Way back home

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Just a few hours prior, people at the railway station had an exquisite view of a girl running up to the platform, trying to catch her train.

The reason she had for being late this time, wasn't snoozing the alarm. She had just been reminiscing. And somewhere along the way, she had lost the track of time.

Thank goodness, she was a few minutes early and the train hadn't departed.

Eventually, she sat on her seat, just thinking. Her chin resting on the palm of her left hand. Her other hand, busy caressing a little ornamental stone.
Quite small and extraordinarily nostalgic.

“See where the ride takes you.”

She could still hear those words sharp and clear as if just spoken by the speaker.

That might have been just a sentence made of a collection of six random words, the meaning had stuck to her. For their was no certainty to it. After everything she had faced, as barely a teen, the words brought a probability.

A new chance.


An uncertain one, but a hope, nonetheless.

And that might have not been enough at that moment, but time brought some changes. It always did.

Her mind kept on zoning out. Going back to places, to times lost in the past. Most bad and between those, some so much worthwhile.

“Here, don't give me that look. It's cute. As I was going to say, this is from me to you, reminding you of who you are. Take a chance, it's yours. And if anytime, you feel doubt clawing on you, this would remind you that doubt has always been there. But it can't force itself on you. Eh....”

“Did you have to act so poetic? It was unnecessarily long.”

She had said looking at the stone he had dropped on her palm.

“Well, whatever, just forget I said anything. And here I thought, it would sound nice.”

She still had it.

The rest of the journey, she watched the people around her. Faces and expressions. Some anxious, others carefree, some busy on their electronics, frustrated, others chatting among themselves or with strangers.

Then, some sitting alone like her.

And now, after all that time, when the train finally arrived at her destination, she freezed up.

Hands sweaty and fidgeting, she leaned back.


At once, she got up taking her bags and walking out.

It's alright.

Nervous and jittery, she walked. A little jump in her step. But for excitement or something completely opposite, she couldn't tell.

Maybe, it was both. It was definitely both.

Restless on her feet, she finally saw that person.

She tried to run to him. And then it seemed, they both remembered the bags. Before he could come forward to help her, somehow, she hauled them up and speed walked to him.

Dropping her luggage, she stood there for a moment. Just taking everything in. Recollecting. Remembering.

Noone had been constant in her life. He wasn't either. However, somethings did become. With time, ofcourse. And he had been a reason. A crucial reason and he didn't even realise that.

That face she had been yearning to look at. That smile that lit up his entire face. Bangs hiding some of his forehead. Eyes just as warm as, when he had first gazed upon her.

A serene look on her face, her gaze stuck at him.

And when he encased her in a hug, she held on to him having no plan of letting go, anytime soon.


A quick tear slipped out as her lips quirked up a bit.

It felt good to be back home.

Where the train stops

- © Juneandfalls 2021


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