49: The Brutality For The Throne

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Namjoon pov

My name is Kim Namjoon..... I was born in Ilsan, a province of Seoul kingdom...... My father, king Hwang Won has ascended on the throne of Seoul kingdom and started to rule the Great Korea.....I am the second child of my mother..... I was 4 years old when I came to capital city of Seoul with my elder brother, Kim Seokjin...... Since I thought my father has ascend the throne, there would be festival..... Or that's at least I thought.....

I walked into the Harem of Seoul Royal Palace for the first time and what I saw made my heart sank..... The women of Harem are crying their heart out because of the loss of their husbands and their children...... the atmosphere around the whole palace is gloomy and the painful cries of their made me sad....... My mother was pregnant with Taehyung that time, so she didn't have time for me to comfort me or tell me what is happening..... But slowly I understood everything......

The next day, Father has ordered me and my brother, Seokjin to went to the Tower of Justice..... Because he wanted to show us something......

Me and my brother climbed up on the stairs of tower as my brother, Seokjin was only 8 years old that time...... But whenever, I had any trouble he would always show his support on me.... Even if it was helping me to climb those stairs to help me to train in sword practice......

We both looked at the outside of the palace through the small holes that is designed on the tower walls......

We saw the coffins are getting out from the palace and who was sleeping in those coffins??? My father's step brothers and their children.... Everyone was killed by my father's hand to secure the throne..... He assured that his dynasty goes to his generation..... And for that he killed his own brothers..... Tears fall down from my eyes without any realizations..... But one thing I understood, in near future, we had to ascend on the throne and for that we have to kill each other......

Seokjin hyung saw I am crying.... He immediately hugged me and said," I.... I.... won't do that..... I won't do that to my little brother.... I won't kill you for the throne.... I won't became like my father.... "

He indeed kept his promise to me..... And with everyone.... But I was unable to do that.....


Namjoon sit on his throne as it's been three days since the whole thing happened..... In this three days so many things happened in the palace that shook the palace to the core..... After putting Taehyung on jail, Namjoon killed all of those Ministers who are with Queen Mother....... All of those servants who worked for Queen Mother and the girls who are loyal to Queen Mother lost their lives.... They're all executed by Namjoon's orders...... He has given order to House-Arrest Queen dowager and Queen Mother in their chamber...... He has put Hawoon's children on House-Arrest too but far from the palace.... Only Namjoon knows where Taehyung children are.....

The News of this spread around the whole kingdom in a Swift time..... The other princely states....... Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi and Ji-eun has put defense barriers around their state borders to protect their kingdom......They can't cut off the trade business with Seoul because of Namjoon's treat they're depended on Seoul kingdom financially......

But everyone is present today in the royal court..... And the old ministers are replaced by new ones who Namjoon himself selected...... They've talked about this as Namjoon assured that it won't affect any other states.... Because it's because to reduce the influence of Queen Mother from the kingdom...... After all the ministers and few states kings left from the throne room leaving king Namjoon with his other brothers and sister.......

Yoongi is glaring at Namjoon..... After all, he has the right to do that as a elder of him...... Namjoon can feel the radiating aura of Yoongi but he didn't say anything because he wants them to start the conversation......

Hoseok: Where's Taehyung????

Hoseok asked even though he knew the answer.... Namjoon has forbidden everyone to meet Taehyung.....

Namjoon: isn't that obvious to where he would be??? He is in jail if that's what you all want to know...... And I won't give permission to anyone meet him...... And I will decide what I am going to do with him......

He said as yoongi couldn't handle this anymore and was about to go near namjoon but the guards step ahead of Namjoon not letting yoongi to go near him.....


He shouted at him in anger as this thing that Seokjin was more afraid of... He was afraid if he ever died, brothers will fight against each other throat for the throne..... And that's the reason, he changed the blood law to secure his brothers from getting killed.... But everything is going downhill because of Namjoon.......

Namjoon gesture those guards to move as they moved giving path to Namjoon to went near Yoongi.... He stand in front of Yoongi looking into his eyes that is holding nothing but hatred.....

Namjoon: Do you know why I am doing this??? How would you know, because you never sit on it..... You don't know anything.... Mother never loved us!!!! She loved this throne.... She ruled the kingdoms when father was spending nights on Harem..... After father's death, she made Seokjin hyung her puppet and tried to rule the kingdom... And after his death, she tried to do the same..... She has planned a assassination attempt on me..... She wants to put Taehyung on the throne because she can't control me anymore and I don't want to die, Yoongi..... I will kill Taehyung if I have to save myself..... And I don't care about the blood law anymore..... Because after me, it's Taehyung who has the ability to step on this throne..... But I won't let him do that!!!! I won't let anyone to do that!!!!!!

Namjoon words are quite harsh and heavy blow for others...... They know the struggle of this throne.... They all know..... But inside, namjoon is afraid.... He is afraid to die......

Jimin: but you still can't do that!!!! He is your little brother, hyung.... Your biological brother......

Jimin tried to make this thing understand to Namjoon but Namjoon didn't listen to any of it......

" I am a king!!!! I can do it!!! Father did that too..... To secure his position, he killed his brothers and their children.... Because that's the law!!!! Seokjin hyung tried to change this but what happened, he died...... But I won't!!!!", Namjoon said as he turned around and was about to leave the throne room just then Ji-eun asked something that made Namjoon's behavior changed into 360 turns......

" Where's Hawoon???? And what about Taehyung children???", Ji-eun asked as this time hoseok look at Namjoon......

Namjoon: That's none of your business, Ji-eun..... Wherever she would be doesn't concern you..... And about Taehyung children, I will kill his children by my own hands.... Even Taehyung won't be speared!!!!!

And with that he Left from there leaving everyone.......

Yoongi punched the wall in anger as blood is pouring out from his kunckles.....

Yoongi: We have to save Taehyung..... I told you all, we should be start the rebellion against Namjoon..... We should have overthrow him..... He is ruling the kingdom with no goods!!! We are trapped by his vicious plans!!!!He controls our army, our Treasury, our every trades..... Last year, one third of the died in famine because of Namjoon's poor decisions.....

Whatever yoongi said is right!!!! The kingdom is falling off..... General people are not happy.... The taxes are too much and Namjoon's few decisions are not going well with the kingdom......

Jimin: Don't you think, he has given us a warning by Taehyung's arrest???? He knows everything..... He is a smart hyung..... He has his spies everywhere.... If he do something right now, we will be killed too.....

Yoongi sighed frustratedly as he said," Then we left taehyung just like that??? Maybe you can... But I can't!!!! I have promised to Jin Hyung.... And I will fulfill it anyhow.... Even it means to be killed by namjoon then so be it....."

Amid all of this choas, Jungkook just listen everything.... He is not either their side or Namjoon's side.... But obviously, it would benefit him if Taehyung died..... He will be able to take Hawoon.... But the main question is, Where's Hawoon???


In Black Ink , Seoul Royal Palace

Hawoon is sitting on the floor hugging her knees as her legs are chained up with steel shackles on her one leg...... She was placed in this room in blank ink, Namjoon's personal Area in the palace.....

She heard the door opening sounds but didn't bother to look up because she knows who it would be......

Namjoon look at Hawoon who is looking away from him as his eyes went on the plate of food that remained untouched.....

Namjoon: starving won't help you to get out of here, my little Dove......

Hawoon still didn't look up at him.... And that is irritating Namjoon..... How dare of her to ignore him!!!!!

Hawoon: Where's my children??? Where's Taehyung????

And that's the only thing she asked whenever he tried to talk to her.....

Namjoon: all you talk about Taehyung taehyung Taehyung!!! What is up with Taehyung huh!!!! *Grab hawoon's shoulder to make her look at him* What is in taehyung that I lack!!! Tell me, Hawoon!!!!!!

Looking into Namjoon's eyes, she replied with utmost hatred," He loves me!!! He loves me with his whole heart..... He doesn't want my body... He wants my heart!!! You, Jungkook all of you want my body.... Your eyes are filled with lust whereas I find only Love in Taehyung's eyes.....He values me... He treat me like a normal ordinary woman.... Whereas you used girls to pleasure yourself!!! You just loved Their body!!! You love to use them!!! But Taehyung never did that to me!!!! He cares about me!!! He cares about our future!!! He care about our children!!! And most importantly, I care about him!!!! I love him with my whole heart!!!! I won't be yours!!!!! Even if you have my body, you won't have my heart!!!! "

Namjoon hold her chin tightly with his hand and kissed her lips roughly whereas Hawoon is trying to push him away from her..... In between the kiss, he said," You are mine!!! Just mine!!! Little Dove!!!!!"


In Palace Prison

Taehyung is chained up to the wall as his wounds are patched up by the physician...... He is looking at the only source of light that is coming down from outside the prison as his minds are completely occupied by hawoon's and his children thoughts.....

Taehyung know he might be killed soon by namjoon..... The nightmare that Seokjin has saved him and others is started to hunting again.....His son would be killed too.....

As his minds are filling up with negative thoughts just then he heard some shuffling sound from his prison door.... The cell opened reavealing a woman in black clove on her head not letting Taehyung see her face.....

" taehyung, my handsome son....", She whispered as Taehyung eyes widened hearing that...... She pulled off her clove and saw his mother......

History of Royalty is Brutal!!!!!

It's filled with nothing but bloodsheds!!!!!

And Everywhere This power Struggles Continues!!!!!!!






Hi!!! How are you??? I guess so many things are confusing in here!!!! Well for now it will be like that!!!!! And if you want me to give you regular updates please vote a lot and comment because it motivates me to write more beautiful Chapters in future!!!!!

So, what do you think what will happen??? Ay guess??? Drop your thoughts!!!!

I am going to die for this man!!!!


LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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