Amazon Prime Panic: Bonus Chapter

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Author's Note

In celebration of Amazon Prime Video's newest series Panic, I am thrilled to be teaming up with Amazon Prime Video and Wattpad to write this exclusive chapter that puts my characters from this story into the world of Panic!

I hope this chapter intrigues and inspires you to learn more about Panic. Visit the #PanicWritingContest on Wattpad for the chance to put your creative writing chops to the test and learn more about the show!

To find out more about the contest, prizes, and how to enter, check out the #PanicWritingContest here:

Don't forget to watch the series premiere on May 28th, only on Amazon Prime Video, here:


"If you crack your knuckles one more time, I will snap your neck," Tyra promised, glaring at Lee under the yellow glow of a streetlamp.

The Circle was gathered on an empty street, far enough from where we needed to be to avoid rousing suspicion. Groups of people out weren't unusual to see at this hour, not today of all days. It was hot and humid, the air heavy with smoke from fireworks.

Lee stared her dead in the eye and cracked them once more.

Eric sighed.

Anna grabbed Tyra by the back of her shirt before she could lunge for the slighter twin.

"This is his fault," Tyra snarled. "I'm going to kill him. Anna, let me kill him!"

Lee was meant to get ahold of the blueprints necessary for the Circle to get in and out of a booby-trapped farm. "I didn't have enough time! It's not my fault that Spurlock's insane!"

"Enough," I said. "Arguing isn't going to help us. We need to get this done tonight. That evidence he's got isn't going to disappear on its own."

"Or his money," Eric added.

"Can't we just kill Spurlock and call it a day?" Lee complained. "This is very Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I don't like it."

The street lamp over his head went out.

He pointed up at it. "This is a sign."

I shook my head. "No killing. Besides, we need the evidence. We'll have to go looking anyway."


"That won't get us the evidence either. And someone else might be inside be inside because of that game."

Wary looks were exchanged at the mention of Panic. Something about it was off. It was our entire reason for being here to begin with. The people behind it had closed ranks and so had the kids involved, even though they were dying. None of us liked it. There had been talk of playing ourselves, but the idea was shot down quick. Unnecessary exposure.

Lee shrugged. "No, but I like the idea of setting out problems on fire. Don't you think it would be therapeutic?"

If Eric was any less polite, he probably would have rolled his eyes. Instead, he smiled at his brother. "Please stop."

"It can't be that hard," Anna said, patting Tyra's head like she was a disgruntled puppy. By some miracle, it earned her a soft look instead of a missing hand. "Do you have any ideas?"

The sky lit up with another bang. I tilted my head back to watch the sparks of red fizzle out. "It's the Fourth of July."

"So?" Anna asked.

"Remember the Caravaggio job last year?"

The street lamp flickered back on. Understanding dawned on their faces.

"Caravaggio," they agreed.

"Why me?" Anna whined on comms. "Why?"

"You're the cutest," I said. "You'll get more sympathy."

Tyra scowled at me, muttering something about inappropriate flirting even though there was none happening. I wasn't Eric, so I rolled my eyes at her  and made sure she saw.

Anna cleared her throat. Once. Twice. And then she wailed loud enough to make us flinch.

Two figures came hurrying out the building - a man and a woman. They took one look at the blood smeared across Anna's face and panicked.

Tyra and I snuck in while the man's were hands helplessly waving about as Anna cried for help, saying something about a trap in between sobs.

"I just wanted a Jell-O shot!" Anna bemoaned, words slurring here and there. "And now I'm bleeding and I don't know where I am and what if a serial killer set this up!"

The man was quick to protest. "Seri - No! No, killers! You're just lost, miss!"

"Can you call the police?" she hiccuped. "I'm scared."

"No police!" the pair cried in unison, practically falling over themselves to reassure her.

It wasn't completely dark inside, but it was dimly lit. We moved quickly and quietly, searching thoroughly while leaving things as they were.

Tyra was fast, but impatient in her search. I yanked her back by the arm before she could stumble over a tripwire. "I wish people used lasers in real life," Tyra whispered conversationally, stepping over it. "Like Pink Panther."

"Any luck, Eric?"

He wasn't wasn't inside with us. Instead, he was searching elsewhere to cover more ground. There was annoyed moo from his side before he mooed back, equally exasperated before saying, "No."

We were still coming up empty when Anna laughed nervously. "Uh! They ditched me to get me bandages from inside."

"Time to get out," Tyra whispered urgently. She wasn't wrong. Better to sneak back in later than risk being seen.

A floorboard creaked a few feet away.

I nodded. "Release the chickens."

"You shouldn't call Lee that," Tyra said.

Lee was out of sight, but I knew he was scowling wherever he was. "Fuck you."

Tyra clucked.

There was a reason I preferred solo heists.

There was a high-pitched scream from the other side of the building- a series of shrieks, gunshots, bangs, and clucking filled the building.

"Done," Lee said, sounding very snug for someone who just threw chickens in like fat grenades.

"Are they shooting them?" I asked mildly, opening the nearest window and leaping out. It was clear out back, but I hesitated where I stood, unsure of whether or not there would be any booby-traps.

"I think we should report them for animal abuse," Lee suggested with good cheer.

Tyra tumbled out after me. "What about the evidence?"

Eric burst into the clearing on horseback with no regard for potential traps, feathers in his hair and the proof we needed in his hands. "Hello! Found it!"

"I would kill for you," I said very seriously.

Eric beamed.

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