|Twenty three|

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Words: 1089


Y/N: Taehyung, please belive me. I didn't do it. I-
Taehyung: Will you just shut up.

I looked at him in shock.
I went to Jin.

Y/N: Jin atleast hear me out.

He stayed silent.
I went to Jimin and Jungkook.

Y/N: Jimin, Jungkook. I didn't do it.

He looked at me.
I looked at him with hope that he would believe me but it vanished when he replied.

Jungkook: I wanted to belive you but couldn't. I am sorry.

I looked at Namjoon but he has the same expression.
I felt helpless.

Namjoon: Let's go to the hospital. They must be in Xxx hospital.

They nodded and left.
I stood there without moving.

A hand held my hand.

I looked up and saw him.

Taehyung: What are you looking at? You are the cause of it. So you should also come to hospital.

He gripped my hand and started to drag me.

When his grip tightened, I felt pain as there was a cut on my palm from earlier.

But the pain is less when compared to the pain in my heart.
We entered his car where the others were present.

Soon we reached the hospital and we went inside.

We saw his and her parents before a room.
We went there.

He again dragged me and left my hand when we reached.

I went to Mrs.Kim.

Y/N: Mrs.Kim-

She looked at me and went to other side.
I sighed and looked at her mom.
She was crying.

Y/N: Aunty, don't worry nothing will happen to her.
A/mom: Aren't you ashamed to stand here after doing this to her?

When I was about to reply

Doctor: She woke up. You can see her.

They quickly went inside. I slowly followed them.

Her mom went to her.

A/mom: How are you Aera? Is your head and stomach paining?

She was confused.

Aera: What? I only got hit on my head.
A/mom: Then what about the blood on your dress in the stomach area?

She looked at her dress and said

Aera: Y/N. Where is she?

Everyone looked at me and then she looked at me.

A/mom: Why the hell are you searching her? Isn't she the one who tried to kill you?
Aera: What nonsense? She was the one who saved me and it was her blood on my dress.

Everyone was shocked.

Aera: Come here, Y/Nahh.

I went to her slowly.

Y/N: How are you?
Aera: Fine.
A/mom: I don't understand anything. Tell me what happened there.

Then Aera explained everything to everyone.
I was just looking down the whole time.

Aera: Y/Nahh, how is your hand.

She took my hand and saw it.

Aera: Oh my god! You still didn't treat this?
Mrs.Kim: What happened?
Aera: While saving me from those men, she got cut on her palm by one of them.

Mrs.Kim: Y/N-
Y/N: Leave it Aera. It's just a small cut when compared to the one in my heart. I learnt a lesson today. Do you know what is it? We should not get attached too much with someone and if we did, we will only get hurt in return.

I chukled bitterly.

Aera: Just call the doctor here.

She said to her mom.
Soon the doctor came.

Doctor: Is your head still paining Ms.Aera?
Aera: A little bit, doctor. Please treat her hand.

She took my hand in hers and showed the cut to the doctor.

Doctor: Oh my god! It's so deep. Wait a minute.

He made me to sit on the chair nearby and called the nurse.
He started to bandage my cut.

After doing it, he left to see other patients.

There was a silence in the room.

Mrs.Kim: Y/N-

She started to talk but I cut her off by asking

Y/N: Aera, as you said before, the unknown person knew where you are. Did you feel like being watched?
Aera: Ya.
Y/N: Then it will not be safe for you to stay there.

She nodded.

Aera: I agree. It will not be safe for us to stay there.
Y/N: So, what are going to do now?
Aera: I don't know. I think we should look for another house.

Mrs.Kim: You all can stay in our guest house.

I just looked at Aera.

Aera: But aunty-
Mrs.Kim: No buts. You can stay there as much as you want.

Again they went silent.

Aera: I want to tell something.

I knew what is about to come.

Aera: I don't want this marriage. We don't love each other and we see each other only as a best friend. Nothing else. Please understand us. I love someone else and I wish to marry him.
A/mom: I am sorry sweetheart. We forced you two into this. We failed to notice your point of view.
Mrs.Kim: I am sorry too. We understand that you are friends. But we were blinded with the promise that we failed to notice you.
A/mom: Ya. So who is the guy you are in love with?

When she was about to answer, her phone which was with her mom ringed.
Her mom gave it to her.
When she looked at the caller id, she smiled.

She quickly took it.

Aera: Hello?
Aera: I am now in XXX hospital.
Aera: Nothing serious. Come here quickly. I want to tell you something.
Aera: Ok,bye.

She hung up.
Aera: He is coming here in 5 minutes as he is company is nearby.

Soon the door flung open.

But wait. Is it Mark?

Mark: Aera-  YN?

He came to me.
I stood up.

Mark: Why are you here?
Y/N: I should ask that. Wait a minute. Are you Aera's boyfriend?

He nodded which shocked every one except her parents.

Aera: Hey! What is going on here? Do you know each other?
Mark: Ya. She is my childhood best friend and they are my business partners.

While looking towards me, Jin and Namjoon.

Aera: Wow. Mom, dad he is the one I love.

They started to talk.
They seem to like him.
I smiled while looking at him.

Mark: What is the cut on your palm, Y/N?
Y/N: Nothing serious.
Mark: But-
Y/N: Shh. Don't worry about me. You got a girlfriend to worry about.

I winked at him and he shyly smiled.

Y/N: I will go now. Take care, Aera.

When I was about to go, I stopped and looked at Taehyung.

Y/N: Let's end our friendship here.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Taehyung: Y/N, I-
Y/N: I don't want to hear anything. Trust is the basic in all kind of  relationships. But I have seen all of your trust on me.

I looked at him, his friends and brothers.

Y/N: So, let's end here. But don't worry, the partnership continues.

With that I left.
I don't want to end but I too have self respect.


If you support her decision, put a ❄ next to the spot.👇

Team Y/N------->>>>

So snowies, I uploaded  it today as the next chapter might be delayed. So please wait for it.

And don't forget to comment. If get more comments from you I might update it soon.

Bye 👋 

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