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Self defense and attack class was cancelled because of an emergency meeting. I thanked Ares for that. I couldn't stand another two hours in class.
I was so exhausted when I got to the dorm. Laying in my bed, sleep took me away.

I woke up from my nap, the clock reading 7 o'clock. Panic surged through me. I was supposed to meet Rene, Paris, Ramon, Jamal, and Maylee at the secret tunnel entrance soon. With haste, I jumped out of bed, my ginger-red afro a wild mess from sleep. A quick shower and hair wash followed as I let the water cascade over me, washing away the drowsiness.

After drying off, I stood in front of the mirror, taking a moment to appreciate my reflection. At 5'10", I was tall, with curves that I embraced proudly. A belly piercing adorned my midriff, and my ears boasted piercings, including an industrial one. My fiery afro framed my face, its vibrant hue making me stand out in a crowd. I had deep blue eyes and a dark complexion. Overall, I knew I was very, very pretty.

For the outing, I chose shorts with a matching crop top and a jacket to keep warm in the chilly evening air. Feeling lazy, i put my hair in two afro puffs. I was already late and couldn't waste more time.My phone in hand, I headed towards the meeting point under the massive oak tree at the edge of the courtyard. It was a perfect place to gather, shrouded in shadows and secrets.

As I left my dorm room, my eyes fell on Denisha, still fast asleep in her bed. I nodded to myself, a promise to speak to her tomorrow and perhaps begin forging a friendship.

Outside, the night was cold, the atmosphere dense with anticipation. I had to sneak past the vigilant security guards, who patrolled the school grounds diligently. I embraced my fire element, a natural gift I was born with, and summoned a small, controlled flame in the palm of my hand. It cast an eerie glow on my surroundings.

With nimble steps, I moved through the darkness, avoiding the guards' watchful eyes. My heart pounded in my chest, every creak of the old wooden floors beneath my feet echoing like thunder. The adrenaline rush was intoxicating, my powers keeping me hidden from sight. With determination and a hint of mischief, I continued my stealthy journey towards the oak tree

As I approached the oak tree, I was met with Maylee, Rene, and Paris. A hint of frustration tinged my voice as I asked them why they hadn't woken me up. They shrugged, clearly not expecting me to show up.

Turning my attention to Maylee, I couldn't help but inquire why she was here, given that she had initially declined to join. Her blonde hair, tanned skin, and slim physique made her look stunning tonight. She stood at 5'6" with piercing blue eyes

Paris, on the other hand, was 5'8" with dark hair and enigmatic green eyes. She had an ethereal quality about her, and her pale skin seemed almost to glow in the dim light.

Renee was radiant with her brown skin, golden eyes, and natural locks of brown hair. She was exceptionally pretty, and there was a hint of curiosity in her gaze as she looked at me.

Jamal arrived, his dark eyes scanning the group with a sense of purpose. Then, Raymond strolled in, his vivid purple eyes almost otherworldly. Their bags were filled with touch lights and snacks, a testament to our readiness for this clandestine adventure.

With our supplies in hand, we entered the tunnel. It was a world shrouded in shadows and mysteries. The walls were damp and cold, and the narrow space seemed to stretch endlessly. Our footsteps echoed through the underground passage, a cacophony of anticipation.

The tunnel had a distinct, earthy smell, and the sound of dripping water echoed in the background. The air was thick with suspense as we ventured further, our touch lights casting eerie glows on the rough stone walls.

As we progressed, the tunnel seemed to widen, revealing hidden chambers and twists. We stumbled upon a wooden box, curiosity bubbling in our hearts. Opening it, we found a weathered piece of paper that read, "Welcome freshers, pick a badge to avoid hazing."

Excitement and apprehension coursed through me as I reached for one of the badges. It felt cold against my fingertips, and for a moment, I felt a rush of euphoria, thinking I had made the right choice.

But then, a chilling sensation ran down my spine, and I saw it again-the tall, dark figure lurking at the corner of my vision. Panic surged within me as I tried to make sense of this eerie presence.

"What... what was that?" I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. The others exchanged worried glances"what are you talking about"

"You didn't see it?" I asked my mood suddenly shifting from excitement to foreboding.

"Quit playing" Jamal laughed stuffing three extra badges for the boys.

I laughed at an attempt to reduce the tension. But I saw it. I did

With our badges in hand ,we embarked on our journey back to the dorms. The narrow tunnel now seemed even darker, our touch lights casting eerie shadows on the rough stone walls.

We had decided to get one badge for Denisha as a potential gesture of friendship. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation, but there was also an underlying tension.

As we neared the exit of the tunnel, the realization hit us-we had to pass by the ever-watchful security guard. Zodiac Academy's guardians were known for their sharp senses, making our escape a precarious endeavor.

Each step we took echoed in the confined space, the sound amplifying our unease. Our breaths came out in hushed whispers, and our heartbeats seemed deafening in the silence.

The moment of truth arrived as we reached the tunnel's entrance. There he stood, the security guard, vigilant and stern. His imposing figure blocked our path, and anxiety coiled within us.

Our hearts pounded as we inched closer, hoping against hope that he wouldn't notice our badges. Sweat beaded on our foreheads, and tension filled the air.

It was almost as if time slowed down when his gaze flickered toward our direction. Panic surged within me as our eyes locked, and I could feel the collective fear of our group.

In that heart-stopping moment, it seemed like we were about to be caught. But fate was on our side. The security guard's attention was diverted by a sudden noise from behind him.

It was a brief distraction, but it was enough. We seized the opportunity and slipped past him, our hearts pounding with exhilaration and relief. The narrow escape left us breathless and filled with adrenaline.

Once we were safely back in our dormitory, we said our goodbyes
As I settled into my bed, I couldn't help but replay the events of the night in my mind. What was that dark figure amd why am I the only one who sees it.

Authors note:
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