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The throbbing pain in my head felt like a relentless drumbeat, gradually pulling me back from the darkness. My eyes fluttered open, and I found myself in an unfamiliar room bathed in a soft, soothing light. It took a moment for my groggy mind to process where I was-Zodiac Academy's sickbay.

A tall, distinguished figure in a white coat hovered nearby, scribbling notes on a clipboard. He was the alecrist, the Academy's equivalent of a doctor, known for his expertise in healing and diagnosis. His name was Dr. Merrick, and he had a reputation for being thorough.

"Ah, you're awake," Dr. Merrick greeted me with a warm, professional smile. He lowered the clipboard and approached my bedside.

I tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over me, forcing me back down. "What happened?" I managed to croak, my throat feeling parched.

Dr. Merrick adjusted his glasses, his gray eyes studying me intently. "You fainted in the library, my dear. Your shimmer and some friends brought you here."

A foggy memory of the purple floating book flashed through my mind. I decided to play it safe, not wanting to sound crazy or alarm Dr. Merrick. "I... I don't remember."

He nodded understandingly. "It's not uncommon to experience temporary memory lapses after fainting. Can you tell me how you're feeling now? Any pain, discomfort, or nausea?"

I shook my head. "I feel fine, just a little tired."

The alecrist continued to ask me a series of questions, probing for any signs of underlying issues. I decided to keep my answers vague, not wanting to reveal my encounter with the mysterious floating book. Dr. Merrick seemed satisfied with my responses and eventually excused himself, promising to return with some medication.

As I lay there, contemplating the strange turn of events, Ramon and Jamal entered the room. Their worried expressions softened when they saw me awake.

"What happened to you, Brooke?" Ramon asked, genuine concern etched on his face.

I tried to reassure them with a casual tone. "Oh, nothing, just a little dizzy spell. I'm fine now."

"You sure?" Jamal pressed, his eyebrows furrowed.

I smiled at their attentiveness. "Yeah, I promise. Thanks for being here, guys."

Ramon, ever the mood lightener, decided to change the subject. "Guess what?" he said with a mischievous grin.

I couldn't help but be intrigued. "What?"

He reached into his book bag and produced five broaches, each adorned with an intricate design. "I managed to get invitations to the party for all of you. The meeting place is Gemini Shimmerfalls."

My eyes lit up with excitement as I reached for the broaches. "Thanks, Ramon! This is fantastic!"

"Anything to make you happy" Jamal added, offering me a reassuring smile.

I couldn't help but feel grateful for their friendship in that moment. "You guys are the best," I said with a genuine smile.

But then the weight of my fever and exhaustion hit me again, and I sighed. "I've got to go, though. My head is pounding, and I feel like my body's on fire."

Ramon kissed my forehead gently. "Rest up, Brooke. We'll see you tonight at 9 pm."

I nodded, my energy waning. "Yeah, I'll be there."

Jamal hugged me before they left, his concern evident. "Brooke, you're running a fever. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes," I replied, though the truth was, I wasn't entirely sure.

After they left, I mustered enough strength to get to my room. It was empty. I called Auriana to my room. She appeared promptly, her shimmering form radiating warmth and comfort.

"Hi, Princess Brooklyn," she greeted me with her usual smile

"Hey, Auriana," I said weakly. "Can you run me a shower? I'm burning up."

Auriana rushed to prepare the shower for me, ensuring the water was just the right temperature. I lazily took my bath while she tidied up my room, preparing my bed for my return.

When I emerged from the shower, I found a soft nightgown laid out on the bed. Auriana helped me dress, but as she did, she hesitated and paused, her brows furrowing.

"Is anything wrong?" I asked her, wondering what had caught her attention.

She gently touched my back, and I winced in pain. "There's a huge red mark on your back. It looks like someone slapped you hard over there."

I couldn't see it myself, and my exhaustion was too overwhelming to investigate further. "Really?" I replied, my voice heavy with fatigue.

Auriana nodded. "Yes. Should I prepare some herbs for you? It might be a reaction to something you ate."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for her assistance. I lay down on my bed, still feeling weak and sick.

"Before you go, Auriana," I murmured, my eyelids heavy, "check in my book bag. You'll find five broaches. Take four and give them to Maylee, Renee, Paris, and Denisha when they arrive. Also, tell them not to wake me up. Ask their shimmers to prepare them for the evening's party."

Auriana nodded, her shimmering form emitting an understanding glow. "Of course, Princess Brooklyn. I'll take care of everything."

With a final nod, she left me alone in my room. I felt my eyelids drooping as I settled into my bed. The fever had left me exhausted, and I succumbed to sleep almost immediately, my thoughts lingering on the mysterious events of the day and the exciting party that awaited me in the evening.

I slowly blinked my eyes open, the drowsiness of my fevered sleep gradually giving way to consciousness. The soft glow of the room's enchanting shimmering lights greeted my eyes. As I scanned the room, I noticed that everyone was still asleep, probably exhausted from todays classes. My gaze drifted to the clock on the wall-it was 8 p.m. My headache had lessened, and my fever had subsided slightly, but the burning sensation on my back remained.

We were running out of time. The party was supposed to start at 9 p.m., and we had to arrive before 10 p.m. I couldn't afford to be late. With great effort, I pushed myself up, groaning softly as I swung my legs over the side of the bed.

The first order of business was to wake up the others. I gently shook Maylee, Renee, Paris, and Denisha, who were nestled in various corners of the room. "Wake up, you guys," I whispered urgently. "We need to get ready for the party."

Denisha, still wrapped in her cocoon of shyness, murmured a sleepy acknowledgment. She looked at me with those big, innocent eyes and said, "Thanks for the badge and the invitation, Brooke."

I nodded, offering her a warm smile despite her shyness. "You're welcome, Denisha. I'm glad you're here with us."

As I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up, I called out to Auriana, my shimmer, who shimmered into existence with her customary grace. "Auriana, we need to get ready for the party. Please go and wake the other shimmers and start preparing."

Auriana nodded, her shimmering form radiating with an eagerness to help. She departed, leaving me alone to get ready.

When I returned from the bathroom, the room was buzzing with activity. Auriana and the other shimmers had laid out dresses, accessories, and makeup for each of us. I marveled at the beautiful party dress Auriana had chosen for me. It revealed my entire back, which was perfect for the Gemini Shimmer Falls' ethereal atmosphere.

As I slipped into the dress, Paris, Maylee, and Renee gathered around me, their eyes locking onto something on my back. "I love the tattoo," Paris exclaimed.

"Damn, sick tattoo," Renee added, snapping a picture with her phone

I frowned, confusion knitting my brow. "Which tattoo are you guys talking about?"

Renee showed me the picture she had taken, and my heart skipped a beat. The tattoo on my back was a snake coiled around a purple gem, eerily similar to the image from the floating book in the library.

My thoughts drifted back to the library, but Maylee's voice snapped me out of my reverie. "Snap out of it, Brooke. We need to finish getting ready. We're running late."

She was right. It was already 10:30 p.m., and we were supposed to meet at Gemini Shimmer Falls by now. Denisha and her shimmer were the last to be ready, still separated from the group.

I decided to make an effort to bridge the gap. I approached Denisha, offering a friendly smile. "Hey, Denisha. You look stunning."

Denisha, still shy, replied with a simple "Thank you" before retreating back into her shell.

We quickly got to the Gemini shimmerfall it was short walk from the girls house. We met Jamal and Ramon upon arrival. They handed us shots of vodka as we confirmed our invitation with the bouncer. Denisha declined. Apparently she doesn't drink. The place was lit and everyone was dancing.

Maylee and Paris took over, pulling me toward the dance floor, where the rhythmic music and shimmering lights enveloped us. The tension in my brain began to dissipate as I let the music carry me away. It was a relief to finally let loose and enjoy the party.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Denisha, her hands on Ramon's arm, her gaze fixed on the dance floor. I frowned, my curiosity piqued by their interaction. What was going on between them?

As the night wore on and the party continued in full swing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle within me, like the calm before a storm, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something significant was about to happen.

Authors note:
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