80th Question

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The 80th question is:

A story:

For a hundred years two beings lived in a large village full of people, most of which had low income jobs. These two beings were an angel, who was rich and respected by the higher class citizens, and a demon who was poor and well respected among the commoners and poor. Both looked the same but the angel had wings of gold and the demon had black wings like a crow. The angel never had an adventure and avoided the common folk, but the demon aided the people of the town, earning their favor and trust, and before the demon settled into the town it saw the entire world. one day the angel came into town, flying high over the poor and penniless, making its way to the rich people to talk. At this same time the demon was taking a walk through the town, doing what it can to help the people. The angel, while still flying to the rich and wealthy, saw the poor people and how the looked at it with disgust and disappointment. Some of the townsfolk even rallied together t take that greedy and prideful angel down, but the demon intervened and asked them to try and see if it could get the angel to change its ways. So, after getting their approval, the demon walked up to the angel and its rich friends, and said "Angel, stop ignoring the pore, for they have grown tired of your pride. Share the riches that you have with those who are less fortunate than you. Why do you think you have been privileged with wealth? Was it not so that you could help theirs who cannot help themselves?", But the angel, with all its rich friend, just laughed, then it told the demon "My wealth is for me to use on what I want, and I will not let some demon tell me otherwise. Why were you made poor if not to roam the earth among the worms and the weak? Was it not a curse for the crimes of your species?". The angel took a step back from the demon and started to fly, and the demon told it "Fool, If you were to walk among the people of this town and help the poor and needy, then they would loo at you with respect instead of disgust.". The angel, still flying a few fee off the ground, looked down at the demon and said "Well demon, you could belike me you know, but for you to do that you would  need to fly over those poor and needy peasants and save your money instead of giving it away. Why have we been given wings if not to fly?" but the demon, angered by this insult to the people retaliated by saying "Yo are a fool to think so little of these mortals. Have we been given legs if not to tread upon the Earth and make the most with every step? What is the point of flying if you avoid every obstacle and challenge in the journey? Goodbye Angel.". The demon walked away, back to the commoners and poor folk, and the angel flew away to its home. The next day the angel was shot down by the citizens of the town who were angree and disgusted with them. They cut off its wings and sold them by the gram, mocked the angel whom was dying and n much pain, and then the demon came and told the angel "Now do you see? You thought you would live forever, but you were never promised that. Now it's too late for you." and the angel looked the demon in the eye and responded "I had discovered what it was to live a life of pleasure and enjoyment, yet I feel like I have not achieved anything. Why is that?". The demon, with petty for the angel, bent down to the angels level and answered it with "Because you lacked any goodness and kindness in your life. You claim to be dying, but that is a lie. You never lived.", in only a few seconds a tear came from the Angels face, and with a final breath the angel told the demon "What do you mean?". At that moment the angel died, and yet the demon still looked at its body like life were still in it, and the demon answered "You'll never understand, but these mortals will."

What is the moral of this story?

(Please put your answers n the comments)

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