✾ Warriors: Untold Myths - Chapter 1 ✾

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Barkstar, Large light brown tabby Tom with hazel brown eyes
Tinyoak, Small light brown she-cat with a white underbelly as well as green eyes
Medicine Cat:
Leafwhisper, Thin white Tom with gray markings and light leaf green eyes

Maplestar, white she-cat with large splotches of black and brown blending with her fur and dark brown eyes
Batwhisker, large black Tom with broad shoulders and yellow eyes
Medicine Cat:
Pebblespecks, light gray Tom with darker gray specks on his back, muzzle, tail, and back of his head and yellow eyes

Silverstar, silver Tom with black specks on his back and light blue eyes
Kestrelswoop, gray she-cat with darker gray swirls blending perfectly together on her fur and green eyes
Medicine Cat:
Lightwhisker, light brown tabby she-Cat with delicate white paws and leaf green eyes

Brookstar, light brown she-Cat with a white underbelly, chest, and paws and light green eyes
Minnowsplash, silver Tom with sleek fur and blue eyes
Medicine Cat:
Smallpuddle, pure white she-cat with yellow eyes

Clan Stats:

Swimming- 1/10
Jump Power- 5/10
Strength- 6/10
Speed- 5/10
Loyalty- 8/10
Courage- 10/10
Bravery- 10/10

Swimming- 3/10
Jump Power- 5/10
Strength- 10/10
Speed- 6-10
Loyalty- 5/10
Courage- 8/10
Bravery- 8/10

Swimming- 0/10
Jump Power- 10/10
Strength- 7/10
Speed- 10/10
Loyalty- 10/10
Courage- 10/10
Bravery- 7/10

Swimming- 10/10
Jump Power- 4/10
Strength- 5/10
Speed- 3/10 while out of water, 10/10 while in water
Loyalty- 10/10
Courage- 9/10
Bravery- 8/10

Specific Skills:
HollowClan- Their Bravery and Courage in battle
FallenClan- Their Strength in battle and dark fur coloring
SilentClan- Their Speed in battle and Loyalty and Jump Power
StreamClan- Their Speed in battle and ability to fight against the strong currents of the river

Story 1: A human to..cat..?
Clan: HollowClan
Status- To Be Completed

Blinking, I opened my eyes. Ouch..I must've hit my head harder than I thought. Wait, where was James? Oof, did he leave me again? Oh jeez...
It was then that I noticed I was in a forest. But one problem is..everything's so tall! And big.. "Eh? What's going on?" I asked to no one in particular. And then, well, I noticed a tail. My tail specifically. This is it. Now I'm definitely going crazy. I stood up shakily and went over to a small puddle, looking down into it. I soon noticed a cat. The more I looked, the more I realized the cat looked almost like me. Except, not human, that is. It had short light brown fur with darker brown swirls blending perfectly into its fur as well as a white chest, underbelly and paws. With this said, it also had soft, green eyes. If I had to be honest, this cat was beautiful. Compared to the human version of me, it was pretty accurate. Except for the beautiful part, that is. I'm anything but beautiful. I had short hair that was just a bit above my shoulders and the color was light brown with darker brown streaks. I also had green eyes.
"Oof, I must've hit my head pretty hard. You look exactly like..Akita.." The voice trailed off at the end.
I turned around, expecting to see a hostile cat who has anger issues. Though I saw one that looks similar to James. It has golden yellow fur with some messy bits here and there. It also has deep, blue eyes. Yep. Definitely James. "You've got to be kidding me..." I muttered, wanting to face palm myself. "Aww, how adorable! You're a wittle kwitty!" James said in a baby voice. "Okay, just stop! First, we need to figure out what in the world happened and how we ended up here," I instantly shot down any of his ideas. "Alright alright, fine," James muttered with a small pout. He paused to look around the area before smelling something. "Hey..this smells like something made a border.." He stated, glancing back at me. "Mmm, yeah, like a squirrel will be setting up borders," I said with so much sarcasm that is was basically dripping from my words. "No, seriously." He told me. "Eh? Well the only kind of book I know that involves making borders is...oh god.." I couldn't exactly finish my sentence. I mean, trust me, I love warriors as much as the next person but being in the book? Haha, I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle it. There's death and fights, for goodness sake. And you're vulnerable out here!
"Hey, Akita! What about we join one of the clans? Come on, it'll be fun!" James suggested. Like me, he was a fan of warriors. And apparently, he wasn't shook out of his mind. "You know what, fine. I'm thinking HollowClan.. and there's no way we're going to different clans. I don't want to end up needing to kill one of my only 'human' friend in this..world," I sighed. "Alright, HollowClan it is!" He nodded before marching past the border with me following close behind. Honestly, I don't even know how he can be that comfortable in a clan full of hostile cats. Sure, they can be welcoming. But some cats aren't very..fond..of cats from outside the clans.
We soon ran into a patrol.
"What are you doing in HollowClan's territory?" The cat leading the patrol asked, surprisingly nice. "We would like to join your clan! We heard many great stories and promise we won't be too annoying and try our best!" James said with a smile. The patrol whispered amongst themselves while deciding whether or not to bring us with them. "Very well, follow me. You four go finish the patrol." The she-cat nodded. The four cats then left. "S...So..erm..what's your name?" I asked, dipping my head. "I'm Tinyoak, deputy of HollowClan." She said, lifting her head proudly. Oh great..we ran into the deputy of HollowClan. Well..at least she's nice. And I could see why her prefix was 'Tiny.' "What's yours?" She asked, bringing me back to reality. "Oh..I'm Akita." I answered, feeling a bit nervous. It wasn't normal for a cat to have a name such as Akita. Nor was Akita a normal name. "And I'm James!" I turned to look at my best friend. "That's..a nice name..?" Tinyoak said weirdly. "It's fine, it's an unusual name I understand," I smiled softly. Right when she was about to respond, we arrived at the entrance of HollowClan's Camp. Oh wow, now that's beautiful. I can't believe cats made all of this. Now I'm a bit embarrassed. They can make better places to live in than I can!
While James looked around with excitement, we all walked through the camp entrance.
Now cats were starting to whisper amongst themselves.
"Tinyoak, who are the cats that you've brought? They don't look like they're from the other clans.." A large, light brown tabby Tom asked as he exited out of a tree hollow. "Me and the others found them walking into the territory and when I asked why they're here, they said they wanted to join the clan. I sent the patrol to continue on while I bring them here." Tinyoak reported, standing tall. Well. Color me impressed. She certainly acts like a deputy. I'm sure she'll be a great leader one day. "You two. Follow me. Tinyoak, can you sort out the hunting patrols?" The tom ordered. I'm guessing he's the leader. "Very well." She nodded before following on with his orders. While she did that, me and James followed after the leader.
"Well. What are your names?" He asked after we had settled down inside his den. "I'm Akita, and this is James." I answered, dipping my head. Nodding, he didn't question our names. "And may I ask why you want to join HollowClan? Once you do, what will, you do next? Do you have anything to give to the clan?" He asked. "We want to join because we've always been curious about the way clan life works," I said slowly. "And we also figured it'll be nice! We'll have so many opportunities instead of just wandering the streets of twolegplace!" James piped in. I noticed the leader raised a brow at the word 'street.' "Anyway, once we've joined, we will continue to try our best and work hard." I answered the next question before letting James finish the rest. "We will help the clan as best as we could, whether it'd be picking ticks, collecting moss, or hunting all day long we'll still do it!" James said. Okay, now I'm second thinking my decision to let James finish the third question. Hunting all day? I'm not sure if I can do that...and plus, wouldn't there be so much prey we won't be able to eat it all? The leader nodded in satisfaction at our answers. "Very well, from now on, you will be part of HollowClan. You will be given your warrior names and once done, you'll be free to do what you wish." He said. Before standing up and heading towards the entrance of the tree hollow. "Ah..and I'm Barkstar. Leader of HollowClan." He said.
I can't believe it, we got our warrior names! "Akita, don't you just love your name?!" James purred as he waved his fore paws around in the air from beside me. We were laying around in the forest so that we'll be able to talk with each other normally. "James..no..don't even think about starting that.." I muttered with a groan. "Aww come on. Stay pawsitive! it's purrfect!" He said, completely going against me. "I hate you sometimes, you know?" I stated plainly. "Oh come on! Hey, what about we go back to camp?" James suggested. "Alright." I tried to shrug. Though it didn't go as planned.
Well, here we are. Back at camp. "Hazelfeather, Lionwhisper!" Tinyoak called, waving us over with her tail. I glanced at James before giving a light shrug. I went over to Tinyoak, smiling softly. "I don't think you've tried mouse yet, right?" She stated, smiling back at me. "I don't think so" James shook his head. "Well then, you'll be trying it for the first time now!" Her eyes lit up. "Alright!" Both me and James said in sync. "Here, I got one from the fresh-kill pile earlier"
She tossed a mouse over to my paws as I settled down with James at my side. "Don't worry, it tastes great." She assures us when she noticed we were looking a bit reluctant to take a bite out of it. Being a human once, we've never ate mouse before. Nevertheless eat something raw!
I nodded slightly, hesitant about eating it.

Story 2: If only..
Clan: SilentClan
Status- To Be Completed

I looked down at my four kits, all curled up at my belly. Despite it being Newleaf, it was not a good time for kits to be born. All clans are in a war. Blood will be shed. Apprentices are being sent out with as much warriors as SilentClan can provide. Queens fear for their kits as they started getting near the age of six moons. They fear for their lives. No queen wants her kits to go into a war. It's like watching your own family die right before your eyes as you stand helpless in pitch black. "I'm sorry." I whispered quietly, trying to hold back my tears. My ears pinned back against my head as I buried my muzzle into their fur. They were just born last moon. This meant that they are just one moon old. I stayed there in the darkness of the nursery, my nose buried into the fur of my kits as I let loose my emotions, crying softly.
"Littledawn?" A voice called as the cat entered the nursery. I soon realized it was my mate. Feeling a bit numb, I lifted my head. "I'm here," I said softly. "Is everything alright?" I asked Silverstar. "It's still going on. No kit will be allowed to exit the nursery." He replied, shaking his head with a sigh. "But you're alright, right?" I asked, my hazel eyes going wide. Silverstar nodded his head as he nuzzled me. "I know how you feel," He said gently, looking down at our kits. I only sighed, staring at the entrance of the nursery.
"Silverstar! Quick! There's been an attack by the FallenClan border!" Kestrelswoop's voice rang throughout the air. Looking back at me, Silverstar gave me comforting lick before heading towards the entrance. "I'll be back soon." He said. "Please, be careful. For me and the kits." I said quietly, feeling worried and troubled. When he nodded, I was given a sense of relief. Yet, I still feared for the worst. As he left the den, I laid my head on my paws, waiting for him to be back.
"Momma! Look!" Minnowkit purred. I smiled softly as I watched the small silver kit chase after a mossball, his light blue eyes bright with excitement, his body rippling with energy. Gingerkit ran ahead of him and swatted the mossball away, giggling with humor. The silver she-kit with ginger patches and hazel eyes was one to always cause trouble. But she can be very caring. "Are you sure you don't want to play with them, Lakekit?" I asked the kit curled up at my belly. The golden ginger kit with black specks on his back and amber eyes was one to be very shy. Either way, I still love him just as much as I love Gingerkit, Minnowkit, and Firekit. Speaking of Firekit, the fiery ginger she-kit with hazel eyes was sneaking up on Minnowkit. I stifled a small purr of amusement. Somehow, they always manage to brighten up my day, no matter how dark it seems. Minnowkit squealed as Firekit pounced on him, struggling to push her of. "Play nicely, Firekit." I called, smiling softly. "Okay mama!" Firekit giggled, getting off her brother.
As night fell, my kits began settling down while I wash their pelts.

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