The Prince and The Misbelieved Thief

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When Eli had first saved the crown prince, it wasn't intentional. He had found himself there. At the right place, at the right time.

It all started with that mysterious woman. The one he had found desperate for her stolen amulet. He had helped her, catching the thief and brought her possession back for her.

“You, dear, could do with a bit of appreciation, I believe,” she said, ecstatic, starting to chant unfamiliar words. An incantation. He didn't realise until later that she was the witch who resided in the forbidden woods.

The one who had cursed the ruling dynasty's successor, prince Ada, centuries ago.

The incantation had made him unconscious. And waking up, had found someone intending to harm the prince and outsmarted them.

Regardless, he was a thief. Everyone believed that. Just because he had helped someone didn't mean anything. And in the prince's presence, he felt, he didn't deserve to be there. The prince was just so nice. Not like anyone he had ever met before.

That was why when the witch's curse hit the prince on his birthday, Eli went in search of the cure.

When he carried with him the potion and the words of the witch in his mind back to the palace, a week had passed.

Only one way, the curse would be lifted. Of course, the witch didn't know. She had cursed him in a fit of rage.

“Save him might,
the one who cares
quite to walk the down
world and beyond, if it dares.”

But who would be the right person for that? His bride to be? His parents? Who?

The next night, even after drinking the potion, Ada's health hadn't fully improved.

He had been there, nursing him through the night.

Then, the prince had been cured and was resting in his room.

And now, the prince was chummy with him. In name of food tasting, he had made him sit and eat a hefty meal. This shouldn't have happened.

People criticised the prince for being with a commoner like him.

Eli promised himself he would see him one last time.  And then, leave.

Reaching his chambers, he found the bed empty. Perhaps he would have to go without seeing him. He turned around.


There he stood, his curious eyes searching him. That strange throb in his heart came back again.

“What are you doing here?"

“Shouldn't you be resting, your highness?”

Flicking his hand in nonchalance, Ada stared at him.

“Call me by my name,” he said, walking closer.


“You are a thief…,” Eli' eyes widened, “For stealing my vitals.”

Eyes shortening, they widened again, understanding the implication.

“Ehm…” he blushed.

“You are precious Eli.”


Unexpected, the prince's hand lifted and rested on his cheek. Ada's head bent forward, touching his as he kissed the tip of Eli's nose.

And just for that moment, Eli let himself forget all that people believed him to be and only let his words get to him.

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