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My eyes fluttered open, greeted by the soft, golden light filtering through the curtains. I wished for just a moment that I hadn't woken up, that I could have escaped the painful reality that had consumed me for the past two days. But here I was, alive and plagued by the consequences of that classroom incident.

My friends, or what used to be my friends, had turned their backs on me. Paris was the only one who made an effort, offering a hesitant greeting or an attempt at conversation. The silence from the others, especially Ramon, felt like a heavy weight on my heart. He was my best friend, and his absence cut deeper than anything else.

I hadn't left my dorm room since the incident, so I had yet to face the reactions of the boys. Jamal's cold attitude would likely be more understanding since he was closer to Renee and Maylee, but Ramon's absence gnawed at my thoughts.

Amidst the isolation and loneliness, there was one surprising source of comfort: Aiden. His voice, which resonated in my mind, had become a lifeline. It was surreal, yet his presence had provided solace during these trying times.

But the physical toll of the incident was evident. Half of my hair had turned white, a stark contrast to the fiery red on the other side. I could pass it off as a style choice, but it felt like a constant reminder of my ordeal.

I groaned, tossing and turning on my bed, a silent spectator to the videos Maylee had sent in the group chat. They looked happy, carefree, while I wallowed in misery.

Then, Auriana appeared, breaking my melancholic reverie. Her arrival came with her usual teasing, calling me

"Princess Brooklyn, I'm sorry, but you stink. Time to get up and go bathe," Auriana chimed in, her voice a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

I let out a dramatic cry, wrapping myself tightly in my duvet. "Noo," I moaned, "Not yet. The day is too bright, and I'm miserable as the night shadows."

Auriana chuckled softly. "How poetic," she remarked, moving closer and effortlessly pulling the duvet from my grasp. I shot her an exaggerated pout.

"Auriana, how many times have I told you to drop the 'princess'?"

She smiled mischievously. "A lot of times."

I sighed dramatically. "So why haven't you?"

"Because you fit the title of a princess," she replied with a playful glint in her eyes.

I rolled my eyes and adopted a posh accent. "Well, of course. "

"Have you heard from Maylee's shimmer?" I inquired, my concern for my friend never wavering.

Auriana shook her head. "Nancy refuses to divulge any information."

"That little shimmering fool. Shit, I'm so sorry, Auriana. I didn't mean to-"

"Nah, don't worry, Princess Brooklyn. I call her worse every day," Auriana reassured me, and we shared a genuine laugh.

But then, a knock on the door interrupted our moment of levity. Auriana hesitated, opening it slightly, only to react with clear displeasure.

"It's Prince Damien again," she informed me.

My groan was instinctual. "Tell him to leave me alone, God. He's the only reason why I am here in the first place."

Despite Auriana's attempts to deter him, Damien persisted, firmly opening the door. He had that audacious confidence that both intrigued and infuriated me.

"Get up and get dressed; we're going out," he declared, as if I were at his beck and call.

I couldn't help but retort, "GeT Up AnD gEt DreSsed, like you own me or something."

He sniffed the air with an exaggerated expression. "What's that scent?"

"That's the scent of my armpit," I replied, only half-joking.

He laughed, then unexpectedly swooped me up, placing me over his shoulder. I protested, hitting his back, demanding to be put down.

"Put me down, you water crab!" I shouted.

Auriana received an order from him to prepare a casual comfortable outing dress, and then, he carried me to my bathhouse, locking the door behind us.

My heart raced as he said, "Should I undress you, or will you?"

The unexpected comment caught me off guard. "What?"

He chuckled. "Calm down, Brooke. Just take your bath."

I felt flustered and frustrated. "I'm not going to take my bath with you in it."

He smirked, unfazed. "Why not? It's not like I'd see you with my eyes closed."

"Please, get out."

"Okay, but don't be quick; you're not getting out till 40 minutes is up."

"Who baths for more than 10 minutes?" I grumbled.

"Oh, so you stink, stink," he teased with a playful grin.

I rolled my eyes at his antics but couldn't help but smile as he left. Alone, I stared at my trembling hands and tried to find strength in my reflection.

"You're okay, Brooke. You're not 15 anymore," I whispered to myself, an attempt to reassure myself.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the bath, ready to wash away the physical and emotional scars of the past few days.

As I finished my bath, I reluctantly stepped out of the tub and walked to the dressing room where Damien and Auriana sat chatting .

Damien, ever the gentleman, handed me a soft towel. Note the sarcasm "You should get dressed, Brooke. We're going out."

I stared at the towel in my hands, my hesitation returning. "I'm not in the mood to go anywhere," I muttered, more to myself than to him. The weight of recent events still hung heavily on my shoulders.

Damien sighed, seemingly unruffled by my attitude. "Come on, Brooke. You can't stay cooped up in your room forever."

I scowled, feeling like a rebellious teenager. "Who says I can't?"

He grinned, undeterred by my obstinance. "Well, for one, I do. Now, let's get you dressed."

I crossed my arms, and pouted. "I don't want to."

Damien chuckled, his amusement evident. "Brooke, it won't be that bad. I promise."

I glared . "You sound so sure of yourself."

"That's because I am," he replied with a wink.

With a resigned sigh, I finally gave in. "Fine, I'll get dressed. But only because I want to prove you wrong."

He chuckled again, sounding like a choking bear. "That's the spirit. I'll wait for you outside."

I quickly got dressed, I couldn't help but wonder where Damien was taking me, and despite my initial reluctance, a small spark of excitement began to grow within me.

As Damien led me to a secluded and abandoned cliff, a shiver of uncertainty ran down my spine. The setting sun cast an orange and pink hue across the horizon, making me feel like I had stepped into another world.

"Are you planning to throw me off this cliff or something?" I quipped, my voice laced with playful sarcasm. Damien chuckled, a low, warm sound

"No, nothing so dramatic," he replied with a grin. Instead, he stepped closer to the edge of the cliff and summoned his water powers. What happened next took my breath away.

In front of me, Damien crafted a magnificent water sphere, a true work of art. It glistened in the fading sunlight, capturing the colors of the sky and the world around us. It was a vision of beauty, a reflection of his elemental mastery.

"Brooke," Damien said softly, his eyes locked onto mine, "I want you to sit in this water sphere with me."

I hesitated for a moment, my heart racing. The idea of sitting in this magical creation was both exhilarating and terrifying. But something in Damien's eyes, something in the way he looked at me, made me take that step forward. I walked into the sphere, and as I sat down, I felt an inexplicable sense of trust wash over me.

The water sphere lifted gently off the ground, and we began to float across the valley. The view was nothing short of breathtaking. The sunset bathed everything in a warm, golden glow, casting long, romantic shadows.

Damien's control over the water was astonishing. With a wave of his hand, he created delicate water butterflies that fluttered around me, their ethereal wings reflecting the hues of the setting sun. I couldn't help but laugh with joy as they danced around us.

I turned to look at Damien. His expression was tender, filled with a depth of emotion . I realized, in that moment, just how lucky I was to be sharing this experience with him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, I felt a warm breeze sweep over us, ruffling my hair and making the scene even more magical. Damien sighed softly, breaking the silence. "Brooke," he began, his voice low and intimate. I turned to him

"What?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

He took a deep breath, as if gathering his courage, and then he said the words that made my heart soar. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen."

"I know"

He rolled his eyes. "Isn't this so romantic"

"The scene is breathtaking but with you here it sounds like a scene before murder"

He turned to look at me again " Brooke I'm really sorry for what you're going through right now. It's all my fault"

"It is"

He glared at me

"What you wanted me to say oh no Damien it's not your fault?"

He reached out for my hands but I snatched it away softly placing it my pockets.

"Look. I still love you and- "

My heart rate increased and I felt my self being pulled from my body

Not again. I hate Damien's CPR

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