𝐢𝐢. hey drama mama

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IT FELT AS IF SELINE HAD JUST CLOSED HER EYES WHEN SHE WAS BEING VIOLENTLY SHOOK AWAKE. The warmth escaped her and her dream began to fade—from what she could remember, it was quite pleasant. Rolling over, she tried to pull the covers over her face but something fought back.

"Sel, you're going to miss breakfast if you don't get your arse up!" Came Nicolette's voice as the blanket tug of war raged on.

Seline let out a loud groan as Nicolette made a clicking noise with her mouth. "Come on, you'll be mad if we let you sleep in," she sighed theatrically.

Seline groaned one last time and sat upright, her dark hair stuck up in all sorts of directions as she glared at her friends. Her sarcastic comment was delayed by her yawn and Nicolette didn't even bother giving her a response, instead, she just rolled her eyes at the girl. Looking at her, it was very much obvious that she wasn't a morning personthe aggressive eye bags and sharp glare that she wore were proof of that.

"That's a great look, Seline," came the condescending voice of Daphne Greengrass. Astoria's evil twin sister (that's what Nicolette called her, much to the dismay of her friend) was standing at the mirror in their dorm doing her green tie up, a smirk on her lips as she stared at her reflection. Seline, who was basically still half asleep, couldn't come up with a response. Nicolette eyed the girl, trying to think up an insult but she couldn't. Unfortunately, it was too early for Nicolette to come up with something creative and appearance insults wouldn't work as Daphne was fucking hot (it pains her to admit this, she'll be honest, but it is undeniable.) The Slytherin green in their uniform only accented her icy skinas did her ebony hair (Nicolette was sure her hair wasn't that dark last term. . . had she dyed it?)

Walking out of the bathroom, Pansy Parkinson sniggered (Nicolette also couldn't insult her appearance eitherwhy must bitchy girls be good looking, too? That's just unfair. Like, Pansy wasn't really a looker back in first/second year, however, puberty seems to be doing wonders for her. . . Nicolette is honestly jealous.) "Oh yeah, no wonder there's so many boys chasing after you," she said and Seline felt her face begin to heat up. Nicolette could tell the girl was not in the moodwas she ever?and just wanted to be left alone.

"Fuck off, why don't you?" Nicolette said to them icily, the girl wished hexing other students wasn't against the rules, really. But then again, if it wasn't she might've hexed half of her peers by now. . .

Throwing her bag over her shoulder, Pansy smirked at her deviously. "With pleasure." And with that, Pansy, Daphne and Millicent Bulstrode—the obvious DUFF of the group, who Nicolette could insultwere off.

"God, I hate them so much," muttered Nicolette, tossing Seline a hairbrush. Still half asleep, the blonde let it smack her in the facethis earnt Nicolette another sharp glare. "They give our house such a shit rep." Astoria stared at her feet shamefully, a rosy blush adorning her pasty skin. Noticing the girls' expression, Nicolette sighed, "I'm sorry, A. I know she's your sister and all but. . ." Nicolette trailed off, not being able to come up with anything to redeem her statementit was plain and simple: Daphne Greengrass was a prejudiced bitch and Nicolette couldn't lie about it.

"I know, I know." The brunette witch sighed, slipping her arms through her robe, she wore a small frown as she refused to meet Nicolette's eyes. The dark-skinned girl knew exactly what this was really about and it made her feel a mix of annoyance and sadness.

From her bed, Seline had been watching the interaction closely as she aggressively brushed her hair (how else was she to get out the big knots?). Her friends' body language confused her and she suddenly felt as if she had missed something major. . . something she couldn't quite put her finger on. Artorias dark eyes were burning with some intense emotions as Astoria's blue eyes avoided eye contact, opting for a blank look at the wall.

For now, Seline decided to let it goshe doesn't have the time right now. She will question them about it later.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Seline wandered into the bathroom to get ready (and to get away from the weird vibe in the room). She didn't have time for a shower nor did she have any time for her hair, so she opted for a hair spell (she just had to remember to recast it every few hours, otherwise she would end up looking like Hermione Granger. . . Yikes!) Once her long, almost dark, hair had luminous curls, she began applying a little bit of muggle makeup. Just the basics; eyeliner, mascara, foundation, highlighter and bronzer, lipgloss and some light green eyeshadow (Seline was all for house pride, even if most of her housemates treated her like shit.)

Her friends stood waiting for her (still avoiding eye contact, she might add) as she stepped out of the bathroom, slipping her arm through her robes in the process. "Accio Seline Winchester's pink school bag," Seline muttered as they rushed out of the dormitory. (There was an incident when she muttered just Accio School Bag and about twenty school bags came hurtling at her. So, now she liked to be very specific.)

"Come on, come on," Nicolette rushed them down the halls. "I'm going to be pissed if there's no banana bread left because I had to wait for you," She warned Seline as they walked into the great hall and the brunette merely stuck her tongue out at her friend in response.

In that moment, when Seline had been dicking around rather than paying attention, she had almost crashed straight into Professor Snape. "Here are your class schedules," Professor Snape drawled, his tone filled with boredom as he thrust them at the girls. The blonde swallowed loudly, expecting him to yell at her for almost bowling him over, instead, he just shuffled away.

After a moment, the trio chorused a, "Thank you, Professor." before they began reading their schedules intently. Seline's brow creased as she processed when her classes were and who she had them with (why did she and Malfoy pick so many similar electives, she thought as she stared at her Thursday lessons; she shared every single period with him.)

"History of Magic with the Ravenclaws and Care of Magical Creatures with. . . the Gryffindors, dammit!" Seline sighed, dropping her schedule on the table. "And today looked like a promising day," She sighed, nodding towards the sunny day outside.

"I'm sure they're all not as bad as we think. . ." Astoria said, trying to be optimistic but as she gazed over at the Gryffindor table, she wasn't so convinced. The infamous Weasley twins seemed to be competing to see who would fit the most grapes in their mouthsgross. The Quidditch commentator, something-Jordan was doubled over himself laughing obnoxiously. (Seline is thankful that those three are graduating in two years, maybe there finally will be a bit of peace and quiet at Hogwarts. . . ? Her eyes trail over to Potter and she sighs, as if.)

"A, they're all a bunch of idiots," Nicolette reminded her, buttering her slice of banana bread.

Astoria didn't respond. She seemed to be staring at a group of fifth-year boys in Ravenclaw with a strange look of determination.

Down the other end of the table, Seline heard Draco Malfoy exclaim, "Oh look! Mother has already sent me a care package loaded with heaps of sweets." She watched as he petted his eagle owl, jealousy etched all over her face. She wished her mother would send her care packages loaded with sweets. But alas, the only mail she's going to receive from her mother will be a handwritten lecture or something. Seline sighed, stirring her cereal sadly, she just couldn't wait for that.

IF SELINE WAS GIVEN THE CHOICE BETWEEN RIPPING EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL HAIR ON HER AND SITTING THROUGH PROFESSOR BINNS' DULL HISTORY OF MAGIC CLASSES. His lectures were even more dull then her fathers 'exciting' work stories. By the end of it, Seline Winchester—and just about everyone else in her class—was basically half asleep by the end of the one-hundred minute block. (Well, as asleep as you can be with Crabbe and Goyle playing exploding snap in the back.)

Seline can admit that every-time she goes to revise, she's always shocked by how interesting the topics actually are. Professor Binns just has a remarkable talent for sucking the fun out of everything he talks about. She sometimes wonders if he was like that when he was alive. . . probably.

As the Ravenclaws shuffled off to Transfiguration, the Slytherins went to Care of Magical Creatures (very hesitantly, might Seline add.) and she would've given anything to trade classes. When Seline had chosen her electives over the summer between second and third year, Care of Magical Creatures had sounded pretty cool. . .  until she had found out who the teacher was. Now, she almost hated it as much as History of Magic (the only reasons Care of Magical Creatures wasn't the absolute worst was for two reasons: 1. it was outdoors 2. there wasn't a specific lesson plan/real work.)

"Imagine dying, only to be stuck teaching in the afterlife," Astoria scoffed, letting out a yawn as they walked down to Hagrid's hut for class. "Poor thing."

Out of the trio, Astoria had to be the most empathetic and kind. Most of Seline's empathy had died, along with her innocence, around first year when she had been shunned for a good six months. (Now she understood all the anti-bullying seminars her old school used to hold).

Seline, who had been aggressively shaking out her as they walked (it had gone flat from resting on it!), sniggered. "I wish he'd just hurry up and go to the other side," she muttered, kicking a stone as she walked. Her eyes followed as it disappeared down the hill and into the tall grass.

She saw Hagrid in the distance, standing outside his hut with his enormous black boarhound, Fang waiting beside him. Seline noticed a lot of opened crates beside him on the ground and she also noticed Fang seemed to be whimperinghas she mentioned that she hates that "dog"? Because she does. One time in second-year it tried to eat her sandwich, along with the hand that was attached to the sandwich. Since then, she has been quite weary of the mutt. (Which is a shame 'cause Seline is usually a dog person.)

"Oh god, what has he gotten us into this time?" Nicolette questioned under her breath, pulling her dark curls into a ponytail.

"Be'er wait fer the Slytherins, they won' want ter miss thisBlast-Ended Skrewts!" Hagrid's booming voice had been saying to the Gryffindor students excitedly as they came down the hill. Seline very much wanted to turn around and leave. The name "Blast-Ended Skrewt" sounded like a safety hazard that she didn't;t have the energy to endure. (Okay, but for real? If Hogwarts was a Muggle high school they would have been shut down years ago for all the health and safety violations they have. Is there no one in charge of that shit in the wizarding world?)

"Come again?" said Ron Weasley, his flaming red hair almost blinding Seline. (He should save up for some hair dyeall the Weasleys should, actuallySeline thinks. Hell, she'll personally buy them all hair dye if it means she doesn't have to look at their annoying hair again.)

Hagrid pointed down towards the crates and Lavender Brown let out a scream which made Seline wince. However, after peering inside the crate, Seline couldn't agree with Lavender more. She thought these "Blast-Ended Skrewts" looked like deformed, shell-less lobsters, horribly pale and slimy-looking, with legs sticking out in very odd places and no visible heads. Seline thought there had to be at least a hundred in each crate. (Oh, how she can't wait for the nightmares this will bring her!)

"On'y jus' hatched," Hagrid said proudly, as if they were some winning race horse or something. "So yeh'll be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project out of it!"

Seline was going to be sick. She had not signed up to raise demon looking slug things. (Where was Hagrid's teaching degree? She demands to see one!)

But, before she could be sick, a cold voice spoke,  "And why would we want to raise them?" The rest of Seline's house had arrived. She turned to face the speaker, Draco Malfoy. She saw Crabbe and Goyle chuckling at his words as if he were a fucking comedian or something. She raised an eyebrow at him, resisting the urge to look him up and down (honestly, puberty can go fuck itself.)

Hagrid looked stumped at Draco's question. Had he not expected them to ask the most obvious questions ever?

"I mean, what do they do?" continued Malfoy, Seline turned to Hagrid expectantly. "What's the point of them?"

"What's the point of you?" Seline muttered under her breath and Nicolette sniggered. She saw Draco glare at them before looking back to Hagrid expectantly.

"Tha's next lesson, Malfoy. Yer jus' feedin' 'em today. Now, yeh'll wan' ter' try 'em on a few diff'rent thingsI've never had 'em before, not sure what they'll go ferI got ant frogs an' frog lovers an' a bit o' grass snakejust try 'me out with a bit of each." (Once again, where was this man's degree?)

Hesitantly, Seline grabbed a handful of frog liver and tossed it into the box. She watched as the alien-like creatures fought over the frog organs. She felt a tiny bit of bile rise up her throat but she managed to swallow it. "Disgusting," Seline cringed, wiping her hands on Draco Malfoy's robes (he was standing next to her, okay? And besides she'd called him a toerag yesterday, hadn't she? Might as well make use of the name.)

"Oi!" He shouted when he noticed what she was doing. "What have you done to my robes?" He asks indignantly, trying to wipe off the slime. Pansy Parkinson let out a surprised squeak as Draco wipes the slime on her robes, meanwhile, Millicent and Astoria were laughing their asses off. A few Gryffindors that happened to be nearby were also laughing at them. Potter and co. stood to the side, staring at them with looks mixed with shock and amusement.

"Oops?" Seline shot him a smirk before wandering over to where Astoria and Nicolette were standing. (It was honestly lethargic when she did things to piss him off.)

"Is it going to be like that between you two every year until we graduate?" asked Nicolette, shooting a wary glance back down at the Blast-Ended Skrewts. As Seline processed her words, Nicolette scooped up some more frog liver and tossed it in the crate. Their faces morphed into looks of disgust as they let out terrifying sounds.

Seline shrugged. "whatever do you mean?" she asked with mock innocence as she peeked over at Malfoy, who had already been staring back at her. She frowned as he turned away from her. . . why wasn't he glaring?

"You and Malfoy 'hating' each other," Astoria answered, raising an eyebrow at her friend, eyes flickering towards Nicolette, as if asking for approval. Nicolette ignored her.

Seline frowned. "Why'd you do air quotes?" She crossed her arms, "I literally do hate him."

Astoria and Nicolette exchanged looks, this being the first time they had looked at each other all morning, "Sure."

Before Seline could press the topic further, Dean Thomas cried out in pain, "It got me!"

Damn, Seline thought as she stared, why couldn't it have gotten Daphne instead?

"Its end exploded," explained Dean angrily, showing Hagrid a burn on his hand. From where she was standing, Seline couldn't really see anything but, judging by the look some people were giving him, she assumed it was bad. (Did Hogwarts even do incident reports?)

"Ah, yeah, that can happen when they blast off," said Hagrid, nodding as if that was a normal thing for an animal to do.

"Hagrid, what's the pointy thing on it?" asked Lavender Brown, her face riddled with disgust. Seline had been meaning to ask the same thing, however, being a Slytherin meant that Hagrid wasn't very approachable.

"Ah, some of 'em have got stings," said Hagrid enthusiastically, as if he were talking about a fluffy puppy. Seline quickly took a step away from the box. "I reckon they're the males. . . The females've got sorta sucker things on their bellies. . . I think they might be ter suck blood."

"He's so incompetent," muttered Nicolette and Seline agreed. "Like, what sane person would think this is something you keep as a pet?"

"Well, I can see why we're trying to keep them alive," said Malfoy sarcastically. "Who wouldn't want pets that can suck, sting and bite all at once?" Seline gazed over at him, his pale face was tinted pink from the sun and his usually perfect hair was ruffled up. He seemed to notice her staring and raised an eyebrow at her, as if he was asking her if she saw something she liked? (Why do guys even say that?) The brunette girl scoffed, looking away and crossing her arms over her chest.

What was up with him today?

"He kinda has a point," mumbled Astoria, a guilty look on her face that snapped Seline back to reality. At first, she thought that the girl was answering the imaginary question Draco had "asked" her. When the girl finally caught on, she just nodded half-heartedly.

"Just because they're not very pretty, it doesn't mean they're not useful," snapped Granger, hair bushier than usualSeline wondered how that was even possible. Like, come on, hair gel was like 2 pounds.

Seline scoffed. "Speaking from experience, I see." Nicolette had to cover her mouth to stop herself from laughing at that one.

"Dragon blood's amazingly magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet, would you?" She continued and Seline rolled her eyes. Her summer had been peaceful without Grangers constant butting in.

After that, Seline decided to stop paying attention in class. She watched distractedly as her friends fussed over the Skrewts, her mind on a different planet.

"God, that was painful." Nicolette sighed as they walked into the great hall an hour later for lunch. She was attempting to release her frizzed up hair from her ponytail and Seline saw her since as it kept getting caught.

Clutching her finger, Astoria nodded. Astoria was luckier than Seline and Nicolette in the hair department, her hair was naturally straight and flat (something she had the audacity to complain about). "I couldn't agree more. One of the bloody things bit me." She showed her finger off that had a fresh cut right near her nail, the blood was still fresh.

Nicolette was staring at it with a frown, she mouth something that made Astoria's eyes widen before saying aloud, "You might want to get that checked out by Madam Pomfrey." Her voice was laced with concern as she snaked her arm around the shorter girl. . . "Come on, I'll take you," She said, pulling a tense looking Astoria along with her.

Seline stood in place at the entrance, looking dumbfounded as she watched them quickly disappear around  the corner. Her jaw slackened and she threw her arms up indignantly. "Waitguys? Are you just gonna. . ." Seline frowned as she trailed off as a frown formed on her face.

"Wow, okay then," she grumbled, stomping over to the Slytherin table.

"Aww, your friends ditch you?" cooed Pansy Parkinson as Seline slumped onto her seat at the table. Something was off about the way Pansy was speaking to her like her heart wasn't really in what she was saying. Odd.

"Realised that you're a no-good Mudblood, have they?" asked Daphne Greengrass, smirking devilishly at her friends. There was nothing off about Daphne, she was just as much of a bitch as usual. Seline thinks hitting puberty has made her even more of a bitch. . . how was that even possible?

Seline decided to take the 'ignore them' route that her muggle primary school had ingrained in her head. However, prior to Hogwarts, she'd never actually had to put this into practice. If anything, the school had the anti-bullying seminars because of her. . . what goes around comes around, huh?

As the three bitches cackled, Seline reached for a sandwich off a platethe jam ones looked good. Usually, she wasn't a big fan of jam, however, these sandwiches did look

"An ugly one at that," added Millicent Bulstrode and the trio began laughing harder. Bulstrode's one to talk. . . Seline thought to herself angrily, trying to remain calm. Seline could see her in the corner of her eye, with her buck teeth and acne. . . this bitch—

"No wonder she hasn't got a boyfriend," taunted Daphne, there was an evil glint in her eyes. Seline was about to retort when she remembered that Daphne had claimed to have a Drumstrang boyfriend the other night. Seline didn't buy it, though. "Who'd wanna go out with a fat, ugly, little Mudblood?" Daphne continued, earning a high five from Millicent. Pansy stared at Seline, her expression unreadable but Seline could definitely sense the hatred and prejudice.

Seline hadn't realised she had clenched her fist until she felt some jam slide down her wrist. Angrily, she dropped the smooshed sandwich on her plate. Suddenly, she wasn't even hungry anymore (which only pissed her off more because she had genuinely been looking forward to the sandwich). Slowly, Seline rose from her seat, her body trembling in anger. It shouldn't affect her anymore, really, but it does. She's had that word associated with her since she was eleven: she hated it then and now, she thinks, she hates it more.

Laughing harder, Daphne spoke again, "Oh look, we've upset it. Go on now. . . go cry with Moaning Myrtle in the bathrooms, yeah?" This comment made them laugh harder, "She was a Mudblood too, wasn't she?"

Millicent nodded, her fat cheeks full of bread.

Seline shook her head as she rushed out the hall, she was preoccupied  bumping into someone on the way. "Watch it." He saidit was Draco Malfoy. My day couldn't get any better, thought Seline as she tried to push past him.

Noticing the tear sliding down her cheek, Draco frowned, as he opened his mouth to speak, Seline pushed past him and he watched her disappear into the crowd, a strange feeling rising in his stomach.

Furiously, Seline wiped her eyes as she darted around dark corners—searching for somewhere to be alone. She hated how much their words still affected her—it was nothing new, she'd heard it all before. Why was she always crying in this goddamn castle?

Finally reaching an empty classroom, Seline rushed inside and slumped down beside the bin. She could feel her stomach turning itself inside-out and she only just managed to grab the small tub in time. Emptying all the contents of her stomach, Seline pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them. She hated when she did this, she hated it so much. At first, she used to do it to herself because it made her feel better, but now she didn't even have to try. Her body just knew when to empty her stomachs content, as if expelling all the negative emotions (if only metaphors weren't just symbolic. . .)

She heard students rushing to their classes outside but Seline had no intention of goingit was only Divination after all. Trelawney wouldn't even notice. (Maybe she even foresaw it?)

Wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her robe, Seline decided to do something useful. Pulling out her History of Magic textbook and some parchment and a quill, she started on her essay. The words of her peers, still haunting her as she attempted to list troll warriors.

MALFOY, CRABBE AND GOYLE WERE STILL LAUGHING ABOUT THE NEWSPAPER CLIPPING ABOUT THE WEASLEY FAMILY, WHEN NICOLETTE AND ASTORIA PLOPPED DOWN IN FRONT OF THEM. Both girls wore unimpressed scowls as they stared the boys down. Draco was about to ask what their problem was, but Nicolette beat him to the point.

"You haven't seen, Seline, have you?" asked Nicolette as she locked eyes with the platinum-haired boy. He frowned at the question. "A first-year told me she saw you two talking—though, I've got no idea why she'd be talking to you of all people."

Setting down the newspaper, Draco glanced at her. "I wasn't talking to her, she walked into me," he said, deciding to leave the part out about her crying. (or almost crying? He doesn't care anyways, so why get the details correct?)  "Why do you care, anyway?" he pried, not wanting to sound like he caredhe didn't so. . .

"Because she's our best friend and no one has seen her since lunch," Said Nicolette, glaring at him as her patience wore down. "Did you see the direction she went in?"

Draco shook his head. "Nah, didn't care either. Had more important things to talk about today." He held up the newspaper.

"Yeah," Goyle said way too excitedly, "Moody turned Draco into a ferret!"

"Shut up, Goyle," Draco growled, elbowing the boy in the ribs. He didn't want to think about that experience ever again. He couldn't wait for his father to get back to him, maybe he would get Moody fired as well?

"He's got detention from Snape now 'cause he tried to attack Potter," added Crabbe and Draco stomped on his giant foot making him let out a wince.

Both girls looked unimpressed. "Well, you're no help, are you?" grumbled Nicolette, pinching a bread roll before dragging Astoria off.

"What was that about?" asked Daphne, leaning across the table. Her aggressively dark eyebrows were arched as she stared at him expectantly. Draco didn't necessarily like Daphnehe didn't hate her either. He'd known the girl his whole life (just pureblood things!) but they had never clicked. He only tolerated her because his parents were close with hers, and she was also Pansy's friend.

Draco shrugged, folding the newspaper and tucking it in his robes for safekeeping. He wasn't quite sure he was done taunting Weasley with it just yet, even if it caused him to get detention again. The look on his face was just too funny for Draco to stop. (Next time, he will make sure that Moody is definitely not around, too.) "Just wanted to know if I'd seen Winchester, told 'em I haven't since lunch when the bitch walked into me," Draco explained. For some reason, the word 'bitch' left a bad taste in his mouth. He knew that his mother would scold him, if she were here, for using words like that to talk about a womanMudblood or not.

Pansy, Daphne and Millicent exchanged looks. "Oh. . . that's. . . interesting," Pansy muttered before the three girls huddled together, whispering about something that Draco didn't care about.

For some odd reason, he couldn't stop thinking about where Seline had gotten to. It was annoying to be quite frank. Like, why should he care? Deciding to ignore these thoughts, Draco started eating his dinner. Every time Seline entered his mind, he'd force her out. He didn't want to waste energy thinking about that Mudblood. It was stupid. She was stupid.

Meanwhile, Astoria and Nicolette had yet to give up their hunt for their friend. Hesitating a lot, Nicolette led Astoria towards the Gryffindor table. They ignored all the dirty looks they were earning and strode towards the end that Denika Winchester was sitting at. "well, there's always next year to try out, I guess." They heard the tan brunette say to her friend, Ginny Weasley as they say in the spot adjacent from where they'd just plonked down.

This gained the attention of all the surrounding Gryffindors. Nicolette shot Hermione Granger a fiery glare as she looked at them oddly. "Uhm, can we help you?" asked Denika, eyeing them suspiciously. She looked as aggravatingly pretty as ever; curly locks pulled up into a messy bun, green eyes shining in the light and glowing skin clear of makeup. It honestly made Nicolette hate her more.

"Yeah, are you looking for directions to Azkaban?" Ginny asked, glaring at them. Nicolette noticed her grip on her wand tighten, she raised an eyebrow in retaliation. Don't test me, Weasley.

"We're not here to start a fight so you can put it away," Astoria said before Nicolette could provoke her in any way. "We just wanted to know if you've seen Seline today, she's disappearednobody's seen her since lunch."

Denika's face contorted into worry momentarily before she frowned. "Why do you think I would know where she is? She's practically disowned me as her sister since I got sorted into Gryffindor."

"Yeah, well maybe if you weren't such a Gryffind"

Astoria slapped her hand over Nicolette's mouth and pulled her to her feet. She sent the girls a weary smile, "well, thanks anyway." And then, she dragged Nicolette off.

Denika stared after them, worry filling her slightly. Beside her, Harry elbowed her and she instantly turned to look at him, "yeah?"

"What'd they want?" He asked, glaring at the doors they just left through.

Ron leaned closer to listen, "yeah, it's not every day two demons decide to sit at your table."

Denika scowled at him. "That's a bit harsh. . . Astoria seemed alright when she visited over the summer. . ." Shaking her head she sighed, deciding not to argue this point today. "They just wanted to know if I'd seen Seline, apparently she's gone missing or whatever."

She played it off as though she didn't care but she did. Your sister didn't just stop being your idol, even when they become bitches, and you certainly cared when they went missing. But she didn't think her friends would understand. To them, she was just another evil Slytherin, like Draco Malfoy or Pansy Parkinson.

But Denika knew for a fact that Seline hated both of them and wanted to be nothing like them. Still, she hated Gryffindors with a passion and seeing as Denika was a Gryffindor, it meant that her sister hated her, too. And that hurt like hell.


i was so very close to scrapping this chapter lol. it sucks in every single rewrite but it's important for plot & character development later. i just wanna hug my girl seline so hard


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