12- Dear friend

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Dear friend

"They're both stubborn and it's complicated"

Mariana's POV

"Morning" I said hesitantly
"Morning" Alfie said simply, trudging round the kitchen, grabbing a piece of bread as he shrugged his coat on
"Are you alright?" I asked
"No" he said honestly

He had come back last night, more annoyed than when he left, muttering about how Tommy was no use to talk to as he was too drunk
So he was going to see him this morning
Which made me feel a little better
It meant Alfie had had time to calm down, and Tommy would be sober and actually have his head screwed on.

"Are we alright?" I asked
"Of course, look Tommy's a cunt alright, I ain't ever thought any different, this... this isn't your fault, it's his. I'm just going to talk to him alright, then I'll come back and we'll have a nice day together hm? Just me, you and Carter" he said

I nodded
That would be great, we haven't exactly had a lot of family bonding time recently
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit" I said
"Yeah, look after your mother eh lad" he said, fussing Carter on my lap before leaving.

I just hope their 'chat' wasn't... violent

Alfie's POV

"I guess I deserved that" Tommy said, touching his bleeding lip
He deserved a lot more than a hit to the face
Fucking cunt
"Yeah, you did" I said, sitting down
He looked at me for a moment, before he also sat down, gaging that I wanted an actual conversation.

"I understand that you're not happy Alfi-"
"Too fucking right Tommy. I'm not happy. And that's never a good thing is it? It's never good to be unhappy, it isn't healthy for people is it? So we need to do something about it" I said
He paused a moment, before backing down
"Alright, what will make you happy Alfie?" He asked.

"If you, stay away from my mrs. Yeah? Because that's who she is Tommy. My mrs. Not yours, yours is dead, remember?" I asked
I knew it would hit deep. And I didn't care
He's tried it on with her one too many fucking times now.

"I'm aware" he said simply
I nodded
"Good... good. Well that's that then ain't it. Stay away from her" I said, standing up
"She's my business partner" he said
"Yeah, yeah she is, so is Polly, so is that brother of yours, have one of them talk to her eh?" I said, heading for the door.

"I'll still need to see her about things Alfie. There is a war on" he said
"Hm, there's always a fucking war on with you, you're one of those men that couldn't leave it behind when it finished. As long as your conversations pertain to business, and not long lost memories" I warned.

He said nothing, so I opened the door
"She was different before you Alfie, I think you forget who she used to be" he said
"And you know do you?" I chuckled
"Before you walked back into her life she was fine. Now look at her, constantly trapped within your shit" I said

"She's family, when they come for one they come for all" he said
"She isn't your family. I think you both forget that" I said
"She will always be family" he said
"Tommy" I said simply, looking at him
"I'm not a very patient man, and the patience I have for you ran out a long fucking time ago, you stay away from my wife" I said

"She isn't your wife yet" he reminded
"And the war ain't over yet" I said back
"You think carefully about your actions Thomas. One day they will come back on you. They come back on us all" I said, leaving

I was sick of hearing it.
Of his utter shit about family and respect. Loyalty and how they all care about her so much
They may care. But him. He pines after her, like a lost fucking dog

"Shall we go for a walk?" Mar asked
"A walk?" I questioned
"Yeah, it'll be nice, we can take Carter to the park, you can get some fresh air" she said
"There ain't any fresh air down here love" I said
This place was a shit hole

"I suppose" she said, deflated
"Hey, a walk is great, I'm sorry" I said, receiving a smile back.
"Okay, I'll get Carter ready" she said
"Okay" I said, heading for the phone as it began to ring

"Hello" I said expectantly
"Alfie" Ollie said
"What?" I asked, watching Mar disappear upstairs
"Luca Changretta has requested a meeting with you" he said
"What?" I repeated.

A meeting? With that prick?
"He's asked if he can meet you, today" he said
"Where?" I asked
"At the bakery" he said
"Okay, Uh... tell him yeah, I'll be there soon" I said

"What does he want?" Ollie asked
"I don't know Ollie, just tell him yes" I said, putting the phone down
What could he possibly want with me? He was after my fucking wife.

"Shall we take the dogs?" Mar called down
I sighed
Time to let her down once again
"Darlin, I've got to head out" I called back.

"What?" She asked, appearing at the top of the stairs.

Mariana's POV

My plans for the day had rapidly changed
I was supposed to be with my fiancé, spending the day as a family with our boy
Instead I was wandering the shops with Dorothy looking for a wedding dress
Whilst Alfie dealt with business down in London.

Mariana's Outfit

"What am I supposed to wear exactly?" She asked
"Anything, it won't be a big wedding" I said
"I know but you've not left a lot of time to find something, when are you getting married? 'A few days' isn't a good enough answer" she teased

"I'm not sure to be honest, me and Alfie just agreed it would be soon" I said
"But how soon?" She asked
"This week soon" I said back
"Jesus Mar, you always have to make it difficult don't you?" She laughed.

"I'm sorry" I said
"Have you told Pol and the boys yet?" She asked, I shook my head, heading into the next bridal shop.
"Bloody hell, well at least you have one guest so far" she laughed.

Alfie's POV

"Why are you entertaining this Alfie?" Ollie asked
"Because you should always hear a man out" I said
If I was being honest with myself, I was hearing him out because I wanted to know what he wanted
I wanted to know how he planned on taking Tommy out
And why he was so interested in my help.

Maybe I was acting on anger. Maybe it was a bad idea to meet the man trying to kill my fiancé
But I was done with Thomas Shelby
And done with his games. His control over Mar.

"You're a bit of a failure aren't you? You come all the way over here to this country to kill Tommy Shelby but... I mean, we'll he's not dead is he so?" I taunted him
"No, he ain't, neither is your bitc-"
"How much time have I got left, mate?" I asked, cutting him off

"Ten seconds..." his second hand said, counting down
I opened my eyes at 0, looking him up and down
He still looked dirty, fucking sleazy
"Right hello, how can I help you?" I asked
"You remember me from the restaurant?" He asked
"Oh I remember you mate, you threatened my bird and she..." I chuckled

"Well she also ain't dead is she?" I said
He stood silently for a moment
"I have a proposition for you" he said
"Yeah... I already know what you want, I just want to hear you say it out loud, so I can check how ridiculous it is" I said, before he started ranting in Italian.

I knew what he wanted, I just wasn't clear on how he was planning to achieve it.
Or with my help.

"Right, well the exit is still down there on bonnie street" I said, sitting down
He thought he could waltz in here and demand my help, without giving anything back?
If I was going to try and take Tommy out, and risk Mar's temper whilst doing so, then I wasn't doing it for nothing

I wanted my own form of retribution from this cunt. I wanted me and Mar set up for life
I wanted her looked after when I...
"You're fucking crazy man, two hundred barrels huh? I thought your girlfriend was crazier than you" he chuckled.

"Also I want some cash" I said.
"And a free day" I added
He stared at me, with some self entitled fucking audacity
"Don't worry, cause I've broken it down here, I've got a list of costs pertaining to the assassination of a dead friend. Alright?" I said.

Dear fucking friend indeed.

Mariana's POV

"Pol I need to talk to you" I said, entering the office, shutting the door behind me
"What have you done now?" She asked boredly, staring out into the betting den from her desk, feet on the desk as she sat smoking
"Are you okay?" I said instead, she never acted like this unless she felt hopeless

"Michael is gone" she said
"Already?" I questioned
She nodded
"Why couldn't he just have fucking told him?" She said.

He should have, then Tommy would still trust him.
"Pol" I tried.

"What? Perk up? Head high? My son is gone, branded a traitor Mar" she said
"Is there something else?" I asked
"What?" She asked
"I know you Pol, and I know even you know that Michael is a big boy, he can take care of himself and he's with the Gold's, he's safe" I said

She thought for a moment, before her eyes connected with mine and she sighed
"I fucked Aberama Gold" she said.

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