Chapter 3: Yellow Lanterns

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As Power Girl surveys the area around her, just then, she heard a rather high pitch voice calling out to her.

" Hey you!"

Power Girl turns around, noticing a rather short blue figure lowering down from the air.

" Just who the heck are you?"

" Who am I? I should be the one asking you that question!"

Supergirl retorts.

Power Girl stares at Supergirl with a look of disdain in her eyes.

" You? Heh! You look just like a girly two shoes version of my cuz."

Offended by Power Girl's remark, Supergirl felt her temper flare up as she blasts back at her.

" Well, at least I don't go around slutting myself in that outfit!"

Upon hearing that, Power Girl's face reddens in rage and she loudly declares out.

Power Girl: Alright! It's on sister!

Supergirl could barely react just as Power Girl closes in at a speed faster than light, an impact quick enough to send her tumbling back.

The Girl of Steel pushes herself up, glaring back at Power Girl before launching herself off the ground, retaliating with a single blow onto Power Girl's cheek.


Power Girl lets out scream of agony just as she was sent crashing into a boulder.

Angered, Power Girl spun around, her hands gripping onto the base of the rock before chucking it towards Supergirl.

Supergirl's irises glows deep bright red just as a thin red Heat Vision emits from her pupils, destroying the boulder with a single blast.

However, that distraction was all it takes for Power Girl to lunge forward, slamming fist first into Supergirl's stomach.


Far away

Far from Kansas, Green Lantern points his Power Ring forward, flying towards the scene of the battle while Lobo sat on his Cycle with Leina and Alex seated right behind him.

Green Lantern urges the group just as he flies ahead, closing in onto the scene of the battle.
"Come on! We're not too far now."


Explosions of shockwaves booms across the city just as two girls of steel are locked in a scuffle against each other, exchanging blows in midair.

Supergirl and Power Girl grits their teeth, eyeing each other intendly as the two slowly descends down onto the ground.

Just as the two were wrestling against each other, right at that moment, both Power Girl and Supergirl heard a familiar voice calling out to them: "Kara! Stop!"

Upon hearing the voice, both women halts in their place, turning to face the source of the voice.


Both Power Girl and Supergirl found themselves mouthing out just as the group closes in on them.

Lobo stares up at Power Girl's skimpy outfit, whistling out to himself, "Whee woo! Well, looks like Super Dork's disappearance sure did attracted some hot chicks."

Ignoring him, Green Lantern points his ring at Power Girl, narrowing his eye in suspicion. "Funny. I don't know you but you seem to be sharing the same aura as Supergirl."

Supergirl shifts back just as Green Lantern closes in onto Power Girl, questioning her further, "Who are you?"

Power Girl stares up at him, answering his question, "My name is Kara Zor-El but my friends calls me Karen Starr. Especially you Jordan."

"Jordan? Wait."

Green Lantern widens his eyes in shock, unable to handle the truth.

"You're Supergirl from another Earth?"

Power Girl nods and Supergirl remarks out, "Now that you mentioned it, I do see a slight resemblance with me."

Confused, Leina voices out her opinion, "Okay. Let's get this straight. Superman disappears then me, Claudette and the others came into your world. Then this Lobo fella came to the planet and now her?"

Alex places a hand on her chin, her face filled with confusion.

" Just what is happening?"




Cyborg Superman flies up into the air, staring down at the circuits of wires and metal forming around the rock.

In just a matter of days, his city of destruction shall bear fruit.

Right at Cyborg Superman stood back to admire his work, just then, he heard a familiar voice calling out to him, "Well well Superman, you seem to be busy or should I call you...Henshaw?"

Upon hearing his real name, Cyborg Superman spun around, his metallic jaw twisting into a grin, "Sinestro. And I see you brought Arkillo along as well."

Sinestro smiles, speaking to him, "The rest of the Yellow Lanterns are waiting in the Earth's atmosphere. Once you give us the signal, I'll alert the rest of the Lanterns to begin their attack."

"Great. But first....."

Cyborg Superman directs his attention towards the horizon, concluding his sentence, "It's time I go pay a little someone a visit."


Felix Faust library

Ocean Master scribbles a scripture of ancient writing on a white board, speaking out to Felix, "There. I have the ancient spells of Atlantean magic written here."

Felix Faust looks back at Ocean Master, stating out to him, "I've written the ancient spells of Egyptian Magic here."

At that moment, Reverse Flash turns back, informing the two.

"Good. I've just written the Futuristic codes for time travel and now...."

Reverse Flash looks at two empty white boards across the library and he mentions, "All we're missing is one from Zambesi and the other from the Prehistoric time."

Just then, a low menacing voice echoes across the library.

"Oh don't bother."

Reverse Flash narrows his eyes, turning around just as a muscular tanned skinned robed figure steps into the light.

Upon seeing the figure, Felix remarks out with a hint of cynical malice in his voice, "Well well, if it isn't Vandal Savage?"

"What are you doing here caveman?" Reverse Flash questions him.

Vandal steps past the yellow speedster, answering his question without turning back to face him, "To strike a deal with you. Because after all, we want the same thing."

"I'm listening."

Those two words was all Vandal needed to hear before he issues out his conditions, "Once you send those meddlesome heroes away, I want all control over every historical sites."

"Well then..."

Reverse Flash spun around, smirking as he shook Vandal's hand, "You've got yourself a deal caveman."

Reverse Flash pulls out a chalk, placing it into Vandal's open palm.

Vandal took the chalk, stepping towards one of the white boards.

At the exact moment, a loud feminine voice booms across the room.

"Count me in as well."

Ocean Master and Felix looks down, watching in intrigue just as a light stream of water flows into the library.

Reverse Flash leans his back onto a stone pillar, smirking just as the water slowly bubbles up.

The water then solidifies, forming into the form of a dark skinned woman in her twenties.

Felix steps towards her, chuckling out, "Kuasa. As I live and breathe."

Kuasa directs her attention to Felix, a smile spreading across her face.

"Miss me Faust?" Kuasa questions out just as she steps towards the magician.

"Oh you have no idea." Felix chimes just as Kuasa gave him a wink.

"Uh hum! If you don't mind miss, the runes of Zembesi please?"

Kuasa's face fell into that of annoyance just as Reverse Flash's cynical voice echoes throughout the library, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Okay, fine. I'll write them if you want. You want me to wash your ass in the process?"Kuasa mutters out just as she steps towards a white board.

After scribbling down the runes on the board, Kuasa spun around, indifferently remarking to him,"There. Done!"

"Excellent," Reverse Flash nods approvingly before directing his attention back to Felix.

"Now Mr. Faust, if you please."

"Yes Mr. Faust."

A loud mechanical voice echoes across the room, causing everyone to look up.

Reverse Flash narrows his eyes just as the voice instructs Felix.

"Proceed if you value your life."

"Who are you?! You're not Superman!" Reverse Flash angrily demanded.

Without waiting for his companion to reply, Sinestro answers the Speedster's question for him, "Actually, he is Superman and like you, he wants the Justice League gone as well."

Confused, Ocean Master voices out his doubts," I don't get it, why would Superman want to kill his own team?"

"You do not need to concern yourself with that," Cyborg Superman replies to Ocean Master.

" Just so you know, all of you work for us now so..."

Cyborg Superman's irises glows bright red just as he concludes his sentence," Get back to work if you want to live."

Felix reluctantly lifts up his hands, swirling it around just as he chants out," þïmə į§ āđøľəņ§ę§, þïmə į§ çhæøş, bý ťhý ņãmě őf ťhý łõřđ, jųşþįčə bè wípęď, jųşþičə bè GONE!!!"

A bright shining light glows across the room, spreading across the radius.

Cyborg Superman smirks, crackling out with glee," Yes! Yes! Soon, all of Earth's mightest heroes shall fall and I will have my revenge!"

Cyborg Superman then slowly drifts up into the air, passing his instructions to Sinestro," Come Sinestro, we have a stop to make."

Justice League Headquarters

" So that is Power Girl?"

Supergirl nods, answering Zatanna's question.

Green Arrow looks up, questioning out in curiosity, "I don't get it. How in the world does this keep happening?"

Wonder Woman agrees,"I agree with Oliver, something does seem awfully off. But the real question is what?"

Supergirl looks around the room, realizing that something is wrong.

" Where's Kal?" Supergirl questions out.

Flash looks around the room, shrugging his shoulders at her," Dunno, haven't seen him here for the whole day. Thought he was with you."

"The thing is he isn't," Supergirl mutters out.

It was right at that moment when Leina notices something from the distance.

" Uh, guys..."

Everyone turns around and what they saw causes their eyes to widen in horror.

Far from the Justice League Headquarters, a large looming cloud blazes across the sky, heading right towards the building.

Upon setting her eyes on it, Elina lets out a loud terrifying scream,"AHHHHHH!!! What is that?!"

"I don't know, but looks to me it's gettin' close." Lobo points out.


Right outside the Headquarters, various other heroes like Hawkman, Cyborg, Starfire, Mr. Terrific, Ice and many others stood outside, watching the cloud closing in onto them.

Supergirl, Power Girl, Lobo, Green Lantern and Leina races outside, staring at the cloud.

Without waiting, Supergirl launches herself up, inhaling a huge gulp of air before blowing out a powerful gust of wind.

However, to her horror, the wind not only fails to deter the cloud from it's current movement, but it also began closing in faster than before.

Green Lantern points his ring forward, launching a powerful green blast of energy at the cloud.

To his disappointment, the green energy simply flies through the cloud, barely fazing it.

"Great! Nothing's working! What should we do?!" Green Lantern questions out.

Realizing that they had no other choice, Supergirl quickly pulls out several small handheld gadgets, tossing them at her teammates.

Supergirl then stood in front of the Justice League, speaking out towards them,"Everyone, please. Listen to me! Now I know things are looking bad for us but don't worry. Whatever it is, I'm sure we will make it through."

Just moments before the cloud completely engulfs the building, Supergirl gave everyone a reassuring smile, concluding her speech with three simple words.

" Don't give up."

Everyone stood frozen just as the cloud completely consumes them, the dark magic within began pulling them deeper into the unknown.

A few seconds later, just as the cloud passes, a small young boy races up the stairs, a look of horror plastered onto his face.

The very spot where the famous Justice League Headquarters is built is now gone!



Seated within the office of LexCorp, Lena Luthor, the younger sister of the infamous Lex Luthor stares at the television screen with her eyes wide open.

"After what seems to be a passing dark cloud, witnesses have reported that the Justice League Headquarters has completely disappeared. Not much has been known except that all known members of the Justice League are still yet to be found. Now coming to live..."

Not wanting to watch anymore, Lena held up the television remote, pressing down onto the off switch, instantly deactivating the machine.

Concerned, Lena rests her chin on her hands, thinking to herself.

"Supergirl, where are you? I sure hope you're okay."

However, her train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of explosions.

Just as Lena jumps back, she found herself staring at two large and rather menacing looking figures.

"Miss Lena Luthor I presumed?" Cyborg Superman's mechanized voice creeps along Lena's spine just as the young Luthor demands,"Who are you? What do you want?"

Cyborg Superman sneers at her, speaking out in a menacing tone.

"Who are doesn't really matter. All we want is your help. And help us, you wil."

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