Chapter 9: The Battle of Metropolis

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As Supergirl steps forward, she found herself facing most of the Justice League members, including her friends from Gainos.

Claudette then questions," Now that we are all here? What shall we do?"

Supergirl takes in a deep breath before answering," Alright, as of now, Cyborg Superman has already converted a huge percentage of Metropolis into Engine City, swarming with his minions. Taking back the city is not going to be easy."

" Not to mention, the effects of that metal has already converted some of it's victims into techno-sentients." Batman added. Wonder Woman nods," We tried fighting off them off but their numbers continues to spread, taking more and more land."

Supergirl then answers," Then this is exactly why we will need to be careful. We will split into two groups, the first group, all of you will charge directly at the city, attack the Yellow Lanterns and those Techno-sentients at the same time."

Supergirl then turns to Power Girl, Green Lantern, Nanael and Rip, saying," Power Girl, Hal, Nanael, Rip, you four will follow me into Engine City. Rip will plant the bomb into the city's core and start the countdown. Nanael will get Lena from the top of the tower."

" You got it!" Nanael salutes.

Supergirl faces both Power Girl and Green Lantern, instructing them," Karen, Hal. You two are coming with me. We're gonna have to deal with Sinestro and Cyborg Superman."" Count us in." Power Girl smirks.

" If no questions, then get into positions and wait for my signal." Supergirl instructs, prompting everyone to move into their respective places.



As the Justice League prepares their attack, Reverse Flash sips a cup of coffee, watching from a distance before sneering to himself.

" Good. Once the Justice League begin their attack, that will be my cue." Reverse Flash held up the orb containing the dark magic his allies had accumulated before speeding off in a yellow and red blur.



Inside the meeting hall of LexCorp, a gagged and annoyed Lena stares as Sinestro quietly cuts into his steak with a knife before piercing the meat with a fork, lifting it up into the air before biting down onto it.

Sinestro looks across from the table and he suggests," I suggest you eat something."" I'm a machine. I don't eat." Cyborg Superman answers, causing Sinestro to say," Well, surely you do miss the taste of fresh seasoned red meat along with some fine white wine."

Cyborg Superman looks down at his untouched food and he doesn't answer.

Feeling the gag around her mouth loosen, Lena shakes the cloth over her mouth off before lashing out at the two," You two won't be sitting here this comfy for long. Soon the people will rise up against you."

" Hm. It seems that our pet is being annoying again. Arkillo, gag her." Sinestro instrucs.

However, right at that moment, Sinestro, Cyborg Superman and Lena heard a loud explosion, causing their heads to turn.

" What?"

Both Sinestro and Cyborg Superman got out of their seats before rushing towards the window to investigate.

A wisp of dark cloudy smoke emits from the entrance of Engine City, causing Cyborg Superman to scream out at Sinestro and the near by Yellow Lanterns," Sound the alarm! We're under attack!"

Realising what is happening, Lena broke out in a chuckle, causing Sinestro to question," What's so funny?"" Don't you get it? Supergirl is back and she's here to beat you." Lena smirks, agitating Cyborg Superman and Sinestro even further.

Cyborg Superman then instructs Sinestro and the Yellow Lanterns," Arkillo, gather all the Yellow Lanterns and the techno-sentients and prepare for battle. Sinestero, you will go and guard the core. If the enemy gets there, all that we have worked for will all be for nothing!"

" Got it!" Sinestro and his Yellow Lanterns dashes out into the hallway, leaving Cyborg Superman alone with the still captive Lena.

Cyborg Superman grabs Lena roughly by the arm and he sternly instructs her," Come with me."

" AHHH!!!" Lena screams out in agony as she found herself stumbling, attempting to keep up with the Cyborg's rough movements.


Down in Engine City, Doctor Fate raises up his hands, sending waves of magical talismans flying towards the nearby horde of techno-sentients.

As the area around them went off in a blazing explosion, Batman throws his batarang across, striking down a surviving Techo-sentient.

At the same time, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam and Hawkgirl are up in the air, clashing against the Yellow Lanterns opposing them while Lobo slams his forehead into a Yellow Lantern, easily knocking him unconscious.

A techno-sentient crashes backfirst into the ground before it's head was met with a sharp tip of a spear piercing it's faceplate.

Elina raises up her spear, screaming out angrily as she strikes down the techno-sentient," This is for your insolent no good worm grubbing goons sending me and my sisters into another timeline you scum!"

As Elina continues hitting the techno-sentient, Tomoe stares at her before remarking to Alleyne," Glad to have someone like her on our side."" I agree."

While the fight escalates across the city, Supergirl, Power Girl, Rip, Green Lantern and Nanael dives into the core of Engine City, preparing to move on towards the next phase of their plan.

Power Girl sets Rip down in the core, asking him in concern," Okay Rip, are you sure you're gonna be okay here?"" Don't worry. I have faced even worst dangers." Rip assures her. Naneal then proposes," Hey don't worry about it. If that Cyborg ever comes, I will be glad to ruin his ugly and yet a few percent beautiful face."" You sure have a weird taste of looks." Power Girl pipes.

" Hey! Just so you know, Superman was hot! But I just didn't expect his face to become that ugly!" Naneal shouts.

Power Girl tweaks her ear drum with a finger as she stares at Naneal. Right at that moment, Supergirl takes off into the air." Hey wait up!" Leaving Power Girl and Naneal alone with Rip, Green Lantern takes off, following Supergirl.

While flying straight towards LexCorp, Supergirl narrows her eyes as she thought to herself," Hang in there Lena. I'm coming."



On the rooftop of the tower, Cyborg Superman roughly shoves Lena onto the ground, causing her to fall flat on her hands and knees. Cyborg Superman stares down at her and he instructs her," Now Miss Luthor. I want you to go enhance the frequency on that antennae!"

" How about no." Lena denies defiantly, angering Cyborg Superman even further.

" Do it now or your entire planet gets it!" Cyborg Superman shouts. However, right at that moment, Cyborg Superman felt a hand touch his shoulder along with a rather familiar voice telling him," She said no."

Before Cyborg Superman could even react, his eyes could barely process Supergirl's face right as her fist strikes him hard in the cheek, sending him crashing into a nearby generator.

" Supergirl!"" Lena!" Reunited at last, Supergirl rushes towards Lena, lifting her up before wrapping her in a tight embrace, asking quietly," Are you okay?"" I'm fine now. Thanks to you."

Just then, Green Lantern flies down and he says to the two," Uh. Hate to ruin your little moment ladies but we got company." Supergirl turns around, narrowing her eyes just as Sinestro swoops down.

Firing a barrage of yellow energy beams from his ring, Sinestro swoops down at what looks like the speed of a bullet train, shouting out," Curse you Jordan! You have ruined my plans for the very last time!"" Yeah? Well screw you Sinestro!" Green Lantern launches himself up into the air, a green color construct of a baseball bat forms within his palms as he flies up, swinging the bat across.

Sinestro quickly conjured up a glove construct, easily catching onto the bat.

Moving backwards, Sinestro swerves his head to the side, dodging blow by blow as Green Lantern throws several punches at him.

While Sinestro and Green Lantern are locked in battle, Supergirl puts her hands out, flanking Lena just as Cyborg Superman pushes himself out of the wreckage, hatred burning within his both fleshy and metallic eyes.

" Get out of here now Lena!" Without needing to be told twice, Lena quickly turns tails, running towards the exit as Supergirl steps forward to confront her cyborg doppleganger of her cousin.

" You know, I'm impressed Supergirl. To think you have taken control of the situation and brought your entire team back here to me and even managed to hurt me with that punch. Heh. I truly have underestimated you." Cyborg Superman smirks, causing Supergirl to clench her fist," Well maybe you would think twice before underestimating me or my friends. We don't need Kal to deal with the likes of you."

Staring coldly at Supergirl, Cyborg Superman growls," Oh. But once I am done with you, you will be crying off to your dead cousin soon."

Angered by his words, Supergirl lets out a loud scream before lunging forward, grabbing onto Cyborg Superman. The cyborg widens his eyes in shock just as Supergirl throws a left hook across his face before meeting his torso with a single knee.

Supergirl's eyes glows red just as she unleashes a powerful blast of Heat Vision right into him, sending him flying up into the sky.

In the midst of battle, Lena's fingers wraps itself around the door handle and she pulls it, only to find whatever standing behind it making her blood run cold. Backing away, Lena stares wide in horror, watching just as a familiar yellow clad man steps into the scene.

" Going somewhere Miss Luthor?" Reverse Flash smirks.

Supergirl watches in horror just as Cyborg Superman shouts frantically at him," Yes! Kill her Thawne! Kill her!" However, instead of performing the deed, Reverse Flash lets out a loud evil laughter, causing both Cyborg Superman and Supergirl to stare at him with a shared look of confusion." What's so funny Thawne?"

" Funny? Funny is that you are giving orders towards the very man is going to end your life!" Pulling out the amulet, Reverse Flash points it across, sending a powerful blast of magic right onto Cyborg Superman.

" AAARRRGHHHHH!!!" Cyborg Superman lets out a loud metallic scream of agony, staggering backwards just as Supergirl rushes forward, flying straight towards Reverse Flash.

Reverse Flash raises up his arms, shielding himself just as Supergirl throws a punch, barely blocking the blow. Reverse Flash retaliates by swinging his arm out, his fist striking Supergirl square in the nose.

With the Girl of Steel clutching her face, Reverse Flash snaps his fingers, the snap creating a powerful sonic boom around him.

Supergirl is sent flying through the air, falling straight down from the roof. However, before Reverse Flash could give chase, at that moment, Cyborg Superman rushes forward, both hands wrapping around tightly over the speedster's arms.

Cyborg Superman pulls Reverse Flash with him, slamming him hard against the wall. The cyborg wraps his fingers around Reverse Flash's neck, lifting him up.

" You are going to pay for your insolence ." Cyborg Superman growls, only for Reverse Flash to smirk," Oh I don't think so." Reverse Flash throws his leg out, striking Cyborg Superman in the chest.

Using that chance, Reverse Flash quickly dashed across the roof, jumping off the edge before disappearing into the city. Growling, Cyborg Superman flies up, giving chase.

Running down the wall of a skyscraper, Reverse Flash quickly ducks to the side just as a speeding blue and red blur speeds past him.

Up in the air, Supergirl raises up her fist, moving her body and limbs at blurring speed as she attacks and parries Cyborg Superman's blows. A rabbit punch to the guy followed by a block. Supergirl and Cyborg Superman continues to throw their fists out, the two seemingly evenly matched.

However, Cyborg Superman's mechanical arm began shifting, it's gears morphing and clanking, forming into a small cannon.

Cyborg Superman swings his cannon arm out, using it to slap Supergirl square across the cheek. He then points the cannon at her, unleashing a powerful blast of energy right onto her chest.

However, without waiting, Reverse Flash runs up across a parapet, his hands emitting bright electrical energy as he swings his arms out, sending a volley of electrical projectiles flying towards Cyborg Superman.

The Cyborg clenches his fist, conjuring a sphere of energy around his body, shielding himself from what seems like an endless volley of electricity.

At that moment, a sudden blast of heat vision struck Reverse Flash in the side of his body, causing him to fall flat onto the parapet.

Cyborg Superman narrows his eyes, swooping down to confront Supergirl.

In the midst of the battle, Lena runs out of the building, watching with intense anticipation and awe, the sight of Supergirl, Cyborg Superman and Reverse Flash locked in a three-way battle left her rooted to the ground.

By the looks of the way the three are fighting, it does not take a seasoned fighter to know that neither of the three are willing to give their opponents the upper hand in this fight.

Just as Supergirl and Cyborg Superman throws a punch right into each other, the sheer impact of the blow immediately causes the the entire city to shake.

Feeling the powerful rumble across the city, Lena stumbles forward, struggling to keep her balance.

However, the worst has yet to come.

Cyborg Superman points his Yellow Lantern ring down, unleashing a powerful blast of energy, forcing Supergirl to dodge.

However, the single swift motion immediately causes the projectile to strike onto the parapet, causing it to go off in a fiery explosion, rupturing it's foundation in the process.

Realising that she is going to fall, Lena lets out a loud deafening scream," AAAAHHHH!!!"

Upon hearing her friend's scream, Supergirl widens her eyes in shock." Lena." Pushing Cyborg Superman back, Supergirl dives downwards, flying as fast as she can to save Lena.

Cyborg Superman swoops down, persuing Supergirl, completely unaware that a speeding yellow and red streak is closing in onto him.

Before Cyborg Superman could reach out to Supergirl, Reverse Flash closes in, saying," Hey. Don't forget about me." Cyborg Superman turns his head, only for Reverse Flash to throw a punch, striking him across the cheek.

Cyborg Superman grabs onto him before turning around, throwing him down onto a nearby parapet.

Just as Lena tumbles down, right at that moment, Supergirl flies up, catching her with her arms.

" Supergirl!" Lena says as Supergirl flies up, setting Lena down onto the roof top of a nearby building.

" Stay here. You'll be safe." Supergirl then takes off, leaving Lena on the roof as she flies headfirst into the combating pair.

Cyborg Superman turns around, swerving his head to the side just as Supergirl throws a punch, only to end up hitting Reverse Flash instead. Cyborg Superman then grabs Supergirl right in the face.

" HUMMPPHHH!!!" Supergirl grunts out as she thrashes, struggling to free herself from the cyborg's grip. The sadistic cyborg wastes no time, a large sphere of energy forms around the palm of his hand.

Supergirl could only look in horror just as Cyborg Superman unleashes a powerful blast of energy, sending her crashing into the wall just a few feet away from Lena.

Right at that moment, Reverse Flash dashes forward, only for Cyborg Superman to conjure a giant wall construct in front of the speedster. Growling, Reverse Flash turns around, throwing a barrage of punches right onto Cyborg Superman.

As both Cyborg Superman and Reverse Flash are locked in battle, Lena knelts down next to Supergirl, helping the injured Girl of Steel up as she asks her in concern," Are you okay?"" I'll be fine." Right as Supergirl is about to rush in to join the battle, Lena wraps her arms around Supergirl, stopping her in her place.

" Lena..."" Please be careful Supergirl! I've lost you once! I don't want to lose you again!" Lena cries out, causing Supergirl to face her. Ignoring the battling speedster and cyborg completely, Supergirl grips Lena by the shoulder, saying to her," Lena. Please. Look at me."

Giving her a sad but reassuring smile, Supergirl assures Lena," Don't worry Lena. I promise, everything will be okay." Embracing Supergirl tightly, Lena whispers to her," Be careful okay?"" I will."

Releasing her grip from Lena, Supergirl turns around, watching as Reverse Flash ran circles around Cyborg Superman, surrounding him completely in a yellow and red streak. Cyborg Superman's eyes glows bright red as he lets out a loud scream, unleashing a powerful red explosion.

The sheer magnitude of the explosion sends Reverse Flash flying and before the speedster could react, Cyborg Superman rushes forward, grabbing onto him before flying straight towards a nearby electrical generator.

" No! No!" Ignoring Reverse Flash's screams of protests, Cyborg Superman slams him backfirst into the electrical generator, causing a massive explosion of sparks flying." AAAAHHHHHH!!!" A loud agonizing scream echoes across the city as Reverse Flash convulves uncontrollably before dropping down onto the ground.

Cyborg Superman lifts up his foot, placing it above Reverse Flash's neck and he growls," Goodbye Thawne." A loud snap cuts across the air as Cyborg Superman slams his foot down over Reverse Flash's neck, killing the speedster.

With one of his opponents defeated, Cyborg Superman turns around, facing Supergirl as the Girl of Steel raises up her hands, ready to battle.

Both Cyborg Superman and Supergirl faces each other, neither of them making a move before the two disappears in a speeding blur of red and blue, closing onto each other as they raises up their fists, preparing to finish the battle once and for all.


After activating the last detonator, Rip wipes the sweat off his brows and he sighs," There. Done."

" And not a moment too soon!" Power Girl shouts just as a squadron of Yellow Lanterns flies downwards, preparing to attack. However, right at that moment, a sudden flash of light suddenly booms in front of the Yellow Lanterns, causing them to let out a unifying scream of agony.

" WAAAHHHH!!! What was that?!" Nanael questions out as the trio looks.

Standing in the midst of the shining bright light stood a tall muscular man donning a black and white skin tight suit, his face covered in a thick layer of hair, forming a beard and his hair long enough to reach the beyond his neck, stretching down to the top of his back.

" Who are you?" Nanael asks, prompting the man to answer," Don't let the outfit fool you. I'm Superman. And I'm back."

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