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Džanum-Teye Dora

"Say you want it, beg me for it"

My cries filled the air "please stop your hurting me stop"

"Shut-up you slut, beg me for it"

I winced as his hand made contact with my cheek, a sharp stinging sensation spreading across my skin.

"Give me more" I said with a lump forming at the back of my throat

"Say it like you mean it slut"

"Slut." The word echoed in my mind, a venomous hiss that felt like a physical blow. I despised that word, despised the way he spat it out with such disdain, as if it defined my entire existence. The pain it caused cut deeper than any physical wound, slicing through my self-esteem, leaving behind a raw, bleeding mess of emotions.

The dark corners of my mind whispered vengeful thoughts, fantasies of retribution. Should I cut his tongue off? The idea flitted across my consciousness like a shadowy specter, tempting me with the notion of silencing his cruel words forever. Or perhaps a more visceral revenge, like plunging a blade into his neck, watching the blood gush forth in a macabre dance. The mental image was gruesome, yet strangely satisfying, a twisted sense of justice playing out in the recesses of my imagination.

He moaned in my ears, his breath hot against my skin, his satisfaction a cruel contrast to my anguish. Once he had finished, he laid beside me, spent and breathless, as if he had done nothing more than exert himself in a harmless activity. His casual demeanor only deepened the horror of the moment.

"You know I love you right?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was tired, exhausted from enduring this night after night. The pain inside me screamed to be released. I wanted to scream, to shout, to escape this living nightmare. "My half-sister is your daughter," I choked out amidst my tears.

"Okay? It's you I love. Your mum doesn't turn me on like you do," he said, his words dripping with sickening sincerity.

"I'm 15!" I yelled, finally letting the tears flow freely. Every night, he invaded my room, repeating the same horrifying ritual. I mustered the courage to confide in my mother, but she dismissed my cries for help as lies. Bailey, my own sister, merely laughed in my face.

I couldn't blame them, really. Why would they believe me over him? I felt like a useless, power-hungry outcast who had stolen my sister's rightful place.

was it ever hers to begin with?

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I'll get you imprisoned!" I cried, my voice breaking with every word, as I pounded his chest.

He grinned wickedly and gripped my arm, his fingers digging into my skin. "Who are you going to tell? Your mom who hates you and hurts you every night? Your sister who despises you more than anyone else? Or the jirlu? I am the chief of the jirlu. Get me imprisoned?" He chuckled, the sound sending chills down my spine, and he slapped me hard. My weak body crumbled to the floor, pain coursing through every inch of my being. "I own the prison," he sneered.

He crawled closer, his eyes filled with malevolence, and taunted, "Ready for round 2?"

"No, no, no, no, no," I whimpered, trying to scramble away, but my legs throbbed with agony. Every movement sent sharp waves of pain through me.

I raised my hands, desperately summoning my fire, but it flickered weakly. My power was feeble, and I knew I couldn't defend myself. What had I expected to achieve?

He roared with laughter, a terrifying sound that echoed in the room. Flames started forming around his middle finger, dancing ominously on his fingertips.

He paused, his eyes narrowing with sinister intent. "You know," he mused, his voice dripping with cruelty, "I wonder how this would feel if I stick it inside you."

"What?" I gasped, horror and fear clawing at my insides.

Run. My mind screamed at me. Escape. But he held me down, his grip unyielding, and forced my legs apart. "I mean, you don't mind, right?" he sneered, his face contorted with malice. "You'll heal anyway."

"Princess Brooklyn are you listening to me?" Professor Birkingham's stern voice snapped me out of my daze. I blinked, my surroundings slowly coming into focus. Classroom. I was in class. How did I get here? Did I zone off again?

"Yes, Professor Birkingham," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

"Then answer the question."

"Which question?" I stammered, my thoughts still scattered.

Celeste snorted, and giggles rippled through the classroom like an uncontrolled wave. Professor Birkingham, an imposing figure with her heels tapping on the floor, her gaze sharp as she assessed her students, repeated her question about the first law of elemental bending.

You're a filthy piece of shit. Bailey pass me the knife.

"I don't know," I admitted, my voice barely audible amidst the laughter.

"Denisha, what is the first law of elemental bending?" Professor Birkingham turned her piercing gaze toward her

"In elemental bending, we take in atmospheric energy and channel it to our being," she replied

She nodded, seemingly satisfied, but then her focus shifted to me again. "Princess Brooklyn, what is the third law of elemental bending?"

"Are you going to stick the hot knife in her leg. Let me try it mummy. I barely get to play with her "

"Okay Bailey. Just stick it through her left leg, Right here" She pointed to my mid tighs. Bailey laughed maniacally as she stabbed through my leg. My screams filled the room.

"The third law is-," I stammered

"Pathetic shit. You really think you can get into the zodiac academy. You'd fail on the first day "

"Continue, Brooklyn, or do you not know this one too?" Professor Birkingham's scowl deepened, and I felt the weight of her disappointment.

"You're not better than me. You're not better than me. I'm Bailey Air. Prodigy commander of fire and you're nothing "

"I'm not nothing," I whispered defiantly

"What?" Professor Birkingham seemed taken aback by my response.

"Brooke, are you okay?" Jamal's concerned voice cut through the tension, but I couldn't afford to show weakness. Paris glanced at me, her eyes filled with worry. "Do you want to see the Alecrist?"

"No, I'm fine," I mouthed to all of them, my mask of composure firmly in place.

"Is it happening again?" Jamal pressed on, genuine concern etched on his face.

"I'm fine," I repeated, my voice steadier this time. Renee coughed, her subtle way of telling Jamal to back off

"If you're fine, then answer the-" Professor Birkingham's sentence was cut short as the door burst open, revealing Professor Elara, her stern expression sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hello, students," Professor Elara announced, her tone leaving no room for dissent. "I'm about to make an announcement, and after this announcement, we will all gather in the Jersey hall."

The Jersey hall. Something was amiss. Was someone in trouble?

"There is going to be a 4-day camp in one of the territories organized for your class," Professor Elara continued, her gaze sweeping across the room. "Dear Brooklyn came to me and suggested-might I say, pressured me into giving you 4 free days to explore any territory. I'm giving you two minutes to decide."

This wasn't part of the plan. It was supposed to be the Scorpio territory, not a decision.

Paris turned to me, her eyes widening in anticipation. "I knew you could do it," she mouthed, her words barely reaching my ears. "I love you."

"You're lonely and have no friends. Maybe you should just kill your self. Mummy is not here to stop me. I wonder how this knife would react with your stomach"

I raised my arms, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me. "I suggest Scorpio territory."

A tense silence hung in the room as Professor Elara scanned our faces. "Is everyone okay with that?" she asked, her gaze piercing each one of us.

"I suggest Aries territory," Denisha chimed in, her tone laced with determination.

Ugh. There she goes again ruining my plans.

"Okay, two places. Let's vote," Professor Elara declared, her eyes shifting between Scorpio and Aries supporters.

Hands went up for Scorpio territory. Paris, Maylee, Renee, Jamal, and I raised our hands, hoping to overpower the opposition.

I glanced at Ramon, noticing his lack of enthusiasm. Why wasn't he raising his hand? After what happened between us yesterday isn't he supposed to support me?

Damien raised his hands, surprising me. "Thank you," I said, acknowledging his unexpected support,

"Anything for you," he replied

"Get a life " I whispered back and he laughed

"It's tied," Professor Elara announced, her frustration evident. "Why do I even bother? You're 12; it's not shocking that it's tied. I guess we'll go to both. On Apollo's day, you'll meet with Professors Densin, Birkingham, and Unshe at the great hall to start your trip. Now go to the Jersey hall. Renee, wait behind"

"I'll always be in your life Brooklyn. You can't get rid of me that easily. "

"I love you Bailey. You're not a monster."

"Think again." She stabbed the hot knife in my arm.

"You're dead. I'm safe, you're dead". I repeated to myself as I made my way to the Jersey hall, anticipation mingled with apprehension. When I walked into the hall, I found myself surrounded by students from everywhere-gerists and royals, representatives from every grade. Professor Elara stood on the stage, her authoritative presence commanding attention. My eyes were drawn to an ominous sight-an imposing wooden stake standing tall in the middle of the hall.

A stick? It couldn't be.

"Renee and Morrison, step forward," Professor Elara's voice cut through the hushed murmurs, and my heart sank. Renee, her eyes brimming with tears, gripped Morrison's hand tightly, her desperation visible. This couldn't be happening. Not to Renee.

Professor Unshe rose from her seat, her eyes fixed on the screen she had activated. Images and videos flickered across it, revealing Renee and Morrison in intimate moments, their relationship laid bare for everyone to see. Gasps and whispers rippled through the hall as the damning evidence played before us.

"How the hell did she get those pictures?" Paris whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the shocked crowd.

"I don't-"

"Hush" Professor Elara clapped. The room fell silent again, the weight of the situation settling over us like a heavy fog.

"These two have disobeyed the elite conduct of royals and gerists," Professor Elara declared, her voice firm, unwavering. "As per tradition, Renee will no longer bear the title of Princess, and a stripping assembly will be conducted for her."

Renee's screams filled the hall as the guards tried to drag her away, her nails digging into Morrison's arms. In the chaos, one of the guards struck Morrison, making him stumble back, his face a mask of pain.

They tied Renee to the stake, her cries echoing through the hall. My eyes welled up with tears, my hands clenching into fists at my sides. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair.

"Morrison, you're expelled," Professor Elara's voice cut through the chaos, her gaze cold as ice as she turned her attention to him before shifting it back to Renee, who was now screaming uncontrollably.

A profound sense of helplessness washed over me as I watched the injustice unfold before my eyes. Professor Elara's eyes scanned the crowd, her voice cutting through the air once more.

"I believe every behavior of this form should be reported to us," she declared, her words hanging heavily in the air. "You should follow the example of Princess Brooklyn, who sent me the pictures and alerted me of such behavior."

My heart dropped like a stone. It wasn't me. The accusation hung over me like a dark cloud, the weight of it suffocating. The truth was far from what they believed, and I was helpless against the tide of suspicion and betrayal that threatened to engulf me.

"100 strokes of canes. Let's start"

Authors note
Guys my internship fuckingly starts tomorrow and I want to die 😭I have to wake up at like 5am to go and work with no pay. The world is unfair. I should've been aborted

Are you a gold person or a silver person?

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