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I watched my older sister, Perse, every day, and my heart ached for her. She was the chosen one, destined to be the royal, and it came with endless duties and responsibilities. The pressure our parents placed on her was like a heavy cloud that never seemed to lift. I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, the way her shoulders slumped under the weight of it all.

Each morning, before the sun even rose, Perse would be off attending lessons and meetings, her schedule so packed that there was no room for the simple joys of life. I longed to see her smile, a real, carefree smile, but it felt like it had been stolen from her.

In the rare moments we had together, I glimpsed the toll it took on her. She would sigh, her face etched with weariness, as she recounted her never-ending tasks. It was unfair, and it made me sad. I wished I could do something to help her, to make her life easier, to bring back the happiness that had been overshadowed by her responsibilities.

Day by day, my sadness deepened. I couldn't understand why our parents had placed such heavy expectations on her. I wanted to tell Perse that she didn't have to endure it alone, that I was here for her, but the words remained unsaid. Instead, I watched, empathizing with her pain, wishing I could bear some of her burdens.


I waited with eager anticipation for my sister, Perse, to return from the royal camp. I had imagined all the wonderful things she would teach me, when she came back. She always taught me everything they did at camp. It was our own way of bonding. Perse was always the smartest and strongest person I knew, and I looked up to her in every way.

But when she finally came back, it wasn't with joy or tales of her adventures. Instead, she was crying, her face marked with bruises that pained my heart to see. It wasn't just that first day; it continued for weeks, then months. Every time I saw her, it was as if a piece of her spirit had been chipped away.

I could tell she was being bullied, that much was clear, but she refused to talk about it. Perse had always been so strong, so determined, but now I watched her slowly unravel. Her once bright eyes grew dull, and her laughter disappeared entirely.

It was agonizing to witness my sister's breakdown, to see her suffer in silence. I wanted to help her, to protect her, but I didn't know how. All I could do was be there for her, to hold her when she cried, and to hope that one day, she would find the strength to confide in me.

One evening, Perse came home, her face buried in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. I rushed to her side, my heart aching for her pain. "Perse, what happened?" I asked softly, trying to be a comforting presence.

She looked up at me, her eyes red and swollen. "I hate them," she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Who, Perse? Who did this to you?" I pressed, my worry growing with each passing second.

"The Radiance," she finally admitted, her voice barely audible.

A shiver ran down my spine at the mention of their name. The mere thought of what they could have done to my sister filled me with dread.

We sat in our dimly lit room, the atmosphere heavy with sorrow. The only source of light was a single flickering candle, casting eerie shadows on the walls. It seemed as if even the room itself mourned for Perse.

I reached out and gently touched her shoulder, trying to offer some solace. "We'll figure this out, Perse. You don't have to face this alone."

She nodded, her tears still flowing. It was a moment of shared pain and silent determination, as we both knew that confronting the Radiance would not be easy, but we had to do it for Perse's sake.


When I returned home after playing with my friends, I couldn't shake off the strange feeling that something was amiss. The atmosphere was tense, and my parents were sitting with solemn expressions alongside other elders from our community.

Confusion swirled within me as the maids hurriedly dressed me in regal attire. I frantically looked around for Perse, but she was nowhere to be found. Fear gnawed at my insides, and I couldn't understand what was happening.

Led by the maids, I was brought before the elders who regarded me with skeptical eyes. The room was adorned with rich tapestries and flickering candles, casting eerie shadows on their wrinkled faces. It was a moment of foreboding, and I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

The elders conducted a ceremony, but my mind was in turmoil. I wanted to know where Perse was, why she wasn't here to guide me through this bewildering experience. The elders' words were a distant murmur as I grappled with a growing sense of unease.

Before leaving, the elders turned to my parents with solemn condolences, "Sorry for your loss." It was then that it hit me like a lightning bolt - Perse was gone. My parents' reaction perplexed me; instead of mourning, they seemed almost relieved.

Rushing to my bedroom, my heart pounded in my chest. There, I saw a haunting sight - a rope hanging from the ceiling with traces of blood on the floor. The Radiance. They had taken my sister from me, and my parents had allowed it.

As I processed the enormity of the loss, the maids returned to prepare me for my new role as the newly appointed royal. But I couldn't escape the shadow of grief and confusion that hung over me, wondering why my parents had acted so coldly in the face of tragedy.

As I stood there, the weight of Perse's absence heavy on my heart, a fierce determination began to well up within me. I clenched my fists and whispered to myself, "I'll make them proud, Perse. I'll be stronger, better, and go to Zodiac Academy. I'll learn everything I can, and when the time comes, I'll bring the Radiance down to their knees."

With every word, I could feel a newfound strength coursing through my veins. The legacy of my sister, the pain of her loss, and the fire of determination combined to fuel my resolve. I knew I had a long and challenging journey ahead, but I was prepared to face it head-on.

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