|Twenty Nine|

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Y/N Pov

I returned to my mansion after meeting with them as I was not in the mood to be in the park after that.

I freshen up quickly and went downstairs to eat my breakfast as I was little hungry.
I made bread toast with peanut butter and banana with orange juice as it is my favourite.
I started to eat it.

[I am hungry now.]

After eating it, I told a maid to give food for Ace and I left for my company.

My outfit

I went to my cabin as soon as I reached my company.

I opened my laptop and started to check my mail and gave reply to some of the new mails which have come recently.
After that I started to go through the files which are kept on my table.
That's when the flower vase caught my attention.

It looked a little dry.
After thinking for 5 minutes, I decided to water it as the flowers did nothing wrong.

While watering it, Eunwoo entered my cabin.

Eunwoo: I thought you will not water it.

He said with a small smirk.
I didn't answer him.

I went to my table and sat on my chair.

Y/N: Did you clear my schedule for next week?
Eunwoo: Ya. The tickets are also booked for us. I mean for You, me, Mr.Kim and his secretary.

I hummed in response.

Our conversation was interrupted by a knock.

Y/N: Come in.

I said while looking at the door.
My receptionist entered and she bowed to me before saying

Receptionist: Ms.Kang, Mr.Kim has come to meet you.

My eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Y/N: Tell him to come in.

She nodded and left.

Eunwoo: I will leave now.

He said before going out.
Soon he entered my cabin.

Y/N: Please take your seat, Mr.Kim.

He nodded with a small smile.

Taehyung: Good morning, Ms.Kang.
Y/N: Good morning. Tell me the reason for your arrival, Mr.Kim.
Taehyung: Did you clear your schedules?

He asked the same question which he have asked me at the park.

Y/N: I have done that but you could have just asked me about this by calling me from your place without wasting your time by visiting me.

He chuckled before answering me.

Taehyung: Would you attend my call?

I stayed silent as I don't know the answer.
Before when we were friends, I would have said yes without hesitation but now.

Taehyung: Your silence is the answer.
Y/N: The tickets for me, my secretary, you and your secretary are  booked for our trip. I will send you the detailed information about it soon.
Taehyung: I forgot to say that my secretary will not be coming as she is sick and took leave for few days.
Y/N: Oh, ok. I will tell Eunwoo to cancel her ticket.

Moment of silence.

I looked at him and said

Y/N: I think you have got my answer for your question and I too said what I wanted to. So, you may leave?
Taehyung: Why are you so eager to send me off?
Y/N: You have no reason to stay here and you will have work to do.

He looked at me before standing up.
He turned around to leave but stopped for a second before turning towards me with a smile.

Taehyung: I am sorry.
Y/N: Mr.Kim, please go. I am not willing to accept your apology and don't talk about it in office time.
Taehyung: But I thought you have accepted my apology.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion while looking at him.

Y/N: What made you to think like that?
Taehyung: That.

He said pointing somewhere or something.
I followed his finger and found him pointing it at the vase which had the flowers he gave.

I widened my eyes and said

Y/N: It's not like what you think. I didn't keep it there. It was Eunwoo who kept it there as the flowers will be dead. So don't imagine that I forgave you and moreover the flowers did nothing. So why should I punish them?

I said while looking at him but he just stared at me with a smile before leaving my cabin.

I hid my face in my hands before shouting a little.

Y/N: Arghh! Eunwoo!

Now what will he think of me?
I shook my head before focusing on my work.

Soon Eunwoo came inside.
I glared at him.

Eunwoo: Woah. Why are you glaring at me?

I told him everything which happened when Taehyung was here.
He laughed loudly.

Y/N: Shut up! Because of you he thought that I forgave him.
Eunwoo: You are reacting like this for his simple reaction but what will you do if you see this?

He said while chuckling before going out.
I looked at him in confusion.

Soon he came inside along with the receptionist.

But my eyes widened when I saw....

What made Y/N to react like that?
Any guess for next part?

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