51: A Mere Encounter Of Past

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In Black Ink, Seoul Royal Palace

Hawoon's pov

In this mournful dark room, where king Namjoon has kept me on captive, my body is laying down on the soft silk cushion bed where maids of him are changing my clothes..... My mind is completely blank as my body too weak to move...... No, he didn't force himself on me and I will never let him do that..... I am not eating anything or any foods or fruits that is coming here for me..... I can't trust in it..... What if they put something on it and with that he took advantage of me...... I don't think I have the energy to run or do anything.......

The maids are done with their work as everyone left but one of them stayed in here....... That maid slowly put off her veil and look at me with pitiful eyes.......

" You have to eat lady Hawoon or we won't be able to get you out.....", The maid said as she took a bowl of soup and take a spoonful of it and tried to make me it but I kept my mouth on the other side..... She sighed and said," I am not your enemy, lady Hawoon..... I was told to keep you better..... Queen dowager will get you out..... You have to get out.... You have to be strong again..... You have to fight..... I never saw you that helpless..... Please eat it.... Not for you, but for prince Taehyung and your children.... "

Hearing Taehyung and her children name, she slowly look at the maid and with her shaky voice she asked," H-how how can c-can I -i- I be- beli- believe in you???"

The maids smiled hearing that as she replied," my name is Hyu-Sua..... I am from china..... I am in king Namjoon's Harem placed by Queen dowager..... But more than that, I am Sei wei accomplice..... I am here because of her.... And she wants you to get out of here more than the Queen dowager wants.... And I know you will believe in her..... She is your friend... Please eat this and be healthy so that I can help you to get out of here....."

She said as Hawoon thought for a while as she finally opened her mouth and Hyu-Sua helped her to eat the soup.... After finishing her meal, Hyu-Sua get up from the bed and put on the veil on her face and was about to get out just then the door opened with a thud reavealing king Kim Namjoon who takes fast steps and entered into the room...... Hyu-Sua bowed a little bit and get out of here quickly leaving them alone...... The door got closed as Namjoon looked at Hawoon with his narrow eyes as Hawoon is looking at him too........

Namjoon jumped on the bed making Hawoon flinched as he straight went to Hawoon and grabbed her throat and started to chocking her.......

Namjoon: where's Taehyung, Hawoon???

He asked this question to Hawoon as he started to put pressure on her throat almost making her chocked on her own breath......

" I...I don't.... know..... Yo...you... have...taken...hi....to.... prison.....?!", Hawoon uttered those words clearly confused why namjoon is asking this....... Namjoon calmed down a little hearing that question as he pulled out his hands from her throat as Hawoon started to cough trying to get some air...... Tears are almost visible on her eyes as she is breathing heavily..... Namjoon's eyes slowly went on her body as she is wearing a beautiful black hanbok..... Her hands and neck are chained up to the bedroom headboard ........ His eyes then went on her throat where Namjoon's fingerprints marks are visible as he chocked her ..... Namjoon's eyes are filled with lust as thinking of if he sucked her soft pale skin and give a hickey how beautiful it will look on her...... He put his hand on her cheek as his thumb went on her lips slowly caressing her quivering lips that are shivering in fear...... Her eyes hold nothing but fear for him.... Hawoon is careful around namjoon..... He has Taehyung and their children..... If one of her slightest mistake will make all of this three lives on danger......

Namjoon: why don't you become my wife??? I will get rid of So Ryun just marry me.... I will take care of you like no one can ever do..... I will save you from those lustful gaze of everyone.... I will give you everything.... A worthy title of Queen, A respectful position on Harem, so many luxurious things that no one has in this palace.... Jewelries to expensive clothing, diamonds, Ruby to Gold everything..... All you have to do is Yes your majesty, I want you.... Say it , Hawoon.... I know deep down women like you love to live on this things......

Hawoon is feeling nothing but disgusted and shameful hearing those sinful words of Namjoon...... How much people can be selfish that to satisfy their desires they will go to any extent...... Hawoon wants to scream at him with top of her lungs and wants to say so many things.... But she is bearing all of this just for them.......

Hawoon: I don't care about those things you have just suggested me to give..... Taehyung has already showered me with the things more than you can give..... I was never left out with anything...... You just want to satisfy your desires and your ego just by marrying me..... You just see me as a thing that you want to win......

That's the only thing she said as she has more to say in her mind..... Namjoon didn't care about So Ryun at all.... For her, he will get rid of So Ryun... One day when he will find someone else , namjoon will do the same thing..... If needed, he will get rid of Hawoon too.....


And with that Namjoon left from the room leaving Hawoon as Hawoon thought about his words..... Taehyung has escaped...... She can only pray to God not to get taehyung in Namjoon's hands....... Hope wherever he will be please be fine.......


In Daegu, Min Royal Palace

One of the chamber of Daegu palace, Yoongi's mother is chanting something as right now no one is allowed to enter into her room.... Not even Yoongi himself......

Yoongi's mother always has beloved in Black magic and she always worships the devil which isn't unknown to Queen Mother and Queen dowager...... And that's the reason, Queen Mother was always careful and cautious around her....... Even though that's time when Yoongi was almost going to get killed because of blood law, she has tried to overthrow Seokjin but Seokjin made a peace with her to make sure no matter what happens he will never kill Yoongi and any of his brothers..... But right now, the situation is worse just like that time...... Namjoon will kill Taehyung and after him, he will come around the others..... And she will never let that happen...... She can't bear this ...... Because this time not only yoongi but her grandchildren will die too.......

Outside yoongi's Mother chamber, Sei wei has came to meet her but the maids has said that Yoongi's mother has forbidden everyone to get into the chamber right now....... She sighed as she looked around and look at the maid for a moment as one of the maid slowly pulled out something from her sleeve and give a small letter to Sei wei..... She took that went away from there as she is walking, she opened the letter which was written.......


"She Believed Me..... We are going to execute the plan in 3 days...."

- Hail to Chinese Empire,
Commander Sei wei


Sei wei is satisfied as she burnt the letter on the latnern that is hanging on the wall...... And went to yoongi's chamber and told the guards to tell to tell him his concubine, Sei wei is here......

After few minutes, the door opened as Sei wei went inside and bow to Yoongi...... Yoongi boringly look at her.....

Yoongi: what do you want, Sei wei????

She was about to say something but got interrupted when yoongi's right hand man, Soobin came hurriedly and now to Yoongi..... Yoongi look at Soobin with confusion as Soobin said," Your highness, prince Kim Taehyung is here in Daegu..... He... He wants to meet you....."

Soobin moved aside as Taehyung entered into the room as Yoongi is so shocked seeing him..... Yoongi looked at Taehyung's condition...... His face was so many cuts and blood is spread everywhere in his dress...... Sei wei is shocked seeing Taehyung in here..... How did he came out.....

Taehyung: Yoongi hyung..... I am seeking for shelter.....

Yoongi immediately hugged Taehyung as he can't be more happy than that...... He pulled out as he looked at Sei wei who is still in shock.... Yoongi coughed a little bit to gain his attention as she finally get out of her imagination and said," I am sending the royal physician right now to treat prince Taehyung wounds!!!!"

And with that she left from there......

Yoongi: how did you manage to get out??? It's two days already.... Where have you been in this two days, taehyung???? Namjoon has spread out his armies to search for you already....

He knew taehyung has escaped from the prison and Namjoon has told him he will conduct his search in Daegu to find taehyung which Yoongi didn't granted...... Same with Hoseok too..... Yoongi made him sit on the chair as yoongi too sit down and look at Taehyung.....

Taehyung: I killed everyone who are guarding on the prison..... I get out from the palace through the secret doors that are made by our grandfather during the war... No one knows about those doors except for me and mother..... I took the way of the dark forest of Daegu north side to reach here.... That's why it took two days..... I can't let Namjoon know about my paths.... Yoongi hyung, we don't have good relationship between us but right now all I just want is to stay here for a time being..... I have to go to Seoul kingdom..... My Hawoon and childrens are in there.... I can't leave them in Namjoon's hands.......

He said as his eyes shows desperation as he has so many things going on his mind..... He knew namjoon would vent out his anger on Hawoon and his children..... He also knows he can't attack namjoon like that.... It will get him killed...... He needed to make his moves slowly and steadily......

Yoongi nodded as he called the maids and told them to prepare room for Taehyung and on the same time, the royal physician came to treat his wounds.......

Yoongi looked at Soobin and ordered," Break all kinds of trades and signings with Seoul and close the border and put a patron of army on the all side of Daegu and make sure not a single person entered into Daegu from Seoul kingdom...... And Write a letter to hoseok and send it with our spy .... Taehyung being here should be stayed in this four walls of my palace..... Kill anyone who you will find suspecious......"


In Busan

Jimin looked at the pink shade binyeo that is right now in his hands as his memories went on that time where he first personally encounter with Hawoon.....

[ Flashback ]

It's three years after Namjoon's coronation..... He has seated on the throne and started to perform his duties and Taehyung was busy that time with Namjoon..... So, Hawoon has came to visit Busan to see her aunt who was pregnant with Jimin's child that time.... It's was Nari's second pregnancy..... When she first got pregnant, the child died on her womb...... She knew how painful it is...... So, she has came to support her by staying beside her.......

On one afternoon, Hawoon has gotten out to tour around the Busan palace...... She came to the place where Jimin likes.... And that time Jimin just arrived on that spectacular part of his garden and saw Hawoon who is talking with the Gardener about those flowers......

He won't give her attention only if he didn't saw Hawoon sitting next to the Gardener and started to talk and laughing about the random things......

Sometimes doing normal things can give you the attention of others....... She is just talking with the Gardener which isn't allowed to do by a concubine..... Being a concubine of a prince, you have so many rules to follow.....

▫️ You aren't allowed to talk and laugh loudly...

▫️ You can't talk to the person who is lower than your rank.....

▫️ You always have to stay in harem.....

▫️ No connection with the outside world of the palace......

You are just here to please the princes and the king.....

But Hawoon never follow those rules.... Because Taehyung never said this to her.... Taehyung himself sometimes talks to common people and try to understand their sufferings and happiness.... Which Hawoon has also learned from Taehyung..... They don't differentiate between people who are their subjects......

Jimin saw Hawoon pulled out her binyeo from her hair and give it to that old Gardener which the Gardener hesitating to take.... But Hawoon is stubborn..... She give it to him and said something and leave from there as in his way, she got to meet prince Jimin as she bowed to him and said," Greetings,Your highness!!!! "

Jimin: I saw you talking with that Gardener.... You don't know the concubine rules.... You aren't allowed to talk Lady Hawoon.....

Hearing that Hawoon smiled and said," I am Kim Taehyung concubine, your highness.... And I was taught not to obey every rules like a slave..... He, himself forbid me to do that.... And more than that I like talking to people.... It's boring to stay in Harem...... And he is a great listener.... His granddaughter is sick and for that I give him the biniyeo and tell him to sell it in the Market..... He will get enough money to treat his granddaughter..... Sometimes, helping people can make you a good ruler, your highness....."

She said as she bowed to Jimin and went away from there leaving Jimin alone with his Erunch ..... Jimin looked at the Gardener with piercing gaze and thought about hawoon's words.......

Jimin: Beauty with Brains..... Taehyung is lucky to have her.....

That Gardener also went away as Jimin's eyes didn't leave that figure.......

Jimin: Execute That Gardener And Take That Biniyeo From Him!!!!!!

He ordered as the Erunch bowed to him and went away from there leaving him alone with Jimin's restless thoughts.....

[ Flashback End ]

[ Present ]

That small encounter would led him to look after Hawoon like this he never thought..... He don't have any sort of lustful desire for her.... More than that he likes her intelligence...... He likes how she tries to be herself when other wants to do anything to please others, Hawoon do what she likes to do.... Which is her charm that makes Jimin pull closer to her......

Jimin didn't realize someone has entered into his room and looking at Jimin who is holding that biniyeo in his hands and looking lost......

" Your highness is kinda lost this days.... Are you thinking about prince Taehyung, your highness???, Nari asked as she is taking walk with her son, park Ji Bum.....

Jimin looked around and saw Nari and his son who is in Nari's lap..... But Nari's eyes are on that biniyeo on Jimin's hands......

" Sometimes I wish I could be your lover, than be your concubine.....", Nari said as her eyes are on biniyeo..... Jimin ignored her words .... He put that binyeo on the cabinet and took his son on his arms......

Jimin: Be the way you are Nari or I won't hesitate to send you to palace of Tears...... You are my concubine and your only purpose to give me heir..... I hope you won't forget your duties.....

And with that Jimin went to the balcony with Ji Bum as Nari stand there looking extremely hurt by Jimin's words...... It won't be that much hurtful for her if it's not her own niece.......






Hi!!!! How are you???? I hope you are fine!!!!! I hope you will like this chapter!!!!! So many choas will happen which you will like to see..... Taehyung has taken shelter on yoongi's palace.... And give u a little sneak peak of Jimin's back story with Hawoon.....

Comment a lot!!! I know lot of you are silent readers!!! Please vote and comment on this chapter... Your comments motivates me to write more beautiful Chapters!!!!!!

SEE YOU SOON 🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜🔜

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