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"Hei bana," I cursed under my breath in the fire clan language frustration dripping from my words as I scanned the unfamiliar surroundings. The sprawling school had me feeling like a lost ember in a vast darkness, and my irritation grew with each passing moment.

As I navigated the labyrinthine hallways of the prestigious school, frustration bubbled within me. The lack of clear signs or directions only added to my annoyance.

"Hello, can you please point me to the principal's office?" I asked a stranger, my voice masking my annoyance.

He simply looked at me, unblinking, then turned on his heel and walked away

"Fucking little short prick, go jump over the wall and die," I muttered under my breath, my frustration escaping in a low growl as I turned to find another route.

Turning a corner in search of any sign that might lead me to the principal's office, my irritation peaked. This school was supposed to be renowned, yet its apparent lack of proper signage felt like a glaring oversight.

Desperation pushed me to approach a tall, enigmatic figure dressed in black. I hoped he might offer assistance.


The tall stranger turned to look at me, and I couldn't help but take a step back as his gaze bore into mine. His demeanor was disconcerting, and I couldn't quite place the unease he stirred within me.

"Can you please point me to the principles office!"

"Princess Elodie . Usin la buher"

I frowned at his words, my irritation mounting.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I demanded, my annoyance palpable.

He chuckled, his voice carrying a hoarse quality. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his words tinged with an unsettling tone.

His words sent shivers down my spine, and I felt a distinct discomfort in his presence. It was as if he knew something I didn't, and that knowledge sent a wave of unease through me.

"Can you show me the head office?" I asked, attempting to regain control of the situation.

His unsettling smile widened. "You have no idea how long I've been looking for you," he said, his tone dripping with an eerie enthusiasm.

My alarm bells were ringing loudly now, and I decided to make a hasty exit. But as I turned to leave, he suddenly seized my arms, his grip like a vice.

I let out a piercing scream as a searing pain coursed through me. It felt as if my very skin was being torn apart and set ablaze. Panic and agony washed over me.

Just as I felt myself weakening and slipping into unconsciousness, a powerful voice boomed through the air, pulling me back from the brink. The stranger's grip on me loosened, and I collapsed to the floor, drained and disoriented. the stranger hastily retreated, leaving me bewildered and disoriented

As my vision cleared, I found myself staring up at Professor Elara, Her presence was a stark contrast to the sinister stranger who had accosted me. The pain still lingered, but her intervention had saved me from whatever that was

"Professor Elara!" I exclaimed, relieved to see a friendly face. "I was just looking for you."

Concern etched across her features, she asked, "Who was that man?"

I shook my head, still trying to process what had just happened.

Beats me.

"I don't know, but I need to talk to you about something." I said struggling to get on my feet

She nodded in agreement and led me toward her office, which, to my chagrin, had been right in front of me all along.

Professor Elara's office was as impressive as ever. The décor reflected her intellectual prowess and her love for all things related to the Zodiac. The mahogany wood paneling exuded a sense of warmth and authority, perfectly befitting a professor of her standing.

The bookshelves that lined the walls were a testament to her vast knowledge, filled with an extensive collection of ancient tomes and modern textbooks. Each book was meticulously arranged, showcasing her commitment to order and learning.

Her desk, a sturdy piece of furniture, was covered with neatly stacked papers, books, and a few intriguing artifacts.The leather chair behind the desk was comfortable and inviting.

Sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a soft glow over the room. From here, you could catch a glimpse of the beautiful campus grounds, a serene view that provided a sense of tranquility.

Potted plants adorned the window sills, bringing a touch of nature into the otherwise scholarly atmosphere. They added a splash of color and life to the room.

The walls were adorned with framed diplomas and awards, showcasing her impressive accomplishments in the world of Zodiac studies. It was a constant reminder of her dedication and expertise.

"What do you want?" Professor Elara's sharp voice interrupted my admiration of her office.

"I'm here to suggest a short trip to the Scorpio territory," I replied confidently.

"No," she responded curtly.

"Yes," I insisted.

"What do you mean, 'yes'?" Her tone was threatening.

"I mean I want us to take a trip to the Scorpio territory," I stated firmly.

"It is not part of the curriculum, so no," she reiterated.

"Yes," I persisted.

"Look, Princess Brooklyn, I don't have time for this. Get out of my office," she demanded.

"Okay," I said as I stood up, "I guess I'll just tell the whole zodiac that their queen was murdered by the descendants."

Her face paled. "How do you know that? Who told you?"

"I didn't know until you confirmed it," I replied, showing her my phone and playing the recording of her saying, "How do you know that? Who told you?"

I continued, "With the other proof I have, plus this, I reckon people will believe me. The world will fall into chaos and collapse."

"Are you threatening me?" she asked.

I smirked. "No, I'm just asking for a simple favor. Don't bother destroying my phone. I have a backup and a backup to the backup."

"All this for a trip to the Scorpio territory ?" she questioned.

"Imagine how simple this is. Organize a simple outing, and I'll keep my mouth shut," I responded.

She looked at me skeptically but eventually nodded. "Okay, Brooklyn."

"Nice doing business," I quipped

As I left Professor Elara's office, a sense of disbelief washed over me. I hadn't expected my bold gamble to work, but somehow it had. It was a risky move, and I knew that Professor Elara wouldn't take this lightly, but for now, I had what I wanted.

I guess I had to thank Aiden for that

I couldn't help but grin to myself as I walked down the hallway. Paris is going to be excited when I tell her about the trip.

"What did Rayla say?" Aiden's voice rang in my head, disrupting my cheerful demeanor.

I ignored him


"What?" I quipped

"What's wrong? Why are you angry?" Aiden's concern seeped through his voice.

I frowned, my thoughts racing. "Aiden, does Princess Elodie ring a bell to you?"

A heavy silence followed my question

"Cute," I retorted, "If you don't answer, then I won't tell you what Rayla said."

"Brooklyn, where did you hear that name from?" Aiden's voice finally broke the silence.

"Like ten minutes ago," I began. "A guy in a hoodie held me, and it felt like he drained my magic."

"What?" Aiden's response came not just in my mind but in his physical presence beside me.

"Whoa," I stammered , momentarily eclipsed by his breathtaking appearance.

"Tell me everything that happened," Aiden urged, his eyes wide with concern.

I recounted the encounter in detail, my voice uncertain.

He stared at me, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"How tall was he?" Aiden inquired, his tone revealing his growing apprehension.

"A little bit taller than you," I replied, my mind struggling to recall the details of his face.

"Describe his face," Aiden pressed further.

I frowned, my memories of the attacker's face a blurry haze. "I... I can't remember how his face looked like."

"His face looks blurry in your memories?" Aiden's breath hitched.

"Yes," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Declan," Aiden said the name, and I couldn't help but echo his confusion. "Declan? Who is that?"

Aiden's gaze bore into mine "Red, you have to activate your witch powers now, or else you're in grave danger."

"What? Why?" My voice quivered with uncertainty. "Aiden, I thought you said it takes time to activate it. I can't just decide to activate it now ."

"Brooklyn, Declan is out for blood," Aiden said, his own fear palpable.

I shuddered, seeing the terror in his eyes and realizing the magnitude of the threat.

"Am I Princess Elodie?" I asked

Aiden nodded gravely. "Declan is the First Commander's huntsman. He is a hybrid."

"A hybrid?" I questioned, perplexed by this revelation.

As a girl passed by, casting an odd look in my direction, I felt a pang of embarrassment . They couldn't see Aiden, making me appear utterly unhinged.

"You read the book, right?" Aiden probed.

"Only the history and explanation," I admitted, still processing the enormity of the situation.

"Brooke," Aiden's tone grew serious, "Declan is a vampire and werewolf hybrid."

"His vampire side is a Siphon vampire," Aiden continued, "one of the rarest vampire types known for feeding on magic."

Understanding began to dawn, explaining the sudden weakness that had engulfed me. He was sucking my magic

"And his werewolf side hails from a pack descended from the Ule Faeries," Aiden elaborated, "making them the most powerful werewolf pack to exist. Declan is an abomination among the Descendants; he's not supposed to exist. When a vampire and a werewolf mate, they should only produce one or the other."

"But Declan is both," I muttered, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Aiden confirmed my worst fears. "Brooke, if the First Commander sent him here, then his mission is to kill you. Even I can't stop him."

My heart pounded in my chest. "What does that mean? And I thought it was you who had to find me"

Aiden sighed, confessing, "The King doesn't trust me anymore, he probably handed the mission to commander Yve."

I nodded, trying to make sense of everything. "So what happens to me now?"

"He drained your magic, and when a Siphon vampire does that, he imprints on you," Aiden explained, his words laden with dread.

"Imprints on me?"

Aiden's response was somber. "Your scent is now on him, and no matter where you go or hide, he'll find you and kill you."

I gulped "oh"

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