All the Princes 2

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Since I closed off the first page, here is a new set of princes for the prince romance RP.

You may create a princess or prince for these lovely fellows. They are all suitors for your character, and I will give them each a reasoning for that.
The setting is a modernizing fantasy. Meaning, there's magic and various species, but also bikes, trains, and radio.
There is communication devices that are magic powered. These are Communication Orbs, used similarly to phone landlines.

There are numbered 1-16 options to choose from for your country. Sorry, the numbers aren't super legible, but I wanted to make sure they weren't distracting.

Prince or Princess?
Kingdom + Description

(Pinterest was not giving me a source)
The Best Friend
Prince Elliot Wonder - Human
Kingdom: Ionad Kingdom, part of the four countries in the circle of ally's. A prosperous countries running along the Hain River, giving them perfect access to export goods. They do a lot of farming and are part of several treaties. An all around peaceful country.
Always such a kind and cozy prince. Elliot enjoys baking, reading, hikes, picnics, and gardens. He rides horses and can be seen riding his bike through the nearby market. He can come off quiet at first meet, but luckily he's an old friend and will easily talk your OC's ear off about his latest book, or random flower facts. His favorite places to visit are candy shops, bakeries, and libraries.
His parents are pretty old fashion and expect him to marry royalty. Honestly, he's not too sure about it, but who better to marry than your best friend, right? Sure, it's been a few years seen they've seen each other, but he's sure it'll be just like yesterday!
Family: Just his old fashion mom and dad. His mom was the princess of Anath before she married into the family.
Rumors: The pure virgin prince. He's read every book in the local library, including the dirty ones. His horse is treated as good as the royals themselves. His horse eats better than most people. He has a personal inventor for his bike.

(@ly_howe on Twitter)
The Thinker
Prince Aakil Conroy - Forest Nymph
Kingdom: Maise Island, the furthest island off the coast, it was easy for the prince to avoid seeing many royals in his lifetime. However, they do a lot of business, not only sending out their own exports, but helping ship out exports from the mainland. It's a tropical wonderland with much to offer.
A prince that cannot sit still. He is an avid reader, a constant doer, and is in constant motion whether that he mentally or physically. He loves puzzles, mathematics, science, and whatever his current fixation is at the time. He is known for picking up a hobby and completely fixating on it for weeks on end, then suddenly dropping it when it feels complete, only revisiting should a situation require. These fixations have included;
- Making his own clothes, which he only fixes now instead of doing anything from scratch
- Pie Baking, despite cooking hardly anything else
- Swimming, for a period of time he was curious about water movement which led to him swimming every morning for at least an hour a day, and now only participates for light exercise.
Plus many more that may come to light during the RP. His constant hobbies are of course math, reading, the newspaper riddles/crosswords, and making the perfect cup of coffee.
When he is forced to sit still, it's not uncommon to see him zoning out, his mind going to a million different places. This even keeps him up all hours of he night, hence his late-night tinkering and sandwich habits.
His parents were concerned that he never really seemed interested in a relationship. He always just thought he'd have an arranged marriage, so he kinda figured, why bother? He didn't want to put time and thought into something he couldn't control. When they recommended a royal, he said sure and that was that.
Family: His two mothers, who are very concerned about his fixations and lack of care for marriage. Plus his little sister who enjoy being a princess way too much.
Rumors: The prince only eats pie. He got bitten by a sea creature and that's why he doesn't swim as much anymore. He's made three royal therapists quit their jobs. The prince seems asexual, doesn't he? He only drinks tea at night. Goes to fixed puzzle events.

(Original link could not be found)
Rulebook Prince
Prince Zamir Whittleton - Ice Elemental
Kingdom: Deigh Land, an extremely cold land to the north. It's the largest county, but most it's residents are to the south of its land, considering the further north you go, the colder it gets. They have a huge ice export business, as well as some wares in fur and fish trade. What little plant life that does grow out there, mostly around its borders, is rarer things that fetch a nice price.
A very serious prince, that takes everything... well, seriously. He never steps out of line, never breaks the rules, never lies, never cheats, and... well, you get the point. He's got perfect attendance for all his lessons with a knack for showing up precisely on time. Everything he does is extremely calculated. Although he does not like small talk, he does indulge due to his title, recognizing it as an unfortunate part of being a royal.
As for why the prince is in attendance, we'll it just so happens this union would be very good for his country.
Family: Sole heir, left with his aunt acting queen, awaiting his Inauguration Day.
Rumors: Has 12 pet cats. Always keeps a pristine single rose on his desk. He has multiple personal stylists. Makes people sign a contract before sleeping with him saying they won't tell anyone. Labels his underwear. Has killed a man by staring at him so hard.

(@NipuniDraws on twitter)
Magic Prince
Prince Pallando - Half Vampire Mage
Kingdom: Geasa Dynasty, a huge magic center. Home of many magic-powered inventions, the largest mage tower across the land, and many beings of great power, it's not wonder Geasa is the magic capital of the world, however when it comes to modern technology, farming, and other daily stuff, they tend to fall behind.
Pallando is a bastard prince, and that fact is well known, rather a big scandal in his country that spread all kinds of gossip about him over the years. However, after many years of trying it was discovered that the queen was unable to bare children, hence why he was brought in.
His birth mother now plays concubine to the king and the queen, while always treating her with respect, has a strong distaste for the prince. With the need to impress and to distract from all the gossip, he threw himself into magical studies and has ever since gone on the path for power.
Magic is his whole life outside being a prince and learning to run the kingdom. He's always got a book around, always fiddling with potions, and mostly only makes his way outside to buy or collect supplies.
We'll have to decide the exact /thing/ Pallando is after in this union, but he would gain access to a something from this marriage. It'll be some sort of supply, magic training, special closed-off library, whatever. That'll be figured out with the kingdom introduction.
Family: Father, the king. Mother, concubine to the king, and step-mother, the queen.
Rumors: Is into necromancy. Still drinks human blood despite that being illegal now. Only cast a spell on the king to make him believe he's his son because he's power hungry.

The Disappointment
Prince Gage Waters - Werewolf
Kingdom: Allaid Empire, home of many shapeshifters and were-people. The country is known for its hunters and adventurers. If you need someone strong, this is certainly the place to go, and even the royal family takes much pride in that. It's a very traditional place, following customs older than some kingdoms.
The runt of his family, despite being very tall and beefy by human standards, Gage has been a disappointment to his father since birth. At a young age he tried to play it off, but eventually he snapped and stopped trying, stopped caring at all. His father has threatened to pass the throne onto his siblings many time, but in the end he would never dare break tradition. His father hopes to either marry the prince out of the kingdom, or to have the prince marry and bring someone more suitable than himself to the throne.
For fun, he has turned to drinking, card games, sneaking out for simple walks in the woods, and whatever else he isn't supposed to do.
Family: Stern father, his mother passed away when he was young. Two strong younger brothers, and a sweet little sister.
Rumors: Has been to the local brothel on several occasions. Has a secret lover in the woods. Has been publicly indecent while drunk.

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