22: Family Reunion

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Queen dowager chamber

Author pov

Queen dowager arranged dinner in her room as after a long time, She has talked with Taehyung regarding the palace matters..... Maids are serving the foods and both grandma and grandson duo is talking about the old memories reviving the beautiful memories before the game of throne started...... Hawoon just quietly listen to their conversation and slowly eat the food in a good manner as how she was taught by the teachers in here who give the new concubine and slaves education about mannerism.......

Just then Kein came and bowed to queen dowager and said," Queen Ji-Ha is pregnant and tomorrow there's going to celebration for it in harem...... " Queen Dowager thought a little bit and said," I will come to participate in the celebration..... And make sure to contribute sweet around the kingdom about this good news....."

Kein: As you say your highness....

And with that she left as Taehyung has decided to leave with Hawoon as it's already late..... " Grandma, if you give permission, I want to go back to my chamber.... Tomorrow will be big day....", Taehyung said as he get up as they have finished their eating.... Hawoon has also get up as her head is lowered..... It's more because she is embarrassed by the situation that have happened before the dinner..... Taehyung and she has lost on their eyes that they forgot they have came to meet queen dowager.....

Queen dowager patted his head as she looked at Hawoon and said," I am really eager to know about your love, Taehyung..... Hawoon, that's your name, right??"

Hawoon nodded and said," yes, your highness...." She said as she looked at her..... Queen Dowager smiled seeing this innocent girl as she wonder how she still managed to survive in this harem......" Tomorrow, come to my chamber.... I wanted to know you after all, my favorite grandson has shown interest in you..... And I know he won't show that to anyone...so, you must be precious to him....."

Hawoon: as you say my Highness.....

And with that she bowed and Taehyung bowed and went out of the chamber as Queen dowager saw their disappearing figure and look at Erunch Bae who just came from the other door....." My Highness, What is your wish??", Erunch Bae said as Queen dowager is smile at him as he knew her very well.....

Queen dowager: find out about Hawoon till morning.... I want to know how she came here to how she has became Taehyung's concubine....

Erunch Bae bowed to her and went out of the room...... She looked at the beautiful moon through the window... Another habit of her, before going to sleep, she look at the moon and wish for a beautiful night......


In Gwanju Royal Palace

Hoseok is working on some scrolls in his room and that time the door opened reavealing Harin wearing a beautiful white dress and covered her face with a silk cloth and in her hand there's jug that has alcohol in it...... The door closed as she slowly come towards him and served it in the glass..... Hoseok just stare at her trying to find out her motive as she came suddenly.......

She took off the cloth on her face and said," I wanted to meet you, my Chief..... But you are busy and doesn't want to see anyone so I have no choice but to come like this...."

Hoseok move his hand towards her as she took it and sit in his lap...... " So, now you have met me..... Now you can go...."

Harin: but I don't want to..... Because I want something more just then meeting.....

She said as she placed her hand on his chest as his hand slowly goes to her neck and hold her tightly and make her more closer to him.....

Hoseok: You are playing with fire Harin..... Don't think of it or you will burn into ashes......

But Harin kissed him as hoseok made her head tilted and make the kiss deeper and sucking her beautiful lips like a hungry lion...... After sometime they pull out as they are storage of oxygen...... Harin asked him," I will chief.... I will burn with your fire.......are you going to Seoul Royal Palace tomorrow???"

Hoseok: yes, I am.... Do you wanted to go???

Harin pushed hoseok on the bed and climbed on top of him and pushed his hands over his head and said," if you want to take me, I won't mind..... "

And with she kissed him again as she was so busy in this sweet moment that hoseok flipped her and hover over her and take off her clothes.....

Hoseok:then make me happy, I will take you there......

And with that their streamy night began......


In Bathhouse

There's giggling in the bathhouse as Taehyung and Hawoon are bathing together in prince Taehyung bathhouse...... They have spend a passionate night as Taehyung couldn't control himself and after getting out of queen dowager room with Hawoon, he took her to his room and make love to her...... In the morning, taehyung has picked up the sleeping Hawoon and decided to bath together....... Hawoon woke up when she felt cold water on her body and then she realized Taehyung has bought her here......

Taehyung's desire for her grows bigger and bigger every single day and he can't take a moment to stay without her...... He needs to make her stay close to him..... And for that he will do anything......

Hawoon: it's time for me to go..... I have to go to little prince chamber..... He must be awake by now.....

Hearing that Taehyung feel jealous over his nephew who has taken her attention away from him.....

Taehyung: what about this big prince then???

He said as he get up and wear his robe as Hawoon is still on the water...... " This big prince can take care of himself.... He doesn't need me....", Hawoon said as she came to the edge and look at him with lovable eyes that makes his heart go crazy......

Taehyung: If I can take care of myself then he can too..... You don't need to go to my nephew all day and moreover I need you more than him....

Hearing taehyung words, Hawoon brusted into laughing..... Her sweet laugh echoed in the bathhouse as she get up from the water and went towards him wearing the robe and said," Oh!!! Prince Taehyung is jealous, hmm??"

She said while her hands go on his neck and hold him tightly and kissed in taehyung lips..... Taehyung immediately kissed her back and started to go deeper just then Hawoon pulled out and said," that's not the only thing I have to do today.... I have to meet queen dowager and there's a celebration in harem...... I have to go ...."

And with that she left from the bathhouse leaving Taehyung as Taehyung touch his lips with his fingers and think about their make-out session......

Time skip

It's already afternoon as Hawoon has put Jihoon in sleep and about to go to just then the door opened reavealing king Seokjin.... Hawoon immediately lowered down her gaze and bow to him as he came here to see his son...... He look at the bed where his son, Jihoon is sleeping peacefully.... He then look at Hawoon who is looking down as he went towards her..... Hawoon gulps when she feel king near her..... Suddenly she started to feel uncomfortable..... She is uncomfortable in the same room with him...... He slowly goes towards her neck and smell her but he couldn't find that scent that he smelt that night...... She has Taehyung scent all over her...... Hawoon on the other hand is barely keeping herself stand on her feet......

Seokjin: where are you going??? You can't leave my son alone......

He said as his voice showed a unknown anger towards her..... " I am summoned by Queen... Queen Dowager, your majesty.... ", Hawoon said sluttering as King frowned his eyes on hearing that...... He gritted his teeth and said," Get out, Woman!!!!!"

He said as Hawoon immediately went away from the room leaving king alone with prince Jihoon......


In Queen Dowager chamber

Queen Dowager is going through some letters that are sent from different countries and just then Kein came in and said," My Highness, prince Taehyung favorite is here....."

Hearing that she put down her glasses and gesture her to let Hawoon came..... Hawoon came in and bowed to her politely and said," take my greetings, Your highness..... I hope you are well..."

Queen dowager hummed and said," I have to be or someone will try to take my throne..... But I wonder Hawoon, when you are Taehyung's concubine but why you are in King's bedroom??"

Queen dowager didn't waste anytime as hearing that hawoon's blood run cold...... Queen has learned everything about her from Erunch Bae as this secret isn't hidden to her ..... After all, her spies has eagle's eyes on everything.....

Hawoon just immediately kneeled down on the floor and said," Forgive me your highness....."

Hawoon is afraid of if Taehyung get to know about this then Taehyung won't look at her......tears fall down from her eyes as she can't afford to lose him..... After all, she love him.... Even though she can't confess it but she wants to...... Someone pulled her and make her stand and that is Queen dowager...... She looked at the tears that have fall......

Queen dowager: You are Taehyung favorite, that's why I am still patience to hear from you.... If it would be anyone else she would have died by now..... So, tell me what is it???

And with that Hawoon blurted out everything from her coming here to being Queen Mother puppet..... Everything...... Her crying turned into sobbing as she said," forgive me your highness but I have no other option other than doing this or she would have killed me..... I love prince Taehyung..... I realized it late.... And For that I am so sorry......"

Queen dowager looked at her figure as she found Hawoon a completely broken girl..... Torned apart by the vicious people around her..... She doesn't sympathize her or pity her..... She made her look at her and said," Wipe those tears.... Because this is the last day you will cry... You have came to a mysterious palace.... If you don't think smartly or behave different from others this palace will swallow you...... "

Hawoon wiped off her tears and look at queen Dowager..... " Kein, help her to fix.... We are going to harem..... Ceremony has started....."

And with that Kein took Hawoon to help her as Queen dowager thought of teaching her as she is perfect for Taehyung just need to polish her a little bit to stand beside him like a Queen.....


In Harem

Queen dowager is walking towards the Harem as behind her Kein and Hawoon is coming with her...... Kein has helped her and for that Hawoon is greatful...... The door opened of the harem..... Hawoon saw this kind of celebration for the first time in her life..... It's completely different and magical.......

Harem girls are dancing and singing looking so happy as maids are serving different foods and drinks as on the end of the room, Queen Mother is sitting in her throne and beside her Queen Ji-Ha and on the other side, The other princes mother are sitting.....

Everything in this palace is magical and completely different from what she had known..... Kein saw Hawoon expression and said," This is the real Harem..... A place of magical illusion.... You can get lost into it ......"

The center throne is vacant for Queen Dowager as as she went there and sit on it..... Everyone has stopped dancing and bowed to her and again started the celebration... Hawoon was about to go to where Sei wei is sitting but Queen dowager said," Hawoon, sit beside Queen Ji-Ha....."

And that caused a little surprise for Ji-Ha as why she would sit in here..... She isn't a royal member of a family.... Queen Mother is equally surprised by hearing this..... But no one question as she sit slowly beside Ji-Ha and just then prince Jihoon came smiling and sit on Hawoon lap making Ji-Ha eyes widened..... She realized something just then the new caretaker of her son is none other than her...... That snake has gone to her child after trying to go near her husband...... Anger rushed into her as she really wants to take Jihoon from her lap but because of everyone being here she couldn't...... Queen dowager looked at Hawoon and Jihoon as she understood that this little prince is also whipped by her..... A small smirk came as queen Dowager said," Looks like you can take care of children very well, Hawoon......you will definitely going to be good mother to your children..."

She said trying to instigate Ji-Ha and queen mother as both of them don't care about motherhood for them it's just power...... Ji-Ha gritted her teeth as she called her handmaiden and told her to take Jihoon to room..... Jihoon doesn't want to go but Hawoon said she will come tomorrow early to play with her.....

And just then the door opened with a new girl and behind her a another girl..... She came towards Them and bowed to them.....

" Greetings, your highness.... I am Harin, prince hoseok favorite.....," Harin said smiling but soon her smile faded seeing the person beside...... On the other side, Hawoon just frozen on her spot as her eyes are teary seeing her lost little sister after so many days........ Before Harin could say something, Hawoon said," Greetings... I am Hawoon.... Prince Taehyung favorite... Nice to meet you...."

The night is indeed a joyful place in harem but just like the black clouds that are roaming around the moon to cover it, the happiness will soon turned into sadness.....



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Hi...... Welcome back with new chapter!!! Already started!!!!! The next chapter will be rollercoaster ride.... Finally Harin and Hawoon meet.... Now another sibling left...... Hope you will enjoy!!!!!!

SARANGHAE ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

BORAHAE 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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