Assassination:Ep 1+BTS

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"We have another task for you"said the boss as my partner Hoyeon and i nod our heads.

"You have to get close to the mafia king and Kill Him" said our leader as we nod and went back to our headquaters.

"So here's what we know the mafia king is going to Mrs Jisoo's and Mr Kim anniversary ball and he'll assassinate Mr Kim and we cant let that happen"said Hoyeon.

"So you'll have to get flirty with the Mafia king without being caught and find out why he wants to kill Mr x Mrs kim"i nod my head as i got ready.

I wore a beautiful dress with an ear piece in my ear.

"Let's so this"i said to Hoyeon as she smiled and nod.

We drove to the ball and Hoyeon and i separated as she went to keep an eye on Mrs and Mr Kim.

I saw Hoyeon talking to Mrs Kim and taking her outside Probably to the van so she can get out of here i thought.

I saw the mafia king coming through the door and go to the bar.

I walked towards the bar and ordered a cocktail. "I'll pay for the lady"he said.

"Why Thank you kind sir"i said as we locked eye's and he got up and walked towards me with his hand sticking out"shall we dance"he said smirking.

"We shall"i replied smirking as well and we went to the center of the floor and danced.

"What is a beauty like yourself doing here"he said as he held me tight.

"Just decided to come to my friend's anniversary party"i said as he span me "what is a gentleman like yourself doing here"i asked.

"Hmm same reason lets sit down shall we" and we sat down as i went to get our cocktails and i put a sleeping pill in his and returned.

I sat down and hand his drink to him and put mine down. One of my ear rings fell so i bent a little to pick it up and looked him. He was drinking his drink and with a smirk i drank mine.

We danced again as he said something "It's cute"he said.

"Whats cute"i questioned confused "it's cute you think you can save them"he said smirking as i heard a gunshot and last thing i heard was "Sleep well my beauty til we meet again"then i passed out.

"CUT"shouted the directer as he praised everyone for their acting skills.

We all sat down for our lunch break and we talked as jisoo took a picture of me

"It's so nice meeting all of you im truly honored as a fan"said Hoyeon.

"I'm happy to meet everyone as well"i replied and we all talked as we laughed then went back to work.


I still live with my parents.

"I'm home Eomma and Appa"i said as Eomma greet me "hello my little star come eat"she said.

We all sat down and talked then i decided to bring up what I've been thinking "I'm planning on moving out"i said as they looked at me in shock but soon were normal.

"Of course honey"said Eomma "Yeah know we can finally be alone"said Appa "hey I'll still visit old man"i laughed as we all laughed and ate.

I soon went to my room and slept.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote it encourages me to write more goodnight Angel's❤🌟.

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