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It's been a week since I had that encounter with the white haired figure. Everything has been surprisingly quiet.
I still couldn't figure out the book. After the history of descendants and the ongoing war, everything after was written in a language I couldn't decipher. It was as though a puzzle piece had been dropped into my life, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it held the key to something significant. However, my daily responsibilities couldn't wait, so I reluctantly pushed those thoughts aside and prepared for the day ahead.

My shimmer, Auriana, a faithful companion in my daily life, responded to my every command as I got ready. She glowed with a soft, warm light, offering me comfort and guidance as I dressed for the day. As weird as it my sound her presence was both soothing and empowering to me.

Maylee, Renee and Paris slept over at the boys place so I had to walk alone like a sad miserable shit.

As I made my way to class through the Zodiac Academy's bustling corridors, I turned a corner and I collided with someone from behind, letting out a surprised, somewhat rude outburst. "Watch where you're going , Fuck!" I exclaimed, my frustration evident.

The person turned around, revealing himself to be Damien, with his tall frame and dark grey eyes. He raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "No need to be so harsh Brooke ," he teased, his tone light.

"Maybe you need to start watching where you're going" he smiled at me playfully

"Maybe you need to shut the fuck up" I retorted rolling my eyes. His eyes gleamed with amusement as he laughed

"On your way to class?"

I groaned. I hate people who asked stupid questions in the morning.First of all who talks in the morning. It's fucking 8am no one should have that much energy
"Oh no Damien, I just decided to wear this school uniform and walk around aimlessly "

He laughed again.

"What's funny, bitchface?"

"Can I walk you to class"

I glanced up at Damien, who towered at 6'3, though I wasn't much shorter at 5'10. "I really don't care about what you do Damien,just don't do it near me or with me " I said, giving his shoulder a light pat before moving on.

My dislike for Damien stemmed from an incident at the Royal Camp. He'd cruelly poured hot chocolate over Maylee when she proposed to him, finding it amusing. Even though she still has a stupid crush on him I hate him and I wish he unalive a himself.

His cocky attitude and his stupid tattoos only fueled my disdain. "Stupid cancers" Muttering to myself, I increased my pace, feeling his presence as he followed me.

I opened the door fully expecting to see our usual critical thinking professor. To my surprise, when I entered the classroom, it was not our regular instructor who greeted me but the stern and imposing figure of Professor Elara. Her sharp eyes scanned the class and her mere presence commanded our undivided attention.

She began to speak, her voice resonating through the open space. "Good morning, young Royals," she began, her tone firm. "There has been a change in our curriculum, and I trust you will all adapt accordingly. We have decided to introduce the study of subdivision powers of your respective elements and clans earlier than originally planned."

A wave of whispers and murmurs swept through the class as students exchanged surprised glances. This was unexpected; we were supposed to delve into subdivision powers in our second year, not now. It was clear that the elders had different plans for our education.

Professor Elara continued, addressing our concerns, "This shift will provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of your abilities, which will be crucial in the years to come. Your subdivision powers are a fundamental part of your identity as royal Zodiacians, and it's time to explore them."

The mention of subdivision powers piqued my interest. These were the abilities unique to each clan, the powers that set us apart from one another. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The world of elemental bending was intricate and powerful, and now we were going to delve deeper into it, sooner than expected.

The critical thinking class, which had now been shifted to the last period on Demeter's Day completely messing up my schedule for that day. was a three-hour endeavor. The first hour was dedicated to theory, during which Professor Elara covered the intricate details of subdivision powers, making sure we understood the fundamentals.

In the classroom, Professor Elara's voice filled the air, and my fellow students and I leaned forward, eager to absorb the knowledge she was imparting. The room itself was spacious, with wooden desks neatly arranged in rows, and the walls adorned with paintings representing the symbols of each of the four elemental clans, creating an atmosphere of reverence.

As Professor Elara continued her lecture, she delved into the intricate details of each Zodiac Clan's unique abilities limited to royals , weaving a tapestry of wonder and curiosity in our minds.

The professor vividly illustrated the Earth Clan's remarkable powers, encompassing earth manipulation, landscape shaping, geomantic insights, plant control, earthquake generation, skin-hardening, sand command, mineral transmutation, regeneration, vibration sensing, golem crafting, and earth elemental merging, making them formidable masters of nature in both offense and defense.

The idea of animating constructs and communing with nature was captivating. I imagined lush forests and towering mountains under the control of Earth Clan members.

She then described the Water Clan's powers, which included teleportation through water, watery illusions, liquid form-shifting, cryomancy, aquatic communication, sea creature shape-shifting, tidal manipulation, surface walking, making them formidable and versatile in the Zodiac City, with thoughts of ocean traversal and ice mastery both alluring and intimidating.

As Professor Elara continued, she detailed the Air Clan's abilities, encompassing psychic blasts, Aeroportation for swift air-based travel, air construct manipulation, memory access, memory manipulation, intangibility, and portal creation. The allure of merging with air for high-speed travel intrigued me, sparking curiosity about their mysterious clan.

In her description of the Fire Clan's powers, Professor Elara highlighted their pyrokinetic abilities, including flame control, fire construct creation, and weapon forging. Their 'Ember Sight' allowed them to read emotions through flames, and they possessed immunity to fire and the power of Pyroclasm, capable of causing volcanic eruptions. In dire situations, they could transform into fiery phoenixes for invulnerability and powerful attacks, also wielding magma manipulation and rock shaping, while 'Flame Healing' aided in recovery and 'Fire Communication' allowed secretive interclan conversations through controlled fire.

As the theoretical lessons came to an end, we were eager to put our newfound knowledge into practice. Professor Elara led us out into the field, where three other professors awaited us, each an expert in their respective clans. Being an Aries, I was designated to the fire clan. As we moved to the practical area, I couldn't help but wonder about the abilities I could possess
I could even use it against dusty looking damien

The environment within the cancer practical mundane was surreal. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting water and its various forms, creating an atmosphere of fluidity and grace. The gentle sound of flowing water from nearby fountains provided a soothing backdrop to our lessons.

The practical lessons were both exhilarating and challenging. We practiced manipulating our powers under the guidance of our mentors, learning to bend the elements to our will. The earth moved beneath our feet, flames danced at our fingertips, water responded to our command, and the air seemed to bow to our thoughts.

As the clock ticked away, we began to realize the true scope of our abilities. We could feel the potential coursing through our veins, waiting to be harnessed. And then came the ultimate test.

Professor Elara decided to pair Denisha and me for a demonstration of our powers. Denisha, representing the Air Clan, and I, the Fire Clan. The task was not without its challenges. She was to attempt to access my memories, a prospect that filled me with unease.

I hesitated, refusing at first. The thought of someone delving into my private memories, especially my complex relationship with my family, was unsettling. But Professor Elara's stern gaze bore into me, and she gave me an ultimatum "an F and expulsion from the school if I didn't comply"
Fat cunt.

Reluctantly, I agreed, my determination to protect my memories outweighing my unease. I remembered what the professor had taught us-the sensation at the back of my neck that signaled Denisha's intrusion. To shield my memories, I needed a strong emotion to fortify my mental defenses.

The hatred I felt toward my family became my anchor. It was a fierce, burning emotion, one I could summon at will. I closed my eyes and allowed that powerful sentiment to wash over me, becoming one with it. It was the foundation upon which I built a mental wall, thick and impenetrable.

Denisha's attempt was met with resistance. I could sense her trying to access my memories, but they remained firmly sealed behind the barricade I had erected. The minutes stretched, a silent battle of wills between us.

Finally, Professor Elara broke the suspense. "Denisha, can you access her memories?"

Denisha's flustered expression revealed the answer. "No," she admitted, defeated.

I had succeeded in protecting my most private thoughts. Relief washed over me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. I had overcome a challenging test of my newfound abilities.

As the class concluded, I felt alive. I won.

"Great job girl" Maylee came from behind me pulling me in a hug. Paris offered me some chips she took from her book bag

"Brooke you should come with us, we're going to get our hair dyed and get pedicures and fix our nails"

"Yeahhh, um sure. I need to talk to Denisha about something meet me in front of the water clan house so we go"

"Okayyyy yes finally some girls time alone" Renee giggled. She was so pretty when she smiled

"Um about that" Maylee interrupted "I kinda invited Ramon and Jamal"

"Why the fuck will you do that" Paris whined and I laughed

"Haven't you guys notice how weird Jamal's foot nails are?"

"Righttttt it looks like it could stink" Renee whispered

"Y'all are mean" I laughed

"No we just give good critics" Paris gave a mischievous smile

"Girl" we all burst into laughter.

"See you at the water clan house, Byee"

I waved cheerfully at my departing friends, and as they left, my gaze wandered in search of Denisha. She was engrossed in her phone, a faint furrow of worry marring her expression. My curiosity piqued, I made my way over to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my concern evident in my tone.

Denisha looked up, her worry momentarily vanishing, replaced by a warm smile. "Oh, nothing," she replied casually. "What's up?"

I grinned at her, appreciating her attempt to shift the conversation. "I just came to tell you great job. You almost accessed my memories."

A playful glint danced in Denisha's eyes as she responded, "Are you teasing me?" Her laughter was infectious.

I pretended to be affronted, placing a hand over my heart. "I would never," I protested with a hint of mock hurt.

Denisha leaned in, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

I nodded, leaning closer to her in a show of secrecy. "Yeah, sure."

She lowered her voice, making it a confidential chat. "What does it mean if a boy ignores you?"

I considered the question carefully. "Um... context," I replied sagely.

Denisha seemed to be wrestling with her thoughts, a mix of emotions playing across her face. "You... it's nothing," she concluded, not wanting to divulge more.

Respecting her privacy, I nodded and shifted gears. "Oh yeah, me and the girls are going to the spa... if you want to join...?"

Denisha shook her head gently, her expression apologetic. "Umm, I have to go somewhere, but I'll see."

"Good," I said with an understanding smile. "Oh, and Celeste is not invited."

A burst of laughter escaped Denisha, and she waved goodbye

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