VI. Zelenia

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After spending the night in Hibyscus, they took to the sea again to go to Elemonsina, then would walk to their next destination. Where they would go was the problem.

They had landed in the largest city in the largest country. Idens was the center of Ethea where all roads connected and transport to any other county could be found. One could walk to Caelestis. Take a boat to Dantia, Asardia, Volentia, or Kefalon, or ride a train to Kefalon or Agraelea. Durus, the land of Fire, was connected by a strip of land to the south. But to reach it, an ashship must be hired to sail over the Ash Desert.

They stood in the main square, looking at the crossroad directions, trying to decide where to go. Zelenia kept referring to the ruins of Euralion where they could find Air, but Helian wanted to find either Earth near Estys or Fire in Cesivana. He wanted to see if he had a stronger connection to one of his Elementals. Spirit was an Elemental shared between them, so Kalisa didn't have such a bond with him.

Helian kept trying to persuade Zelenia to go to Estys while she kept pointing out the quickest route, by getting Air first, Earth next, and then Fire. At least they could agree on Kefalon being the last to visit to acquire Light—it was the furthest distance.

Kalisa and Renuo stood by them, listening to their debate. Kalisa had tried to suggest different routes but grew exasperated that they wouldn't listen to her. Renuo's eyes shifted from one speaker to the next, remaining out of the argument.

"It sounds as if our Sun and Moon are showcasing their relationship quite well."

They turned to find a tall man with a regal bearing and finely dressed in multiple layers of red, black, and a hint of gold. His long hair was a dark red and black, and neatly pulled back to emphasize the bulging dark red veins streaking from his eyes, down his neck, and lining his exposed forearms. Black eyes—no pupils or irises—sparkled with intelligence, craftiness, and a slight tinge of amusement. His pale skin caused the veins matching his hair to stand out. Even though strange, he was handsome, with his sharp, angular features. Near to him were two bodyguards—one with white hair and the other blue-haired.

This man had the extreme power of authority, and by his stance, made sure others knew it.

His eyes quickly took them in. "So young; that is a surprise." This man's teeth were refined to sharp points.

"You know who we are?" Helian asked.

"It is hard not to notice the newest Sun and Moon, and two Elementals, since I have had dealings with some of your predecessors."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am Callidus, Lord of the Seteri."

Zelenia introduced them all.

He bowed. "It is an honor to have met you, and it would be an even greater honor if I can assist either now or in the future."

Helian looked at her—with telepathic abilities, she could see through a person. Lord Callidus was a very handsome man; she had trouble ignoring that fact to see through him. His soul was hard to focus on, but it glowed white, pure—he had no darkness he tried to hide. Zelenia returned Helian's look with a smile, trusting that he would understand.

"We can't decide where to go next," Helian admitted when he turned back. Now, hearing it, the reason for their argument sounded so childish.

"A simple fix. Where must you go?"

"Euralion, outside of Estys, and Cesivana. We have decided to go to Kefa last," Zelenia answered.

His eyes narrowed as he pictured the locations. "Euralion is the closest, so that would be the most logical destination in relation to saving time.

"But" —he considered Kalisa and Renuo— "you, Helian, do not yet have an Elemental of your own. To maintain balance, you should acquire Fire or Earth first, or you, my dearest Zelenia, would become stronger than your twin. We can't have that if Ethea has a chance of being rid of Fangril."

Zelenia and Helian looked at each other—she hadn't thought of that.

Lord Callidus spoke again. "So, the path I would suggest is to take the Luzerna High Road to Estys, travel to Domara to attain an ashship to take you to and from Cesivana, walk through Euralion to return here, and then board a ferry for Kefa."

Helian appeared to like the plan; he looked at her and waited for her input. Zelenia bit her lip as she thought; it honestly wouldn't be that much more time lost to take the Luzerna High Road.

"I think that will work."

She curtsied to Lord Callidus. "Thank you for your help, even though it was over such a trivial problem."

"You are young, but know that those in the past fought over similar problems, even though they were much older. But you are welcome."

"I see us seeking advice again in the future..."

He smiled and bowed again. "And know that I am always willing to help. I live in Ilvila, but we may cross paths again somewhere further down the road.

"May your quests find unison and successes." Lord Callidus turned and headed deeper into the main square, with his bodyguards flanking him.

With a destination and the route agreed on, they set out for the Luzerna High Road.


As they followed the Luzerna High Road east, the landscape changed from patches of forests to lush, dense jungles. The air thickened with humidity and made it hard to breathe. The trees were enormous; all four of them could stand fingertip to fingertip and barely stretch a tree base's width. The jungles were noisier than expected: monkeys howled so loud their voices echoed for leagues, and birds chirped continuously. But there were beautiful aspects, for when the cacophony ceased for a moment, they could hear the sweet melody of a songbird, or caught sudden flashes of color as birds flew through the canopy, and tropical flowers held wonderful aromas.

Upon arriving in the jungles, Zelenia could tell that Helian was excited. They were so close to finding the Earth Elemental; it was almost time for him to take control of convincing another to join them. He looked distracted as he repeated something over and over in his head—probably what Potens had said about Earth.

Helian abruptly stopped, looked into the jungle to the right, then diverted off the path. Renuo called after him; Zelenia explained that he was probably being led to the Earth Elemental as they followed. The Sun trudged through the foliage ahead of them; Renuo came back to give her or Kalisa a hand to get through bushes or over a fallen log. Once clear, they hurried after Helian's form, moving deeper into the trees.

They rounded the tree Helian had just disappeared behind and found him stopped. Sitting against a tree was a gigantic green Kemiji, watching him with bright-green eyes. With his torso bare, he wore only brown leggings and had no shoes on his clawed, monkey-looking feet. A small deer lay curled in his hands, asleep; a blue, yellow, and orange bird perched on his shoulder. A gnarled but hefty looking club sat against a root next to him.

The gentleness in the Kemiji across from them surprised Zelenia. Stories of the Kemiji tribes boasted of their fierceness—they loved to start fights. And this Kemiji represented the mighty, powerful, bold Earth Element? His eyes were bright with intelligence, knowledge, and kindness. She found it hard to picture him in battle with a soft little deer asleep in his hands. This Kemiji looked more likely to stay in a library instead of fighting Fangril and its demons.

But Earth had chosen him for a reason. Maybe he'd surprise them all with a hidden strength...

Their arrival pulled the Kemiji's attention off Helian for a second as he studied them, then turned back to the Sun.

"Ummm, hiya," he said.

The Kemiji didn't respond; he didn't even react by blinking or moving.

"Ummm, I'm Helian; this is Zelenia, Kalisa, and Renuo."

Still nothing.

She saw in Helian's faltering posture that his eagerness for this meeting faded. "I'm the—the Sun. And you're the Earth Elemental."

With the Kemiji's continued lack of response, Zelenia wondered if something was wrong with him. Perhaps he couldn't understand the language, or was mute or deaf—he was banished for a reason.

Helian looked at Zelenia for help—this wasn't how he had pictured this going.

She smiled at him. "Tell him what Potens told you."

He whipped back around and the Kemiji's expression had remained the same, patiently waiting.

"Your silence will grow loud."

There was finally a reaction. His bright-green eyes flickered before he looked down at the small creature in his hands. He set it down on the ground, and as it lifted its head to see why the change, he grabbed his club and stood, uprooting the bird on his shoulder.

The Kemiji towered over them, well over seven feet tall. He walked to them.

"I am known asTegen," he said in a rumbling voice. "I will go with you."

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