8| Step mother

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Step mother

"You were unsure which pain is worse, the shock of what happened, or the ache for what never will"

• Rogue •

I woke up on the sofa?
Covered in blankets, my photos abandoned on the carpet
I gathered them up, going upstairs rather confused

I washed off last nights blood
The red staining my fingers
Before I headed down to the kitchen
I had people to see.

So I had to get going, I texted Charlie, letting her know I needed to see her
My path was blocked however when I bumped into a shirtless damp chest
I looked up, to see Sin smirking down at me

"Morning" he grumbled, his voice unusually deeper than it normally is.
I couldn't deny he was attractive
It was his only likeable trait
His dark hair

The tattoos, the scars
The muscles...
His piercings. Silver running through his nose, his tongue.
Bars running through his nipples.

"Morning?" He said again, trying to catch my eyes
I snapped out of my stupid thoughts, walking around him, trying to ignore the embarrassment sinking deep within me as Sin's laugh echoed throughout the hallway

And the sick feeling in my stomach didn't get any better when I reached the kitchen
Finding Lucian kissing the red head woman from the bar
As she sat on the counter. Where food is prepared...

In Lucian's shirt, eyeing me upon my entrance
I ignored them, moving across the room to grab the coffee I came for
"Morning Rogue" Lucian spoke up, now stood facing me, still situated between her legs

"Morning" I said simply
"You got in late last night" he said, as I poured myself a mug
"Yeah, and?" I said
"And I would appreciate it if you came in at a reasonable time" he said

"I had business to do" I said coldly, facing them
"Well, don't go out tonight" he said
"Because?" I countered
"We're having dinner, as a family" he said
"Will she be there?" I asked

"She has a name" she bit back, I looked at her
"Lyla" she said bitterly
"Yes, she will be there" he said

"Not much of a family dinner then is it?" I said
"I am family. Your father and I love each other very much" she said, winding her arms round his neck, resting her head on his shoulder
"One day you may even call me mother" she teased, smiling at me

She would never be any kind of mother to me
The very notion made me want to throw my coffee in her face
"If that's all..." I said, moving for the door
"We'll be having some guests too" he said

"You mean the two idiots you dumped on me last nig-"
"I mean, Mr Carson and his associates" he said
"Sin Carson" I repeated
"Yes" he nodded

He really was high up.
Which meant he had a lot of connections
What was he doing helping me?
Fighting me that night?

"Fine" I said, turning away.

• Sin •

"What is this for again?" Mackenzie asked
"Dinner" I sighed as he burst into my room
Shortly followed by Cameron, Georgie and Ronnie
Fuck sake, can't I get some peace?

"So, how was last night?" Georgie asked
"Last night?" I asked in a bored tone
"Cameron said you two went out to play with Lucian's daughter" she laughed

I wasn't one to help anyone
Especially not an associate's bratty daughter
But this was Rogue

And Rogue intrigued me more than anyone I'd ever met
She drank too much
She lashed out
She was shut off
She was a mystery

"So?" I brushed off
"Well I might have failed to mention that she was the sexy Spanish spitfire that beat you in the ring the other night" Cameron said innocently
Everyone looked at me surprised

"She didn't beat me" I mumbled
"She's here?" Mackenzie asked
"More importantly, she's Lucian's daughter?" Ronnie chimed in
I sighed and nodded my head

"So the girl you fought, the one you've been trying to track down, is in this house, right now, and you're running around after her?" Mackenzie asked
"You tried to track her down?" Georgie asked
"Yeah he asked me to find her" Mackenzie said
I looked at him. And his face dropped as he realised he wasn't supposed to say that.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Sin" Georgie said
"None of us care if you've gone soft for the girl" Ronnie said
"Shut up" I said, swiftly leaving them to go downstairs
"Ah Mr Carson, take a seat" Lyla smiled from beside Lucian.

I did so.
Before the rest of them came piling in.

Everyone began to chat, yet all I wondered was what the point of all this was
And where Rogue was
Before Lucian signalled a maid over
"Get Rogue" he mumbled to her

We waited... and waited
Until Rogue eventually strolled in, hypnotising everyone to stare at her
And what a sight it was
She sat down opposite me, in between Amano and Mackenzie
Mack sat staring at her

"Sorry I'm late" she said sweetly
"It's fine" Lyla gritted out
"Shall we eat then? Finally" Lucian suggested, interrupting the tension
Maids began to bring the food in.

• Rogue's Outfit •

"So, Lyla... do you live here?" Rogue asked, sipping wine as she eyed her
Lyla dragged her eyes off Lucian, who was in turn eyeing a maid
Lyla cleared her throat, before answering

"No, I have my own house" she said
"Right, so if you don't mind me asking, why were you here this morning?" Rogue asked

"Well... you know what happens when a man and woman love each other very much don't you? We're official, right honey?" She said happily, taking Lucian's hand in hers

He tore his eyes off the blonde once again, nodding
"Sure seems like the dream couple" Rogue chuckled, thanking the blonde as she poured her more wine
Lyla's jaw clenched

"We like to think so" she smiled
"In fact we have some news, don't we darling?" She said
His face tightened, and he sat up straighter

"Not tonight Ly" he dismissed
"Why not? They're bound to find out some time" she argued
"You pregnant?" Rogue laughed, downing the rest of her wine

"Find out what?" Amano asked confused
"We're getting married!" She squealed
I looked towards Rogue, gaging her reaction
But she didn't move, didn't blink
Whereas Armano shot off like a bullet

"You are not marrying her" he shouted, standing up
"I wasn't exactly asking for permission son" Lucian said
Armano scoffed, throwing a glass at the wall before he stormed out

I looked at Rogue
And I don't think I'd seen anything more compelling
She was gorgeous, her beauty drew me in
Like a lost cause

But the fire in her eyes, her clenched jaw and the tight grip she had on her glass showed everyone in the room that she was about to wreck carnage.

• Rogue •

He was marrying... that?
He was married to my fucking mother
She reverted back to her maiden name, but they were still legally married.

"You wait... a week, after I bury my mother, before you decide to marry that whore" I said calmly
"Don't you fucking call me a whore!" She shouted angrily
"How long? Eh? How long you been engaged?" I asked
"We'll talk about this later, in private" Lucian dismissed

"How fucking long?" I demanded
"Three months" Lyla answered
I scoffed, standing up

"Rogue, sit down" Lucian said
"Fuck you" I chuckled, set on leaving
"Sit down" he demanded
"No! You want to trash my mother's memory! You want to marry some whore you barely know. Fine. But you can fucking burn in hell for all I care" I seethed

"We're in love" Lyla spat

"You're a fucking tramp" I shouted, grabbing Cameron's wine and throwing it in her face
"Lucian" she snapped, standing up in disbelief
I left the room, ignoring their shouting.

I made my way outside
Mum loved flowers
But as I weaved through the gardens, I found Armano
Sitting on a bench among a bed of roses

"Hey" I said awkwardly. We hadn't exactly spoke much since I arrived
"Hey" he said
I sat down beside him, unsure of what to say
I didn't know why he was upset
He obviously had a very deep and complicated relationship with our so called father.

I kept quiet
"What was she like?" He asked gently
I looked at him, he was staring at the dirt beneath us
"What?" I asked
"What was she like? I... I don't really remember much, just small memories, the way she looked" he said sadly

I turned my attention to the sky, looking at the stars
I suppose that's where me and him differed
He was grounded, looking at the roses as if they were the answer
As though nature could explain why our mother was gone

Where as I looked to the sky
I looked for any greater being. Any cosmic explanation
I couldn't find any comprehensible answer for why she was gone.

"She uh... she was kind and helpful. She'd make sure I had everything, anything I needed" I explained
"Did she ever... did she ever speak about us? Me and our sister?" He asked
"She never spoke to me about... that, but I heard her sometimes, talking to grandma about you" I said honestly

"I'd watch her sometimes, when she thought she was alone, looking through photos of us all" I went on.
"I um... I can show you. If you want" I suggested, before silence fell around us again
"Do you know where she is? Our sister?" I asked

He shook his head, teary eyed
"Could you um... can I see her? Mum?" He asked
I stared at him for a moment

My body stiff
I've not been back since... the funeral
Since I woke up hungover next to her grave

I nodded, it was only fair I guess
He'd missed a decade of spending time with her
Because of that bastard

"We'll go tomorrow..."

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