46- Rest in peace Bonnie Gold

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Rest in peace Bonnie Gold

"Life went on, but it was never the same again"

Mariana's POV

"Thanks, for having him" I said awkwardly, sitting with Laurence
"It's okay, not like I have anything else to do" Lizzie said tiredly
"Right well, we best be off eh boy?" I said happily, picking him up
I didn't want any of this to ever bring my kids down.

"Do you want cake? Before you go?" She asked, nodding to the cake left abandoned on the table
"No, thank you" I said
"You want cake Laurence?" She asked, who nodded

I sighed, putting him down as she cut him a slice, before he sat himself on the floor eating
"Are you forcing my company Lizzie?" I asked

I only nipped in to get Laurence. And he'd been with the nannies for most of the day
After the meeting earlier and checking on a few of my bars I had a very interesting phone call
About Oswald Mosley

"What if I am? What else do I have? The company of my husband?" She asked sarcastically

"I'm not sure what you're looking for in me Lizzie, I won't tell you to stay with him" I said
"I know, that's what I want, I want someone to tell me to fucking do it, rather than telling me I shouldn't bother" she said, lighting a cigarette

"You know that you shouldn't, you won't leave him Lizzie, not now, only way out is when you become a widow, or if you're rolled into a coroner's van yourself" I said.

"I asked him to join us for Ruby's birthday" she said
"Do you know what he told me?" She asked
"No" I said bluntly, looking at Ruby
"He told me he still pays for it in his head" she said, quieter

"You know he doesn't mean that-"
"Doesn't he?" She interrupted
"Alright he probably does, what do you want me to say Lizzie? You chose to marry him, you chose this life, you sat on the sidelines and watched it for years, you can't be surprised now you're effected by his actions" I said

It might be harsh, but it was true.

"I just don't wan-" she stopped herself, looking to the window as the sound of a car revving grew louder and louder
What the-

"Stay here" I said, getting up.
"Stay here darling" I said, heading into the hallway, grabbing my gun from my coat
I opened the door slowly, to see Johnny dogs on the floor
And... Aberama? Driving

Tommy appeared round the corner, practically pushing me out of the way as he stormed outside
"Out of the fucking car" Tommy shouted
I stood and watched, as Aberama, also battered black and blue stepped out.

"You looking for traitors? There's one" he rambled
"With his ribs mashed up"
"The man's gone fucking mad, Tom" Johnny winced

I put my gun in my waistband, heading down the steps to help Johnny as Aberama began to ramble
"They killed my boy... my son" he said, stopping all of us
"They shot him and they put him up on a fucking cross... and he's fucking dead" he relayed

Bonnies... dead?
"Who did?" Tommy asked, Aberama reached into his pocket, and Tommy threw up his gun
"Tommy" I said, he was clearly a mess.
Johnny groaned in pain, as Tommy looked at the note, before showing it to me

Billy boys.
"Only Johnny dogs and his kin knew where we camped" he explained
"No, Tom" Johnny groaned
"Stay still" I said, pulling his shirt up to look at his ribs

"I swear I did-"
"I'll fucking kill you" Aberama shouted, kicking Johnny in the side
I stood up, punching Aberama in the cheek to deter him
Before Tommy restrained him, as Johnny fell backwards into my arms.

"They killed my son, my only fucking son, I'll fucking kill you" he shouted
"They crucified my son, for you" he said, faltering
Before he grabbed Tommy's gun
"Aberama" I warned, standing and pointing my own at him
Before Lizzie came out, shooting at the sky

"Get away from my house, all of you" she shouted
"Put that down you daft cow!" I shouted
"Get away from my child, this is my house, and I don't want you back. I don't want you back!" She shouted, pointing her gun at Tommy

Laurence... stood in the doorway behind her
"Baby, go back inside eh? Come on" I said, putting my gun away quickly, heading for the door
He turned around
So I back handed Lizzie on my way past
"Put it away, fucking idiot" I mumbled
"Come on boy, you finished your cake already?" I asked, picking him up, heading back to the living room.

"I'm no black cat" Johnny said again
"I know" I snapped, taking the bottle from him.

"An ambulance is here" Frances said
"I'll go" I said, getting up, grabbing Aberama's good arm
"I'll be in London tomorrow" Tommy said
"I don't care" I said, helping Aberama walk

"My only boy" Aberama cried as we made our way to the hospital
"My only son" he cried
"I know, I know you're in pain, but you need to lay still, or you'll lose your fucking arm" I warned
"Tume xasardian jekh shei, sar sai keres kasavo bolo?" He asked
'You lost a daughter, how do you deal with this pain?'

"You don't. This won't get better but it will get lighter, and you... you at least have a chance to take your anger out on someone for it, a chance at revenge, so lay still and keep this arm yeah?" I said

He nodded
"Good" I said.

When I got back from the hospital, it was too late to go home, Lizzie begrudgingly offered me a room, which I declined, I took myself to Polly's house
I wasn't staying in Tommy's house.
I wasn't listening to Johnny groan all night in pain, or Lizzie shout at Tommy.

So here I was. On Polly's doorstep at 3am.
Which she didn't receive well
"He's asleep?" She asked, I nodded
Laurence was asleep by the time I put him in the car to come here.

I hoped Carter was alright at Dorothy's back home.
"Can I sleep?" She asked
"Aberama is in hospital" I said
"What? Why?" She asked, her smile dropping
"He's in surgery, the doctors are trying to save his arm, whilst Johnny is at Tommy's with broken ribs" I informed her

"What the fuck?" She asked
I explained what had happened, only to get worry and confusion back.
"But he's alive?" She asked
"Yes, lover boys alive" I sighed, silence engulfing us

"Your present is at home by the way, I didn't exactly plan on staying overnight so"
"Happy birthday" I smiled
"Never you mind about my birthday" she said
"Never me mind about your age you mean" I joked

"It's wine... by the way, some fancy wine from some fancy place in France... thought it would remind you of the good ole days" I said
"Thanks" she rolled her eyes

"Maybe the good old days are behind you now though eh?" I suggested
"Meaning?" She asked
"Meaning, your concern for Aberama is clearly there, go and see him, it might help him" I said.
"Might help you too" I added

"Mind yours and I'll mind mine" she said

The next day I headed back to London, seeing Carter off in time for school and taking Laurence to Nala's house, before I headed for the bar
Tommy was to meet me
To discuss something I did not yet know
So here I sat, drinking at 10am

"Might I join you?" A man asked, a man with a thick moustache, dark hair
A man I had seen in a photo
"Of course, take a seat Mr Mosley" I smiled
"What can I do for you?" I asked

"A number of things, the majority of them unprofessional" he said
"That's not a very glowing first impression" I smiled
"No but I'm sure you've already heard of me as I am conducting business with your associate" he said

"Thomas Shelby is not my associate, not any more" I said
"But you knew who I was talking about" he said.

He looked around, musing over people in the bar rather than actually looking at me
"You are still in business together" he pointed out
"No, we both have shares in the same company" I argued

"Tommys company" he pointed out 
"A journalist... he got shot last week, little coincidental, seeing as he died the day after you got on a train to Birmingham" he pointed out

"Funny, how coincidences happen, that would be like you going missing after this very meeting" I chuckled
"Your humour is unique" he said
"Your ambiguity is tiring, what can I do for you Mr Mosley?" I asked again

"A drink perhaps?" I offered. How rude of me

"I like to know who my business partners are allying themselves with, and you seem to be an integral part of Thomas Shelby's life, that is before you married Alfie Solomons" he said
"Yes well, I'm sure you've also heard that Mr Solomons is dead now"

"Yes I did, fortunate for you was it not?" He asked
"And why is that?" I asked, trying to keep my temper in check
"You no longer have ties to the Jewish community" he said
"Excuse me?" I asked, sitting up straighter

"I deal with specific people Miss Cortez, if your husband were still alive, you would constitute as a problem to me" he smiled.

"But luckily, not so much, you are just the widow of a Jewish man" he said
"I am much more than that, you will come to see that" I said, standing up
"I'm sure I will see a lot of you, Miss Cortez" he said, eyes roaming over me before I left. Disgusted

He was a snake. A snake like all the others Tommy did business with
But why was he at my door?

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