91: Shadows Of Betrayal

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In Je-Ha's Chamber

Author's POV

Hawoon: So, You want to kill him by doing this?? You want to declare to everyone that Je-Ha is your Son not Taehyung!!! You know Jimin,  what are you trying to do right now is going to kill you Both!!!!

She said those words as Jimin firmly hold hawoon's shoulder as he looked at Hawoon's eyes with madness as he said," Then let me kill Taehyung and save you, Me and Je-Ha all of us from this!!!!! "

Both Jimin and Hawoon looked at each other eyes as the words of Jimin is still ringing on her ear..... Hawoon slowly took few step back as she looked at Jimin with a very Stern face and declared," Get Out Of Here, Prince Park Jimin!!!!! I am banning you To meet Je-Ha!!!!"

Hearing hawoon's words,   Jimin looked at her for a few moment and chuckled bitterly as he suddenly pushed her and pinned her to the nearby wall.... Jimin put both of hawoon's hands above her head as she struggled to get out of Jimin's Strong grip ..... Jimin tightened his grip on her making her whimper as Hawoon finally looked at Jimin who's dark eyes are staring at Hawoon's soul......

Jimin looked at Hawoon dangerously as he is clenching his jaw trying to control his anger not to cause harm to Hawoon... But those words if Hawoon is continuously ringing on his head making him lose his cool.....

Jimin: Je-Ha is my blood!!! He is my flesh... We both created him.... How can you snatch my rights as his father?? I. Said. I. Will. Take. My. Son. When I said, I mean it, Hawoon....   Ànd I am not telling you, I am ordering You....  So, Don't Even Dare To  Disobey Me....

Hawoon heard those each words of Jimin but she didn't look a bit bothered by it, instead, she laughed looking at Jimin..... She came a little closer to Jimin and Said," He might have your blood, But In Harem records, He was named as A Kim Je-Ha... Not Park.... He doesn't hold anything of you.... So, Dare to take him, I won't spare you, Jimin!!!!!"

Jimin let go of her hands as he heard those venomous words of Hawoon that  working as  putting oil on fire , Jimin hold her throat tightly and lifted her a little bit from the floor.... Her legs are floating on the air as she tried to get out of Jimin's Strong grip..... It's really hard for her to breath....

" You think, Taehyung will spare you if he get to know about Je-Ha's identity?? No!!! My Hawoon~ie!!!! I might be able to get out with Je-Ha but you won't be able to.....You are struck with Taehyung... So, I just suggested to kill Taehyung.... For once, think about Je-Ha and Me!!! ", Jimin said those words trying to manipulate hawoon's mind through the sympathy for Je-Ha and him.....

Jimin was about to let go of Hawoon but someone jerked him away making Hawoon fall down on the floor coughing holding her throat.... Before Jimin could recover, he reached a punch on his face as he fall down on the floor spitting blood from his mouth..... Jimin looked up and saw Taehyung who's fuming in anger as the Guards immediately come inside and hold Jimin from the both side.....

Taehyung: Take him to the dungeon!!!!

He said those words looking at Jimin's eyes dangerously as Jimin didn't back up either, he hold the eye contact with Taehyung as he was taken away from there.....

On the other side, Hawoon is still coughing as everything around her started to spinning... The lack of oxygen inside her brain for a moment making her hazy as she fall down unconscious on the floor.... Taehyung looked at Hawoon unconscious figure as unknown rage is glazing on his eyes as he Called out maids.... The maids immediately came in and bowed down to King ....

Taehyung: Take Her To my Chamber!!! And Capture Every Maid , servants and Guards under  Queen's Side  and her subordinates and put them in the dungeon including my Princes and princess  nannies to Handmaiden, Sye-hyun!!!!!

Hawoon was taken away by the Maids as Taehyung saw her disappearing figure as soon as the door closed, A lone tear fall down from Taehyung's eyes.... The Pain of Betrayal is indeed something that he never imagined he would get by Her..... Only Person he truly loves ....


In Gwangju Palace

Author's POV

After a very long time, The feast Room has opened for Jung Hoseok.... Harin has always taken care of her husband's needs as she also understood the traditions of Harem of Royal family..... So,  throughout the years, many Concubines of Hoseok has became pregnant has given birth to children, but none of them are as privileged as Harin's children..... The most favored One of Harin's Son, The one who will take the responsibilities of his father's position is Jung Hosu....  So, Harin wasn't bothered by it, rather she is still waiting for the opportunity... Once, Jung Hoseok dies, Her Son Hosu will be the Head of Gwangju... And killing those children of other concubines is a long going traditions because of the blood Law.....

And finally, She got it ... She love him but not more than her Son... And Moreover, There's some score to settle in With Royal family... How can Harin forgot the separation with her family... And The death of his father isn't unknown to her.... Hawoon's great long Term plan to kill Royal family started from killing Jeon Jungkook..... And the venom of the bitterness slowly reached into Harin's mind too .... Obviously, it's the deed of Hawoon....

But still, The Rules are rules... And with that reason, The fest Room is decorated beautifully for Jung Hoseok's entertainment.....

The curtain of the other room adjecent to  fest room opened revealing a young girl wearing a white clothing bearly covering her whole body.... A Magnificent back was shown to catch the attention of Him.... That young girl tilted her head on the side and looked at Jung Hoseok seductively.....

The alluring beauty of a girl indeed attracted Hoseok..... He moved towards that girl as his fingers linger on her bare back .... But that girl didn't lower down her gaze instead she looked at him intensely.... That girl made Hoseok lay down on the floor as her one leg snakes at the chest of Hoseok....

Hoseok's eyes are full of lust getting excited for the night but only if he knew that he is right now seeing the executioner of his..... That girl hovered over his body as she smashed her lips on him as they're both passionately making out....

Slowly slowly that girl pulled out the knife from her wrist as she pulled out that striked on Hoseok's neck so suddenly as Hoseok looked at that girl with widened eyes.....

" Queen Hawoon has sent her  regards Prince Hoseok...", That girl said with a smirk on her lips.... The blood is oozing out from Hoseok's neck as he tried to hold that girl's neck to kill her but that girl this time stabbed him in the chest making the whole floor bloodied.....

That girl opened the fest room as she saw Late Prince Wife, Harin standing as she looked at the lifeless figure of Hoseok with no remorse.....

Harin: clear up the mess and put Hoseok in his Bedroom..... And get out of the palace girl before sunrise....

The Era of Jung Hoseok ended by the Betrayal of his own wife, The name given by him, Jung Harin..... 


In  Seoul Royal Palace Dungeon

Jimin's POV

I was sitting on the cold floor of dungeon where I saw only prisoners but right now it's me who's the prisoner of this small place... Obviously, it didn't took me that much time to realize that Taehyung get to know everything..... The look in Taehyung's eyes are enough for me to understand.....

But I am worried about my Son, Je-Ha..... I wonder what is happening with him.... Taehyung won't sit back and watch everything.... The anger in his eyes shows he will kill anyone....

As Jimin was so into his thoughts, he didn't realize someone has entered into his cell....

" My Prince, Take My sincere Greetings.... I have come to rescue you ...", That person said making Jimin snap out of his thoughts as he looked up and saw his most trusted spy placed by him in the Seoul Royal Palace.....

Jimin: I can't... My son is still here... How can I leave him in this danger???

He exclaimed those words refusing to run away from here as the spy said," My Prince, The other spies on the palace has already went to take out little prince from the chamber, Don't worry... You will be leaving with your son....."

After that spy assured him he decided to get out of the dungeon.... He looked around and saw the prison Guards are laying down on the floor unconscious.... He get out of the dungeon using a secret tunnel inside the dungeon that leads them to the outside of the palace.....

As soon as Jimin get out of the palace, he saw Je-Ha is one of his spy arm's.... He immediately took him into his arms and gently stroke little boy's head who is in deep sleep because of medication.....

Jimin looked at palace for the one last time as he thought about Hawoon.... He can't take her with him but he will surely come to rescue her from Taehyung.... After all, Jimin has swore on himself, he won't let anything happen to her.... And with that Jimin escaped from the palace along with Je-Ha.....


Hawoon's POV

My head is throbbing in pain as I slowly tried to open up my eyes..... After blinking few times, The hazziness around me subsided , I tried to move my body but a hiss left from my mouth.... My throat is hurting... I touched where it's hurting as a sound of chain jungling was heard making me confused......

I finally paid attention to my surrounding and found myself in a bed laying down as suddenly I felt heavy on my hands.... I looked up and saw my hands are tied up with chains... Not only my hands, but my feet too.... But it's not the secret Chamber than where am I????

I heard the Door of the chamber opened reavealing Taehyung who's eyes Landed on me..... I looked at his eyes that are raging like a erupted volcano..... He walked towards me with his fast steps as he came closer to me, I don't know why I started to feel creeped out by his deadly stare.....

I backed away until my back hit the hardbroad of the bed making me halt my actions as Taehyung hovered over me and put both of his hands on the hardbroad trapping me on his arms.....

Taehyung's piercing gaze isn't something I can't avoid as I was about to ask him where am I but he asked," Do you remember this place, Kim Hawoon???"

Hearing that question, Hawoon looked around the whole chamber but she couldn't pinpoint anything... Seeing Hawoon's clueless expression, Taehyung chuckled bitterly as he said," It's black Ink chamber..... Remember??? It's Namjoon's favorite place where you're taken captive by him...."

Hearing those words from Taehyung's mouth, Hawoon widened her eyes as her mind started to remember those painful and dreadful memories of torture and humiliation..... Seeing Hawoon's pale face, Taehyung hold her chin and made her look at him.... He can see the fear in Hawoon's eyes, Lips are quivering, body is slightly shaking in fear, goosebumps all over her body.....

" Wh...why .. am ..I ...here....???", Hawoon asked as the Question barely came out from her mouth.....

Taehyung ignored her question as he slowly tucked some hair away from her face and touched her lucious lips using his thumb as Taehyung is occupied by his thoughts.....

Taehyung: Is Jimin better than me???

He blurted out those questions making Hawoon shocked..... She froze immediately hearing that question came out from his mouth......

" What?!", Hawoon exclaimed those words in wonder as he looked at Taehyung who's looking at her with dead eyes.... Inside, Taehyung's heart is being ripped apart when he asked that question.....

" Can't you hear me??? I asked Is Jimin better than me??? Is Jimin Better than me in Bed???? Is Jimin that much better than me in bed that you betrayed me and slept with him and have Je-Ha as illegitimate Child????", Taehyung asked those questions as he looked so mad at Hawoon.....

Hawoon felt like the ground has slipped down from her feet.... Taehyung knows...  Taehyung get to everything.... He knows about Je-Ha's real identity.....

" Where's Je-Ha???? WHERE IS JE-HA????", Hawoon started to panic thinking about Je-Ha.... The way Taehyung is angry right now obviously, he might have done something to Je-Ha.....

Taehyung tried his best to control his anger but hearing Hawoon's screaming of Je-Ha's whereabouts unleashed Taehyung's anger..... Taehyung slapped Hawoon for the first time in his life.....  He slapped twice making her lip bleed as he hold Her fistful of hair and made her look at him.....


Tears are threatening to fall down from Taehyung's eyes.... He was beyond angry and heartbroken by Hawoon's Betrayal... The Woman she loved the Most.....

" Let... Me ....go... Let me...go ... T..aehy-", Hawoon wasn't able to finish her sentence as Taehyung slammed her head on the bed and tear off her clothing.....

" IT'S KING FOR YOU!!!! I loved you... And what you did??? You Betrayed me.... You cheat on me with my own brother???? The intensity of my love for you turned into a hatred!!!! It's all your fault... And whatever is going to happen right now is your fault..... The punishment Of your Betrayal, You are Caged In this Black Ink For the rest of your life!!!!! ", Taehyung declared as he took off his clothing and kissed her hungrily biting, Scratching her body..... The Beast is hunting on his prey.....

The whole Chamber was filled with painful Screams and moans as Taehyung didn't show any kind of mercy towards Hawoon.....








Hi!!! I am back again with a new chapter!!!! Hope you will like it!!!!

By the way, So many things are happening??? What do you think, where Jimin has taken Je-Ha with him????

This might be the last update before 20 April of this book!!! Still I am glad to update this much!!!!! Hope you will like it and enjoy this chapter!!!!!

Only 9 Chapters left!!!!!!

Did you like the chapter cover of this last 10 Chapters????

Someone asked, Is the two cover photo one has Jimin and Taehyung together and one has Taehyung only hold a significant meaning or not ???

The answer is: 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐 Wait till upcoming Chapters!!!

And about Hawoon being a dick, Cheater, Negative character, Greedy woman - I never created any saint character in my life.... And I loved those comments because it's not always men who cheat... Woman do cheat too....

And one of you commented - how can Hawoon slept with her aunt's husband???

The answer is - Jimin never married Nari... She is concubine who just here to bear a heir for Jimin... Jimin doesn't have any kind of love towards her.... And you can asked the same question about Jimin too .. how can Jimin slept with his concubine's niece??? We really love to blame woman on everything.... It's woman fault this and that!!!! Why we never said it's men fault too .. the girl isn't the only one who agreed, The boy's side has consented too..... What a hypocrisy!!!

I am just showing you all the dynamics of it ... We live in a certain rules made by the society.... Get out of society thoughts and you will understand what's going on.....

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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