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Words: 1158


I am reading some important documents but I feel sleepy. I kept the document aside and looked at the clock.


Still I have time to go home but I feel sleepy. I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes.
I felt the door being opened but I didn't open my eyes.

Y/N: What do want Eunwoo?
Eunwoo: How are finding me with your eyes closed?

I chuckled and looked up to him.

Y/N: You are the only one who enter my cabin without permission.
Eunwoo: But I will not do that always. I will only enter your cabin only if something is important. Why were u sleeping in office hours?
Y/N: I was not sleeping. I was just laying my head on the table while closing my eyes and I know what is happening around me.
Eunwoo: I still can't believe you.
Y/N: Did I ask you to believe me?
Eunwoo: Let's drop this topic and be a bit professional.

As soon as he said that I sat properly and looked at him with a stern look.

Y/N: Yes Mr.Eunwoo. Can I know the reason of your sudden presence?

He face palmed himself and looked at me before sighing.

Eunwoo: No one can change you. I came here to convey that we are having a meeting with Kim Taehyung at KTH MARBLES regarding the new design on which you two are working for.

I nodded and asked

Y/N: When?
Eunwoo: Tomorrow at 10am.
Y/N: Hmm. Ok.
Eunwoo: I think after hearing this news, u lost your sleep.
Y/N: What?

I looked at him being confused.

Eunwoo: I can guess it Y/Nahh that you have a tiny crush on him.
Y/N: Huh? On whom?
Eunwoo: Kim Taehyung. (he whispered)

My eyes slightly widened but I composed myself and looked away from him.

Y/N: Don't think something like a stupid.
Eunwoo: I am not. But you are the stupid here. Go and confess soon.

Before I could speak further he left my cabin.

Y/N: Is he right? Am I having a crush on him?

I looked down and my lips curved up a little. I shook my head and stood up.

Y/N: Let's go and get fresh air. I don't want to sit here anymore by looking at these papers.

I took my bag and left for a walk.

While walking I saw a man so familiar to me. My eyes turned dark upon seeing the person.

I looked away not wanting to look at him.

When I was about to leave from there, he called me.

...: Long time no see...Queen.. (whispered the last word)

I looked at him with my cold gaze.

Y/N: What do you want, Dong?
Dong: Don't you know it already?
Y/N: I very well knew it but I will never give that to you.
Dong: I also don't want you to give that to me. I have my ways to snatch it from you. Like I snatched before.

I can understand it's meaning. But I can do nothing here as it is a public place.

Y/N: Mind your words when you are talking to me Dong.

He just smirked and left. I smirked and said to myself that

Y/N: Soon you will receive a bad news old snake...

??? Pov

... : Go and do your work properly. You know the consequences if you didn't do the work properly.
..: Yes boss.

I got a call from her.

...: Yes Chai? How is your work going there?
Chai: Great, Ms. Hana.
Hana: So how is he?
Chai: He is fine and handsome as always.
Hana: I know that and you don't need to say that. Remember he is mine so mind your tongue.
Chai: Sorry, Ms.Hana.
Hana: Hmm...where is today's pic?
Chai: I have already sent it to you, Ms.Hana.
Hana: Ok. I will see that then.

I hung up before she can respond.

I opened the message and looked at the pic.

Hana: I don't know why I am so obsessed with you. Wait for me. I will soon meet you in person, Tae..

At 7pm

Y/N Pov

We are now in the club where Dong' s men are coming daily without him knowing.

My look


Lisa' s




We are here drinking our drinks while Jackson and Chanyeol are waiting for him at the enterance.

We are wearing our ear piece to be connected with each other.

I can hear Jackson 's voice through that.

Jackson: They came.

I hummed and we went to the dance floor looking for them with our mask on. Soon I noticed a hand sneak onto my waist.

I became alert and looked at others and saw each of his men is hugging each one of us.

We smirked at each other and it is visible even with our mask on. We started to dance with them.

I turned to the man who is hugging my waist.

....: Hey beautiful... you are dancing amazingly.
Y/N: I know... (seductively) You are handsome.
....: Umm I know but what to do? I don't have a girlfriend.
Y/N: I would like to be one.
....: Really?
Y/N: Ya..(smoothly)

His grip on my waist tightened.

....: I want to see the beautiful face of yours.
Y/N: I don't like to show my face to unknown people.
....: But you know me and moreover we are going to be in relationship soon.
Y/N: True. My name is Y/N. Yours?
....: Joe. Can I get your number?
Y/N: Sure.

I held his hand and took a pen from his shirt pocket and wrote my number which I have for this purpose only.

Y/N: I will call you soon. Now I need to go. Bye!

I left from there and others too. We met outside.

Y/N: Got it?
Them: Ya.
Y/N: Remove it slowly and put it in the zip lock cover.

We removed a thin transparent sheet which was on our hand to get their finger prints.
I got it when I held his hand to write my number.

We put the sheet in each cover.

Y/N: Chanyeol, give it to our lab and ask them to make the report as soon as possible.

He nodded and left to give these finger prints to the lab.

We left to our respective houses.

Don't let anyone take you back to a level you are already leveled up from.

Sorry for the delay.
As I said before I have my exams and I am not going to be active on wattpad for the upcoming month.

Should I continue this book then?

Pls answer this...
I need to know ur answers.

(Including silent readers)

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