Monster Manor (Closed)

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Welcome to the house of monsters!
Monsters like vampires, werewolves, mummies etc. can live in peace.
Group or individual Roleplay
Basically, there's a house where monsters have come together to try and live in peace with the human world. There are a few things you'll need to let me know before we get started.
1. Are they pretending to be human? Hiding their true selves while out here, or are they known and constantly teased?
2. The age group. High schoolers trying to fit in? Workers out in the world? College students?
3. Individual or group?
4. Are any characters new to the house?
5. Which of my characters you want to include.
6. The set-up: (There are 4-8 bedrooms in the house. You'll need to decide where everyone goes)
- Attic:
- The Master Bedroom:
- Bedroom 1:
- Bedroom 2:
- (opt.) Bedroom 3:
- (opt.) Office space turned into Bedroom:
- (opt.) Basement:
- (opt.) Attached mini unit:

Your form:
Answers to questions 1-6

My monsters:

Gavin 'Grave' Ghastly
Zombie Male
Can be pretty pessimistic, but is generally kind and considerate. Has a bad habit of his limbs falling off.
Likes: (Despite what the image says) cold weather (flesh rots slower people), raw meat, skin care, long showers
Dislikes: Crowds, heat, fire
High-School: Keeps to himself, quiet lad. Heavy reader
College: Medical Major
Career: Surgical Doctor

Flynn Derek's
Missing Link Male
An upbeat flirty type who genuinely thinks all beings are beautiful and amazing. He's quick to trust and thinks others flawless.
Likes: Water, swimming, fish (both eating and aquariums)
Dislikes: Hot summers days, being cooped up, being alone
High School: Swim team flirt
College: Swimming scholarship, Sociology Major
Career: Starts up a match-making site

Warren Tazmania [WARREN IS CLOSED]
Male Werewolf
A serious business sort. Everything must be in its place and things are to be proper. The house must be kept and all must play their part.
Likes: Everything ship-shape, suits, cleanliness, fine dining
Dislikes: The dirty werewolf stereotype, being called mutt, disorder, any dog references really
High School: Debate team
College: Business Major
Career: Heads a powerful company

Remiel 'Remy' Angel
Male Fallen Angel
A dark loner. He doesn't take kindly to strangers and never trusts anyone. He's very cold and closed off.
Likes: Black?, being alone?, grooming his wings?, it's hard to tell cause he's always grumpy
Dislikes: Apparently everything. Other people, the house they live in, all that Jazz
High-School: Skips class a lot
College: History Major Who never goes to class, but has straight A's
Career: Tragic Art Gallery

Daniel 'Danny' Fusion
Male Ghost
An average type. He tries to do well in school, stays out of trouble. Doesn't seem to have many hobbies though and can be kind of mopey.
Likes: Ripped jeans, supernatural books/movies, wondering around
Dislikes: Strict rules, busy weekends
High-School: Average Joe
College: Switches majors a lot
Career: Office worker

Octavius Keith
Male Fire Elemental
Sad miserable wreck that hides behind rage and walls. He just wants to be normal and fit in.
Likes: Heat, the sun, warm colors, the smell of burning
Dislikes: Water, shirts, winter
High-School: Tennis player (low-contact sport)
College: Meteorology Major
Career: Meteorologist

Vanessa 'Vani' Long
Serpent Woman
She prides herself on being kept and poised. A woman of great grace.
Likes: Cleanliness, self-care, elegance
Dislikes: Huge messes, when people act uncivilized, crude humor
High-School: Popular, but not in the popular group, more like guys stare at her and other girls are jealous
College: Beauty School
Career: High End Beauty Shop Owner

Rosetta 'Rose' Ranger
Female Nymph
A sweet gentle soul who looks for the good in everyone. Easy to befriend and very loyal and dedicated.
Likes: Plants, balance, nature, flower crowns, dresses
Dislikes: Rudeness, arguing, extreme weather
High-School: Gardening Club
College: Botany Major
Career: Botany Scientist

Sally-May 'May' Blooming
Slime Girl
An upbeat bubbly type who can be a bit of a ditz. She likes to keep people happy and follows blindly.
Likes: Happiness! Rainbows and sunshine and smiles
Dislikes: Sadness, crying and anger and failure
High-School: Cheerleader
College: Diner Worker, Undecided Major
Career: Diner Manager

Cecilia 'CeCe' Fab
Female Elven
I know, not much of a monster, but not human enough to be "normal." Holds some basic powers that she hardly reveals. A keep to herself unless beneficial type of gal.
Likes: Elegance, high-end items, fine-dining, crystals, people staring in awe (although she'd never admit it)
Dislikes: Messing up, stupidity
High-School: Business Club
College: Waitress at the local club, Business Major
Career: CEO

And finally Helen Tara [HELEN IS CLOSED]
Female Witch
The sane one around the house. Fun, kind, open, willing to lend a hand and show you the ropes.
Likes: Peace, witch hats, the stars, daydreaming, gardens
Dislikes: Constant bickering, refusal to help others
High-School: Artist, Volleyball Player
College: Education Major
Career: Kindergarten Teacher

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