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Words : 1427

Y/N Pov

The heck?

I shouted.
My friends turned to me with confused face.
I cleared my throat and looked outside the window trying to act cool.

While looking outside, my mind started to play some memories when I was happy with my friends.
But now?
Everything had been changed.
The bonding between us changed.
Our lives changed.
Our characters changed.
Even our friendship had changed.
We are no more friends.
It's not our fault but fate's.

Lisa: Y/Nahh.

I turned towards her.

Lisa: We reached our place.

I nodded and went out of their car.
I entered my car and left to my mansion without a word.

I went towards my room and took a quick shower.
I slept after changing into a comfy dress while thinking about her.

At morning

I woke up lazily and started to do my morning routine. I went to my wardrobe and selected a random dress before wearing it.

After wearing it, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a milkshake from the fridge before heading out.

But to my surprise, I saw an unwanted guest who just came out of her car before looking at me angrily.

I smirked and went to my car not bothering about the human who is fuming in anger.

.... : Y/N ! (screamed)

I turned to her with a wide smirk and replied

Y/N: Yes?(smirk)

She came and stood in front of me while breathing like a bull in anger.

.... : Why the hell you killed him?

Y/N: Who?(innocently)

.... : Don't play with me Kang Y/N.(shouted)

Y/N: It's Queen for you Ms.Choi.(smirk)

.... : Never in my life I will call you as Queen.(gritting her teeth)

Y/N: Let's see.(about to leave)

.... : (caught my wrist) Where the hell you think you are going?

Y/N: Umm to company?

.... : Don't irritate me Y/N or else I will kill you right here. (pointing her gun on my fore head)

I laughed out aloud.

Y/N: You? Killing me? (chuckled) Honey, you are standing on my place. So please think before you speak.

.... : I don't care whether its your place or not. I can kill you the second when my finger presses the trigger.

Y/N: Is that so? Then try me.

Before she could pull the trigger, the gun in her hands is now in mine.

She looked at me in shock.

I chuckled at her.

Y/N: Oo. What happened now? Don't play with me honey.

I threw the gun at her before walking to my car.

.... : Now die bi*ch. (she pulled the trigger)

But nothing happened.

She looked confused.

Y/N: Do you think I am dumb to give you the gun with bullets?(laughing)

While showing the bullets of her gun which I took out secretly when her gun was in my hands.

Y/N: I am not being called as queen for nothing, Choi Hana and I killed him because he drugged many innocent students upon your order. It will not take me a second to kill you too Hana, remember that.

I was about to enter my car when

Hana: Like you killed my sister?

I looked at her only to find her with teary eyes. My eyes slightly moistened but I was quick enough to compose myself.

Y/N: I didn't- (cut off)

She quickly went to her car and left.

While I stood there with a sad face.

Y/N: I didn't kill her Hana.(whispered)

I closed my eyes and tears trickled down from my eyes.


It's a beautiful day. The places are occupied with snow. We love snow.
Yes, we.

Me,Hana and her sister Ru.

But the beautiful day become a sorrowful day when we get to know the truth of our parents, when I lost my dear friend.

Hana blamed me and my parents for her death due to the circumstantial evidences.

But did she know the real truth behind her death?


But we know. We know who the real culprit is.


I opened my eyes when my head started to ache.
I held my head due to the sudden pain.

I held my car for my support.
Soon my maids came to me and held me.

Maid 1: Miss, hear take your regular medicine for headache. It will help you to minimise your headache.

I nodded and took the tablet from her hand and swallowed it quickly before drinking water.

I felt a little better. It has become me routine to eat this tablet for my headache.
I looked at the maids and said thanks before going inside my car.

I drove to my company.

I entered my company and all of my employees greeted me.
I nodded and went to my cabin.
I sat on my chair and took a deep breath to calm down.
It somewhat calmed me.

I started to work on our new project.

After 2 hours

I was typing in my laptop but stopped when Ru's face flashed infront of me.

I closed my eyes.

Some memories with her and Hana started to play in my mind.


We were teenagers at that time.
We used to go to school together.
Like every other day, we got ready and went to school together in my car.
We were talking happily that we failed to notice that we were going in different route unlike before.

Driver stopped the car but infront of a creepy building.

Y/N: Uncle, where are we?

I usually call him that.
Instead of answering me, he entered the building leaving us behind.
We got down and looked around to figure out where we are.

Ru: This place looks creepy.
Hana: Ya. By looking at the building, anyone can say it is old. But what are we doing here?

We looked at the path where he went.

Y/N: We can only get the answer from him.

Cold breeze touched our skin.
It's cold.
We started to rub our palms to keep us warm.

Ru: It's so cold out here. Let's go inside.

I looked up and noticed that snow fall .
I nodded and we went inside the building.

We started to regret coming inside because this building started to scare us more with its appearance.

We want to go back but we don't know the route.
We lost our track.

When we are looking around, we heard a voice from behind.

?: Hello girls! Nice to meet you all.

We turned around and saw a man who was in his mid 30's.
He was surrounded by some men.
We couldn't see his face as he wore a mask and a hat.

Y/N: Who are you? What are you doing here ? (cold)
?: Woah. Calm down girl. Umm what's your name?
Y/N: Why should I tell you?
?: (smirk) I like your attitude.

I rolled my eyes.

?: So Y/N, Ru and Hana right?

We looked at him with wide eyes.

Hana: Ho-How do you know our names? (little fear)
?: Oh baby, I know more about you three. (smirk)
Ru: WHO ARE YOU? (shouted)

But he just smirked and said something to his men.
Then his men went away.
Soon they came with my mom and dad and Hana 's and Ru's mom.
Their hands were tied.
Our eyes slightly moistened upon seeing them like this.

Ru: Mom! (shouted and was about to go)

?: Stop right there! One step ahead then your parents will be beheaded.

She stopped right there.

Y/N: What the hell do you want from us? (angry)


I opened my eyes when I heard Eunwoo calling me.
I looked up and found him looking at me with woriedly.

Eunwoo: What happened? Why are you crying?

I touched my cheeks and found them wet.
I looked down and wiped my tears.

Y/N: Nothing. Just a bad memory.
Eunwoo: Is everything alright?

I nodded.

Y/N: So why are you here?
Eunwoo: I just want to convey that you don't have any meetings today.
Y/N: But we had a meeting with Mr.Yoon, right?
Eunwoo: Ya but he cancelled it saying that he is not well.
Y/N: Hmm. Do I have any files to sign?
Eunwoo: No. You have already signed all of them.
Y/N: Ok then as I don't have any work left. I will leave.

He nodded and I took my bag and left.

The next part might be very late than this as my exams have started 😣

And I am so happy today because of this👇

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Thank u for all the snowies who read that book!!

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Your future depends on what you do today
and today is already started.

Have a bright day!

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