Chapter 1

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Melody pov.

Years had passed and Mordor stayed dark. I'd always wanted to see the sun and the trees, but I couldn't. I have to stay here and make sure the orcs don't start a war. I have to stay in the darkness, out of reach and out of sight.

As I wake to the endless dark of Mordor, I feel a sudden call of the elves. Feeling it deep down in my heart. I close my eyes, focusing on the feeling. Imladris flashes in my Mind. Elrond as well. I open my eyes with a gasp. "He knows" I state breathily. I shake my head. 'He can't know. He can't. I'm supposed to stay hidden. Supposed to be the shadow nobody can find, yet Elrond cought wind of my existance.' I sigh. It seems that I will be traveling soon.

Resting my head on my pillow, wondering what would life be like if my Father was still alive. Still here. I would probably still be in existence but unknown of by the other races. Wishing my mother was still around. My Elven mother who my father murdured after I was old enough to stand, walk, talk and feed myself. I miss her. With her Raven Black hair and silver eyes. Her pointed ears and her graceful movements. I miss her very much.

Closing my eyes but still lingering on my thoughts of my Mother and my Father, I fall into a dreamless sleep.

*Time Skip*

I wake calmly. No thoughts haunting my mind. Sparing a glance around my dark room I sigh. I need to leave today. The call is stronger and it is a many days travel to Imladris from here.

So I gathered my things. A bag of clothes and provisions. My sword, my dagger, my bow and my quiver if arrows. I shoulder my pack and head out into the dark and noctious landscape. I made the long trek to the gates and the trolls opened the gates. Stepping outside and into the sunlight was all too great. I'd never been allowed outside the gates, yet now I could come and go freely. "Stay here. Do not follow and do not start a war" I shout to the Orc above me. He have a cry of submission as I gave the order. Walking until dusk, I made fair progress. I bunkered down for the night under a tree. It was green and alive. I felt the life of the earth around me. I tipped my head back up to the sky and smiled. The stars glittered above and I felt everything living around me. Not the seeping death that plauged Mordor. A Death I am determined to heal.

*Time Skip*

Days turned to nights and nights turn to days. Days to weeks and as that Borders upon the eighth day, I find myself at the gates of Gondor. The gates of the white city. I feel a pulse. A gaze turning to me from Mordor. My gaze wonders back and I feel him. His soul. His essence. My Father. Lord Souron.

My eyes widen and I hurry inside, searching for the King, or at least The stuard caring for the city until the king takes his place on the throne. I curtsey before him. "My lord. Might I ask for a horse? I am needed urgently in Rivendell and I have no steed. I fear walking will take far too long" I Say as kindly and as gently as possible, keeping my head bowed. "Is this on the matter of the secret Council?" He asks. My head shoots up. "How do you know of this?" I ask cautiously. He chuckles humourlessly. "I am aware, and sending my Son, Boromir to Rivendell as of dawn tomorrow. I'm sure he would be quite happy with some company" the stuard announces. I bow my head. "Thankyou my lord" I state greatfully. "Do not worry My dear. I shall call for Boromir" The Stuard announces. He sends a messenger. "Fetch me Boromir. Tell him I wish to see him and that it is important" he says to the boy, who scuttles off and returns not long later with a tall male, who looks regal and proud. He looks me up and down then smiles broadly at his father. "You wished to see me, Father?" Boromir asks. The stuard nods. "Yes, Boromir. This young lady is heading to Rivendell for the secret council. She will accompany you. I believe it best if you leave today, now would be fitting, as time is of the essence" He announces. "As you wish it Father" he says with a nod. "I will not fail you" Boromir continues. The stuard nods and Boromir smiles, nods and turns to me, inclining for me to follow. I bow to the stuard. "Thankyou" I state and follow Boromir.

*time skip*
We had mounted two horses and set of in mid afternoon for Rivendell. The ride didn't take as long as I'd expected, and horse riding came easily to me even though I'd never been on a horse. Boromir kept trying to spark up conversation, but I remained silent and kept my head down until we reached Rivendell.

Hey guys thanks for reading, hope the chapter wasn't too jumpy. Its just that the little details between, i honestly can't be bothered writing and i believe would bore you all. Vote and comment.


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