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Word count: 1596

? Pov (in the car)

... : Hyung! Where were you?

I didn't hear him as I was busy with my own thoughts.
I was thinking about the mafia girl who saved me from the mess which was created in the mall.

... : HYUNG! (shouted)

I flinched and looked at him.

? : What? (annoyed)
... : I have been calling you for past 5 mins but here you are daydreaming. (shook his head in disbelief)
? : Is that so?

He nodded.

? : Ok, so tell me the reason why you called me.
... : I called you because- (cut off by my phone's ringtone)

(Suggest your favourite ringtone for him)---->>>>

I took it and was about to answer the call seeing my hyung 's name but

... : Yahhh! How long will you take to reach here? (shouted)

I closed my eyes in frustration.

... : Jin hyung calm down and don't shout in my ears. (annoyed)
Jin: How can I calm down? I already told Jungkook to bring you here in 10 mins but now the time that I gave for him to bring you is over. So I called you. (angry)
? : Oh.
Jin: What oh? Come fast or else you will never get to taste your favourite Kimchi, Taehyung .
Me(Tae) : What? I will be there in 5 mins hyung. I missed your Kimchi so much.
Jin: Hmm. (hung up)
Me: Why didn't you tell me before, Jungkook ?
Jk: As if u have let me to tell you. (sarcastically)

I chuckled awkwardly and took off the car.

At my mansion

I came inside while inhaling the smell of my favourite food.
I directly went to the kitchen due to my eagerness.

I stood infront of my favourite food and was about to taste it due to my curiosity but someone hit me from backside.

Me: Ahh~ (groaned)

I turned around and saw Jin hyung with his slippers.

Jin: What are you trying to do?
Me: I am trying to eat your Kimchi.
Jin: I know that brat.
Me: Then why are you asking me when you know what I am trying to do?

He again hit me with his slipper.

Me: Ahh. Stop it hyung. Why are you hitting me when I have done nothing?
Jin: That's the reason I am hitting you.

I looked at him in confusion.


Oh shoot. I forgot about that.
I quickly ran to my room to freshen up.

I took a quick shower and went downstairs after wearing comfy clothes.

I sat on a chair of the dinning table and started to eat it with Jungkook.
Jimin is not here as he have some work to do.
Soon Namjoon hyung joined us.
But I didn't see my mom and dad.

Me : Hyung, can I ask you something? (to jin)
Jin : Go ahead but don't ask something weird like you. (chuckled)
Me : Ahh hyung. (whining)
Jin : Ok ok. Ask me.
Me : You will always make kimchi when you are in good mood. So, what made your mood good?
Jin : Nice question but you will get the answer from our dad not me.
Me: But I am curious.

... : Who is curious?

I looked behind and saw my mom and dad.

Namjoon : Our little brother. (smiling)
Dad : Why ?
Jin : He wants to know the good news.
Dad : I will tell you Taehyung. (smiling)

I looked at him keenly.

Dad : We received a mail from Kang Royals stating that they are willing to collaborate with us.

I didn't blink my eyes and everything around me stopped.

Me: Is that tr-ue?

I asked him once again not believing my ears.
He nodded and I hugged him due to excitement.
I am so happy that they are collaborating with us.
It is hard to get collaborated with them as the Ceo of Kang Royals is very strict.
I haven't seen the Ceo but I know their personality from others.

Dad : Congratulations Son.
Mom : Congratulations Tae. (smiled and hugged me)
Me: Thank you mom and dad.

They showed me the mail and it said,

Greetings from Kang Royals,

We are willing to accept the offer which is proposed by you, the Ceo of KTH marbles . Let's hope that our collaboration reach success.
We will be there in your office at 9.30 am to discuss about this collaboration further more.

Yours sincerely,
Cha Eunwoo,
Secretary of Ms.Kang.

I read it carefully and noticed that it has written Ms.Kang.
So the Ceo is a woman.
Anyway, they are going to be in my company for the first time and I should be presentable.

I went to my room and sat on my bed relaxed.
I am so happy now.
Suddenly my mind went to that masked mafia girl who saved me today.

I didn't get time to thank her.
Her eyes were the only one which was visible that time.
Her eyes were just mesmerising.

I want to meet her again but how?
I have to thank her for saving my life but how?
I don't even know who is she.
I hope I will meet her soon.

... : HYUNG! (shouted)

I flinched so hard hearing the sudden outburst and I looked at the side where the sound came from.
I saw Jungkook standing near the room door.

Jk: I think you have some hearing problem. (sat next to me)

I glared at him and said,

Me: I don't have any problem.
Jk: Is that so? But whenever I call you, you just seem like you cannot hear me.
Me: It's just I was thinking about something.
Jk:About what?
Me: The masked mafia girl. (unknowingly slipped from my mouth)
Jk: Are you ok hyung? (touching my forehead and checking my temperature)

I looked at him in confusion.

Jk: You are thinking about a girl? Are you serious? It's the first time you are thinking about a girl!

Ya, he is right. It's the first time I am thinking about a girl.
But why?

Jk: So tell me hyung, who is that girl you are thinking about? What is her name?
Me: I don't know.
Jk: Her surname?
Me: I don't know.
Jk: Atleast where she lives ?
Me: I don't know. (awkwardly)
Jk: (sighed) It's ok. Tell me how she looks like?

I kept my mouth shut.

Jk: You don't know that too?

I shook my head.

Jk: Then tell me something about her by yourself.
Me: I don't know much about her. It's just she saved me from other mafia and about her face, I couldn't see that as she was wearing a mask. But..
Jk: But?
Me: Her eyes...they were just- just mesmerising. (imagining her eyes)
Jk: My hyung has got a crush on someone. (teasing)
Me: Shut up and leave me alone.
Jk: Ok ok. (wiggling his eyebrows imagining teasing way)

Soon he left me with my thoughts about her.

In order to divert my thoughts from her, I switched on the TV.

I switched over to a news channel.

I went to take my phone which was on the nightstand while listening to the news.
But my movements came to halt when I heard

Reporter: Today, at Xxx mall, there was a mafia attack. The people there where safely sent out by the some of the members of a mafia gang. A girl has caught in a cctv firing all the men around her. She threw a card and went out after making sure her enemies are dead. While looking at the card, we can say that the girl is none other than the Mafia queen aka Snow Queen.

I quickly looked at the TV to see that girls face. A picture of a masked girl ie displayed.

I keenly looked at her face and gulped.

No way.

I was saved by her. By the mafia queen.

Next day


I got up as soon as my alarm rang.
I did my morning routine and went to my wardrobe to wear some elagent dress.

After searching for 5 mins, I found a dress which attracted me so much.
I took and wore it before doing a light makeup.

I went downstairs and grabbed a chocolate milkshake with me as I have no appetite to eat now.
After drinking it, I left to my company.

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Love yourself

Have a beautiful day.

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