99: Twilight Of A Dynasty: Wrath, War And The Fall

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In Secret Chamber

Taehyung's POV

I am looking at my Queen who is glowing like a moon after she was bathed again in the chemical Herbs made by special Physicians that I brought them from overseas, The Land of Desert..... Basically, I paid a very heavy amount of money on them as they're the only ones who knows how to preserve a dead body.... The Chains around their neck , hand and feet and years of abuse actually made them to do anything I desired..... The information of them I got from non other than , The Shaman itself..... The world Is itself hold so many mysteries..... And We, Humans, The Vicious species of the world will make sure to know and learn all of it......

I caressed her cold pale hands as I put rings on her slender soft fingers ..... I combed her hair and put different sorts of hairpins and ornaments on her hair..... I made her wear the beautiful Red clothing as I slowly caressing her face...... She looks exactly like the first time I met her in the Fest Room...

Taehyung: I love you, My Dear  Queen... I have to go to Royal court..... I am eager to meet Jimin's Son... I wonder how he looks like now.... If he looked anything like you, I will not kill him, I swear on Holy God.... But if He looked even a inch like Jimin, I am gonna kill him in front of you very brutally.....

He gritted his teeth while he said those last words as he kissed her forehead and wore his Crown on his head and looked at himself in the mirror..... Taehyung can feel the temperature of the secret chamber has dropped a bit as he darkly chuckled and said," Ah~ I Guess, My Queen is angry because I mentioned to kill ....."

He started to laugh as Taehyung's Maniac laughing echoed on the whole chamber..... Just then, The mirror broke in front of Taehyung......

He stopped laughing  instantly as he looked around the room with his dark Menacing Gaze and shouted," SO THIS IS HOW YOU WILL REBEL AGAINST ME?!!!! ME?! TO YOUR KING?! "

In full of anger, Taehyung shaked her  dead body violently and cupped Hawoon's pale cold face and looked at it with great intensity and said," Whatever you will try to do , nothing will work, My Queen..... Even your anger can't save Je-Ha from my Wrath..... I will make sure to torment him till the end of his life..... He will breath but I will take away the reason of his breathing......"

Just then the door of the secret chamber got opened reavealing, Min linage who's now The Head of The War Commander and The Main Advisor of King..... He bowed down a little bit and said," She is here, Your Majesty.... "

Hearing that Taehyung grinned and looked at the lifeless body of Hawoon and said," Your Daughter-in-law in here, Hawoon..... Let's greet her .... Oh~ Sorry, You can't.... Because you are not allowed to go out of this chamber.... I am so sorry, My Lovely Wife.... But Soon, I will take her in here to meet you.... "

And with that Taehyung kissed the palm of her cold hand and took the crown of King from the side table and wore it...... On the other side, Yoongi looked so uncomfortable being here.... As they both went away leaving everything inside the secret chamber has started to move in Air.....  Hawoon's Soul looked at her mummified dead boy that was protected by a strong dark spell so that she can't go near her body or try anything to destroy or harm her body......


In Black Ink Chamber

Author's POV

The Seoul Royal Palace was eerily quiet as Ri-on slowly regained her consciousness..... She found herself lying on a warm , cozy Bed in a dimly lit room..... Her head throbbed as she tried to remember what had happened..... The last thing she recalled was Je-Ha was leaving for a crucial Meeting on Jeju island to his uncle, Her mother's Youngest Brother, Choi Yeonjun who is right now is a Governor Head of Jeju Island......

Je-Ha has entrusted Ri-on's safety to his loyal servants.... But the sudden attack on their inhabitant has made her taken aback..... Those servants had been killed and she had been struck from behind, knocking her unconscious.....

As Ri-on's senses returned, panic set in...... She stumbled to her feet and rushed to the door, pounding on it frantically.....

" Help!!! Is Anyone there? ", Ri-on cried out, Her voice trembling with fear as she was screaming for help, but her cries were swallowed by the oppressive silence......

To Her shock, The door cracked open, revealing a tall, Imposing figure with A Great Clothing and a crown on his head standing on the doorway and behind him, Another man who entered looking at her with no remorse..... The dim light cast deep shadows on his face, but she could see that cold, calculating eyes staring back at her...

Ri-on: Wh... Who are you?!

She demanded answer looking at that man, her voice shaking and with that she added," Where am I???"

The Man stepped into the room, his presence filling this Chamber with Small space with an overwhelming sense of dread....

" I am Kim Taehyung.... The Mighty King of Great Korea....", he said, his voice low and menacing......He moved a little making Ri-on backed away in fear making Taehyung chuckle....

Taehyung: And You, My Dear Daughter-in-law, Are in My Palace..... I hope You liked Warm Welcome from Your Father-in-law.....  Since We will have a meaningful Long discussion regarding Je-Ha......

Ri-on's eyes widened in fear.... She had heard about Him from Je-Ha and how torturous he was to Je-Ha and His mother, The Queen Kim Hawoon..... But She never imagined she would come face-to-face with him.... She instinctively backed away putting hand on her belly, but Taehyung didn't let her go away that easily.... He grabbed her arm , His grip like Iron ....

" And you should be careful how you speak to me, My Dear Daughter-in-law.... Because I hate Disrespectful behavior..... If you're smart enough, You Will stay Quiet for your own sake.... I heard from my spies that You are holding a Heir of My Dynasty...... So, I thought of meeting you.... After all, Je-Ha did what my Hanseong~ie couldn't..... So, If you don't want any kind of harm to the little Bean on your womb, Behave Well or You will regret It...", His Voice dripping with malice......

Ri-on: what's your purpose to kidnap me like this?! What do you want?! Je-Ha?!!

Being afraid of the vicious person in front of her, She still defied Taehyung's warning and asked the question to know King's motive ..... And how did he know about her pregnancy.... Which only lead to one thing, There's someone from their loyal servants betrayed Je-Ha ......

Hearing the question, Taehyung chuckled seeing how brave Ri-on was trying to be hiding her fear under the facade of strong mask but still not good enough to hide.....

" Je-Ha is indeed what I want... But after finding out another Heir rising, So why not take you as well? After all, You are what Je-Ha has now ....", Taehyung replied as without any word, He dragged her through the palace's winding corridors. Ri-on's heart pounded on her chest as she was lead deeper into the darkness.... Finally, They reached a hidden chamber..... Taehyung pushed the door open, revealing a sight that made Ri-on gasp in horror.....

In the center of the room was a figure lying on the stone slab.... It took Ri-on a moment to realize that it was a woman - her body perfectly preserved, as if she had just fallen asleep.... Expensive Ornaments and Heavy clothing was worn at her body and beside her body there's a different kinds of jars and the surface of the jar, There's something written in foreign language.... But there's something unnatural about the stillness, The pallor of her skin.....

" Who is this?! ", Ri-on whispered, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene......

" This is Your Mother-in-law, Queen Kim Hawoon.... My Wife, My love, Mother of my seven children And My Dark Desire..... She will remain here, preserved for all eternity....", Taehyung replied, his voice filled with a twisted reverence....

Ri-on felt a wave of nausea wash over her.... She couldn't believe what she was seeing with her own eyes..... Tears fall down from her eyes seeing the misery of a Queen who was completely swallowed by King's madness...... She turned to Taehyung, her eyes wide with disbelief. She looked so horrified by this brutality and asked," W-why are you showing me this?! "

" She tried to defy me. She tried to run away from me.... She decided to end her life just because to run away from me... But see, What I have done to her .... I made her like this.... I give her punishment to be with me till eternity... I showed her, I am The Owner of her body, soul and everything..... Just like her, Je-Ha is now trying to defy me!!! He was preparing a rebellion against Me!!!Me?! The King of Great Korea?! So, I have to teach him a lesson.... And To remind you of what happens to those who defy me... And To ensure that you understand your place in my kingdom.....", Taehyung said coldly.

Before Ri-on could respond and comprehend Taehyung's words, he struck her head on the stone slab where hawoon's body was kept.... Ri-on fall down on the floor blood is oozing out from her forehead as she tried to move but Taehyung didn't let her as he kicked on her stomach several times making her bleed between her legs... The pain was excruciating and Ri-on crumpled to the floor, gasping for air..... As darkness claimed her once more, She knew she was trapped in a nightmare she couldn't escape......

Taehyung walked away from there leaving Yoongi as he sighed heavily and called the Royal Physicians to treat her..... She can't die and she is the only person who's Je-Ha's weakness and they need to use her for their own benefits.....


Other Side Of Seoul Royal Palace

Hooded eyes with a hint of distress and sadness has surged on the entire Chamber of Queen or should we say, A puppet Queen of Seoul.... Na-young looked at her sick son through the holes of the window as physicians are treating the little boy who is suffering from unknown disease...... Behind her, A figure approached to her and put his hands on her shoulder making her so uncomfortable by it's touch..... She closed her eyes in disgust as she recognized this familiar touch......

" He is going to be alright... After all, Min linage blood runs in his vein... He will survive..... He has to after all, He is Min Yoongi's Son ....", Yoongi voice ringed onto Na-Young's ear as she turned around and yanked his hand away....

Yoongi bitterly scoffed seeing Na-Young's behavior as he grabbed her shoulder and pinned her on the wall making her whimper in pain.....

Na-young: Let go of me!!! Le me go!! Don't touch me!!! You have no right to do that!!!! I am a Queen....You are not supposed to touch me like this!!!!

A slap landed on Na-Young's cheek making her face turned on the other side as Yoongi said," A Queen?! What a Joke! Always remember Your status.... You are just a slave of mine that king Taehyung has offered....  And the result is right front of us, Our Offspring, Yesul .... Min Yesul... Just as much I love Yesul, I love you too.... I want you to be mine for forever.... But you refuse everytime...... Because you silly love for Taehyung.... Let go of this love, Na-young... Because you won't get him..... So, Love me!!! I will make sure you will always have my attention.... I will give you anything you want......"

Na-young is feeling humiliated by Yoongi's despicable act on her by the order of King Taehyung who she loved with her all heart ... But Only thing she got was Betrayal..... And The fruit of this Betrayal is Yesul.... Seven years old boy is sick since two years by some unknown disease.... This little boy isn't the only one in the palace who got sick like this ... Every Newborn or the boy between 2-9 years got sick by a unknown disease..... The palace physicians tried to find the cause of this but unable to find the cure, were baffled...... Yesul's body is filled with big red and blue bruises and High fever that doesn't go down..... Already so many newborn died because of this disease.....

All though, Na-Young doesn't believe in witchcraft but she once met with a witch for the cure of his son's disease but the revealation she had learn baffled her ... The witch Said A Very  dark Menacing Aura or a unsatisfied, Tormented soul was  surrounding the palace that grew stronger stronger with the thirst of Revenge and redemption targeted the children of the Royal household began to fall ill the moment they are born with a mysterious disease.....

" If you want to give me anything, Save Yesul.... You know why he is sick don't you?! You know why Crown Prince Hanseong's children was either born dead or died after a week of birth....Why prince Taeho was serile... Why Prince Seokjin is mentally unstable..... Every single newborn baby died .....  The future heirs  of  Kim Dynasty was almost extinct....", Na-young cried her heart out while those words echoed on the whole chamber......

Yoongi listened everything as he didn't say anything but he knew why this is happening ... And who is doing all this... And that's the reason Je-Ha's wife Ri-on was here and why Taehyung killed the future Heir..... If Hanseong can't have a Heir that Taehyung will make sure only Kim Dynasty will remain here not another Dynasty.... Yoongi looked at Yesul and afraid of this son's future.....

After the deaths of newborns, In desperation Taehyung Summoned the same Shaman to the palace. The Shaman, upon entering, immediately sensed the dark energy emanating from Queen Hawoon's preserved body..... The Shaman declared that the spirit of Hawoon was restless as she can't find peace and her turmoil is spreading to the living and sacrifices needed to be done to bind her dark powers .... And with that Taehyung planned all of this .... Killing a unborn Heir on the womb as he found Je-Ha's whereabouts and the information about his life made this choice.... Je-Ha's unborn child became a sacrifice tool for Taehyung... But it's not the end.... Another sacrifice have to do that belongs to Taehyung and hawoon's offspring..... In the Lunar Moon, 15 days apart from the date, Another sacrifice will be done and Taehyung has already decided to whom he would offer... It's none other than, Kim Juhee, The another twin....

Meanwhile, In The distant lands of Busan, Je-Ha received the devastating news of Ri-on's kidnapping. His heart filled with rage and despair, he decided it's time for the much awaited War ... With the help of Choi Yeonjun and the Enemies of Taehyung and The Chinese Empire of Ming dynasty, he ordered his troops to prepare for the War.....

The Sirens of war has ringed on the battlefield of Busan from where Je-Ha has once run away..... The troops of Je-Ha was incrediblely long but the Taehyung's troop was massive.....

The Sirens blared across the kingdom as Busan readied itself for the impending battle. Taehyung, though absent from the front lines, orchestrated the war from his chamber, leaving his Son, Crown Prince Hanseong, to lead the troops.....

The battle between Je-Ha and Hanseong was firce and unrelenting..... Both of their troops are fighting like a madman..... Hanseong's Army was backed up by Min  Yoongi's Army from Daegu and Jung Hosu's Army from Gwangju and many other parts of Korea regions..... On the other side, Je-Ha's Army was backed up by Choi Yeonjun from Jeju Island and A Chinese Empire of advanced weaponry..... The tactics of Chinese fighting was far different and unique from Korean land and obviously, it's not a good sign for Taehyung.....  Swords clashed, and the air was thick with the cries of the wounded and a musky odor of blood..... The war dragged on for days, both sides suffering heavy losses....

On the 14 days in the battlefield finally, Hanseong and Je-Ha had a face-to-face Dual..... Je-Ha is drenched in blood as Hanseong looked a little disoriented.....  Without any words ,  the swords clashed between them as they both fight vigorously..... No one wants to be defeated... One wants to save His beloved wife and one wants to be on the bright side of his father..... The stake is high......

On the other side, Ri-on's condition isn't that great.... She is locked up in the secret chamber where hawoon's body was preserved.... Ri-on's heart is in pain by losing her unborn child and longing of her husband who is on the battlefield..... She closed her eyes in defeat but suddenly she felt like someone has caressed her head making her jump out as she looked around..... Suddenly Ri-on's eyes went on the mirror where something was written in blood.....

Save Juhee From The Shaman’

Suddenly, all the candles on the chamber blowed off as Ri-on saw something that made her gasp ..... She continuously looked at hawoon's body and the shadow on the wall...

And with that the door of the secret chamber got opened and Ri-on went out only to see all the servants on that chamber has fallen unconscious.... Unaware of where to go suddenly she found her emerging into a black smoke before she could understand anything, Ri-on was completely engulfed by that black smoke.... After sometime, The black smoke disappeared as Ri-on's eyes are completely black as a very dark Aura was imitating from her and her posture is different from her usual almost powerful and confident..... The soul of Hawoon has finally managed to enter into a pure and innocent soul of Ri-on......

Ri-on ( Hawoon): You Will Pay For everything, King Kim Taehyung!!!!!

Ri-on's disoriented voice echoed on the whole chamber as her eyes went on the stone slab where the body was kept..... The Door got closed all by itself as hawoon's soul has complete control over Ri-on's body trying to find Juhee and Taehyung.....


Taeyeong, the Eldest daughter who is constantly looking over the fact of this gloomy atmosphere of the palace and the situation of her brothers saddens her..... In a moment ago, She went inside prince Taeho's chamber only to found Taeho being intoxicated and several girls to serve him or in other words, Pleasure him... Because Taeho isn't still get over the fact that he is serile.... He can't produce Heir for the throne and he is incapable of doing it makes him devastated.....

Disappointed by her younger brother rush behavior, She went towards his little brother Seokjin's chamber where he is madly looking at the portrait made by himself.....  Prince Seokjin isn't like this before but Hanseong's cruelty got the best of him....  Prince Seokjin liked a girl who happened to be in Hanseong's concubine as he tried to covet her which led that girl to be died by Hanseong's hands.... And since then he became mentally unstable for the girl whom Seokjin loved with his all heart.....

Taehyung's remaining 3 sons depicts, Taehyung's Three personas...

Hanseong was a replica of Taehyung's unwavering brutality , Taeho is a replica of Taehyung's Early life before Hawoon's The Careless Youth filled with no hope And Seokjin is a replica of Taehyung's Taehyung's undying love that was filled with obsession and possessiveness......

She sighed heavily as she turned around to leave but Taeyeong's eyes landed on Juhee's chamber as she found Juhee was taken away by some servants as she was unconscious...... She immediately hide behind the pillar as she looked at where they're taking her..... To King's Chamber..... She went towards there as she saw Juhee was taken to there  but as the door closes she saw her father and a Shaman on the chamber who is doing rituals.... Taeyeong decided to confront as with firm determination, Taeyeong went towards her father's chamber as guards tried to stop her but she didn't listen and entered into the chamber and was horrified by the scene unfolding in front of her.....

" FATHER!! WHAT IS THIS?!", Taeyeong shouted at Taehyung as she saw Juhee was tied up by ropes and was placed on a ritual where the shaman is doing something which is making Taeyeong scared..... Taehyung walked towards Taeyeong with a evil glint he said," Doing what I have to do to save my Dynasty.... Sacrificing my blood for the future of Kim linage.....  Just like I sacrificed Je-Ha's unborn child..... Juhee has to die to save his brothers from the misery.... All of this is happening because of your Mother's curse..... But she forgot who am I.... I am a king of Great Korea, The mighty Kim Taehyung....  Only pure Royal blood to be alive..... I am going to give her such a punishment that she will never ever forget!!!!!!"

Just then the royal guards hold Taeyeong's hands and made her kneel in front of Taehyung..... Taeyeong looked at her father as she was so surprised to see her father's behavior..... For a moment she can see it's not the the same father she loved and adored since childhood.......

Taeyeong: father!! Please... please come back to your senses..... It's your little princess whom You are trying to kill ....... Appa!!! Please please.... Come back to your senses... This is not you, Appa...... You are never like this!!!!!

She begged holding The Hem of his clothing as tears fall down from her eyes..... Taehyung held Taeyeong's jaw tightly as he looked at her with a hint of gloominess but soon that was replaced with hate......

Taehyung: You mother never loved me!!! I loved her with my whole heart.... I became king of this Great Dynasty when that wasn't my destiny..... I did everything for your mother but what she did!!!! SHE BETRAYED ME!!!!!!! She.... She Slept with my brother behind my back and had a illegitimate child.... Who happened to be Je-Ha......You Mother ended her life for her lover.... But what about me?! What about me!!!! From that day, I hate your mother the most ..... You know what I did, I trapped Your mother's soul inside this palace.... I didn't cemate her body.... The body is still here in this palace..... You remind me of your mother.... You eyes remind me of hawoon's eyes that I looked with you.... You, My beautiful Taeyeong is a fruit of our young love..... I can't bring myself to kill you..... So, forgive me for whatever I am going to do.....

And with that Taehyung put more pressure on Taeyeong's jaw almost breaking the bones of her face as he put knife inside her mouth and cut Taeyeong's tongue..... Blood started to flowing out from Taeyeong's mouth as she fall down on the floor looking at her father as she looked at her little sister, Juhee from whom the sounds of body bones was breaking was heard...... And with that Taeyeong lost her consciousness......

The dimly lit room reeked of incense and decaying herbs. At the center, the Shaman sat before an altar, chanting over a bowl of blood—Taehyung's daughter Juhee’s blood, Whereas Juhee was laying down on the altar of ritual barely conscious but in so much pain.....The Shaman’s expression was focused, intent on completing the dark ritual to bind Hawoon’s soul to the palace forever and reduce her dark power to bind her to that mulated  body for forever.....

But Hawoon’s soul had other plans.Hawoon through Ri-on's voice spoke low and filled with fury, “You’ve gone too far.”

The Shaman’s eyes flicked open, startled at first. Her gaze narrowed as she realized who stood before her.Shaman's Smirking face irked Hawoon as the shaman said,“So, you’ve returned, Queen Kim Hawoon. How amusing.”

Hawoon stepped forward, her movements slow but filled with determination. The spirit’s rage had been festering for eight long years.Hawoon through Ri-on's voice screamed ,  “You imprisoned me, trapped me in this palace, while that man used my body for his twisted pleasures. And now you’re spilling innocent blood for your dark magic.”

The Shaman stood up slowly, her face twisting with disdain.

Shaman: You should be grateful. You are still here, aren’t you? Living in the shadows, forever connected to the man who loves you.

Hawoon’s face hardened as her hands curled into fists.

Hawoon (through Ri-on): You call this love!? A prisoner in my own body? A puppet for Taehyung’s madness? No. You sealed your fate when you took Juhee’s blood.

The Shaman laughed, her voice echoing through the dark chamber.Shaman: Sneered before replying,“You cannot kill me, Hawoon. My power keeps you tethered to this world. Without me, your soul will fade, lost forever.”

Hawoon’s lips twisted into a grim smile.

Hawoon (through Ri-on): I won’t need your magic where I’m going.

The Shaman lunged, dagger in hand, aiming for Hawoon’s chest. But Hawoon, anticipating the attack, caught the Shaman’s wrist and twisted it with inhuman strength. The dagger clattered to the floor.Hawoon through Ri-on's voice Quietly said, “ It's For Juhee and for destroying My life by helping a monster!!!!”

Hawoon’s grip tightened around the Shaman’s throat, her voice steady and calm despite the chaos around them.

Hawoon (through Ri-on): And for the life you stole from me.

With one final squeeze, the Shaman’s eyes widened in terror before her body went limp. Hawoon let the corpse fall to the ground.

Hawoon through Ri-on's voice Whispering , “Now, Taehyung… it’s your turn.”

Hawoon, still controlling Ri-on’s body, moved swiftly only to look at Taehyung....  Taehyung pulled out his swords as he tried to attack her but it's nothing for Hawoon as she moved her fingers making Taehyung's legs twisted as the sword fell down from his hand as he screamed loudly......

She opened the door using her power as she started to drag Taehyung by his collar..... Her destination was clear. She knew where Taehyung should be—by the body he had so obsessively preserved, her lifeless form. The doors to the secret chamber creaked open. Hawoon threw him near her  mummified body. Taehyung’s head snapped up as he realised where he is right now.....his eyes narrowing when he looked Ri-on....

Taehyung: hawoon~ie!! My Queen... I can explain!! Listen to me for once...

Hawoon stepped closer, her eyes burning with a deep, cold fury.Hawoon bitterly spoke through Ri-on's voice, “What explanation, Kim Taehyung?! For hurting me?! For hurting my children?! For making me like this?! Or For killing Jimin?! ”

For a moment, his expression softened  but with the mention of jimin's name, his smile faltered.....


Hawoon (through Ri-on):  Stop pretending That you loved me which you never did!!! If you have loved them then you won't do this to our children....Your obsession towards me not only ended me but also my children... My children are suffering from your sins!!!!

Taehyung took a step toward her, his hands reaching out.

Taehyung: I did it because I love you! Everything I’ve done… was for us. For

Hawoon recoiled, stepping back as he moved closer, her voice sharp.Hawoon through Ri-on's voice replied, “You call this love? You violated my body, defiled my memory, you killed our children, you killed innocents for your selfish greed. You bound me to this place, forever, as your possession. That is not love, Taehyung. That is madness. ”

Taehyung’s face twisted in anger, his eyes darkening with frustration.Taehyung furiously screamed, “You belonged to me in life, and you will belong to me in death. We are meant to be together.”

Hawoon felt a wave of cold fury rise within her. She had suffered enough. She had watched him desecrate her body, watched him destroy everything she loved. Now, it was her time to end this.

Hawoon (through Ri-on): It’s over. The Shaman is dead. Her magic is broken.”

Taehyung’s eyes widened in disbelief, fear flickering across his face as he processed her words.

Taehyung: No… no, it can’t be. Hawoon, please… we were supposed to be together. Forever.

Taehyung didn't want that... He didn't want to go far away from her... He belongs to her only.... He casted spell on her soul that even if he dies, he will be with her like a shadow.......

Hawoon’s voice was calm, her gaze steady as she took another step toward him.

Hawoon (through Ri-on): You never cared about me. Only about possessing me. But now, I am free. Free from your chains.

The air in the room grew thick, heavy with energy. Hawoon’s spirit surged with power, the years of torment fueling her anger. Taehyung stumbled back, his chest tightening as if an invisible force was crushing him.Taehyung is gasping suddenly feeling so discomfort as he tried to go near her but with one finger movement, he flew away on the nearest wall and fall down on the floo groaning in pain.....

Hawoon looked at her mummified body as she used her power and threw the fire lamp on her mummified body as the body started to burning and slowly that fire spread all over the chamber...... Seeing this, Taehyung was horrified......

Taehyung: Hawoon… don’t… please…

There was no mercy left in her. The spirit of Hawoon had endured too much, and now, she would unleash her wrath. The walls trembled as her power grew, her fury manifesting in the physical world.

Hawoon through Ri-on's voice Coldly stated her final  statement, “Goodbye, Taehyung. I hope we will never meet again in any lifetime....”

And with the help of her  power, She Pushed Taeyeong, Juhee out of the palace .....

With a final burst of energy, the room shook violently, the ceiling beginning to collapse. The maids and servants started to run looking for a way to be out as with the violent shaking of the marvellous palace along with the blazing fire it's nearly impossible for anyone to get out.....

Taehyung screamed, but there was no escape. The palace walls crumbled around them, sealing his fate as the spirit of Hawoon exacted her revenge.

A little Far away from the shattered palace of Seoul royal palace, Hawoon through Ri-on's eyes looked at her eldest daughter, Taeyeong who was unconscious with a moist eyes as her soul left the body of Ri-on.....

As the palace burned and crumbled into ash, Hawoon’s spirit , finally freed from her prison, lingered above the ruins. The heirs of the  Kim Dynasty all are dead crushed or burnt....   Also those who are with Taehyung directly or indirectly.... somewhere in the flames , she can see the half burning body of Na-young as beside her, the biggest enemy of her, The reason why Hawoon's misery started, The Great War Commander, Min Yoongi dead while trying to save his son.....  The flames consumed the once-grand royal palace, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake.

Je-Ha arrived at the scene, his troops ready to fight, but they found only destruction. The war was over before it had truly begun. His soldiers found Ri-on and two last remaining family members of the Kim Dynasty.....

his heart heavy with the weight of what had been lost. The dynasty had crumbled, and with it, the reign of madness and tyranny.As Taeyeong was taken as a war prisoner but Je-Ha was merciful to his siblings .

Jeha stood before the burning ruins, knowing that the fall of the Kim dynasty had come at last.The great dynasty of the Kims had ended, its glory consumed by the fires of vengeance and war. The kingdom would never be the same again.

As Je-Ha rode away with Ri-on, He last looked at the collapsed palace behind him, marking the end of the Kim Dynasty....

And with it the twilight of a once great kingdom.....


Twenty-five years passed , and now The whole Korean Kingdom turned into a great Empire of all regions, Daegu, Wonju, Jeju Island, Gwonchon.  under Je-Ha's Rule , Busan flourished as a main captain while Seoul became a forgotten  land. But with Ri-on unable to bear children, took another wife , pressured by the need of an heir....

But The love for Ri-on, it didn't lessened a bit instead it became another legendary after the Great love between Park Jimin and Queen Hawoon..... Je-Ha was a Good husband And a Great Ruler after the Name of Park family which spreads all over Korea as the Region of Park Dynasty Evolved as The Kim Dynasty was long Forgotten.....

However, the glory days of  the dynasty once will come to an end. When the Chinese invaded , Korea fell  under foreign rule, marking the end of the century old dynasty and The Final Fall Of The Once- Great Kim Name!!!








Hi!!! How are you all?! It's been a freaking long time!!! Well, it's the biggest chapter in the history of QKT!! So, I hope you will be patience when you read it!!! And I want your comments on this !!!!

Since the epilogue is still left!!!😏

Something big has still been left to show!!!

Sorry for not being able to update it, because I have been so busy with my university and giving midterms... And again I am going back tomorrow maybe!!! So, again will be disappeared for sometime!!! So, please 🥺 bear it!!!!

Question of the day: what was your thoughts on this overall book?! And how did you imagine in the first place but how it turned out!!! I meant, Expectation VS Reality.....

Last Vote Goal Everyone; 🥺

VOTE GOAL- 115 votes and 50 comments

If you want quick update vote immediately or Yoongi will hunt you with his tongue technology 😏....

By the way, did you saw Jin photoshoot for vogue and him being in Milan fashion week!!! He is so f*king hot !!!! Who will say he is going to be 32 ?! No one!! I bet no one!!!!

The Prince Kim Seokjin!!!🫠🫠


Special Thanks to our voice, My slothies!!!!

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