𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. inside the teenage mind

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OKAY, LOOK, SELINE DIDN'T WAKE UP THAT MORNING WITH THE INTENT GETTING PISSED OFF AT HER FRIENDS. . .it just kinda happened quite naturally. Like, maybe Nicolette should just stop doing things that piss her off. (Just a suggestion!)

Perhaps, this statement would make more sense with an explanation. . . ?

So, it'd all started the morning after last and Seline was noticeably a lot quieter than usual (even Pansy looked at her occasionally, confused not to hear her rowdy comments all throughout breakfast). Seline had always liked to take the stew-silently-until-someone-notices approach to being pissed off. Heads definitely turned in her general area when she failed to join in on the string of sarcastic comments shot in Potter's direction as he waltzed into the great hall.

(And she had some good ones, too: "Oh look, it's The Boy Who Couldn't Live Without Attention.")

Her dark locks were pulled into a tight bun that gave her a slight headache (as if she needed another reason to have a throbbing pain in her temple) and she wore a little extra makeup. Like, there was no way in hell she was letting how upset she was show. At all. She was the spitting image of put-togetherness. She'd even given her eyeshadow an extra little bit of pizzaz; silver glitter! (This definitely didn't have anything to do with the fact that her eyes were still a bit bloodshot from crying and not sleeping. Nope. Who made that rubbish up?!) The added glitter only made her almost ghostly complexion glisten under the candlelight.

Her dark eyes flicker up at her two friends occasionally as she stirred her soggy oats anti-clockwise. They were engaged in an animated discussion about something she didn't quite bother to listen to. While Seline was every bit as put together as possible that morning, neither of them seemed to care. Astoria's lip gloss was smudged and Nicolette's hair was frizzy. Yet, they both had a natural glow about that Seline could never come close to replicating (no matter how thorough she made her skincare routine).

God, sometimes she truly hated herself. Why had she been born so sensitive? Everything seemed to get to her. For fuck sake, why couldn't she be the stone-cold, emotionless Slytherin bitch that everyone seemed to think she was? But nope. Here she was instead, every single word cut into her soul like tiny sewing pins and her soul slowly dripped out as they were retracted again and again. Everything was so bleh right now.

"Seline," the sound of Astoria's concerned voice sliced through her train of thought and the girl looked up. "Are you alright? You've barely said a word all morning. . ." While her friends dark eyebrows were arched in a slightly concerned manner, nothing else about her body language screamed 'I care!'. In fact, her mouth was still stretched into an irritatingly straight grin and the corners of her eyes were still creased with Nicolettes last joke.

Seline suppressed an eye roll as she looked down at her bland oats. "I've just been thinking, that's all," she replied, her tone laced with boredom. Her friends watched as she poured orange juice into her goblet and she tried to keep her hand steady.

Nicolette, who'd been buttering some banana bread, scoffed. Today her curly hair was tied into two braids, a pretty green ribbon held it all together. Any other day Seline would've complimented her for it. "I didn't think you did that," Nicolette muttered, smirking up at her. Sure, she'd meant it to be a playful joke but Seline wasn't in the mood.

Seline's eyes narrowed and her grip on her goblet tightened. "Right because I'm just the dumb one who can be ditched whenever?" She retorted, feigning airiness. As her words sunk in, Seline looked away from them, pretending to look at the array of food before them.

"What are you on about?" Nicolette asked, narrowing her eyes. Astoria placed a calming hand on her shoulder but Nicolette shrugged her off. This made the pureblood witch frown at her and cross her arms.

The darker-skinned girls' eyebrows were raised and her round face was set in a deep frown. Seline, still trying to seem calm and unbothered refused to meet her stare. She instead focused her attention on the bubbles floating from the bottom to the top of the orange juice. "Nothing, nothing," Seline muttered in mock nonchalance, lifting her goblet to her lips and sipping it slowly; purposely making the obnoxious slurping sound children generally found hilarious for some reason.

Nicolette's face reddened, "no, come on, spit out already." She demanded, her banana bread momentarily abandoned.

"Fine!" Seline snapped, slamming her empty goblet on the table, "where were you both yesterday? Where do you guys go all the time? What are you not telling me, your supposed best friend?" The questions just spilled out of her mouth. Seline had meant to ask them a lot slower and a lot calmer. But, things never worked out as she planned. Take her life for example. . .

Nicolette opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. Astoria, looked away from them, hoping Seline would forget she was there. Nicolette seemed to be deep in thought as she glared silently at Seline. She was waging a mental battle and as the battle was won, her face hardened even more. She was determined to keep this secret—even if it meant hurting Seline slightly, besides, she'd get over it.

"What's it to you? Why do you need to know where we are every second of the day?" She fired back, her eyes narrowed at the blonde. Astoria, on the other hand, looked shocked. Her jaw went slack and hung open as she watched this exchange.

"Oh, I don't know maybe because I'm supposed to be your friend" The pale girl fired back, her temper rising even further.

Nicolette cut her off. "Yeah? Well, right now you sound more like a stalker." Nicolette felt horrible for what she was sayingshe really did. But if their secret got out, there's a chance it could ruin their lives. Her father's stern voice echoed in the back of her mind. The words he'd said, sent an involuntary shiver up her spine:


"As if I'd stalk someone as boring as you!"

"Why do we need to be with you at all seconds of every fucking day? Can't you hang out with some other friendsoh yeah, that's right, you don't have"


Nicolette knew her words were harsh, she felt horrible for saying them. But she needed to throw Seline off before she could figure out the truth. And besides, they're best friends, Seline would get over it, right?

. . . Right?

Seline didn't even let her finish, instead, she picked up the jug of juice and dumped it on Nicolette before storming out of the great hall. She didn't care that everyone stared at her as she left.

The two Slytherins jaws hung open wide as juice slid down Nicolette's cheek. Her black hair stuck to her red face as she watched the girl disappear through the exit.

By the time Seline was well enough away did she finally exhale. She felt like she was going to explode in anger. The brunette girl practically power-walked across campus to the History of Magic classroom. Luckily, she didn't have much alone-time to stew over her anger as Ravenclaws began lining up behind her almost immediately.

Class started not too long after that—Ravenclaws and Slytherin alike began filing in. All the desks began filling up and Seline snagged a desk by herself towards the back. She quickly looked down at her unopened textbook when Astoria and Nicolette waltzed in. She could feel their eyes on her—like lasers—but she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of her attention.

Seline had decided that these next one-hundred minutes were going to be dedicated to her stewing over her anger. She quickly turned her head from them and pretended to be sorting through her notes (as if she even took notes for class). Showing signs of weakness was the first stage of losing the battle.

Before she even had a chance to perfect her pouting face, Pansy Parkinson (of all people?) had slid into the desk connected to hers. Was the universe out to get her today?

"What are you?"

"It's a seat, Winchester," Pansy snapped, "don't make it weird." Her pug-like face examined her for long after she'd finished her sentence—it made Seline nervous.

"Millicent willingly sat on the floor rather then share a desk with me." Seline retorted, "multiple times."

Pansy shrugged, finally breaking eye-contact. "Millie's just dramatic, you'll get used to her."

Her eyebrows arched downwards as the girls words sunk-in. "I will. . . ?"

Pansy, who was casually flipped through her textbook nodded and didn't look up at her. "Duh, you need new friends, right?"

"You hate me," Seline pointed out.

Pansy sighed theatrically and looked at her again, finally. "Hate is such a strong word. I like to think I was just following the trends—I'm never behind in them."

"What on earth are you on about?"

"Your little display at breakfast and the quidditch match. . . it's gotten people talking," Pansy said, as if that explained everything.

"Okay. . . ?"

Pansy rolled her eyes. "The common disdain everyones always had for you has seemed to do a little flip and, like I said, you need new friends."

Seline stared at her, dumbfounded. "So, you're only wanting to be my friends because I'm not completely hated by everyone anymore."

"In all honesty, Seline, I've always thought you were cool. . . it's just that you're. . ."

"I believe the words you're looking for are "filthy Mudblood."" Seline deadpanned and Pansy flushed, not meeting the blonde's eyes.

"Erm. . . The point is, because you have no friends and also you're kinda cool, we're considering letting you in our gang." Pansy muttered, playing with her quill nervously. It was a rare sight: Pansy Parkinson flushed and nervous.

Seline's eyes flickered over towards Nicolette and Astoria. They were both watching her and Pansy, deeply confused looks on both their faces. "You want me in your gang?"

Pansy nodded slowly.

"Is this supposed to be some sort of practical joke?" She asked, expecting Ashton Kutcher to jump out at her any moment now.

"It's a peace offering," Pansy said, eyes landing on Potter and Granger walked into the classroom. "Let's just say, there's bigger fish to fry."

Seline followed her eye-line.

For something so big, she decided not to think too hard on it. What did she have to lose when this went sideways? "What're we doing this evening, then?" She asked and Pansy grinned at her.

The raven haired girl launched full throttle into a long winded explanation of Daphnes love life and how important it was for them to all sit in the common room tonight and look unbothered. Apparently, she used to be with a fifth year but he broke up with her for another girl but they recently broke up. And Daphne has to look dateable but not desperate to get back with him. Seline couldn't help but compare her friends to this group—they never really cared to talk about boys much (beyond her recounting stuff that'd happened to her over the summer and even then, they barely put in any input).

Eventually, Professors Binns shushed them. Pansy and Seline both glared at him but did as they were told. As Seline and Pansy sat, elbows touching awkwardly (Seline wishes the school would invest in bigger desks) the former thought about where she was at in life. She's been back at school for what? Almost two months? And in that time she'd managed to get detention, indirectly start a fight that ended with someone being hospitalised, get lectured by her mother, stop talking to her sister, catch the snitch in a 'friendly' quidditch match, start crushing on Wayne Hopkins, be spoon-fed by Viktor Krum, have multiple breakdowns, fight with Nicolette and now, join a new friendship group. God save her.

It only took a few moments for Seline to become bored with listening to the timeline of the goblin rebellions. Seline rummaged through her schoolbag quietly before finding what she wanted. She pulled out a blue Muggle pen and a small pink-lined notebook. This notebook was also known as her note-passing-book.

S: Are you as bored as I am?

Seline subtly elbowed Pansy making the pureblood girl glare at her. Seline nodded at the paper and pen. Hesitantly, Pansy read what Seline had written, smiling to herself she replied.

P: Depends. Do you look forward to Care of Magical Creatures more than this class?

Pansy had the most fancy and extra handwriting Seline had ever seen. Though, the slight bumps in her words made it obvious that the girl had only ever used a quill and was not used to using a biro. As she read Pansy's words, she feigned shock which made Pansy smirk.

S: Unfortunately, yes. He just makes the most interesting topics sound so fucking boring. Like, Goblin rebellions sound mad but when he talks about it I find myself wanting to do a Van Gough and cut my own ear off.

Pansy frowned, obviously confused, as she read Seline's message.

P: Who's Van Gough and why'd he cut his ear off?

S: Muggle artist. Can't remember why he cut his ear offI think he was crazy or something.

P: Lovely. . .

S: I promise not all Muggles are crazy weird like that. Like, yeah, there's a few but same goes for witches and wizards, right? . . . Like, Alicia Silverstone seems normal enough.

P: Alicia Silverstone?

S: She played the main character in this movie called Clueless. My sister and I rewatch it all the time over the breaks.

P: I've never seen a movie. . .

Seline's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets as she read the girls reply and her hand shot across her mouth.

S: That is the most depressing thing I have ever read, what the fuck.

P: Where the fuck was I supposed to acquire a television from???

S: What do you pure-bloods do for fun then?

P: I like Monopoly?

S: So, you've played Monopoly but you've never seen a bloody film? You're hurting my brain. . .

And they went on like this, writing random notes back and forthbecause anything was more interesting than Professor Binns' lesson. Seline ignored the prickling sensation in the back of her neck, the one that told her someone was staring.

There's like three suspects she has and honestly, she doesn't want to look at any of them. She felt Pansy elbow her and looked down to see another message written in the book for her.

P: Just thought I should tell you that Wayne Hopkins has been staring at you for ages.

Seline's eyes grew wide as she read what Pansy had written messily. He had not been one of her suspects. . . "What?" Seline blurted out, earning a glare from their teacher. Pansy grinned, nodding her head at the other side of the room.

"See for yourself," she whispered before going back to pretending to do her schoolwork.

Wayne is staring at me? She quickly looked around, trying to find where he was. She found him quickly, sitting next to Theodore Nott in the row in front of hers. Wayne grinned at her as their eyes met and Seline felt her cheeks heat up.

S: How long has he been staring?

Pansy read the note with a playful grin etched upon her face; Not exactly sure but I noticed about half an hour ago.

S: Why didn't you tell me sooner?!

P: I thought you knew!!!

Casting another dazed look at Wayne, Seline then turned back to Pansy. The brunette had long since gone back to doing her schoolwork. Seline's decided that she's not so bad as she originally thought.

Sure, she wasn't going to fill the void Nicolette and Astoria had left but, maybe in due time. . . ?

ONCE HISTORY OF MAGIC FINALLY CAME TO AN END, IT WAS TIME FOR CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES. Seline will admit, she definitely preferred this class over History of Magic (like, she could work on getting a tan at least) but that didn't mean she didn't hate, you know? Hagrid only had eyes for the 'Golden Trio' and was a bit too generous with the house points he'd throw around. Like, who was he trying to be? Dumbledore? (Plus, let's not forget that Hagrid has no actual degree—like, there was a rumour that went around a few years back that he'd not even finished Hogwarts! What was this schools obsession with hiring random, non-qualified people to teach life-threatening classes?)

"Oh, look, it's Saint Potter," Seline muttered as they ventured down the hill towards Hagrids dingy hut.

"Ugh, I can't wait to watch him lose and/or die," Daphne muttered, eyeing Seline slightly. Obviously, it wasn't her idea to let Seline into the group. Though, Seline had to commend her for her self control at not insulting Seline once on the way down. (The blonde could tell by her body language that she wants to, though.)

Draco was ahead of them, sneering at Potter already. Seline looked away from him, those confusing feelings erupting inside her again. While he spoke, she aggressively stared at the back of Wayne Hopkins' head instead; he wasn't confusing. And as she accidentally admitted before, he was a boy she could find herself loving. 

"Ah, look, boys, it's the champion," Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle the moment he got within earshot of Potter. "Got your autograph books? Better get a signature now, because I doubt he's going to be around much longer. . . Half the Triwizard champions have died. . . how long d'you reckon you're going to last, Potter? Ten minutes into the first task's my bet."

Seline didn't laugh—she decided she was banning herself from laughing at Draco's jokes—but everyone else in her house sure did. Unfortunately, Hagrid emerged before Draco could say anything else. (Potter deserved all the piss taken out of him.)

The blonde tried not to roll her eyes as he clumsily stood in front of them, mangy beard and rag-like clothes adorning his ginormous body. Seline felt horror overcome her as Hagrid began to explain what today's lesson was all about. Hagrid proceeded to reveal that the reason the Skrewts had been killing one another was an excess of pent-up energy and that the solution would be for each student to fix a leash on a Skrewt and take it for a short walk. Oh, hell fucking no!

"Take this thing for a walk?" Draco repeated in disgust as he stared inside one of the boxes. "And where exactly are we supposed to fix the leash? Around the sting, the blasting end, or the sucker?" Seline thought this was a decent question. Like, what the fuck Hagrid? You walked dogs—cats even, but not fucking Blasted-End Skrewts! Where were the risk assessments and permission slips?

"Roun' the middle," said Hagrid, demonstrating as if it were completely fucking normal and shit—she wondered what he saw when he looked at those vile creatures. Was it something resembling a cute kitten? That would explain how lovingly he acts towards them. "Er—yeh might want ter put on yer dragon-hide gloves, jus' as an extra precaution, like. Harry, you come here an' help me with this big one. . ." There he goes with his favouritism. . . (Not that Seline would particularly want to be chosen for this demonstration.)

"Fuck this." She muttered as she stared into her crate, her leash dangling from her fingertips. Seline could tell the Skrewt was watching her—even if she couldn't exactly see its eyes.

These abominations were exactly what she'd pictured the monster under her bed to look like when she was about four. She's convinced they've descended from some type of demon. Like, if the muggles were aware that these things were roaming the earth they'd go bloody mental trying to exterminate them all (and she wouldn't blame them).

She'd been in the midst of a stare-off with her designated Skrewt for a while now—too scared to touch the vile creature. Like, throwing it food from a safe distance was one thing but taking it for a walk? Touching the bloody thing? Absolutely, no way.
Only someone with a death wish would think that's a good idea. The girl was terrified it'll spontaneously combust when she touches it.

"I regret not bunking." Said Draco, appearing next to her. Seline noticed his Skrewt was on a leash already (how?!). She saw the evil creature was trying to pull Draco away but Draco seemed just as determined not to move. (She wished it would hurry up and take him away from her). He looked okay today, not that Seline took any notice, of course. His robes were undone a little at the front, exposing his white button-up shirt and silver and green tie. His pale hair was slicked back in a way that screamed "I-spent-at-least-an-hour-on-this-so-you-better-praise-me-for-it-or-my-father-will-hear-about-it."

Seline turned away from him and back to her Skrewtshe was still confused and annoyed about yesterday. At least the Skrewt didn't try and play mind games with her or some shit. No, it was straight up about being an evil little fuck. This was the only quality the thing contained which she admired.

Draco, on the other hand, liked playing double personalities. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. . . not that she's ever actually bothered to read that book. That's just what's she's heard it's about.

"Do you want help?" He relented, reaching to grab her leash but she moved it out of his grasp. Could he take a hint already? Jesus.

Shaking her head, Seline responded. "I'm fine doing it myself, thanks." She snapped, not having the patience to deal with this hot and cold act he's got going on lately.

The smirk fell from his lips. "Oh. . . Okay," he muttered, clearing his throat. "II was going to ask you something yesterday but I didn't have the chance"

"Are you struggling with this too?" Wayne Hopkins asked Seline, she hadn't even noticed him at the crate next to her. She mentally thanked him for saving her from this conversation.

Seline gave him a small, appreciative smile. His brown curls blew around in the wind as he grinned at her. Seline would admit how good he looked today.

Where Draco was neat and tidy, Wayne was not. His robes, unlike Draco's, were not fashionably messed up but genuinely creased and flapping in the wind. While Draco's hair was smoothed back, Wayne's brown curls were blowing about freely. While Draco was—why was she even comparing them? There was no comparison. Wayne won ever single time. Wayne was easy and sweet and clearly the kind of guy she could crush on.

She nodded at him, some of her hair blowing over her face, "these things are impossible." She sighed, twisting the leash around her fingers.

Wayne laughed, holding up a broken lead, "don't I know it. . .?" Seline jumped slightly as she heard a sound reminiscent of a growl coming from Wayne's crate.

Seline laughed. It was a proper laugh. Not the guarded kind Draco normally got out of her (ugh, she needs to train her brain not to compare).

"Seline? I'm trying to ask you about going to Hogsm" Draco started, a sheepish expression on his face.

Seline spun around to face him, finally snapping. "Does it look like I'm listening?" She spat, glaring at him. The height difference meant nothing, her anger and power dominated his height a million times over. "I'm done with you and whatever you're trying to do with me, alright? I'm sick of how you treat me. One minute you're this decent human and the next. . . you're not. It's annoying, Draco."

Seline quickly stuck her hand in the crate and attached the lead around the Skrewts middle, not caring if it stung or blew up on her. She kicked the crate over to free it and was off, walking it as far away from Draco as possible. (Which wasn't hard because the miniature demon was dragging her along at a very high speed).

The blonde wizard stayed where she'd left him (even though his Skrewt was fighting with every fibre of its being to drag him across the field). It was silly for him to be deluded enough for a second to think they could even so much as be friends. Just because Pansy and co. could abandon their family values in the name of another friend, doesn't give him the right to attempt to take it a step further. He was a Malfoy. What did he expect, really? For the girl to jump into his arms openly? Then what? He could picture his fathers cold stare if he so much as brought her near Malfoy Manor.

Being frenemies was the only way things could ever work. He'd believe it eventually.

"Jesus, mate," said Wayne, who Draco had forgotten about. "What'd you do to piss her off?"

Draco didn't bother looking at his peer. He knew he'd be wearing the same dazed stare as him. "It doesn't matter," he replied, forcing the bitterness out of his tone.

Wayne broke his gaze away from Seline long enough to give Draco's body language a once over. "I better go get another lead, see you."

"I hope not, " Draco grumbled, finally allowing his Skrewt to pull him away.

BEING COMPLETELY HONEST, BEING IN THE POPULAR GANG AT SCHOOL AGAIN WAS SO FUN. Even better then the dingy old primary school she'd practically run. This was a different level. Sure, people still balanced at her side-long whenever she entered the common rooms. But now that she was Pansy's new bestie—a term Seline was using very lightly—no one dared say the things they thought about her anyone. She was starting to finally feel a slither of that house comradely Denika always went on about.

"What have you got for the DADA homework?" Asked Pansy, trying to read Seline's essay from upside down. The brunettes lips curled upwards as she moved the parchment out of Pansy's line of vision.

"The Unforgivable Curses by Seline Winchester." Seline read, her eyes sparkling with playfulness. Seline could be a master procrastinator if she wanted to, that's for sure.

Pansy giggled a little bit. "Well, you've got more than me," she said, holding up her blank parchment.

Daphne, who was sitting on the floor while Seline and Pansy took up a whole couch, glared at Seline. "Do you ever do your homework?" She asked, her voice slightly condescending.

"Oh please, Daphne." Pansy scoffed, "don't pretend like you don't copy off literally every. Hell, I even caught you 'proofreading' one of Crabbe's essays. Crabbe!"

Seline and Millicent, who was sitting by the fireplace, both burst out laughing as Daphne's face turned bright red. Her dark eyebrows narrowed and she let out an annoyed huff as she packed her things up. "Whatever, I'm going to the library. Come on Millicent."

"Oh, but I don't"

"Millicent," Daphne growled, her tone similar to a mothers' when her child refused to do their chores.

Heaving a loud sigh, Millicent obliged and the two girls left.

"Jesus, what's up her arse?" Seline muttered, crossing out the opening sentence to her essay.

Pansy sighed, "she's jealous that I spend more time with you than her now."

Seline did a double-take. "Your kidding?"

"Not in the slightest," Pansy mumbled, ". . . it wasn't exactly her idea to invite you to be our friend she. . . she didn't like the idea very much, actually."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Seline recalled all the horrid things Daphne had ever said to her.

Pansy gave her an empathetic smile, "I'm sorry."

"Potter Stinks!" Someone was yelling across the common room, both Pansy and Seline's head turned to face the direction it was coming from. "Support Hogwarts' true champion: Cedric Diggory!" The owner of the voice was really not surprising. Seline instantly recognised Draco Malfoy handing out brightly coloured badges to everyone who passed him.

Pansy turned back to her, "wanna go see what that's about?" She asked, already putting her parchment on the table.

Seline didn't move. "Uhm, no thanks. I really want to finish this one day. . . you go. Fill me in after, yeah?" Pansy gave her a strange look before going over to where Draco was handing out badges. Her eyes flickered over and she could've sworn she saw Draco's head turn away from her direction.

"We need to talk," said someone, making Seline jump and spill ink all over herself. Her parchment was drenched and her pretty blouse was ruined. It was a pale purple one that she'd only bought a week before she came back to Hogwarts. She knew instantly who was standing behind her and she hoped that if she pretends not to hear them, that they'd just go away. Reaching for her wand, Seline began siphoning the ink off her essay first and then her top. It required deep concentration otherwise there'd be permanent stains.

"Fine," said Nicolette, pushing Seline's outstretched legs off the couch and sitting down. "I'll talk."

"And I won't listen," Seline retorted, fastening the cap on her ink bottle, but trying to do as loudly as possible.

"Seline, I'm sorry about what I said, okay? I didn't mean it. . . it's just that. . . well, I can't tell you," Nicolette said feebly, biting her lip as she tried to get Seline to meet her eyes.

"Wow, what a gripping apology. Truly, I am so very much moved that I think I might just cry, Travers," Seline deadpanned, reaching for her schoolbag but Nicolette got it first.

"You're not getting this back until you listen to me, Seline," Nicolette sighed, moving the bag out of Seline's reach.

"I believe that's called stealing," Seline snapped, her eyebrows arching downwards as she looked up the girl who'd been her best friend about twelve hours ago. Perhaps, she was being a tad dramatic but Seline wasn't the type to back down. Especially when her friends' words had cut deep.

"Oh, my god, Seline just shut up for once in your life," Nicolette moaned.

Seline glared at her. "You're not doing a very good job at winning me over, I'll be honest." She snatched her bag back just as Pansy came back over.

"Here, I got you a. . . Is everything okay over here?" she asked, the hand that she'd been holding a badge out for Seline in fell to her side. Her eyes moved slowly from one girl and back to the other.

"Great, actually," Seline said, scooping Pansy's possessions up for her. "I'm thinking that we should find a different place to sit, though. This ones' covered in bitch."

Pansy nodded and lead Seline over to where Wayne, Nott and Zabini were sitting across the common room. "Shove over, Blaise," said Pansy and the dark boy sighed before obliging and making space for them.

Seline examined the badge Pansy had given her, a small smile on her lips as she read what it said: "Support Cedric Diggory: The real Hogwarts champion!" And then she watched the bright red words transform into a simple: "Potter stinks!" Oh yeah, she was definitely going to wear the shit out of this. All she had to do was pretend Pansy got it for her and that Draco Malfoy had nothing to do with the creation of this badge. (She couldn't have her clothes tainted by him.)

"I thought you'd be pro-Potter," said Blaise absently. Seline looked up and saw him gesturing to the badge, "isn't your sister shagging him or something. . . ?"

Seline's expression contorted into one of utmost disgust, "she's thirteen, Zabini. I sure of shit hope she's not," she said, glaring at the dark boy who's cursed her ex-friend a few weeks ago. "And why should Denika's poor judgement in boys affect me?"

Blaise shrugged, "fair enough, I guess."

Seline fastened the badge to the front of her robes as someone else began speaking to her, "hey Seline, you don't have a boyfriend. . . do you?"

Wayne Hopkins had been the one talking to her now. Ignoring the knowing look Pansy sent her, she shrugged. "Uhm no. . . Why?"

Wayne cleared his throat, obviously not expecting this answer. "Really? . . . Er. . . I have a friend who wants to ask you out. . . D'ya reckon you'd give him a chance?" She ignored the smirk Blaise and Theodore shared as he spoke.

"I. . . I suppose. . ." Seline said, eyeing him carefully. His leg was bobbing up and down and his face was a light shade of pink. "Can I have the name of this friend?"

"No," Wayne said, his eyes widening and his cheeks heating up. "I mean. . . He wants to surprise you and all that. . ."

"Righto. . ."

She gave Pansy a look, expecting a full debrief the second they entered that dorm room.


*crowd boos* omg, hello?? i'm alive???
i'm really really sorry about the inconsistent updates but i've had shit going on,,,,


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