♕Letters Find Their Way♛

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Nitara didn't know why she had done it. There was no particular explanation as to why, she, the princess of Lahazah should be concerned about searching for something when there were so many maids under her command.

But there she was, at last, in her chamber. After hours and hours of searching and waiting. The folded, now-crinkled paper, sitting in front of her.

Lord knows it was difficult, escaping the eyes of the maids and everyone else in the palace. But she knew, wrong or right, she had to do it.

She had snooped through the findings of the royal army that were sent to the palace for inspection. They were the ones who guarded the borders to Sequoia, the enemy kingdom. Should she have betrayed them this way by taking away this piece of paper? The one that addressed a receiver whose initials suspiciously matched her own?

She didn't know.

Butterflies danced in her stomach. These flutterings were double the ones she had at the court.

But it was dark now, the dim moonlight spreading into her bed-chamber as if a friend waiting to sit along with her and listen to everything she was going through.

Hesitant, she reached for it. All kinds of scenarios ran through her head.

She didn't know what to expect. She just wanted to know about the other side. What had happened to them? Were they too as hateful as her own? Did even the mention of her kingdom make them rile up with disgust how the name Sequoia, did with her family? And amidst it all, how was...he?

The hastily put seal broke as she opened the paper that, and she was hopeful, had answers for her. Of any kind.

Dearest Tara,

With hope, this letter finds you in good health. I understand how astonished you must be to read this letter. If, you ever get to read this letter which, in this case, I can't decide is fortunate or not. As it is, letters have found their way for us in the past.

Writing this to you, I shan't dare ask for forgiveness.

But this piercing night of winter,  looking all around me, at everything and nothing just the same, I have been compelled to reveal this to you.

Your brilliant eyes haunt me. Do not ask me to explain. I cannot, I have tried, I give you my word for it. Your thoughts absorb me. Your words chant in my ears. I find myself praying for you and your people.

You have a hold on my heart like no one ever has had before.

From that ball that we danced in all those months ago. It seems so far away now. As if an entire lifetime away. And so do you. I haven't seen you in so long.

I had never believed in this strange feeling and I would never have, had it not befallen upon me. Had I not found myself breathless in your presence, that last night. The night after which everything changed. From two friendliest kingdoms to an unseen disaster.

That night I had returned from the ball confused as to what had happened. Yet for once, something had shifted in me. 

Through our constant bickering, I came to know that life had so many colours that I wouldn't have known, had I not seen it all through your eyes.

Perhaps you think I have gone daft. I assure you, it is only that today, far too many thoughts have begged to be scrawled upon this page. Perhaps it's the desolation, of the harsh winter and yet the harsher strife between our families.

They say you are the enemy. But how could you ever be? I can never will my mind to think ill of you. The thought of it is devastating.

My words seem to fail me, my heart betrays my mind as I write to you, even as it knows that this isn't supposed to happen. But deep in my conscience, I know this isn't wrong.

I know I never had the right to write this letter to you.

If you could ever find it in your heart to reciprocate these feelings, respond to me.

Nevertheless, I believe I should let you know that whatever you think of this, you shall always remain one of the greatest and loveliest humans that I have ever admired.

I believe, I have taken much of your time. So, I shall end my letter here.

May the heavens watch over you.


Nitara's knuckles had gone white, clutching the paper by the time she had finished reading.

She didn't know what to think. She pinched herself once. Twice. Three times.

It seemed as real as ever.

She climbed out of her bed, pacing. He had to have known that she would find this. Or he wouldn't have dared to write to her. He had trusted her.

But she couldn't put her mind to all that when she was all giddy inside about the letter.

And then it occurred, dampening her excitement. She had heard the guards claim that they had found all of it discarded. She checked the letter again. No date.

Where was he now? What was he doing?

She stepped towards her window. The moon still there, its light creating soft shadows, wind blowing the curtains. She looked towards the distance, hoping, praying that he was well as she always did.

And then, despite knowing, that anyone in her family would more than just frown upon her, she took up the quill, addressing, the prince of Sequoia. She didn't have to know where he was. She just had to know if he was well.

After all, as it was, letters seemed to find the way to their intended.

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