commoner and don't have the right to love the empress so he sewed it with his very last breath..... This was his last clothing made for that empress and the next day he killed himself.... Empress wear this dress on her wedding with the emperor..... Years passed away, now this is in my hands.....", She said as she push it and took it to Hawoon.....

Hawoon understood that queen Mother is going to give this dress to her.... So, she politely said," your highness, you have already give me your precious wedding dress in the celebration... And now this..... Don't you think it should be with you??? I am mere concubine..... How do I deserve such a thing like this ???"

Hearing her words, Queen Mother just looked at her with her astonished eyes and thought she did a very right decision to chose her as a concubine...... She is clearly different..... If there is others they would be so happy to have this dress.... But here she is.... Slowly rejecting it..... Queen Mother caress her cheek as she looked at those blue eyes that still hold a unexplainable emotion..... Still, she can see fire in her eyes..... Fire to be superior..... Just like her....... Same passion like her...... Same courage like her.... To lead a kingdom.......

Queen Mother: My time of wearing this is over..... This is now belong to you.....

And with that queen Mother get out of the passage giving her some time to get this thing in her head......

Time skip

Hawoon came out from the queen mother chamber and in her hand, there's the dress that queen Mother gifted to her...... She goes to her New chamber, as she opened the door reavealing a beautiful room with so many beds...... This is prince Taehyung concubine chamber...... Since, there's no other concubine than her, so she is alone......

She placed the dress on the bed and looked at the surrounding of the room..... She don't know if she should be happy that she was promoted to second floor...... She is prince Taehyung favorite...... But still that's not enough to find her siblings....... Moreover, she is not comfortable with prince Taehyung...... He scares her sometimes........

The door of her chamber opened reavealing, Erunch Kwon......

Kwon: Majesty has summoned you.... Come with me......

Hearing that, she smiled and started to walk as she was about to pass Erunch Kwon just then he hold her arms and whispered into her ear....

" Be in your limits, lady..... Just because majesty called you doesn't mean you are Queen or something.... A mere concubine.... Behave yourself.... Or this palace will eat you alive....", He said as he went outside leaving Hawoon as her minds are now filled with Kwon's words......


She was going to the king's chamber as she was in the door with Erunch Kwon just then prince Yoongi came out from the king's chamber...... When his eyes landed on Hawoon, he gritted his teeth in anger...... He looked at Kwon and said," Why she is here???"

He asked very rudely as Hawoon thought why he is so rude with her...... She didn't do anything to make him upset.......

Kwon: My prince, majesty summoned her...... I don't know anything other than that.....

He said as he is looking at her and Unknowingly he is making her feeling uncomfortable...... She just couldn't bear this and asked him straight....

Hawoon: my prince, what have I done to you that you are behaving with me like that.... If I upset you over something than I apologize....

Hearing that, Kwon widened his eyes seeing this girl's courage to speak to prince Yoongi like that..... She is eager to see the wrath of the lion..... She messed with the wrong person......

Yoongi on the other hand, look at her eyes .... Same.... No fear...... He slowly moved towards her as she didn't back away and stay there where she was..... Yoongi smirked seeing her braveness...... Indeed this girl is different....

Yoongi: You love to bewitch People by your beauty and lure them into traps to have a life of royal.... But I am not like them..... I won't let you do this to me or any of my brothers......

He said looking into her eyes with same aggression not backing away a bit.... On the other hand, Kwon is seeing everything and he is getting terrified by all of this happening will cause a great war....... Hearing his words, Hawoon smirked and said," But I am now prince Taehyung favorite concubine.... What will you do about it, prince Yoongi??? "

Yoongi eyes widened with shock as each words give him shiver..... She met taehyung.... Taehyung get to know about her...... He just couldn't believe his ears.......

Yoongi: WHAT!!!!!!

he roared in front of her face but she didn't even flinch......


They both looked at the source of the shout and found taehyung standing there looking at them with anger in his eyes.......







ENJOY ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️

SARANGHAE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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