27: Cloud Of Darkness

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2 Years Later.........

Author pov

Time.... Time is a thing that waits for none..... Time teaches you so many things.... And with time people changes and so does their behavior..... Also their faces and ability..... The Korean dynasty is going through a very hard time...... The dark clouds has surrounded over the whole dynasty...... The whole Korea is passing through a hard life and times that anyone has ever witnessed...... A rare disease has spread out all over the Korea and the Royal Palace has no indifferent to it....... People are starving and have less food in the time of winter...... They need warm clothes and also food to survive but they don't have neither of those things...... They are suffering.... So, What's the king is doing???? What he is doing for his kingdom????? The Question arises..... Because the question are easy to arise... But what about the answer???? Before being a king, He is a son, someone's husband, Someone's brother, he is a father...... And A father's heart is bleeding with pain.... Pain for his son who is diagnosed by that rare disease..... The king is praying for his son and saying to God to save his son who is sleeping on the bed with high fever..... Physicians are treating him but it's not working....... He is looking through the window where his son is sleeping with his sad eyes...... Someone came beside him as she put her hands on his shoulder and said," He is the heir of Kim dynasty!!!! The dynasty of mighty warriors..... Blood of a fighter runs in your blood, Seokjin..... Nothing will happen to Jihoon......"

Queen dowager said as she also looked through the window where the great grandson is fighting with this disease....... Seokjin slowly asked," how is Taehyung??? What has Physician said??? He didn't wake up for 2 days..... The disease has affected him....."

He asked as Queen dowager let out a sigh and said," Physician has lose their hope....... They think he won't survive...... However, Hawoon didn't believe a single bit of their words and barged into the chamber and taking care of him since then....... "

She said as she still remember that night when the physicians has informed that Taehyung won't survive and that made Hawoon crazy..... She didn't care about her and went inside the room despite of the restrictions of not entering the room as the disease spread with touches......

" What about her daughter, Taeyeong???That child is only 1 years old.... She needs mother's milk...... ", Seokjin asked looking at queen Dowager with concern as Hawoon has given birth to a beautiful baby girl which definitely made some Royal members unhappy but not to Taehyung...... Taehyung loves his child either it's girl or boy...... For him, It's his and Hawoon's hope....

Queen dowager: Maids are taking care of the child and Hawoon's handmaiden, Ae-jin is taking care of her and besides, nanny are there to feed them milk...... You don't have to worry about it..... She is with me in my chamber, till Taehyung and Hawoon recovers, she will be with me.... You can be rest assured....

Seokjin hopes that their family recovers from that disease........


In Taehyung's chamber

The cold wind is coming through the window as the two person who is laying down in the bed, one is sleeping and another is laying down on that person's body tightly hugged him to make sure no one separate them.......

" Taehyung, are you listening?", Hawoon slowly whisper that only Taehyung can hear..... Taehyung's body is hot because of fever and his whole body has turned into red marks because of the disease.... Hawoon hugged his warm body looking at nowhere as she started to speak again.....

Hawoon: Why aren't you opening your eyes??? Me and Taeyeong is missing you..... I miss you a lot....... You don't look good while sleeping and I don't like this.... You don't talk, you don't come to me and shower me with kisses ...... I miss this...... If you go away from me, I will also go with you... You can't get rid of me!!!!!

She said as tears fall down from her eyes.....Pain .... She is feeling pain .... The pain of separation is so hard for her that she doesn't hesitate to jump into it...... She can't live without Taehyung...... In this 2 years, the relationship between taehyung and Hawoon bloossmed in a very beautiful way...... She was upset when she give birth to a baby girl as if the heir doesn't a son, You will lose your respect as a concubine....... She thought Taehyung won't like her or love her anymore as she give birth to a baby girl..... But Taehyung has proved her wrong..... Taehyung's love for her didn't less a bit instead, taehyung loved her and her daughter more than anything....... Hawoon finally understood that she has found a right person in her life..... The prince charming for whom she was waiting.....

Hawoon: please, come back Taehyung.... Please open your eyes.... Prove them wrong that you won't leave us like this.... You said you want seven children and we have only one.... we still have six to come and live a happy life together.....You have promised.....

She whispered as her tears didn't stop falling.....


In Gwanju Royal Palace

Harin slowly caressed her son face as she has given birth few months ago...... After Hawoon, she has also got pregnant with Hoseok's child which was very good news for Hoseok's family side..... From concubine, she became a companion on Hoseok's life...... And giving a birth of baby boy is the best for Harin to get into royal family...... As she will be now treated as a prince Mother..... She has given a heir to Korean dynasty....... The door opened reavealing hoseok who came inside the room with a happy smile..... He looked at his son with admiration as Harin bowed to him and said," Are you fine, chief???"

Hoseok: your habit didn't stopped..... Call me hoseok..... How is my Hosu doing????

He asked as Harin said," he is doing well, h. Hoseok..... Did you get any news from Seoul Royal Palace??? How is Unnie doing??? Is prince Taehyung has opened his eyes???? "

She asked as hoseok said," he didn't and Hawoon is doing well..... But the situation in Seoul is quite bad..... People are dying not only because of disease but also from hunger and this cold Winter..... We have sent some sacks grains and food supply in Seoul....."

Harin is sad hearing that.... Harin has told hoseok about Hawoon being her sister as Harin don't hide anything from Hoseok.....

Harin: I hope, Unnie is doing well......

She sighed as she is helpless in this situation and she can't travel to Seoul as the borders are closed because of this disease....


Palace of Tears, Daejeon

The royal carriage has stopped in front of the gate of the most old palace of royal family.... This palace holds the memories of painful cry and screams of those slaves and concubines who was sent after they aren't anymore used to king and the royal family..... The name of the palace is unique itself as it holds those unknown tears that never reached into the royal palace of Seoul....... A man entered into the palace with Hood as he was sent to deliver this news to someone very important who is living in this palace of Tears......

He went to a specific chamber as he slowly bowed and said," King Seokjin has sent a letter for you, Ji-Ha......"

" Queen.... Queen Ji-Ha.... I am still a queen, Yoongi......", Ji-Ha said turning around and looked at the person with glaring eyes who wasn't a bit of scared at her ........

Yoongi scowled hearing her talk..... He give her the letter and she took it and read it...... Yoongi knows what is written in the letter..... Suddenly Ji-Ha started to laugh maniacly making Yoongi look at her with disbelief.....

Yoongi: how cruel you are!!!! Your son is dying and you!!! You are laughing!!!!!

Hearing the shouting sound, Ji-Ha handmaiden came into the room hurriedly as Ji-Ha can't stop laughing......

Ji-Ha: Prepare for the departure..... I am going back to Seoul..... My palace.... To my throne and to my family.......

Yoongi just looked away not believing this nonsense... He is glad that he didn't marry her...... But at the same time, he is sad for his hyung who got trapped by this woman.....


Queen Mother is sitting in her new chamber balcony as she was house arrest to the another part of the palace that is called Hidden Souls...... It's been two years since she hasn't come out from the room....... But today, it's different..... Because this is her last day in this part of the palace....... She will be able to walk freely again..... From the raising of new sun, she will also rise......


Princess Jieun is playing the music instrument in her chamber as she was released from her House arrest but she was probihited to enter into the main royal chambers...... So, she spend most of her time in practicing music....... But she didn't know that someone has been listening to her music in secret as he has liked her in the first glance..... A secret admirer has knocked on the Princess door with a new hope and new light in her life.......



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And happy New Year 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉...... I hope you will like the chapter!!!! And ready for surprise!!!!! Something will drop soon..... And did you know!!!!!!

Lee jong suk and IU are dating!!!! My kdrama crush who I have been fangirling over 5 years and IU Unnie from Moon lovers..... The biggest news of 2023 couple!!! Leelee couple!!! Cute!!!!!!

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