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IN THE choir room, Quinn was sitting on Finns lap, cleaning up the harsh slushy facial he got from Karofsky just minutes earlier. With the news of Quinn Fabray's pregnancy out in the open, herself and Finn had suddenly lost their cool status. Simply walking down the corridor didn't have the students of Mckinley parting ways like the red sea anymore.

"This is a disaster." Quinn murmured. "Our reputation as McKinley Highs 'it couple' is in serious jeopardy if we don't find a way to be cool again, Finn."

Kurt crossed his legs over one another, and clapped his hands on his knee. He sighed heavily, watching the couple complain about their newfound status. "The slushy war has commenced."

"And if Finn and Quinn got nailed, none of us are safe." Mercedes commented.

"Okay, guys." Mr Schuester announced, walking into the room holding a small stack of paper.

"We're a little behind for Sectionals, thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour. But, you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash ups, right? And i'm gonna keep you guys fired up! Plus, there's an important message to he learned with mash ups." He explained.

"Sometimes, things are so different, they don't feel like they go together—but the big difference between them, is what makes them great. Like.. chocolate and bacon."

Violet cringed at his example. "That actually sounds disgusting, Mr Schue." She mumbled to Mike. He nodded his head in agreement, gnawing on the inside of his mouth. "Profoundly." He uttered back.

"Oh, like, glee club and football." Finn spoke.

Mr Schuester pointed at him with a smile. "Exactly. But, you've proven that it is a great combination."

Violet hummed in disagreement. "If glee and football was a good combination, in the slightest, wouldn't the football team...not hate us?" She wondered.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, then waved her off—something he done a little too often.

"Here is my personal favourite song—" He started to hand out sheet music to every one in the room. "—and your homework for the week, is to find an unexpected mash up to go with it." He informed the group.

"Bust a move?" Kurt cringed, glancing at Mercedes. "Yeah, this song is old school." She added.

"I am so mashing this up with a Disney song." Violet confidently whispered to herself.

With the disturbing news of Rachel Berry, and Noah Puckerman's newfound relationship, Violet felt that it was her duty, as someone who occasionally tolerated Rachel, to make sure that Puck wasn't using her— or at least, if he was, she was aware of the situation.

Violet spotted Puck at his locker, and straightened her posture to assert confidence. She coughed to herself to make sure her voice wouldn't come out all croaky, and leave her humiliated. She strut over to the boy, head held high, and an extremely serious glare plastered on her face.

"Hello, Noah." She greeted, solemnly.

He turned around with a smirk, looming over her with his tall—ish stature. "I think this might be the first time you've ever willingly spoke to me, babe." He teased, propping his elbow against his locker.

She shuddered at the nickname. "I want to know what your intentions are with Rachel, babe." She pressed.

Puck moved his eyes to the side in confusion, and furrowed his eyebrows. "I sorta dig her, you know?"

"That's not what i mean." She shook her head. "I mean do you plan on hurting her, or is this, like, a real thing, somehow?" Sure, Rachel and Violet weren't exactly best friends—or even friends for that matter, but she didn't trust that Puck had pure intentions.

"Look, Rachel's a hot Jew, and the good lord wants me to get into her pants." His face was smug.

Violet shivered at his words. Gross!

"I think you're taking advantage of her—and, even though she scares me sometimes, i won't stand for it." She literally stomped her foot down, thinking it would add effect to her statement.

Puck couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, you little, tiny maniac, why do you think that?" He wondered.

She placed her hands on her hips, and tilted her head ever so slightly. "You're taking advantage of the fact that no one has ever given her any kind of romantic attention, and she's clearly desperate for it—in.. a nice way—and you just want sex, or something worse!"

"Woah, chill out, babe." He hushed her, moving his hands to her shoulders. She quickly shook him off, bringing her hands up in a defensive...boxing manner.

"I am very chill." She muttered back.

Puck backed up, and closed over his locker. "Listen, Violet. Don't you think that Rachel and I deserve a shot at figuring out what we are?" He seemed sincere, so she sighed—and reluctantly nodded her head.

"...i guess." She hesitated.

Mike Chang had been cowering into the background of Violet's day to day life over the last two days. His texts were so short, and he barely acknowledged her in the school hallway. Whenever they did speak, he kept quiet, and very much too himself. Matt wasn't all that talkative either, but she was more concerned with Mike's sudden shyness.

After a conversation with Finn, though, she was very much aware of the awful situation. Coach Tenaka was making them choose between Football, and Glee.

Violet was on a mission of her own this week, and that was to convince Mike that Football sucks. So, she followed him around during lunch, and waited till she could corner him with no escape—not creepy!

She followed him to the library, pushing open the entrance door, just to lose sight of him. She stood still for a moment, and scratched her head. The only thing she could see in her mind, were question marks.

"Boo!" Violet screeched at the hands gripping her shoulders, and shuddering voice booming in her ear. She turned around with her hands in 'attack mode', and sighed with relief once she caught sight of the one and only, Mike Chang — well...

"Hey, mannnn." Her voice was a higher pitch as she dragged out the word 'man'. "Crazy seeing you here." She gave him a playful punch, as the librarian glared at her for the noise she was making.

"Uh huh, so that wasn't you following me around all day? You have a twin i don't know about?" He teased.

Violet stood blatantly still, cocking her head slightly to the right. "...i might."

Mike nodded his head with creased eyebrows, and a tight lipped smile. "I'm assuming Finn told you about our dilemma." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I really don't know what to do, Violet."

"Well," Violet began, folding her arms across her chest, and huffing out a deep breath. "i'm biased and think you should choose glee." She shrugged.

"My dad would be so disappointed."

Violet frowned. "I will literally fight him."

The serious tint in her tone pulled a breathy laugh out from Mike's throat. He shook his head, and smiled at the brunette. "Unless it's a dance fight, i don't think you stand much of a chance."

Violet raised both her eyebrows, and placed a hand over her heart. "It's unbelievably offensive that you think that way, Michael Robert Chang." She scoffed.

"But, seriously, Mike." Her tone was softer than her usual playful one, and her eyes were sympathetic. "I know how much glee means to you. Coach Tenaka is brutal, you're always complaining about how little you enjoy football. I think glee is the obvious choice and if your father doesn't understand that, then that's his problem, and i'm sure he's enough of a grown up to get over you wanting to dance instead of kicking a ball."

Mike moved his head from side to side, seeming to contemplate her words, his pursed lips immediately stretching into a wide smile. "I love you so much, Violet. You're so awesome." He gushed, slinging an arm over her shoulders, and pulling her into his side.

"So i've been told."

The clock on the wall above Mr Schuesters office, which was connected to the choir room, was ticking down the seconds at an agonisingly slow rate. The New Directions — with the exception of the football team, were all huddled together, silently watching the clock until the hands pointed to three thirty.

"I'm so nervous i'm about to eat my hand." Violet mumbled, wide eyes twitching in the direction of the open door. Her fists were balled at her sides, hitting against her legs restlessly.

"That's very worrying, Violet." Kurt frowned at her, chewing incessantly at his finger nails.

Mercedes scoffed and nudged Kurt's arm with her own. "At least she'll still have pretty hands after all of this— biting your nails is bad for you." Kurt swiftly pulled his hand down from his mouth and went back to watching the choir room door.

Violet leaned forward slightly to peer at Mercedes from the other side of Kurt, giving her a toothy grin. "You think I have pretty hands? I think you have pretty hands." She cooed. "Seriously."

Kurt eyed her up with a scrunched nose, patting her back gently. "You're my favourite strange person."

"I don't know how i feel about being called strange, but i'll take the favourite title." She shrugged.

There was a squeak in the hallway, causing everyone to snap their attention back to the door. Time seemed to slow down from the moment they heard the noise, to when they saw a shoe rounding the corner. This was the most stressed Violet had felt in a long time. Which was ridiculous.

The familiar Bieber cut belonging to a smiling Mike Chang made its appearance in the doorway, next to him a defeated looking Matt Rutherford. Violet let out a happy squeaking sound, turning to throw herself at Tina who had just come to her side. "I knew it! I knew they'd stay! Didn't I call it?" She pestered her best goth friend.

"Y-you did, you c-called it." She muttered back, keeping up with her fake stutter despite having already let Violet in on her scandalous secret.

Noah Puckerman was next to walk into the room, getting immediately engulfed in a hug by Rachel Berry — gross! Violet rolled her eyes at him, but she was genuinely glad to see him here.

The choir room went eerily quiet while everyone stared back at the door, waiting for Finns giant stature to walk through. Violet was practically bouncing on her feet in anticipation. This would be the biggest betrayal of her life!

That's a little dramatic but who cares.

"Where is he?" She mumbled, mostly to herself. Tina wrapped an arm around Violets shoulders, resting her head against hers. "I'm sure he has a good reason."

Walking up to the Hudson residence has never been more stressful. Violet had spent the last four hours trying to figure out what to say to her best friend — who was currently sat at third on her likability list. She had a bone to pick. A very big bone. She decided that ratting him out to his mother was her best bet.

As she made her way up the driveway, a stray cat in tow, she ran over her script in her head. She'd been practicing what to say the entire walk there. Once she got to the door, she looked down at her new friend, and kneeled. "Hey, Steve, you're gonna have to stay here, buddy." He purred back at her, and sat down.

Violet pushed open the door, shaking off her jacket (Finns flannel) and dropping it on top of the shoes that were piled by the entrance. "I'll be taking you home again, don't worry." She whispered.

"Violet? Honey, is that you?" A sweet voice called out from the Kitchen. Violet followed the voice, bouncing into the awaiting arms of Carole Hudson. The latter squeezed her tightly, giving her a kiss to the temple.

The older woman pulled away, keeping her Goddaughter at arms length. "Finn isn't home yet."

"Who says I'm here for Finn?" Violet challenged, cocking her head.

Carole pursed her lips, going back to the stove. "The scowl you wore when I said his name says you're here to scold him." She mused.

"He quit glee club!" Violet exclaimed, throwing her arms around to show her frustration. "No offence but you gave birth to an idiot. He's so stupid. Choosing Football? Stupid, stupid man." She muttered.

Carole frowned, turning to the pot now overflowing with boiling water. "I don't understand, I thought he was enjoying glee club?" She wondered aloud.

"Apparently popularity is more important than being happy." She scoffed. Maybe she was being dramatic, but she loved having Finn in glee.

The sound of the front door opening brought both women's attention to the kitchen doorway. A shuffling noise was building it's way closer, and a thud when Finn, presumably, walked into the wall. "Ouch."

Violet looked over at Carole, who had a palm resting against her forehead, and her eyes closed. "I told you he's an idiot." She laughed.

The idiot in question rounded the sharp corner into the kitchen, in his hands, Steve. "Look what was at our door!"

Carole, once again, had her head in her hands. "Finn." She shook her head. "You're allergic to cats, sweetie."

Next to the older woman, Violet was covering her mouth with the neckline of her shirt, trying to muffle the sound of her laugh. "Forever proving my point." She mumbled.

Finn looked puzzled for a moment, taking a second look at Steve. His mouth opened in an 'o', and he quickly passed the cat over to Violet, whose arms were open and waiting. "Oh, yeah." He sighed.

His mother clasped her hands together, clearing her throat. Both teenagers looked at her. "Finn, Violet has a few things she'd like to say to you, so, I'll leave you kids alone." She left the room, giving her son a slap for good luck.

Finn stood up taller, his back ramrod straight. He always felt awkward being on this side of Violets 'talking to's. "This is about me choosing football, right?" He sucked in a breath. She simply nodded, and he hung his head low in guilt. "I'm sorry."

"Look." Violet placed her hands on her hips. "I know why you're doing this, but i don't get why you're doing this. You love glee, Finn." She reminded him.

With slumped shoulders, Finn fell back against the wall, looking at the light. He let out a long, heavy breath. "I'm scared, Violet." He whispered.

Violet furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "Scared?" She wondered. "Scared of what?"

"Being a loser." He admitted with a sigh.

Violet frowned. She crossed her arms over her chest, walking to stand in front of her best friend, toe to toe. "I'm a loser." She reminded him.

Finn went shock still, only moving to scratch his chin. "Yeah...but you're good at it."

"I'm good at being a loser?" She was dumbfounded. "Thank you, Finn."

He made an aggravated noise in response, turning to rest his forehead on the wall. "That's not what I meant, Violet. I'm sorry." He grumbled.

"No, you're right." She shrugged. "But, personally, I think you're great at being a huge loser."

Finn slowly turned back around, pinning her in place with a glare. "I guess I deserve that." He gritted out through his teeth. "But that was still rude."

"Listen, Finn." Violet spoke gently, leaning back against the kitchen counter. "Glee club makes you happy. Football does too, but not as happy. Im not gonna disown you for choosing football, but I do think you're making a mistake." She explained.

He sighed, dropping his head so he was staring at his dirty shoes. "Yeah, I think so too."

Finn Hudson had come to his senses. After two days of thinking it over, and two days of having to share Violet with Mike Chang— due to her helping him with his singing voice, Finn realised that he wanted both Glee and Football. In coming to this conclusion, which nobody saw coming! (sarcasm), he decided to speak to Coach Tenaka.

After a very convincing speech, he met Violet at the Slushee machine. He wanted to get the entire glee club a slushee to show his guilt for leaving, and of course he needed help carrying thirteen cups.

"This was a lot easier in my head." He had said, after dropping three cups before even leaving for the choir room. The hallway was beginning to look like a crime scene with all the cherry ice all over it.

"We should've brought a tray, or something." Violet muttered on their way to the others. "Seriously, Finn, i'm covered in slushee. I'm gonna get frostbite!"

"Stop being so dramatic!" Finn said around the top of his cup, which he was holding with his teeth. "It's your worst trait." He added.

Violet scoffed. "I don't have any bad traits —you, on the other hand, have many." She told him.

"Just— open the door, please." He asked, although it sounded a lot more like 'juh oh in ghe goor lees'

Violet huffed, and tried to use her foot to pull the handle down— it didn't work. She leaned closer to the door, and banged her head against it twice.

The door squeaked opened, Mr Schuester standing in the threshold. "You could've came through my office, that door is always open." He suggested.

Violet stared at him. "Too late for that." She grumbled, walking by him and further into the room.

"What do you guys think of my welcome back gift to the club, huh, guys?" Finn beamed, as him and Violet handed out the free slushee's.

Rachel sipped from her cup, swaying as she gave the quarterback literal heart eyes. "There delicious, Finn." She cooed.

Kurt rolled his eyes, with a silent scoff. "And loaded with empty calories." He muttered. "You know why they call 'em slushee's? Because your butt looks like one if you have too many of them."

With thus new information, Violets eyes widened. She looked over her shoulder, trying to see if he was right, or if this was a sick joke. "Tina, does my butt look good or do i need to stop drinking these?" She panic whispered to her friend.

Tina let out a giggle, covering her mouth with her cup. She took a step back and inspected Violets rear end, like she was asked. "Y-your butt looks g-great."

"Yeah it does!" Puck cheered, giving Matt a high five.

Immediately after their hands touched, Matt regretted his decision. He looked over at Mike who was staring him down with narrowed eyes. "Don't high five over her butt." He gritted through his straw.

Matt muttered a 'sorry' and frowned.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Finn announced, raising his plastic cup in the air. "To Mr Schue. You were right about Glee Club and Football being a killer combination." He smiled sincerely.

Violet hummed. "Actually you said they were a killer combination... and you were wrong." She sang.

"Do you have to remember everything? And also— shut up." He snarled, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Mature." She uttered back under her breath.

Rachel spoke up about that weeks lesson, and the rest of the New Directions joined in on their failure to complete the assignment. It was a stressful week.

Violet, however, wasn't interested in the conversation. She was more interested in the frowning Quinn Fabray that was sitting in front of her. She grabbed a chair, and pulled it up next to the blonde cheerleader, crossing her ankles as she took a seat. "Hey, Quinn."

Quinn smiled at her sadly, looking down at her lap.

"Are you okay?" Violet asked, placing a comforting hand on her friends thigh. "You can talk to me."

With the room quieting down, Mr Schuesters attention landed on the sad pregnant teenager, leaving everyone else's focus on her too. "You okay, Quinn?" His voice was loud, and Violets fought the urge to kick him.

"Do I look okay?" Quinn snapped. "I'm devastated. Now that i'm off the cheerios, i'll start every day with a slushee facial."

"I'll be your human shield til the day I die." Violet spoke with a concerning amount of seriousness lacing her tone. "Or until you graduate." She shrugged.

"Quinn." Their teacher spoke.. again. "It's okay if that happens, because there are twelve of your friends right here, who are gonna be more than happy to help clean you off." Okay he's not so bad.

Quinn smiled. This wasn't just a club. It was more of a family.

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