| Chapter 4: sweetness in the air |

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Breathe in once...breathe it twice...you won't be able to stop at that. - my quote

I'm hungry," complained Ayleen, "and thirsty."
"I know, I know." I reluctantly agreed as I sat down to catch my breath.
Running away from the meadow of treats and delightful temptations made us exhausted. Exhausted enough to be gasping for air. Enough air to satisfy our lungs.
"Then why couldn't we eat the pastries on the blanket?"
"I already told you. To be safe." I laid down in the grass and breathed the air in.
Strangely, it felt that the more I breathed in the less hungry and thirsty I was getting.
Maybe it was mental? I tried so hard to resist the sweetness of the desserts and now I wasn't even falling for it. Maybe it's all in my mind?
I smiled as I gazed at the clouds and Ayleen sat next to me. The sky, splashes of pinks and purples...the gold disappearing into the horizon. Clouds so chubby it was as if falling into it one could sleep forever...
"What are we going to do Elli?"
"I don't know," I confessed quietly as my eyelids began to close. "We can't go back now, we'll get more lost. All we can do now is move forward and hopefully find our family...if they're here that is."
"I hope they are," Ayleen stated, her eyebrows drawn in. Worry's written in her expression and it tucks on my heart.
"Hey, don't worry I'll find us some help. Ok, Aly?" I said as I clasped her hand in mine.
She just nodded and we both stayed like that, our backs pressed into the soft grass and our eyelids closed...savoring the scents of spring and the hint of sugary delight.
Little did we know that the grass was pulling us in....little by little until we were tangled in roots.

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